Great Sermon! Thank you for a great sermon on meekness, Bro. Reg. If I may raise my hand to make a comment on what I think too often causes some arguments in a marriage that may head toward divorce, it could be pride pitted against the other spouse's feeling that he or she is looked down upon. Satan's pride can make one of them feel they are trapped with a spouse who is no longer worthy of them, and with such, comes a felt tension. A humble, loving attitude of thanksgiving that treasures the other can save a marriage if accompanied with Christ-like forgiveness and meekness, even when one has gone TOO far. It takes prayer, but I believe Psalms 32:8 "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye." Jesus said it. Must be true.
Principled remarks The evangelical church is rapidly and subtly adopting contemporary trends not being aware of how fast these trends may bridge the church into nominalism. We know the frustration of a corrupt file in our computer systems, and yet God said of his people “They have corrupted themselves,” Exo. 32:7 Defiled consciences cannot respond positively, as the tribe of Levi did, to the cry: ‘Who is in the Lord’s side?’.
Though it is good to denounce the ills of our present day, let us also teach the “why-s” and the ‘how-s’. Corruption among people can set up quite suddenly as it happened in Exodus 32. However, let’s be realistic, the church has not turned from the state it was 40 years ago to the state of decadence it is today in a big ‘jump’, or overnight as it were. In between, there has been a long chain of false assessments, self-gratifying indulgence, unrepentant attitudes and self-willed decisions. It is imperative that those in leadership pay attention to careful ongoing warning, teaching, instruction and correction, to guard against what it comes stated in I Corinthians 10:5: ”With many of them God was not well pleased”
Great Sermon! Satan has been winning the battle in my life on murmuring and complaining. You are right it will destroy you, your home and other relationships. I have determined in my heart to change with God's grace. I am going to listen to this sermon every morning when possible. Thank you.
Worthy of being heard many times Thank you Lord and thank you Pastor Kelly for your message. I downloaded your message and in fact I have listened to this message several times.
God bless you.