Good argumentation. Very good arguments that the tongues in Acts were known earthly languages and dialects and were apostolic gifts and signs. Good refutation of Pentecostal errors.
Great power of the Word. These Christians received the Word and proclaimed the Word. The real faith is a visible faith, manifesting itself in holy living for the glory of God.
Great Sermon! John, thank you an excellant presentation on the prayer of Christ. It has stirred my heart. May the Lord of Heaven reward you mightly.
what a start to a wonderful book. Have been reading a book on Song of Solomon but this sermon eclipses that.
Thanks again for bring out Christ so clearly
Unctioned Sermon Quite sobering yet encouraging. " live is Christ...", how many of us can honestly claim this as a pattern of our life, I wonder.
Good study. A presentation of the cessationist and non-cessationist views on verse 12. An argumentation that verse 12 cannot refer to the glorified state in heaven, but to the completion of the NT canon.
Great Sermon! Thank you for sharing this biblical message. I want to recommend this message to Japanese church goer, because they belive false doctrine.
Good study. An argumentation, based on verse 8-10, that the word "perfection" means maturity and does not refer to the glorified state of the believers in heaven, but to a mature walking with God. Verse 10 refers to the completion of the NT revelation given to the Church, not to heaven.
Good study. The ministry of the apostles was an extension of Christ's work. Their work originated not in themselves, but Christ was working through them. They continued to do and to teach what Christ began.
Great study. Christ is not only the messenger of the revelation of God, He IS the final revelation. Excellent analysis of some NT texts arguing this doctrine.
Great Sermon! This message along with the other two Walking in Line from Galatians 5:24-6:2 have been a great blessing to me. I have heard them all several times and will again in the future.