Powerful & Inspiring Sermon This is a powerful and inspiring sermon on our Savior's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Jim Savastio explains how Jesus in Luke 19:28-40 fulfills very amazing prophecies of his entering Jerusalem in Psalm 118 and Zechariah 9. This sermon is well worth listening to and sharing with others.
Great Sermon! Another outstanding sermon by Pastor Savastio. Very thought provoking, convicting. I love how it was put that we are here to conform to the image of Jesus. Amen to that. God bless.
AWESOME! AMAZING! PERFECT! This is one topic that just excites my heart to no end. I love hearing about the sovereingty of God...especially when it comes to salvation. For I know that if it wasn't for His great mercy on me, I would be lost forever. This is one of the BEST sermons I have heard on the Sovereignty of God in Salvation. Thank you and may God continue to bless you as you bless so many by your faithful teachings.
AMAZING SERMON! This message was absolutely amazingly preached. It touched on so much from faithfulness during sickness to the blessed hope of being made whole one day. Thank you for bringing this story on the woman's healing out the way you did! God bless.
A MUST HEAR SERMON! This is one of the most thought provoking sermons I have yet to listen to. It is a wake-up call for all christians and a must hear sermon. Thank you so much. God bless.
Practical, helpful instruction on workplace Christianity Grant Jones gives wise counsel in living our Christian faith in the work place. His message rings authentic and spirit-filled, and is helpful at many levels. This clip would make for a lively discussion in Sunday School or Bible study groups.
Katrina & Luke 13:1-8 Of all the possible sermon topics in response to hurricane Katrina focusing on Luke 13:1-8 and what Jesus has to say to a similar tragic circumstance will be absolutely essential for pastors and bible believers.
We need to draw the right lessons from hurricane Katrina and proclaim those lessons especially to those now looking to God for answers.
More than a year ago Jim Savastio preached a powerful message of repentance and hope in Christ. This is a model sermon with a message that needs to be proclaimed now with power and humility to the entire nation.
Powerful Sermon!!!!!!! Jim Savastio exposition of Jesus's parable on prayer is filled with insight and deeply moving. He rightly condemns the view that the church will never suffer violent persecution. Jim states tell that to the Christians made into human torches for Nero's court, the reformers murdered during the reformation or those recently suffering persecution in communist countries.
I would add tell that to the 1.5 million Armenians slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks for their faith. In a recent work "The Burning Tigris" by Peter Balakian the author relates the followng eyewitness account of the storming of a church by an islamic mob:
"The mob had plundered the Gregorian church, desecrated it, murdered all who had sought shelter there...The leader of the mob cried: "Muhammede salavat" Believe in Mohammed and deny your religion. No one answered....The leader gave the order to massacre. The first attack was on our pastor. The blow of an axe decapitated him. His blood, spurting in all directions, spattered the walls and ceiling."
Jim Savastio explains how Jesus's question will he find faith when he returns relates directly to the importance and power of prayer in all our lives especially when we are suffering and God does not immediately deliver us.
fearful message Good message. These passages are sometimes hard to stomach, though.
I would have stressed more the importance of the perseverance of the saints, but that is just me. Jim has a message that does not go beyond the intent of the text, and therefore, makes the text clear and more understandable. Thank you and keep up the good exegesis and explanations of God's word.
Great Sermon! New words would have to be minted to capture the excellence of Reverend Walker's two sermons, Ruth and Boaz---Magnificent, clear, rich delivery--I'm disappointed that he has so few sermons listed---I hope he'll post more--A real treasure--
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Savastio,
Thank you so much for this wonderful series on the book of Hosea. After listening to each chapter, I wanted to write and tell you how blessed I have been through your opening of God's Word.
Now, after hearing your exposition of Chapter 11, I can contain myself no longer.
Would you believe that I wondered whether or not Hosea might be boring? Wow! how wrong could I be. There are so many truths buried in the text that it is marvelous to behold. You sir are a man greatly blessed by God in your ability to expound His revelation to us.
Thank you for your faithfulness to the gifts that He has showered upon you for the benefit of all.
Yours in the Lord,
Dan Kimmel
Excellent Sermon! This is a profoundly impactful sermon! It is faithful to the text, insightful, and immensely practical - well done! I listened to it a number of times and would highly recommend it!