Praise the Lord Been traveling this week and have missed most of the prayer times, but I managed to have this devotional on in the car, and I’m so thankful I did. Both encouraging and challenging. Praise the Lord.
late comer I came to this meditation in mid January as 23.00 EST is 04.00 GMT; already well into 2025! I do try but find my own meditations go round and frustratingly round in my head (have tried to catch the thought in written form. Must try harder) ...God bless you & let's pray together without neglecting reading of the Bible.
Great message! A great reminder that unless our foundation is built on Jesus Christ our Saviour, all things are futile. Each day we draw closer to our last. I pray I would be found worthy of my calling.ðŸ™
THANK YOU🙠Thank you so much for this message, I am particularly thankful for your comment that even though there are so many sermons we can listen to on Sermon Audio (for which I am most grateful) these are second hand and The Bible is where we should be spending most of our time. I really needed to hear this .
This has been on my mind a lot lately (the Holy Spirit's prompting?)speaking for myself, the danger is although listening to brilliant sermons, it has been often a lack of proper reading and study of the Bible
Thank you Thank you for organizing this prayer time and continuing for these years. I am thankful for it and for you. When you had the joint meeting with BJU, we joined you from Korea. I am glad others will continue to come jointly before God in prayer. Will this continue on Sermon Audio with Acorn?
A Strengthening Sermon I still remember how the Lord used this sermon to strengthen my faith almost 6 months ago when I heard it live. Again, it was the "word for the hour" this week as my whole family listened to it together during our Sunday family worship time. Thank you, Lord for bold Caleb of old, for zealous Ian Paisley of the past generation, and for our brother Steven Lee standing strong in your strength today. O give us strength to wholeheartedly fight these battles you have called us to fight today! How we need your strength!
Post-Election Prayer Talk Amen brother Steven Lee,
God has been merciful to us, His people throughout the world, because His compassion fails not ðŸ™ðŸ»
Let us therefor rise up and publicly proclaim the glory of our living God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in joyful worship, for His loving gift of grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, as stated in Scriptures alone, all for the glory of God, ALONE.
Great devotion on prayer! Jesus told his disciples to pray for one another that they would not fall to temptation while he went to intercede with his Father.
Great sin of self control When we’re in the wilderness it takes us so long to see that God creates weakness so we will know that there is no hope in our own strength. The best we can do for our families is that we have a pure heart and clean hands walking in obedience. Praying without ceasing. God Bless
faith 'in the trenches'.. ..of life's storms: was it Wesley who said 'I have much to do today, the thought of which drives me to spend more time on my knees' ?..the same man whose attitude to prayer wore 2 holes in his bedside carpet.
O, such warrior saints have much to teach us.
Blind Eyes open Thanks for this wonderful message, I think I have over 100 of your sermons in my phone, it has been a true blessing to my Christian Jonny. I'm from west Africa Liberia. I will someday love to meet you in person
the bright beaming of the Son in my house, in my heart, in my Church - not matter how many things going against me as an outsider to the Covenant. Hallelujah!
PrayerPartners - Aug. 19, 2024 [Updated] Yes, ceasing to INTERCEDE/PRAY for others IS a SIN of OMISSION!
+ AMEN +
Praising God and continuing to PRAY, by HIS grace.
Make much of Jesus What a precious devotion. i listened to this before bed, and was touched again with how the Holy Spirit emphasizes those things He wants us to learn as this is what we are studying in our ladies Bible study, and this is what I was praying before bed. Praise God.