Tremendous sermon by a tremendous pastor As always, this sermon is deeply penetrating and deeply needed in our largely superficial church culture; there is just no preaching like Pastor Green's of which I am aware in the spiritual wasteland of the Chicago suburbs. I have listened to this sermon several times, and I never heard anything like it from the mere lectern of the OPC in Crystal Lake, Illinois.
Where in the world are you ever going to hear a sermon with this title? Certainly not anywhere in the spiritual wasteland of the shallow and superficial man-pleasing, entertainment-driven Chicago suburbs, where even the so-called "Orthodox" Presbyterian social club quakes and quivers at the prospect of calling a spade a spade and identifying the Roman Catholic Church for what it is. This sermon is why I love this church and Pastor Don Green's preaching.
So deeply appreciate this sermon as always I never learned during a lifetime of Roman Catholicism to pray this way from the Lord's Prayer, and although I vaguely sensed that surely the Lord did not intend for us to rush through mechanically reciting it at every mass, as the congregation rotely did, I never fully appreciated nor understood what the Lord intended when He taught his disciples this prayer, and the OPC wasn't much better. So deeply appreciate as always this exposition.
This is why I so appreciate Pastor Green His wry observation about pastors posting on social media how they are supposedly "humbled" to be a speaker at G3 or the Shepherds Conference is right up there with John Piper's chapter on "Humility" in "Future Grace" with his name plastered at the top of every left-hand page, something you will NEVER find in any of Martyn Lloyd-Jones' books (and it was Crossway who let that glaring editorial oversight slip through).
Unlike any other preaching I have ever heard before Pastor Green preaches on the Sermon on the Mount in a deeply penetrating way such as I have never heard from any other pulpit, and his preaching on the Sermon on the Mount has transformed my understanding of what it means to be a Christian, even more so than my reading of Martyn Lloyd-Jones' Studies in the Sermon on the Mount transformed my thinking when I first became a Christian.
Edifying sermon Thank you Mr Green for this sermon and enlightening my heart and mind on how important it is practically to deny myself and throw myself into the waiting arms of my Savior and Lord in giving up my rights. My right for justice. My rights for time. My rights to have nice things. To develop a heart that does not feel it needs to be vindicated but rather in Christ I am justified freely by His kindness and mercy.
Prescient and much needed truth and insight The more I continue to reflect on the truth of Pastor Pringle's words on Tuesday evening, the more clearly and deeply I appreciate how thoroughly destructive the "counseling" movement imported from the unbelieving world has been to the role of pastor, elders, and even of the congregation as a whole, as the unpleasant role of confronting sin is outsourced and separated from the Christian body, rendering impotent both pastors and congregations alike and ultimately the convicting power of the Word of God itself, and turning churches into merely polite, inoffensive, and superficial religious social clubs and lecture halls; no wonder the unbelieving world has fled the church and turned instead to entertainment, yoga, and distracting activities in its desperate, blind search to satisfy the mind, heart, and soul.
How true! Starting with our family members…thank you for repositioning my erroneous focus. If I’m not seeking God’s peace at home, I’m a hypocrite. God’s loving action to point me back to His truth and biblical instructions. Thank you
Great Sermon! This sermon made me realize that most churches (certainly not this church) are in no position whatsoever to evangelize or to preach the gospel, that they are nothing but religious social clubs, and that the OPC in particular lectures to the frozen chosen. The Timothy Keller idol-worshipping OPC in Crystal Lake, Illinois was utterly USELESS in helping my now dead friend and I to discern.
A "must" indeed I have listened to this sermon numerous times, and I'm grateful to see that others appreciate it as well--Pastor Green is a rare treasure. I have NEVER heard preaching such as Pastor Green's, and certainly not in the OPC.
Great Sermon! Very good sermon! Thank you for preaching truth and the reality of trials. He makes David’s feelings and requests before a Holy God come alive and relatable.