Excellent Discussion on a Debated Text Thank you for preaching on this debated text and giving your reasons for including it in your sermon series. I recently used John MacArthur’s sermons to study the Gospel of John and when he reached John 7.53-8.11 he refused to preach on this text. His reasons were basically what you gave in your discussion about the absence of ancient manuscripts that include this section of John.
I personally think this is a mistake. This passage has a beauty and depth that equals many of the other parts of John’s gospel. It is firmly grounded in biblical law, which Jesus never violated, and it expresses the wisdom, compassion and mercy of our beloved Lord Jesus. Whether it is a late addition to the Gospel or not I don’t think anyone will ever know for sure. However, God will certainly not hold anyone guilty of preaching these verses because the glory of God shines brightly in every word.
Finally Clicked! Free-will has finally clicked for me from this explanation. God is infinite, we are finite and creaturely, therefore our volitional capacity is limited. Our ability to choose does not compare like that of the Creator. God is creator of all things, including faith to believe/choose. We will make human nature decisions because that is all we have the capacity to do.
Very helpful! This was very helpful. Thank you for posting these sessions from the conference there. Tom Hicks has really helped me think through many issues related to theonomy and CN, and I am sure he has helped many others also.
Great Sermon! God bless Connie’s family and thank you Pastor for sharing the Gospel to those present for I pray any unsaved will realize their need for Jesus in their life.
Excellent content and delivery regarding a difficult subject This is a very timely treatment of a subject easily taken for misuse and hypocritical abuse of Christians. Thanks be to God for your faithful exposition. I will borrow liberally, with attribution, for the benefit of my SS class.
Great Sermon! This sermon puts into perspective how Christians should react to authorities even when they act as ungodly people. We will have a difficult 3 years and must study our Bible even more.
Powerful Sermon! Brother John does an excellent job showing the importance of truly knowing Jesus Christ more every day. Studying the Bible brings up closer to Jesus Christ and strengthens us more as we get to know Him more. Reading and studying about Jesus Christ should be part of our daily life -- will give us so much enjoyment as we grow in Him.
Thank for this timely message Thank you for this wonderful message, brother, and for your great faith.
I have never heard the gospel of salvation and saving faith preached so well. I believe this message will help me to share the gospel more clearly and simply with others and remind me of the Scriptures that strengthen my own assurance of salvation.
I have bookmarked this message and plan to return to it often.
Praise the Lord!
Great Sermon! As a fulltime caregiver shutin with my Alzheimer mom, the opportunity to hear God's Word preached in truth and power and richness is a lifeline for me and riches to my soul. Thank you SermonAudio, and thank you Pastors Albert and John. I am indeed made rich even in the midst of this difficult, isolated season of life.
Great Sermon! I am so honored to have had the opportunity to hear these words of truth as delivered to us from the fathers of our faith and now from the lips if this preciou man of God. Had to put in my facebook and email to my best friend.
Great Sermon! This is a good message, plain and loud and clear. Encouraging in my discouragement that so many in my life are just plain indifferent and uninterested in the message. (Course then again may just be the messenger). Took me back to my own rebirth sitting in a home where I had been invited to hear a traveling evangelist. I was fascinated by this man's couldn't stand still energy but also by his very pronounced studdering which didn't stop him from just speaking out scripture upon scripture. Fascinated firstly coming from a stoic catholic background but also scripture that I'd never heard. It was upon his wife playing on the little organ and he singing a song I'd never heard before or since with the words ...He is passing by this moment, reach out and touch the Lord as He goes by. Ban. Head in collision encounter with the living God in Christ when I closed my eyes and out my hand. For long time didn't really know what happened. All I knew was when I went back to church and looked at the lg crucifix hanging I couldn't under how I never before saw what it meant, blind then I could see, and was like a starving person and could not get enough of reading the Bible. Oh yeah, Holy Spirit does it all when and to whom He chooses. It's still a mystery to me how I could be changed in a moment.
Thank You! I love this Sermon! It explains a lot. I am going through a lot of troubles right now in my life and have a lot of worldly people striking against me, for their own hateful reasons. I pray that God keep all anger towards them out of my heart. I was looking for a Sermon tonight that would speak out to me and teach me. That is what your Sermon gave me. Thank You!!....Rayette
Great Sermon! I was so blessed to hear your sermon. May our lord give me the same heart as of the lepors descibed in 2 Kings 7: 9. I believe my church will be blessed by the same Words. Thank you