Beautiful teaching about Christ's Impeccability Thank you for this highly intelligent and beautiful defense of Christ's unsulliable holiness and His precious impeccability.
Great Sermon! Women who wear makeup are not women who pray. They can't shed tears for the lost or for their family. They would have to go and fix their face!
Question Earrings in Hebrew language is a face jewel probably worn on forehead. So petty preachers maybe know more Hebrew! Why do women wear make up? To ensnare and cause lust. Jezebel painted her eyes - look at margin. Negatives? Did the Holy Spirit not say Love NOT the world. Is that negative? Why would you want your wife or daughters to be attractive to ungodly men? For men to preach against the evidence of worldliness is not them being chauvinist - just men not under petticoat government!
Some lovely comparisons to Christ Having been studying Esther deeply for the past 8 weeks, this was a lovely addition, especially to hear so many references to our Saviour and the plan of salvation as pictured in this passage. Thanks Kyle.
Somewhat misleading I was expecting a clear and more detailed treatment than this. The sermon did not even get to the subject addressed in the title until almost the end. Rev. Paisley does not prove his thesis. He proves that David's son went to heaven but that is no proof that ALL children go to heaven. Did the firstborn of the Egyptians, not under the blood, go to heaven when God slew them? Did the babies which perished in the Flood go to heaven? Does the Bible not say that the children of unbelievers are "unclean" (I Cor. 7)?
Fantastic Sermon! This sermon is a MUST LISTEN !
Pastor Harley expounds the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in an exceptionally clear and powerful way, preaching the Gospel with power from on high.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your sermon. I am a missionary in Nigeria (thank God for the internet). Because you preached the truth I sense a higher level of faith and freedom in my heart than before. This is the effect of the anointing on the preacher's voice. God bless you, your family and ministry. In Christ alone, Lia Leigh
Great Sermon! Wow! This sermon must be heard!
We surely need to be reminded just how urgently we need another Revival, and must pray with even more earnestness to God for Him to move powerfully!
Excellant Sermon Rev Paisley brings home truth which we can easily become too familiar with, and should drive us to examine ourselves before God.
Steve B.
Great dedication. Great story of dedication to the Lord, of passion for souls, of martyrdom. God's wisdom in reaching a savage tribe. God has His great men of dedication in every age.
Great Sermon! all i can say is thank this message was a great blessing iused it to minister in our congregation because of a situation i am a minister thank God may the Lord contiue to bless you and your ministry.
Great Sermon! Some Great~Truth here,Always Sad2hear/detect "blind~spots" in godly helpful brothers.So pleased2hear a man Clear.The charismatic movement is Full of Error,Goingback2Kenyon/Branham/Hinn/Copeland/Browne+countless others.Many godly people have "thrown the Baby out with the bathwater" in jettisoning Biblical~Things because they have been abused.Do we jettison God's Name~Jehovah because of J.W.Cult Do we not call ourselves Saints because of Mormon Cult?So likewise we dont reject biblical tongues due2charismatics,Or we would be very wrongPaul spoke more tongues than All he wrote to 1corinthians 14:18 Jesus said disciples would speak in tongues Mark 16:17 And whosoever does so builds him/her self up in the Holy Ghost.. Do you pervert the verse about Gifts ceasing,2do that would mean knowledge has ceased too 1 corinthians 13:8~10