What a sermon!!! I am busy working through Jeremiah and am so blessed to be able to listen to sermons like this alongside. I LOVED this one, it is the type of preaching I long for, not found in the 'churches' where I live. Bless you Pastor
Very Insightful. Thank you for your careful exposition of the scriptures. Many will never truly know what it means to be fully given over to God. Suffering is the road that takes you to Him. His love, grace, and Spirit keeps you on the path.
All in all it Him drawing you to Himself and keeping you safe along the way.
Don’t be afraid enjoy the journey.
Great Sermon! This is VERY frightening. To think of what happens at the Judgement Seat of Christ when we are required to give an account for those unfruitful things and the hidden things we did after being saved is going to be awful! Thankful, however, that He won't throw us into Hell.
Passionate Plea Wonderful sermon. I appreciate the history, but most importantly this is a passionate plea for more Bible study and teaching. Thankful for Mr. Tomlinson. He was one of my favorite professors.
Pointed and encouraging exhortation The phrase "elders in every city" comes borrowed from the OT signifying the appointed elders presiding in each city, though the tendency is to link it to the idea of a single one-man-ministry for each church.
Necessary Sermon This sermon has helped me to understand and obey I Timothy 2:1-7 at such a time as this. Praying for your healing and strength. Annie Colbath
Great Sermon! Thank you for this devotional message. Timely words as the Lord has allowed US to enter a time of darkness, but maybe also of spiritual awakening to the Gospel. I will pray for Pastor and his wife to get some rest in the Lord. Thank you!
Great Sermon! 74 yrs ago, I was born in the Paterson General Hospital. Right next door to Madison Ave. Baptist Church! Hospital since torn down. I heard Pastor preach live on radio on a Christian Radio Station some yrs. later. The singing was awesome here! I was an organist in my church for 25 yrs. I taught piano in my own studio, over 150 students. Many were Christians. I love listening to Pastor Sexton and love hearing those beautiful old, yet ever new, great Hymns of the Church. I'm enjoying teaching those Hymns to my 15 grandchildren. I don't care for many of the new songs that are being sung today. Very sad. If people only knew the sad circumstances people went through to write these old Hymns, they might see the difference. May God bless Pastor Sexton for many more yrs. to keep preaching Christ to the Highest! And man to the lowest!