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Christian Answers of Austin
Larry Wessels  |  Austin, Texas
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"Popery: Scourge of the Earth"
Unspecified name
Satan has produced the largest scourge of the Earth ever to exist. It is known as popery. While the Roman Catholic Church, aka...
Larry Wessels | Answering Islam #6:
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Sermon2/25/2025 1:44 AM
• Posted 21 hours ago
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“ 20+ years later ... ”
I thoroughly enjoyed this, SO applicable today, MUCH more than for 2004

Sermon2/11/2025 2:15 PM
Robin Germann  
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“ Thank you! ”
For being brave enough in the Lord to speak this truth. Most will not.

Sermon9/18/2024 2:01 PM
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“ Very helpful. ”
Richard was a treasure

Sermon9/5/2022 12:35 AM
Jennifer Bynum from Memphis, Tennessee  
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“ The Best! ”
This was the best discourse of information I’ve ever heard dealing with the Roman Catholicism’s religion. Your explanation of Satan’s masterpiece kept me transfixed wanting to hear more on this mass deception that has eased its way into the hearts of the unsuspecting. There are millions if not billions who’ve been duped into accepting this carnival of pernicious lies as a form of salvation, unfortunately, many in the Protestant and Baptist churches have bowed the knee to Babylon thinking they’re a harmless group of fellow believers. How sad. I hoped to find more of your audio teachings, if at all possible would you lead me to there whereabouts? God’s blessings upon you.

Sermon11/20/2021 10:01 AM
Jim Vas from Rhode island  Find all comments by Jim Vas
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great compilation put together by Larry Wessels. Download because it's all here. Thanks Larry Wessels.

Sermon11/7/2021 8:18 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Excellent Eye-Opener ”
I loved this presentation, God bless this man’s ministry. I absolutely agree with everything he’s said including the misconstrued doctrine of baptism among reformers. Are we not followers of Christ? Then why don’t reformers believe in full immersion into the waters for baptism? Jesus did. To be sprinkled is a residual that has not been fully dismissed from Roman Catholicism.

Sermon8/9/2020 8:26 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Spanish Conquest: A Popish Act of Rebellion ”
As noted, the Spanish conquest of the Americas showed that there was only room for one group of rebels in the continent called the Americas. Those rebels seeking to spread popery. The pagan false religions of the pre columbian indigenous people were rebellion against the Lord, but it allowed for a new type of rebellion to be adopted in the Americas. The Satanic rebellion known as popery, which also resulted in religious syncretism with the pre columbian pagan religions. The Vatican in Europe is now leading a worldwide rebellion against The Lord as a result of popery having become a globally recognized religion with an estimated 1.2 billion Catholics in the world. This Satanic rebellion called popery has a very pervasive influence in every culture and nation of the world. A sermon like this also shows why the Spanish Conquest of the Americas was driven by rebellion against The Lord, particularly the Satanic rebellion called popery.

Sermon4/9/2020 2:56 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Gracious and compassionate presentation ”

Sermon3/18/2020 11:13 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Spanish Conquest: Driven By Satanic Popery ”
The Spanish conquest of the Americas (which was named after the forename of popish explorer Amerigo Vespucci) was driven by Satanic popery. For example, in Mexico, the conquest by Hernan Cortes resulted in replacing and "Christianizing" the Satanic Aztec religion, especially since the "Lady of Guadalupe" is a "Christianized" version of the Satanic Aztec goddess Tonantzin. We must realize that the indigenous peoples of the Americas were involved in Satanic false religion prior to European settlement. We know that Satan was behind the Spanish conquest of the Americas for the purpose of expanding Satanic popery throughout the continent.

Sermon3/6/2020 8:43 PM
Kate from Australia  Find all comments by Kate
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you. I listened to James White's latest Dividing Line and then searched for more information on Hank Hanegraaff and found this.

Sermon1/27/2020 11:01 AM
Blessed from Florida  Find all comments by Blessed
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“ Great Sermon! ”
WONDERFUL! I purchased Dr Martin's book entitled "Kingdom of The Cults about 40 years ago, but unfortunately, I loaned the book to a friend of mine, but soon thereafter, he moved out of town, and he kept it for many years, but after several requests from me, he finally promised to return it when he next visited my area, but, unfortunately he died a few months after deciding he'd bring it back to me. It was one of the best books I'd ever invested in, but was unable to find it again in any of the few Christian bookstores in my city, and this is the reason why I'd begun to request that he return it. It is a very good read, and, likewise this is a very, very good presentation of the section of his book that concerned Catholics. I have listened to this audio several times after recently discovering it here on SermonAudio and am downloading it THIS day, before I lose the ability to find it again and to listen to it without logging onto the Internet. THANKS to whomever it was who made this great broadcast available here on SA. God's blessings!!!

Sermon12/25/19 10:12 AM
Jennifer Mason from Memphis  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jennifer Mason
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“ Interesting Information ”
I have enjoyed listening to your program, but one thing I do not agree with, Christians haven’t encountered an UFO, I am a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and I’ve seen a strange flying object. Believe me, the times in which we live are burgeoning with deceptions, not only are unbelievers and ouiji board users are seeing and being attacked, but believers too. Sirs, please don’t make such blanket statements because you’ve not encountered evil on a certain level, because you’ve not seen, there are many Christians who truly love the Lord have had some type of experience with demonic activity. We are in a spiritual battle and the enemy will manifest itself to God’s children, and we don’t have to necessarily look for it. I wasn’t.

Sermon10/7/19 7:24 AM
Rob from Florida  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Good stuff! ”
King James Onlyists are so silly to me, so it was good hearing Dr. White give a sound response to some of these goofy arguments.

Sermon3/6/19 6:30 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ A Sermon Prophesying Extinction of Liberalism ”
This sermon is very helpful because it predicts the ordained extinction of liberal churches and evangelical liberalism.

Sermon2/23/19 7:50 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Conquistadors: Catholic Warlords ”
The invasion of conquistadors to other parts of the world was about propagating popery on a worldwide level. Thus, conquistadors could also be referred to as Catholic warlords.

Sermon1/3/19 8:48 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ A comment in pertinence to Robert H. Schuller ”
Although Robert H. Schuller (16 September, 1926 - 2 April, 2015) was a man of prestige, he was a false prophet. He passed away on 2 April, 2015, thereby creating a legacy of apostasy. Revelation 20:11-15 has already sealed the fate of false prophets in advance. Their fate is that they will be judged at The Great White Throne and cast into The Lake of Fire. We would also be wise to remember 2 Peter 2:1-3.

Sermon8/20/18 10:48 AM
Daniel in Osaka from Japan  Find all comments by Daniel in Osaka
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“ Good stuff ”
Good starter and ideas to work on. If I may, I would suggest a couple things to add. Karma is the bedrock of Buddhism and forms the core of how Buddhists think, regardless of affiliation. Something ought to be said regarding how the Christian would respond to the claims of karma (of course, there are many useful things to say here.) Secondly, I recommend working on your pronunciation of some of the terms to better show your Buddhist friends that you have made an effort to study their beliefs well.

Sermon3/26/18 1:36 PM
Unspecified name  Find all comments by Unspecified name
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“ Penalties for popery and their popes ”
The Great White Throne Judgment will be The Very Judgment where the popes are put on trial for their spiritual crimes. The result is that the popes will be sentenced to perpetual punishment and torment in the Lake of Fire. Remember Revelation 20:11-15. The P in pope stands for predetermined for eternal punishment in Hell and the Lake of Fire.

Sermon3/22/18 12:16 AM
Unspecified name  Find all comments by Unspecified name
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“ The Inquisition: Popery's Power Grab ”
The Inquisition was popery's primary means of grabbing power until it was phased out in 1826. Even too this day, the Vatican still defends the Inquisition, including that of the Portuguese and Spanish Inquisitions which extended outside of Europe. The Inquisition shows that popery is nothing but a bloodthirsty monster invented by Satan himself. Popery, past, present, and future, is indeed drunken with the blood of the saints and drunken with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.

Sermon3/18/18 1:35 AM
Unspecified name  Find all comments by Unspecified name
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“ Theological Liberals: False Prophets ”
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15).

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