To Owen To grow in grace is to grow in the knowledge and understanding of Christ. The power granted by God that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death." (Phil. 4:10)
To increase in the knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, Christ doing for me what I could I could never do for myself. Thank you for your comment. I hope that helps. DE
I’d never thought specifically what is it to grow in grace. As I listened I began to be intrigued as to what it means You spoke at lengths to tell us what it is not and finally evidences of growing in grace but never actually told us what it is. You never said ,”growing in grace is …..”. Kind regards Owen
Job: A type of The Lord Jesus (John 5:39) Whether it be the man Job, or this man writing, like the apostle we groan under the experience of our daily battle "O wretched man that I am", but when I consider these promises: "sin shall not have dominion over you", and "there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus" I have fresh wind in my sail when I hear how Job (our Savior) prayed for his friends; his children (John 17:20 and Romans 8:27).
Have you confessed Christ I so enjoyed your message at the conference, and so enjoyed Teresa and your fellowship. Thanks for preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to us. Love you both in Christ. praying for you.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much brother, for that was amazing, for the lord has truly,truly blessed you in his word, and as you have just said let us all continue to grow in his grace.
Thank you! Thank you Lord for opening our eyes! I pray this message is used to open more of your sheep’s eyes!! This message was such a blessing to hear and share!
Great Sermon! Thank you for a well needed sermon. The title was an eye catcher, I was drawn to that title.
The body of your sermon was absolutely beautiful.
I loved it when you said, God is not waiting in your hands for you to decide upon Him. I loved it because God has enlightened you with the sound doctrine of the sovereignty of God!
Great Sermon! Bro. David one of the best sermons I’ve heard u give! Lord sure blessed u & congregation that morning! Truly anointed by His Holy Spirit! TY! My brother! I was truly blessed in my heart!