Search: Wisdom
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Speakers found matching the search request.
Nayak, Wisdom 6
Wisdom, Chris 46
Wisdom, James 4
Wisdom, Thurman 40
Dr. Wisdom has been a Bob Jones University faculty member since 1961 and is currently the Dean Emeritus of the School of Religion. He has preached extensively throughout the southeastern United States and has written articles for various Christian publications. He has just completed his seventh... |
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Acevedo, Mark A. Achok, Elly Allen, Travis Baker, Roger Boggs, Aaron Clutterham, Joshua Davey, Stephen DeCou, Jonathan DeCou, Jonathan
| Elzinga, Rick Garofalo, Damien Graham, Harry Jeffery, Jim Johnston, Quentin Kuogo, Barnabas Mayhall, Carole Park, Kevin Voorwinde, Steve
| Waters, Mike