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1st Reformed Presbyterian Church Durham
Kent Butterfield  |  Durham, North Carolina

Our heartfelt desire is to worship God according to His will, in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We desire to glorify Him in our lives as individual Christians and as a body of believers united to Jesus Christ our Lord. If you live in the Triangle or are planning to ...
7th Reformed Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Seventh Reformed is a community of God’s people that seek to glorify God through gathering, nurturing, and equipping believers according to the Word of God for life in the Spirit, Christian service, and witness to Jesus Christ in Grand Rapids and throughout the world....
Acacia Reformed OPC
John Paul Holloway  |  Manassas, Virginia

We are a church plant in the Manassas area meeting for morning worship at 11am in Colgan Hall of Nova Community College-Manassas branch. We would love to have you come worship with us! Acacia Reformed Church is a daughter church plant of Sterling Presbyterian Church in...
Acts Reformed Baptist Church
Shawn Owens  |  Harrisburg, Illinois

We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ who desire to know God more deeply through the study of His Word and to worship Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. Our church is committed to the truth of the Bible and to the joy that comes from living according t...
Adoration United Reformed Church
Lincoln, Ontario

Adoration URC is a Reformed (Christian) church in St. Ann's, ON. We are members of the federation of the United Reformed Churches of North America and hold as true the the doctrines set forth in the Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles, Nicene, & Athanasian) and the Reformed Con...
Agros Reformed Baptist Church
Dane Jöhannsson  |  Mesa, Arizona

Reformed Confessional Baptist Experiential/Expositional Preaching​ Family Integrated Liturgical Traditional Psalm Singing Theologically Rich Hymns Weekly Observance of the Lord's Supper...
Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev. Stephen McCollum  |  Airdrie, Scotland

A community of people who are being called together by God's electing love and are learning how to live for His glory....
Albuquerque Reformed Church (OPC)
Melwin Issac  |  Albuquerque, New Mexico

We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our only savior from sin. Our sermons are Christ centered, with special care given to correctly distinguish between Law and Gospel. Come and join us if you are in this area....
Alex City Reformed Baptist Church
Patrick McDonald  |  Alexander City, Alabama
All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church
Pastor Dennis Bullock  |  Richmond, Virginia

All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)--"faithful to the Scriptures, true to the reformed faith and obedient to the great commission of Jesus Christ". Our worship & ministry are consciously guided by our und...
All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church
Ontario, California

Our Congregation All Saints Reformed Church is a growing body of worshipers consisting of believers and their children. From the early days of our humble beginnings, All Saints has aimed to reach the lost in our area and to welcome those seeking fellowship with a churc...
Alpha and Omega Ministries
Dr. James White  |  Phoenix, Arizona

Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools. He has authored or contrib...
Alto Christian Reformed Church
Forsell Gappa  |  Waupun, Wisconsin

We are a "covenant community" pursuing family-integrated vs. age-segregated worship. In other words, we encourage families to worship as families. It may not be as quiet, but the goal is for kids to worship with mom, dad, and grandpa and grandma....
Antioch Reformed Baptist Church
Brance Gillihan  |  Attica, Michigan

We are a confessionally reformed Baptist church, subscribing to the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession. Our prayer is that you would find our church to be a place where the truth of the gospel is proclaimed and warm, loving fellowship is enjoyed. We hope you’ll join ...
Arann Reformed Baptist Church
Mark Fitzpatrick  |  Dublin, Ireland

We are the only Reformed Baptist Church in the capital of Ireland. We started meeting on the Lord's day in May 2007. Please pray that the Lord will bless to the praise and glory of his Sovereign grace....
Ascension Reformed Church
Ray Simmons  |  Red Oak & Stanton, Iowa
Atlanta Reformed Presbyterian Church
Frank Smith  |  Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Reformed Presbyterian Church is a gathering of believers in Christ from all over the Greater Atlanta area. We unite to proclaim and serve our King and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. The aim of everything we are and do is “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” ...
Believer's Chapel
Chris Beiler  |  Tullahoma, Tennessee

We are currently meeting at the Lion’s Club building in Tullahoma Tennessee. The address to this location is: 407 Lion’s Club Lane Tullahoma, TN 37388...
Bellingham United Reformed Church
Vacant  |  Bellingham, Washington

Announcing freedom from guilt, the comfort of grace, and the joy of gratitude in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. Watch our service on our YouTube page here:
Berean Missionary Church
R. A. Marshall  |  Tulsa, Oklahoma

Acts 17:11-12 New King James Version (NKJV) 11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. 12 Therefore many of them believed, and ...
Bethany United Reformed Church
Rev. Eric Van Der Molen  |  Wyoming, Michigan

WE CONFESS We are a church of Jesus Christ. We believe that the entire Bible is the Word of God and our only authority for faith and life. We proclaim Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Lord, and the only source of a victorious life. We seek to serve God in all of life: ...
Bethel Free Reformed Church
Pastor Jeff Overduin  |  Monarch, Alberta

Welcome to Bethel Free Reformed Church of Monarch, Alberta, Canada. We are a Reformed church which endeavours to preach the whole counsel of God in accordance with the Three Forms of Unity (the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dort). For mor...
Bethel Netherlands Reformed Congregation
Pastor Pieter Van Ruitenburg  |  Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

As a church we feel compelled to share God’s Word with you, our members and visitors. Here you will find sermons explaining the word of God, our beliefs, and other information about our church. We encourage you to search the Scriptures, listen to the sermons shared here...
Bethel Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Chalan Hetherington  |  Hertfordshire, England

We are an Independent Baptist Church and are not governed by a denomination or a body of Churches. We do however have fellowship with like minded independent Churches. We embrace the great Biblical doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, sometimes referred to as the "D...
Bethel Reformed Baptist Church
Ron Garner  |  Bluffton, Indiana
Bethel Reformed OPC
Pastor Vern Picknally  |  Fremont, Michigan

Bethel Reformed is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church....
Bethlehem Reformed OPC
Thomas B. Brown  |  Freeman, South Dakota

Bethlehem Reformed OPC is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church ( We are gathered to praise the Triune God, to promote the edification of God’s people, and to proclaim the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to the Freeman, SD community and ...
Bible Church of Little Rock
Little Rock, Arkansas

The Bible Church of Little Rock exists to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples by teaching Biblical Truth in a community of Christian Love that propels our appointed Mission for the Glory of God....
Bible Presbyterian Church of Apollo, PA
Pastor Jerry Gardner  |  Apollo, Pennsylvania

We at the Bible Presbyterian Church of Apollo, PA are members of the Faith Presbytery of the Bible Presbyterian Church....
Black Forest Reformed Church
Sam McCracken  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado

Black Forest Reformed Church is a congregation of Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), and we are currently meeting at 5550 Shoup Road in Black Forest, Colorado Springs....
Blanchard Reformed OPC
Joey Boehler  |  Findlay, Ohio

We are a Mission Work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Come join us at the Country Inn and Suites (903 Interstate Drive, Findlay, OH 45840) on Sundays at 10:30am for morning service and 5:30pm for evening Bible study!...
Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church
Richard Holdeman  |  Bloomington, Indiana

Our doctrine stems from a full commitment to the authority of the Holy Bible as God's inerrant and infallible Word. This means that we believe in the Triune God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. We acknowledge our total inability to save ourselves and, in faith, depend on the...
Bornholm Free Reformed Church
Bornholm, Ontario

As Free Reformed Churches, we are convinced that we need to adhere to the classic, scriptural doctrines of the Reformation as set forth in the Reformed confessions, experience their saving power in our own hearts, and confirm the truth of these doctrines by living a dep...
Bozeman Reformed Baptist Church
Brett Shaw  |  Bozeman, Montana
Brethren Reformed Church
Matt McGriff  |  Brookville, Ohio

We're a small church who worships in a building just north of Brookville, OH. We're a gathering of families and individuals who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that our sins have been forgiven for his Name's sake, and that our lives are at his disposal. We...
Brikama Reformed Presbyterian Church
Sylvester Konteh  |  Brikama Nyambai, the Gambia, West Africa

Minister: Pastor Sylvester Konteh Brikama Reformed Presbyterian Church are a small but growing congregation, in the Gambia, West Africa, enthusiastic to reach out to the lost with the Gospel of Christ the King, in a country which is over 95% Muslim. By God's grace, we ...
Broomall Reformed Presbyterian Church
Hunter Jackson  |  Broomall, Pennsylvania

Our name is Broomall Reformed Presbyterian Church. We are the continuation of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, organized in 1798 to worship and serve God....
Burning Bush Reformed Church
Antoine Theron  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan
Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church
Prof. Russell Dykstra  |  Byron Center, Michigan

Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church (PRC) was formed in 1983. We stand in the heritage of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. The PRC began in 1925, and have as their creeds the "Three Forms of Unity" -- the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, ...
Calvary Baptist Church (Reformed)
D. Scott Meadows, Pastor  |  Exeter, New Hampshire

We are catholic (not Roman Catholic), Reformed, and Baptist, subscribing to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. We aim to worship as directed by Scripture (the Regulative Principle of Worship) and observe communion each week. Christ-centered expository preachin...
Calvary Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Allen Brummel  |  Hull, Iowa

We are part of the Protestant Reformed Churches of America. We welcome you to use our website and/or join us for worship....
Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church
Jeff Ferguson  |  Hampton, Virginia

Located in the middle of the Hampton Roads region, on the border of Hampton and Newport News, Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church exists to engage people with the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ through a loving community. We are simply disciples of Jesus making discipl...
Calvary United Reformed Church
Rev. Brian Vos  |  Loveland, Colorado

Calvary URC is a Christian Church in Loveland, Colorado, belonging to a fellowship of congregations known as the United Reformed Churches in North America. We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our only savior from sin. We accept the Bible as the inspired, i...
Carlisle Reformed Presbyterian Church
Matt Purdy & Tim Cook  |  Carlisle, Pennsylvania

We exist to glorify God and enjoy Him forever in the context of worship, prayer and discipleship. Join us as we seek to deepen our walk with Christ through faithful preaching of His Word, fellowship in the body, and reaching outward with the gospel to those around us. ...
Changed By Grace
Dr. Steve Hereford  |  Jacksonville, Florida

Changed By Grace is the media and radio ministry of Pastor Steve Hereford and Changed By Grace Church in Jacksonville, FL. Radio Stations: Sunday's at 8:30 AM WAYR AM 550 - Jacksonville, FL WAYR AM 1420 - St. Augustine, FL WAYR AM 96.5 - St. Augustine, FL WAYR FM 103...
Chilliwack Canadian Reformed Church
Chilliwack, British Columbia

Welcome and thank you for visiting with us at Sermon Audio. We extend a warm invitation to all to join us in worshipping our Lord on Sundays at 10am and 2pm PST and on Special Holidays & Occasions. We appreciate your feedback at the Comment section of our homepage....
Chilliwack Free Reformed Church
Rev. John Koopman  |  Chilliwack, British Columbia
Chilliwack Heritage Reformed Church
Rev. John Procee  |  Chilliwack, British Columbia

Welcome to our Church Web Site! You are welcome to join us for our regular Sunday Worship Services at 9:30am and 6pm. To download recent sermons that you can download and listen to please visit our church website at
Chinese Reformed Baptist Church of RDU
Diwei (Steven) Shi  |  Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
Chita Baptist Church
Russell Lee  |  Trinity, Texas

We believe the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the grand theme of its message, that salvation is wrought by the atoning blood of Christ alone through the convicting, regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. We are saved by grace alon...
Christ Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Jason Montgomery  |  Haltom City, Texas

"We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ." As a church we seek to glorify God, strengthen believers through worship and the teaching of God's word, and reach the lost with the li...
Christ Covenant Reformed Presbyterian
Rev. Todd Ruddell  |  Wylie, Texas

We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Assembly. Please visit our website for more information, and more audio. If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and are interested in seeing a Reformed Presbyterian Church established in your ar...
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Riddle  |  Louisa, Virginia

Christ Reformed is a confessional Reformed Baptist church. This means we are Biblical and Reformed in theology, and we practice believer's baptism. We hold unashamedly to the classical theology of the Protestant Reformation including the "doctrines of grace" or the fi...
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Nathan White  |  Chattanooga, Tennessee

Planted in 2016, and constituted in 2019, Christ Reformed Baptist Church exists for the glory of God and the promulgation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard....
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Jason Walter  |  Vista, California

We are a Reformed Baptist congregation in Vista, CA, dedicated to the worship of God and the proclamation of His Word....
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Doug Barger  |  New Castle, Indiana

We are a compassionate, conservative Reformed Baptist Church who desires to be used by God to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word to all of Henry County and the surrounding area – all unto God's glory!...
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Brad Jordan  |  217 W Main Street, Lamar, SC 29069

Christ Reformed Baptist is a church rooted in historic biblical Christianity that is committed to reaching an ever-changing culture with a never-changing message. It is our deepest desire to honor and glorify God, remain true to His inerrant, infallible, sufficient, and...
Christ Reformed Church
Kirk Gibbons  |  Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Christ Reformed Church is a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America...
Christ Reformed Church
Pastor Robert Truelove  |  Lawrenceville, Georgia

We are a Reformed Baptist church in Northeast Atlanta (Lawrenceville), Georgia. Visit our website for more information....
Christ Reformed Church
Dr. Alexander S. Campbell  |  Anderson, South Carolina

The Constitution of Christ Reformed Church has as its basis the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms of that great document. Additionally, Christ Reformed Church supports and defends the great creeds of the faith including the Apostle’s ...
Christ Reformed Church
Nick Smith  |  Nampa, Idaho

Christ Reformed Church is in the growing community of Nampa, Idaho, just outside Boise in southern Idaho's Treasure Valley. We are a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America....
Christ Reformed Church of Albany
Tom Smith  |  Albany, Oregon

We are a Confessional Reformed Church, meeting in downtown Albany, Oregon. Our name, Christ Reformed Church of Albany, tells you who we are: Christ is the best and only hope for every person. He is the Head of our Church and exercises His authority through the Word of ...
Christ Reformed Church of Casper
Matt Powell  |  Casper, Wyoming

Christ Reformed Church of Casper is a congregation of the Reformed Church in the United States ( We are delighted to have the opportunity to plant a confessionally Reformed work in the Casper area. If you would like more information on this Biblic...
Christ Reformed Church -RCUS
Kevin Pulliam  |  Minot, North Dakota

We are an assembly of sinners who are saved by grace alone, through faith alone because of Christ alone. We are called to glorify God and exalt our Lord Jesus Christ by the working of the Holy Spirit in all our being for the purpose of ministering to the saints and labo...
Christ Reformed Community Church
Andrew M. Smith  |  St. Augustine, Florida

We are conveniently located in the Jacksonville/St. Augustine area. We are an independent, Reformed congregation that faithfully stands on the expository preaching of God's Holy Word. We'd love for you to join us this Lord's Day!...
Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church
Pastor Paul McDade  |  Paris, Tennessee

We are a Reformed Presbyterian Church holding the Original 1647 Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as our standards and currently seeking affiliation in the RPCGA....
Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church
Daniel Howe  |  Providence, Rhode Island

We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. The standard of our teaching, subordinate to scripture, can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America....
Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church
Jason Bradfield  |  Lakeland, Florida

Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly. We gather weekly to worship our God according to the Scripture. You are invited to come and worship the Sovereign God of creation with us. Our church maintains the hist...
Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church-PCA
Berdj Tchilinguirian  |  Laurel, Maryland

As members of the Church of Christ, we are part of God’s work that has continued from Biblical times until today. Our spiritual forbears have left us a rich legacy of biblical truth and spiritual experience, and we treasure it—not that we may live in the past, but that...
Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church
Brandon D. Myers  |  Chicago, Illinois

To God's glory we are a confessionally reformed baptist and independent local church (we hold to the 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith and the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith). By God's grace alone, we aim to honor the Lord by being and making d...
Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church
Keith R. Jones  |  Wawarsing, New York

We are a church that holds to the truths of Scripture as communicated in the doctrines, creeds, and confessions of the Protestant Reformation. We believe these Biblical truths are best summarized in the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. We believe that the gos...
Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Church
Surrey, British Columbia

We invite you to attend one of our worship services. It can be intimidating to come for the first time, but be assured that you will be warmly welcomed. We’re providing some basic information, knowing that it’s easier to visit a new place when you know a little more abo...
Cloverdale United Reformed Church
Russell Herman  |  Boise, Idaho

Cloverdale URC seeks to bring glory to God by being a dynamic and caring Christian community centered on the worship of God, faithful in bearing witness to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit for life and ministry, as gover...
College Hill Reformed Church
Titus Martin  |  Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

College Hill is a fellowship of people loved, called, and changed by Christ who delight in the worship of God and yearn for the building up of the kingdom through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive to have a God centered, gospel centered, and worship centered life, ...
Community United Reformed Church
Schererville, Indiana

We warmly welcome you to the family of faith here at Community United Reformed Church. Although we come from different walks of life, we are a fellowship of people who share a common bond of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In this community, Jesus Christ lovingly tran...
Cornerstone Chapel Reformed Baptist
Bristol, Tennessee

We were a Reformed Baptist Church, ministering in the Bristol, Tennessee area, southwest Virginia, as well as the Tri-Cities region of east Tennessee. This site is continuing as an archival site for the preaching ministry that occurred at this church through June 30, 2...
Cornerstone Free Reformed Church Blackfalds
Pastor J Neels  |  Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada
Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Audred Spriensma  |  Dyer, Indiana

Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church warmly welcomes you! Please feel free to browse our site for more information about our church family, denomination, and doctrines. Our church is located in St. John, Indiana. Services are at 9:30am and 5:00pm Central Standard T...
Cornerstone Reformed Baptist Church
Gold Coast, Australia

We are a church diligently committed to deep and systematic expository preaching of the Bible and to fervent intercessory prayer for the church's work. We are dedicated to individual and collective discipleship within the local church, bearing a genuine burden for the ...
Cornerstone Reformed Church
Frank Liu  |  Roseville, Minnesota

Cornerstone : where Jesus Christ is the object of our faith, the focus of our teaching, the basis of our fellowship, the hope of our prayers, and the subject of our witness. We are a confessional church serving Roseville, St. Paul, and the Twin Cities area. Our confe...
Cornerstone United Reformed Church
Rev. Philip Vos  |  Hudsonville, Michigan

Welcome to Cornerstone United Reformed Church! To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunge...
Cornerstone United Reformed Church
Dan Donovan  |  Sanborn, Iowa

THE UNITED REFORMED CHURCHES IN NORTH AMERICA (URCNA) is a young federation of churches formed on October 1, 1996, at a synod meeting held in Lynwood, Illinois. The basis of these churches is God’s Holy Word as confessed in the Three Forms of Unity (Heidelberg Catechism...
Cornerstone United Reformed Church - YEG
Rev. William Pols  |  Edmonton, Alberta

Cornerstone United Reformed Church of Edmonton (name changed from Orthodox Reformed Church of Edmonton) is a protestant church rooted in the Biblical teachings recovered during the Protestant Reformation. We are a member of the United Reformed Churches in North America ...
Covenant Grace Reformed Church
Dale Van Dyke  |  Lynden, Washington

What We Believe: "Built Upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets,  Jesus Christ Himself Being the Chief Cornerstone." Confessions:  We believe the Holy Bible to be the infallible and inerrant Word of God, and we confess the Truth as summarized in the Three Fo...
Covenant Of Grace Protestant Reformed
Spokane, Washington

Covenant of Grace PRC was established as a congregation in March of 2009. Prior to this we were a mission field of the Protestant Reformed Churches. As an established church we gather twice on Sunday to hear the faithful preaching of God's Word, and we seek to serve God...
Covenant OPC
Todd Smith  |  Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

We teach the authority of Scripture Alone which testify that Christ Alone atoned for our sins by His Grace Alone to give us eternal life through Faith Alone that we may give Glory to God Alone. Ephesians 2:8-9...
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Steve Clevenger  |  Warrenton, Virginia

The teaching ministry of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Warrenton, Virginia. Pastor, Steve Clevenger. Covenant Reformed Baptist Church is a Bible-believing church with a high view of God, Scripture, and grace. We are a confessional church that subscribes to the Secon...
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Lee McKinnon, Scott Holland  |  Bluefield, West Virginia

We are a local church located in the mountains of Bluefield West Virginia, right on the Virginia/West Virginia Border. Our Pastors are Lee McKinnon and Scott Holland. Our current meeting location is 2200 Bland Road, Bluefield WV....
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Mark Powell  |  Easley, South Carolina

Covenant Reformed Baptist Church is a conservative, Bible-believing church, striving to promote the glory and enjoyment of God. We hope you will find our worship to be reverently and joyfully God-honoring, Christ-centered, and Spirit-filled. We are "Reformed" in our the...
Covenant Reformed Church
Steve Arrick  |  Carbondale, Pennsylvania

Covenant Reformed Church of Carbondale is a member of the United Reformed Churches in North America....
Covenant Reformed Church
Stephen Lauer  |  Kansas City, Missouri

Our congregation is committed to: Liturgical worship. Liturgical worship denotes corporate worship characterized by solemnity, familiarity, regularity and meaning. The order of worship, in which each element has great significance, is deliberately predictable. Pattern...
Covenant Reformed Church
Paul Mourreale  |  West Plains, Missouri

Covenant Reformed Church is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a small and conservative reformed denomination which takes a high view of the scriptures. We are a Reformed and confessional Church whose doctrine...
Covenant Reformed Church Gettysburg
Pastor Samuel Rodriguez  |  Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

We are a Christian Church of the Reformed Church United States (RCUS), that believes the Bible to be the true word of God in both the Old and New Testaments. This word is God’s given inspired, inerrant, and infallible word. We summarize Scriptural teaching in the Ancien...
Covenant Reformed Church of Elk Grove
Dr. Derek Carlsen  |  Elk Grove Village, Illinois

Our vision is to glorify and serve the Lord Jesus Christ in our community and throughout the world through worship and the advancing of His Gospel, by the training and “equipping of the saints for the work of ministry,” and through encouraging believers and their famili...
Covenant Reformed Church of Sacramento
Sacramento, California

Greetings! We are a fellowship of Christians who seek to be faithful to the Bible and serve Jesus Christ in every area of our lives. Join us as we explore God's amazing grace. Some talk about worship as traditional or contemporary but we desire to worship God in Spirit...
Covenant Reformed Church, Gallatin Valley, MT
Rev. Orrie Oosthuizen  |  Manhattan, Montana

We worship, in spirit and truth, the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit We invite you to join us for worship the next Lord's Day....
Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev. Sean McCann  |  Asheville, North Carolina

Welcome to the web presence of Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church in Asheville, North Carolina. Together we strive to be a growing community of lives changed through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in a warm and positive expression of the Reformed Fa...
Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church
Gary Gunn  |  Meadville, Pennsylvania

Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church of Meadville is a congregation of the RPCNA located in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Our purpose is to glorify God in worship, faith, and life. In this we pursue the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to proclaim the gospel of sal...
Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev. John Shearouse  |  Halifax, Nova Scotia

We are a congregation that gathers in the heart of Halifax to worship God each Sunday. As Christians, our goal is to worship God according to His revealed will through Jesus Christ by the grace of the Holy Spirit. We therefore look to the Scriptures as the rule of our w...
Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev. David Carnes  |  Fort Pierce, Florida
Covenant Reformed Presbyterian, PCA
Matt Eide  |  Pueblo, Colorado

Our Vision . . . is that, through the faithful proclamation of the Word of God, we, by God's grace alone, will be able to make a visible difference in Pueblo, the West, and the World. " . . . so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ . . . " (1 ...
Covenant United Reformed Church
Chris Engelsma  |  Kalamazoo, Michigan

We are a member church of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA), a federation of 120+ churches throughout North America. We hold ourselves accountable to these churches through our confessions and common church order. We encourage you to visit our federa...
Covenant United Reformed Church
Scottie Wright  |  Pantego, North Carolina

Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it'' (Matthew 16:18). This means that wherever the true church of Jesus Christ is found, there is no mere human organization, but the supernatural work of the Son of God. With gratitude ...
Covenant United Reformed Church
Pastor Jason Ryce  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado

Covenant United Reformed Church is a church plant and mission work of Escondido URC. Both churches are in a federation of United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA). We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our only savior from sin. Our sermons are Chris...
Covenanted Reformed Presbyterian Church
Brian Schwertley  |  Prosper, Texas

We believe that the Bible, God's holy and infallible word, is the only rule of faith and life. As accurate summaries of what is taught in the Bible, we adhere to all the orthodox creeds (e.g., Apostles Creed, Nicean Creed, Chalcedon Creed) and reformed confessions (spec...
Crete Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Joshua Engelsma  |  Crete, Illinois

Crete Protestant Reformed Church is a Reformed church which means that the doctrine she believes to be the truth of the word of God is confessed in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordtrecht, collectively known as the three forms of un...
Crosslanes Chapel Evangelical & Reformed
Rev Aaron J Lewis  |  New Forest Hampshire, England

Crosslanes Chapel is a Bible believing Church, where we seek to honour God and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are warmly invited to join with us....
Crown & Covenant Reformed Presbyterian
Peter Allison  |  Conroe, Texas

We are a body of foul sinners washed white in the blood of the Lamb and growing up in Christ, our head, from whom the whole body, being joined and knit together by what every part supplies, is edifying itself in love. Some of the doctrines which we believe are especia...
Cutlerville East Christian Reformed Church
Ed Visser  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Cutlerville East CRC strives to live under the kingship of Christ, glorifying God as we grow through Christ-centered worship, active discipleship, and caring fellowship....
Dallas Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Les Walthers  |  Dallas, Texas

We are an independent Reformed Baptist Church, holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Please visit our website for more information about the church: Feel free to also visit our video site:
Disciple Church (Reformed Baptist)
Joaquin Garcia  |  Whittier, Cailifornia

Disciple Church is comprised of followers of Jesus Christ who have united under His Lordship in covenant commitment to one another and to our God. We joyfully and wholeheartedly submit to His authority as it is revealed to us in His holy, inerrant, and infallible writte...
Doon Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Daniel Kleyn  |  Doon, Iowa

We invite you to join us in worship each Sunday at 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM. Our worship services are reverent and God-focused as we come into the presence of our holy God. Our worship services center on the preaching of the gospel, which expounds the Holy Scriptures. Our pr...
Doon United Reformed Church
Rev. John Vermeer  |  Doon, Iowa

We are a congregation of people, called together by God. We stand on the inerrant Word of God as our foundation and authority. We are united by a common faith in Jesus Christ –our Lord and Savior. God has called us to praise Him in all His holiness, majesty and mercy, a...
Dutton United Reformed Church
Talman Wagenmaker  |  Caledonia, Michigan

We are a congregation convinced of the absolute authority of God's Word. We seek to know His Word for in it is the message about Him who gives eternal life. God is knowable. He has revealed Himself in His Word which points to His Son, Jesus Christ. To know Christ is to ...
Eastmanville United Reformed Church
Jeph Nobel  |  Coopersville, Michigan

Eastmanville United Reformed Church is a member of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA), a federation of churches united in faith and confession, exercising the ministry of reconciliation by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the eart...
Eastvale Reformed Presbyterian
Micah Amos Ramsey  |  Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

The Reformed Presbyterian Church is one of the oldest evangelical denominations in the country, founded in 1798. We are committed to the doctrines of the historic reformed faith, which include: Sola Scriptura, the Scriptures alone give us truth: Solas Christus, Christ a...
Ebenezer Free Reformed Church
Dundas, Ontario, Canada

Ebenezer Free Reformed Church is a member of the federation of the Free Reformed Churches of North America. To find out more about who we are and what we believe, visit our denominational website at We invite you to attend our worship services each Sunda...
Ebenezer Reformed Church
RubĂ©n Zartman  |  Shafter, California

Ebenezer Reformed Church is a congregation of the Reformed Church of the United States....
Elkins Park Reformed Presbyterian Church
Pastor John Edgar  |  Abington, Pennsylvania

We serve the Lord in the near northern suburbs of Philadelphia. We come from a variety of backgrounds. You are welcome to worship the Lord with us any Sunday morning or evening, or during the week at our weekly prayer meeting. Our youth group meets weekly for catechism ...
Emmanuel Free Reformed Church
Pastor Jack Schoeman  |  Abbotsford, British Columbia

Welcome to the website of the Free Reformed Church of Abbotsford, British Columbia. To find out more about who we are and what we believe, visit our website: We invite you to attend our worship services with us....
Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Steve Garrick  |  Georgetown, Texas

We are a Reformed Baptist Church, holding to the London Baptist Confession of 1689. Our goal is to worship according to the principles of Scripture for the glory of God alone....
Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
SeaTac, Washington
Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Dewey Dovel  |  SeaTac, Washington

Our Beliefs Our major distinctives can be summed up in the principles that were the backbone of the Protestant Reformation. First, the inerrant and infallible Bible is our only authority. The Bible alone, not human tradition, teaches what we are to believe and how we ar...
Emmanuel Reformed Church
Carl Gobelman  |  Sutton, Nebraska

"Glorifying God through the proclamation of the Gospel." Emmanuel Reformed Church was established in 1877 and is an organic member of the Reformed Church in the United States. The Reformed Church traces its history from apostolic times through the Protestant Reformatio...
Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church
Joe Anady  |  Hemet, California

We are a community of Christ followers who love God, love one another, and serve the church, community, and nations, for the glory of God and for our joy. Our hope is that you will make Emmaus your home and that you will begin to grow with us as we study the scriptures...
Emmaus Road Reformed Baptist Church
Jonathan Goodman  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado

We are Christ-Exalting. Worship is the ultimate priority and chief end of man. It is the highest purpose for which the Christian has been redeemed: to enjoy God and to make much of Him. Whether through song, giving, Scripture reading, or preaching, we would see God exa...
Emmaus Road Reformed Church
Rev. Ryan Kron  |  Edina, Minnesota

We are a Christian Church that believes in the Bible. We hold fast to “the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). We confess and believe all that is taught in the Old and New Testaments, which are the inspired, inerrant, and infallible word o...
Escondido United Reformed Church
Rev. Christopher J. Gordon  |  Escondido, California

We are Reformed in our faith and practice according to the Scriptures as summarized during the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation in the Three Forms of Unity: Belgic Confession (1561), Heidelberg Catechism (1563) and Canons of Dort (1619)....
Faith Christian Fellowship Reformed
Pastor Daniel Ozuna  |  Henderson, Nevada

Faith Christian Fellowship is a Reformed Baptist Church that believes in the Abrahamic Covenant. The Church has not replaced Israel and this covenant is still in existence through scripture, and God's Word is our only authority and inerrant truth of God. FCF further b...
Faith Presbyterian Church Reformed
Dr. Richard Bacon  |  Kaufman County, Texas

Faith Presbyterian Church Reformed is affiliated with The Reformed Presbyterian Church (Hanover)....
Faith Protestant Reformed Church
Jenison, Michigan

The PRC have as their creeds the "Three Forms of Unity" -- the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic confession, and the Canons of Dordt. The churches require that all officebearers subscribe to these Reformed confessions. The PRC confess and proclaim the doctrines of double...
Faith Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Joe Gwynn  |  Virginia Beach, Virginia

Faith Reformed Baptist Church is a new startup in the Hampton Roads area of southeast Virginia. We believe the Scripture is the Holy, infallible Word of God and we aspire to faithfully preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ....
Faith Reformed Baptist Church
Russ Jarvis | Gary Weaver  |  Titusville, Florida

We are a small congregation of believers that love God and His word. We strive to live a life that brings honor to the Lord Jesus Christ....
Faith Reformed Protestant Church
Rev. Luke Bomers  |  Loveland, Colorado

In all things, we hold to God’s holy Word and to the Three Forms of Unity founded upon that Word, namely, the Confession of Faith, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt. For the maintenance of good order in the church of Christ, we hold to the Church Order, ...
Faith United Reformed Church
Rev. Nathan Voss  |  Beecher, Illinois

Faith United Reformed Church, is a young, growing church made up of men and women and children of all ages. We come from a variety of backgrounds, but what we have in common is that we trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. We rejoice that we are not our own, but...
Faith United Reformed Church
Rev. Matthew Nuiver  |  West Olive, Michigan

Faith United Reformed Church held it's first worship service in May 1994. It was formed out of concern that the "faith of our fathers" was slowly being lost. In 1997 the congregation voted to join the United Reformed federation....
Fellowship African Reformed Ministries
Jeff Bys  |  Western Kenya

We are an association of churches that fully subscribe to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. We are primarily located in and serving western Kenya, as well as Swahili speakers throughout Africa. Our primary purpose is planting churches, strengthening current...
Fellowship Reformed Church
Rev. Meindert Joostens  |  Bellingham, Washington

We are are a group of believers who hold dear the Christian faith, and the strength and comfort that it gives to us as Christians. Our Pastor is Rev. Meindert Joostens, and we are located in Bellingham, WA, currently worshiping in the Bellingham Christian School gym. ...
First Baptist Church
Jason Gunter  |  Willow Springs, Missouri

We are a Reformed Southern Baptist Church located in Willow Springs, Missouri....
First Christian Reformed Church
Rev. Kurt Monroe  |  Sioux Center, Iowa

We are a community of called & redeemed children of God in Sioux Center, Iowa, who gather together in worship, fellowship and service. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to Seek First God's Kingdom in every area of life - for the eternal glory of His holy n...
First Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Joe Holstege  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Welcome to First Protestant Reformed Church. We are a congregation on the northeast side of Grand Rapids, Michigan who confess our salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ. We gather twice each Sunday for worship, and the emphasis of our worship services is the preachin...
First Protestant Reformed of Holland
Rev. Justin Smidstra  |  Zeeland, Michigan

The First Protestant Reformed Church of Holland is a congregation of approximately 220 members located in Zeeland, Michigan. We are a member of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. Our worship emphasizes the preaching of God’s Holy Word as the power of God to s...
First Reformed Presbyterian Church
Brent Horan  |  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

At First Reformed Presbyterian Church, we exist to glorify God together by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, discipleship, missions, and fellowship as a biblical and prayerful church in Penn Hills....
First Reformed Presbyterian Church
Matt Filbert  |  Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

Our denomination traces its lineage to the original Presbyterians of Scotland, and is often referred to as the Church of the Covenanters. It had its visible birth in the Reformation Days of Scotland and came to America around the time of the Revolutionary War. Our cong...
First Reformed Protestant Church
Rev. Tyler Ophoff  |  Hudsonville, Michigan

First Reformed Protestant Church was instituted on Thursday, January 21, 2021. First RPC in all things holds to God’s Holy Word and to the Three Forms of Unity founded upon that Word, namely, the Confession of Faith, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt. F...
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn
Rev. Harold Miller  |  Oak Lawn, Illinois

We are a body of believers in Jesus Christ – washed by his blood and eager for the Spirit to work through us as we serve him in all of life. Our worship seeks to focus on God, knowing that from this we too will be blessed. You will find authentic fellowship and friendly...
Fox Lake Community Church
Wayne Christensen  |  Fox Lake, Illinois

Fox Lake Community Church (A Reformed Congregation) We hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Being confessional says that the church and the Christian faith are bigger than just us. It connects us to other churches a...
Free Grace Church - Reformed & Baptist
Mark Santiago  |  Lancaster, California

New website about to be completed. FGC has a profound history with much experience (See Our History on our website). At this stage, we are a very small congregation, consistently experiencing the joy of the Lord and meaningful unity. We are diver...
Free Reformed Church of Calgary
Pastor Chris Mourik  |  Calgary, Alberta

The Calgary Free Reformed Church is a member of the Free Reformed denomination ( We are a family-oriented group of people of diverse origins, occupations, and backgrounds, from the very young to the not-so-young. We seek to worship God by praising Him, prayi...
Free Reformed Church of Cardup Brook
Reverend Dirk Poppe  |  Cardup Brook, Western Australia
Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids
Vacant  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

We adhere to the classic doctrines of the Reformation as set forth in the Reformed confessions (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession of Faith, and Canons of Dort). We stress the need to experience God's grace personally and savingly, and to live a holy life of separ...
Free Reformed Church of Langley
Rev. Ben Van Liere  |  Langley, British Columbia

We are a church which confesses the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the inspired, inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and life, and whose people seek to live, by the grace of God, a Christ-centered life according to these biblical princ...
Free Reformed Church of Mitchell
Pastor Kenneth Hutton  |  Mitchell, Ontario

Welcome to the website of the Free Reformed Church of Mitchell, Ontario. We are part of the Free Reformed Churches of North America, which is a member of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council ( To find out more about who we are and what we bel...
Free Reformed Church of Mount Nasura
Reuben Bredenhof  |  Mount Nasura, Australia
Free Reformed Church of Mundijong
Abel Pol  |  Mundijong, Western Australia

A congregation of believers who reside in Mundijong and surrounding suburbs, located in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale...
Free Reformed Church of Oxford County
Rev. Lawrence J. Bilkes  |  Oxford County, Ontario

The Free Reformed Church of Oxford County is a member church of the federation of the Free Reformed Churches of North America. We invite you to attend our worship services with us. To find out more about what we believe, please visit our denomination website at www.frcn...
Free Reformed Church of Pompton Plains
Rev. Jerrold Lewis  |  Pompton Plains, New Jersey

We welcome you in the strong name of the Lord Jesus Christ! We invite you to attend our worship services each Sunday at 9:30 am and 5:00 pm. After the morning service, children ages 4 and up, receive instruction in Sunday School....
Free Reformed Church of Southern River
Southern River

As a Free Reformed Churches in Australia, we want to be first of all; a Christian Church. We accept Jesus Christ as Lord of the Church and we believe that we are part of the one, holy, universal, Christian Church which Jesus Christ, as Son of God, gathers in this world....
Free Reformed Church of St Thomas
Pastor Eric Moerdyk  |  St Thomas, Ontario

Our church was instituted on October 10, 1952, by Dutch immigrants. We are a covenant community made up of people from various backgrounds, with different occupations, including young and old members. Though we are from various places, with different life circumstance...
Free Reformed Church Rockingham
Rev Dr Roger Dean Anderson  |  Rockingham, Western Australia

We are a member of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. For more information about us, please visit our website.
Fresno Reformed Presbyterian Church
Fresno, California

We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. The standard of our teaching, subordinate to scripture, can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America....
Geneva Reformed Seminary
Rev. Reggie Kimbro  |  Greenville, South Carolina

In keeping with the reformed and Presbyterian tradition requiring the education of ministers, the primary goal of the Geneva Reformed Seminary is to prepare men to be preachers. It is our desire to produce preachers who know God and His word and who can effectively and ...
God's Grace Reformed Church
Dr. Ismael Miranda  |  Victorville, California

God's Grace Reformed Church is a small church with a big heart for the Lord. We live by the Word of God as our guide. We actively study the Bible in order to live in such a way as to bring glory to God. We love people at God's Grace Reformed Church. Our hearts and our a...
Good Shepherd Reformed Episcopal Church
Tyler, Texas
Grace & Truth Reformed Presbyterian Church
Ryan Bever  |  Harrisonburg, Virginia

We welcome you in the name of Jesus Christ to the Grace & Truth website. We are glad that you found us and hope that this site may be of some benefit to you as you seek to faithfully follow Christ and grow in your knowledge of Him. Grace & Truth is a congregation of th...
Grace Baptist Chapel (Reformed)
J. Ryan Davidson  |  Hampton, Virginia

We desire to glorify God in all that we do, and we seek to honor God by exalting in the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. We are a Confessional Reformed Baptist Church (LBCF 1689) holding a high view of the Sovereignty of God, Holy Scriptures, Expository Preaching and th...
Grace Baptist Fellowship
Mike McCullough  |  Modesto, California

Our Mission is to glorify the God of Scriptures in maintaining His personal and corporate worship, seeing lost sinners saved, and the building up of saints. We are committed not only to the proclamation of the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ but also to the def...
Grace Chapel Reformed Baptist Church
Traever Guingrich  |  Argo, Alabama

We are a 1689 Confessionally Reformed Baptist Church in Argo, Alabama (about 15 min northeast of Birmingham). We have a plurality of elders & deacons, practice expository preaching, & the regulative principle of worship. We take the Lord’s Supper weekly. Our Wed evening...
Grace Christian Reformed Church
Adam Eisenga  |  Kalamazoo, Michigan

You are invited to join us for Sunday worship! Maybe you have not attended a church in a while for a variety of reason or have never been to church, we would love for you to join us! A typical service lasts for about an hour and then you are invited for an optional ti...
Grace Community Church
San Antonio, Texas

A Reformed Church with a passion to be an aggressively God-loving, Bible-saturated, Spirit-filled, racially diverse church knowing and proclaiming the excellencies of Christ for the glory of God and the joy of all people....
Grace Community Church of Bowling Green
Nathan Ross  |  Bowling Green, Kentucky

Grace Community Church is a community of Christians pursuing an uncompromising, never wavering commitment to the Word of God. We maintain a reformed doctrinal conviction emphasizing the doctrines of sovereign grace. Our goals: To live as full-time worshipers of God. ...
Grace Community Church of Long Beach
Seymour Helligar  |  Los Alamitos, California

Grace Community Church of Long Beach (GCCLB) was founded on July 1, 1975, as an independent, non-denominational Bible teaching church. From the onset, GCCLB has been committed to verse-by-verse expository preaching, with a focus on a high view of God and Scripture. The ...
Grace Community Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Ryan Case  |  Alberta, Canada

Are you looking for a Reformed Baptist church for the Lethbridge area? Grace Community is for: those who are hungering and thirsting to hear God's Word proclaimed verse-by-verse, week after week. Those who long to see the name of Jesus Christ exalted above all else. Tho...
Grace Family Fellowship Reformed Baptist
Joe W. Allen, Jr.  |  Russell Springs, Kentucky

We are a Reformed Baptist Church in the Russell Springs/Jamestown, KY area. Our church has a deep desire to equip God's people so that they may engage a Christ-less culture armed with sufficient knowledge of God's Word....
Grace Family Reformed Baptist Church Medicine Hat
Pastor Geoff Heidebrecht  |  Medicine Hat Alberta

Grace Family is a Confessional Reformed Baptist Church in Medicine Hat Alberta. We hold to the 2nd London Confession of Faith commonly called the 1689 LBC....
Grace Fellowship Church
Pastor Alan Quinones  |  Bradenton, Florida
Grace Free Reformed Church
Brantford, Ontario

Welcome to the website of the Free Reformed Church of Brantford, Ontario. To find out more about who we are and what we believe, visit our denomination website. We invite you to attend our worship services each Sunday at 9:30am and 4:30pm...
Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Johnson  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Yes, we are Baptists with a difference. Let us explain. The formal, doctrinal basis, (secondary to the Bible), of Reformed Baptist Churches is the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. We are historically in the Baptist tradition. We believe in the baptism of believers only...
Grace Protestant Reformed Church
Tallmadge Township, Michigan

Grace Protestant Reformed Church was organized in 1996 as a daughter congregation of Hope PRC in Walker, Michigan. Our congregation has about 90 families with 160 children and a total membership of about 380 souls. The council is composed of 6 ruling elders and 6 deacon...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Richard Barcellos  |  Lancaster, California

Grace Reformed Baptist Church is a group of believers in Christ who started a new church in the growing city of Palmdale. There are about 475,000 people in the Antelope Valley and it is projected to be 1,000,000 by 2020. In light of this, there is a growing need for chu...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Sean Bishop  |  Amesbury, Massachusetts
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Young  |  Bonham, Texas
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Mark Raines  |  East Haven, Connecticut

We believe that the Word of God, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is fully inerrant, authoritative, and entirely sufficient for what we must surely believe and for how we must live and worship. We hold that its essential truths are best summarized in "...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Dr. D. Wayne Layton  |  Chattanooga, Tennessee

We are a doctrinally conservative congregation that holds to a reformed understanding of the Scripture in a Baptistic tradition. The term "reformed" comes from the period of church history called "The Reformation", when important Biblical truths were recovered and reemp...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Dirk Littlefield  |  Kingwood, Texas

As a local body, we believe that we are called to accomplish our mission in two primary ways: (1) Teaching the Saints the precepts of God’s Word, and... (2) Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the lost. We sincerely pray that GRBC becomes a “City on a Hill” as ...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Micah Renihan  |  Brunswick, Maine

The founders’ purpose was to hold tight to the precious truths of the Word of God which had been recaptured by our Protestant forefathers. This heritage of Evangelical, Reformed, and Baptist theology forms the basis for who we are as a church family....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Jones Ndzi  |  Mebane, North Carolina

Grace Reformed Baptist Church is not fundamentally a building or a set of programs, but a congregation of people — a community with a shared vision and a shared faith in Christ. We are a Reformed Baptist church. We embrace many of the great Biblical teachings emphasiz...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Sam Waldron  |  Owensboro, Kentucky

On behalf of our entire church family at Grace Reformed Baptist Church, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting us online and extend to you a very warm welcome to visit us in person at any of our services....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Oliver  |  Placerville, California

Situated in Placerville California, Grace Reformed Baptist Church is an established but growing congregation. We are committed to a historical Reformed understanding of the Gospel in faith and practice for the glory of God, the exaltation of Jesus Christ and the advanc...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Rocky Mount, North Carolina

About Us. Holding to the Baptist Confession of 1689, Grace Reformed Baptist Church seeks to faithfully preserve the doctrine, worship, and practice taught in the Holy Scriptures and recovered in the Protestant Reformation. Our congregation is comprised of families from ...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Dale Smith  |  Rockford, Illinois

If you are looking for a church that affirms the sole authority of the Holy Scriptures for all of faith and practice, the pre-eminence of the preaching of the Word of God, the glorious truths of salvation called the Doctrines of Grace, the necessity and responsibility o...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Craig Riggall  |  Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

Welcome to Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Camp Hill, PA. Our purpose is to glorify God by proclaiming the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ. You are invited to visit us for Sunday worship or at any of our public meeting times....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Rev. Daniel L. Arter  |  Ramey, Pennsylvania

About our Church: Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Ramey, Pennsylvania, is a small, welcoming congregation dedicated to glorifying God through reverent worship, faithful preaching of God's Word, and loving fellowship. The church is grounded in historic Reformed Baptist ...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Ben F. Gardner  |  Fountain Inn, South Carolina

We are an age integrated Reformed Baptist church located in Simpsonville SC. We hold to the Second London Baptist confession of 1689....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church of L. I.
Daniel Mercado  |  Merrick, New York

The purpose of Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Long Island is to bring glory to the only true God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We seek to do this in three ways: 1. By worshiping God in spirit and truth. Humble and reverential adoration is to be given exclusive...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Newark
Belton Brevard III  |  Newark, New Jersey

Our purpose is to serve the greater Newark area by preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; evangelizing sinners, edifying saints, promoting Biblical worship, and showing benevolence to the needy. As a reformed Baptist church, we hold firmly to the Doctrines of Gr...
Grace Reformed Baptist of Pine Bush
Paul Gordon  |  Pine Bush, New York

The purpose of Grace Reformed Baptist Church is to bring glory to the only true God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We seek to do this in three ways: 1) By worshipping in Spirit and in Truth. Humble and reverential adoration is to be given exclusively to the livi...
Grace Reformed Bible Church San Diego
Steven Robinson  |  San Diego, California

Grace Bible Church San Diego is a Gospel-centered community committed to exalting God, equipping the saints, and evangelizing the lost. We are a Reformed Baptist church that is made up of a group of Believers who have savingly embraced the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, a...
Grace Reformed Christian Church
Bellefonte, Arkansas

Grace Reformed Christian Church is committed to a Christ-centered focus, Word-centered worship, and God-centered living. Our church is a member of the Heritage Reformed Congregations with roots in the Protestant Reformation. Our beliefs are summarized in the Heidelberg...
Grace Reformed Church
Adam W. Jones  |  Wausau, Wisconsin

At Grace Reformed Church, Wausau, WI, we testify to the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20:24), make Jesus known with our neighbors and contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). As Christ's Church, we desire to grow faithfully in o...
Grace Reformed Church
Gary McNamee  |  Columbia, Missouri

Grace Reformed Church of Columbia, Missouri has been established to provide a faithful and biblical witness to the Reformed Christian Faith....
Grace Reformed Church
Hexon J. Maldonado  |  Salado, Texas

Grace Reformed Church is a confessional church, ascribing to the 1646 First London Baptist Confession of Faith. We adhere to Reformed theology in that the absolute sovereignty of God over all things, the authority and sufficiency of scripture, the sovereign grace of God...
Grace Reformed Church
Rev. Sam Perez  |  Jersey City, New Jersey

We are a Reformed church in Jersey City, and a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America. Join us every Sunday at 10 am and 11 am to worship God at 240 Fairmount Ave (at the corner of Monticello) in the New City Kids facility....
Grace Reformed Church
Reverend Michael Voytek  |  Dickinson, North Dakota

Grace Reformed Church (formerly First Reformed Church) is a mission work of the Reformed Church in the United States. We do want to introduce ourselves in case you might have some question regarding the doctrines and teachings of the reformed faith. It might help you to...
Grace Reformed Church
Dunnville, Ontario

The United Reformed Churches have extremely deep roots which reach down through the ages. They begin in the promise of God that He would always maintain and preserve a Church on this earth that would serve Him. They can be further seen in the three creeds which it profe...
Grace Reformed Church
David Fagrey  |  Rapid City, South Dakota

Our main ministry is to preach and teach the Bible, since God promises to use the preaching and teaching of His Word to save His people from their sins (Romans 10:17; 1 Corinthians 1:21; 1 Peter 1:23). We believe the Bible has the answers to all of man’s basic problems...
Grace Reformed Church - Antelope Valley
Jeff Munive  |  Lancaster, California

Grace Reformed Church of the Antelope Valley is member of the Reformed Church in the United States, a denomination which traces its history back to the Sixteenth Century Protestant Reformation. We continue to persevere in the theology of the Protestant Reformation....
Grace Reformed Fellowship
Rev. Philip B. Strong  |  Lander, Wyoming

We are an Orthodox Presbyterian Church here in Lander, Wyoming. Our goal is to faithfully hold up Jesus Christ before our neighbors both in Word (preaching and teaching) and in Deed (how we love each other both inside and outside the Church). Desiring the fullness of Go...
Grace Reformed Fellowship - PCA
Garry Knaebel  |  Hagerstown, Maryland

Grace Reformed Fellowship exists to glorify God through worship, developing spiritual maturity among His people, and relating the Gospel of Christ to His world. We are a Bible believing, Christ centered, evangelical church located in Hagerstown, MD and serving the tri-s...
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Doug Serven, Pastor  |  Relay, Maryland

Our Church exists to help people know God's Son, fellowship with God's people, worship in God's church, grow in God's grace and serve in God's world. We serve the communities of Arbutus, Catonsville, Elkridge, Hanover, Halethorpe and Relay, Maryland....
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Dr. Jeffrey A. Stivason  |  Gibsonia, Pennsylvania

We exist to see men, women, and children rooted in Christ, established in the faith, and bearing fruit for the kingdom....
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church
Reverend Daniel Dillard  |  Bend, Oregon

We are believers in Jesus Christ, living in community shaped by the gospel worship of the Three-One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through his death and resurrection our Lord Jesus Christ brings us to the Father and gives us the Holy Spirit. We are learning to follo...
Grace United Reformed Church
Rev. Doug Barnes  |  Alto, Michigan

We are a congregation belonging to the United Reformed Churches in North America. Our fellowship is knit together by the common thread of faith in Jesus Christ. Standing on God’s unshakable Word, we joyfully confess the historic Three Forms of Unity and remain committed...
Grace United Reformed Church
Rev. Paul Freswick  |  Waupun, Wisconsin

We are a church whose goal it is to proclaim the Good News that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. We accept the Bible as God's inspired and inerrant Word and as His will for our lives. We are affiliated with a federation called the United Reformed Churches in North Ame...
Gracious Cross Reformed Church
Gregg E. Harris  |  Salem, Oregon

Gracious Cross Reformed Church exists to glorify God. ​We want to know Christ and to make Him known, in our homes, in our community and around the world. Jesus Christ is the Head of this church. Everything we do is for His glory. This is His church. He is the Lord and w...
Grandville Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Nate Decker  |  Grandville, Michigan

Grandville Protestant Reformed Church, a daughter church of Hope Protestant Reformed Church in Walker, MI, was organized as a congregation in February of 1984 with 25 families. Our congregation belongs to the Protestant Reformed Churches in America, a federation of chur...
Greater Boston Reformed Baptist Fellowship
Cambridge, Massachusetts

We are a Reformed Baptist church plant in the greater Boston area. We fully subscribe to the historic 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. We gather every Sunday for worship with the intention of covenanting together as a local church....
Hancock Reformed Baptist Church
Dennis Judy  |  Greenfield, Indiana

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, without contradiction or error. We believe salvation is of the Lord and is best expressed in the doctrines of sovereign grace. We believe that man is dead in trespasses and sins, unwilling and unable to come to God for sal...
Harbor Reformed Baptist Church
Matthew I. Morgan  |  Holland, Michigan

We believe that biblical preaching is a vital means that God has ordained for the growth of His kingdom. As such we are delighted to share messages from our pulpit through this website. May the Lord enable you to grow in grace and equip you to serve Him more faithfull...
Harvest Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Jeff L. Black  |  Halsey, Oregon

At Harvest RBC, we love the doctrines of grace and are focused on building biblically-strong individuals & families committed to Christ and His Word. We hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our doctrinal statement. At 9am, we have a separate Bible ...
Harvest Reformed Presbyterian Church
Caleb Nelson  |  Gillette, Wyoming

We are a Bible-preaching and teaching church committed to the historic Reformed faith and the sufficiency of Scripture. The church exists for worship and witness, and it does both these things by making use of the ordinary means of grace that Christ has given to feed Hi...
Haven Reformed Baptist Church
Greg Feulner  |  St. Charles, Missouri

We are a group of committed believers who gather regularly for worship, expositional teaching, discipleship, breaking of bread, and prayer. We believe in the transforming power of the gospel and are focused on the spiritual growth of each member of our congregation to b...
Hebron Reformed Presbyterian Church
Daniel Hemken  |  Clay Center, Kansas

Organized in 1871, Hebron RP has faithfully preached the word of God for nearly 150 years....
Heritage Baptist Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Mansfield, Texas

A Reformed Baptist congregation, a member of the Confessional Baptist Association, and the Texas Area Association of Reformed Baptist Churches. We subscribe to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith....
Heritage Covenant Church
Jeremy Lyerla  |  Spokane, Washington

Heritage Covenant Church is a Reformed church in Spokane, WA, committed to glorifying God through authentic evangelism, discipleship, and worship centered on the means of grace—Word, Sacraments, and Prayer. Our mission is to equip believers to live out their faith today...
Heritage Reformed Baptist Church
Hank Rast  |  Fayetteville, Georgia

Heritage Reformed Baptist Church was formed in April of 1989. The founders’ purpose was to hold tight to the precious truths of the Word of God which had been recaptured by our Protestant forefathers. This heritage of, Evangelical, Reformed, and Baptist theology forms...
Heritage Reformed Baptist Church
Mike Waters  |  Canton, Ohio

At Heritage, we desire to worship God by rejoicing in the grace and truth that has come through Jesus Christ (John 1:17). Our aim is to focus our minds and affections on Him in such a way that He is glorified. Not only do we desire to extend our worship to God, but we...
Heritage Reformed Congregation
Dr. Joel Beeke  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Heritage Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids aims to remain true to God's Holy and infallible Word as expounded in the Reformed doctrinal standards: the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt. Though never adopted as such due to rootage in...
Heritage Reformed Congregation
Reuel Xavier  |  Kinnelon, New Jersey

We warmly invite you to join us in worshipping the Lord at our 10:30 AM and 4:30 PM worship services. You can also share a meal with a welcoming family between the services if you wish! Our worship services are simple, straightforward, with the focus being on God's Wor...
Heritage Reformed Congregation
Burgessville, Ontario

Welcome! Out of the Protestant Reformation came the Latin phrase ecclesia semper reformans, semper reformanda, meaning "the church is always reformed and always reforming." We strive, by God's grace, to be such a church. We bear a clear and distinctive witness to th...
Heritage Reformed Congregation of Conway
Pastor David Lipsy  |  Conway, Arkansas

The Heritage Reformed Congregation of Conway is committed to having a Christ-centered focus, Word-centered worship, and God-centered living. Our church is a member of the Heritage Reformed Congregations with roots in the Protestant Reformation. We believe the Heidelberg...
Heritage Reformed Congregation of Jordan
Brian Najapfour  |  Jordan, Ontario, Canada

Our Beliefs - Heritage Reformed Denomination We believe that the basis of truth and education must be found in the Triune God and His infallible Word. All core beliefs must be based upon principles established in the infallible sixty-six books of sacred Scripture. The...
Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church
Thomas Booher  |  Sanford, North Carolina

We are a Reformed, Presbyterian Church in Sanford, NC. We emphasize Covenant Theology, expository preaching, pastoral care, the family, nurturing our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We are a confessional church, holding to both the Westminster Standards...
Hope Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Nate Decker  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan
Hope Protestant Reformed Church
Redlands, California

The church exists for the glory of God in the world. We must be members of that church in order to worship and serve God together with His people. We are commanded by the Lord Himself to join together with fellow Christians to preach the gospel and stand for the truth o...
Hope Reformed Baptist Church
Richard Jensen  |  Coram, New York

Hope Reformed Baptist Church was founded in 1996 by a group of families interested in having a distinctively Reformed Baptist church in Suffolk County, NY. Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Merrick, NY offered their oversight and assistance in planting the new church. Th...
Hope Reformed Baptist Church
Gregory Lee  |  New Lenox, Illinois

We have a simple hope at Hope Reformed Baptist Church: to see people come to know Jesus Christ and grow in their Christian faith. For 12 years, we've been helping spread God's good news locally and throughout the world, and we pray that God will continue to use our cong...
Hope Reformed Baptist Church
Ben Habegger  |  Aloha, Oregon

Jesus Christ proclaimed in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life." We as part of a worldwide fellowship of believers confess this together to be true. Therefore, it is vital that the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith as taught in the Holy Scriptur...
Hope Reformed Church
Rev. Scott Henry  |  Sutton, Nebraska
Hope Reformed Church
Ian Macleod  |  Tillsonburg, Ontario

Hope Reformed Church of Tillsonburg is a gospel-centred, Bible-believing church which confesses that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. We are a member of the Heritage Reformed Churches. We are Reformed in our doctrine and worship, and derive our heritage from t...
Hope Reformed Church of Brampton
John Bouwers  |  Brampton, Ontario

We are a family of people who desire to trust in and serve our Creator God. He had called us out of the spiritual deadness of our sin and unbelief and has brought us into the wonderful life of forgiveness and joy with Him, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Chr...
Hope Reformed Church of Powassan
Rob VanDoodewaard  |  Powassan, Ontario

We warmly welcome you to worship with our Reformed faith community, meeting in the town of Powassan just south of North Bay, Ontario, Canada. We are a church grounded in Scripture, evangelically Christ-centered in faith, Biblically orthodox in worship, and historically ...
Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian
James Hakim  |  Culleoka, Tennessee

Hopewell, a Biblical, Reformed, Presbyterian church, serving the Lord since 1820 in Culleoka, TN....
Hosanna Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Matthew Koerner  |  St. Albert, Alberta, Canada

We are a church that preaches and maintains the historic Christian faith. We invite and encourage you to visit our church....
Hudson Valley United Reformed Church
Kevin Hossink  |  New Hampton, New York

To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; to all who wi...
Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church
currently vacant  |  Hudsonville, Michigan

We are part of the denomination called The Protestant Reformed Churches in America. The denomination originated in 1925 when several ministers were unjustly put out of the Christian Reformed Church on the issue of Common Grace. These churches have consistently maintai...
Hull Heritage Reformed Congregation
Pastor Pieter van der Hoek  |  Hull, Iowa

Pastor Pieter van der Hoek, serves as a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Hull. He previously served the Burgessville congregation. He graduated from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and was ordained to Gospel Ministry in January 2017. He, his wife Ha...
Hull Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Stephen Regnerus  |  Hull, Iowa

The Protestant Reformed Churches have as their creeds the “Three Forms of Unity”: the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic confession, and the Canons of Dordt. The churches require that all office bearers subscribe to these Reformed confessions. The Protestant Reformed Chur...
Immanuel Covenant United Reformed Church
Aaron van der Heiden  |  Abbotsford, British Columbia

Historical We are a congregation that has her roots in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century. We believe and live according to the five solas of the Reformation; namely that scripture alone is our rule for faith and life, and that we are saved by grace alone,...
Immanuel Fellowship Church
William Boekestein  |  Kalamazoo, Michigan

Immanuel Fellowship Church is a reformed congregation which submits to the Bible as the infallible and authoritative Word of God, and confesses the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort as a faithful summary of Scripture....
Immanuel Free Reformed Church
William Einwechter  |  Schoeneck, Pennsylvania

Immanuel Free Reformed Church is a fellowship of Reformed Baptist believers with a vision to rebuild the broken foundations of the Family, Church, and State. “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many g...
Immanuel Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. H. Bleyenberg  |  Lacombe, Alberta

Watch a live Stream of each sunday worship on Youtube. Click on the link in the Links tab, and select the Live service held at 10am and 4:30pm!!...
Immanuel Reformed Fellowship
Chuck Muether  |  Pella, Iowa

Kirkside Media broadcasts sermons from Rev. Chuck Muether at Immanuel Reformed Fellowship (RCUS). Pastor Muether grew up in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and married into the Christian Reformed Church. He served as a deacon in the CRC and then as a ruling elder of a ...
Immanuel United Reformed Church
Rev. Ryan Swale  |  Jordan, Ontario

We are United with all true Christian believers in the one and only apostolic faith in God alone. We are Reformed, a term rooting back to the Reformation, signifying a constant reforming of our lives to the Word of God as the rule for all of life. We are member's of Chr...
Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel ON
Various Speakers  |  Listowel ON Canada

The United Reformed Churches in North America confess Jesus Christ as the only Savior and the Sovereign Lord over all of life, and are fully committed to the Bible in its entirety as the Word of God written, without error in all its parts, and to its teaching as set for...
Immanuel's Reformed Church
Pastor: Rev. Todd Joling  |  Salem, Oregon

Immanuel's Reformed Church (IRC) is a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA). We are located in Salem, Oregon. IRC's first service was held on December 22, 1991. Seventy-five people attended this initial worship service with much p...
Independence Reformed Bible Church
Joel Saint  |  Morgantown, Pennsylvania

Our Vision Embracing a long term view of an expanding victorious Church in time and history as God’s program to redeem a fallen creation under the work and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ through evangelism and discipleship. Committing to equip the family to liv...
Indy Reformed Church
Rev. Austin Reifel  |  Westfield, Indiana

Indy Reformed is a church plant of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA). A mission work of Zeltenreich Reformed Church...
John Pistorius, Pastor
John Pistorius  |  Chicora, Pennsylvania

We serve in a little country church house that was built from bricks made from local red clay in 1869. The first congregation formed in 1870 in the German Reformed tradition. As the German Reformed denomination declined, it merged with the Evangelical church to create t...
Kalamazoo Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Dennis Lee  |  Kalamazoo, Michigan

Our congregation has about 60 members, and we embrace the phrase “church family” as we are part of the family of God locally and universally. We were founded in 1925 when we left the Christian Reformed denomination, and we are a member of the Protestant Reformed Churche...
Kalamazoo Reformed Church
Rev. Bartel Elshout  |  Kalamazoo, Michigan
King's Cross Reformed Church
James Howard Lynch  |  Boone, North Carolina

We are a new church plant established in the spring of 2024. We firmly stand on the Word of God as our only infallible and inerrant authority for all of life. Our subordinate standard is the Westminster Confession of Faith and we draw greatly from the broader Reformed...
Klamath Reformed Church
Andrew Farr  |  Klamath Falls, Oregon

Klamath Reformed Church is a mission work (church plant) under the leadership of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Medford, OR. We are a mission work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. We extend an invitation to anyone looking for a Confessional Reformed church to come j...
Las Vegas Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA)
Edgar Ibarra  |  Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Reformed Presbyterian Church (LVRPC) is a congregation affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. We are a fellowship of individuals and families committed to honoring our Lord Jesus Christ and applying God’s Word in every area of our l...
Liberty and Grace Reformed Church
Pastor Steven Dilday  |  Culpeper, Virginia
Light of Resurrection Reformed
Win Groseclose  |  Butler, Pennsylvania

Light of Resurrection Reformed Foundation exists for the purpose of promoting Reformed and Confessional thought and writing. Secondarily, it exists in the hope of establishing a Reformed congregation in the larger Butler area, mentoring pastors worldwide, and serving th...
Lighthouse Community Church
Fletcher Matandika  |  Stephenville, Texas

We are a Reformed Baptist congregation committed to Christ-centered expositional preaching. Our church is dedicated to helping people strengthen their faith and develop a deeper relationship with God. We are a Reformed Baptist congregation committed to Christ-centered...
Living Hope Bible Church
Matthew Black  |  Roselle, Illinois

Living Hope Bible Church is a fellowship of Bible believing Christians. We have turned away from the life we were living and put our full hope and dependence on Jesus Christ. It is our desire to live transformed lives, totally consecrated to the Lord's will....
Living Water Reformed Church
Greg Bylsma  |  Brantford, Ontario

Living Water Reformed Church welcomes all who want to learn more about Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in a Biblical based setting. We worship twice a Sunday and hear two in-depth Bible-based sermons to get to know our God more fully. We believe in the inerrancy ...
Living Way Reformed Presbyterian Church
Steve Rockhill  |  Bryan, Texas

Living Way is a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America proclaiming the Gospel of Christ in the Bryan/College Station community and the Brazos Valley region. It is our desire to: *Worship God simply and sincerely *Study the Bible seriously and...
London Free Reformed Church
Benjamin Hicks  |  London, Ontario
Los Angeles Reformed Presbyterian Church
Alex Tabaka  |  Los Angeles, California

Vision Statement: We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America set in a culturally diverse area of Los Angeles. We are dedicated to the worship of God, the teaching of historic Reformed theology, the nurture, service, and fellowship of the ...
Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian
Rev. Joseph Dunlap  |  Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland

We are a Protestant and Reformed church which subscribes to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as expressing the teaching of the Word of God....
Loveland Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Arend Haveman  |  Loveland, Colorado

The PRC have as their creeds the "Three Forms of Unity" -- the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic confession, and the Canons of Dordt. The PRC confess and proclaim the doctrines of double predestination; limited, effectual atonement; total depravity; irresistible grace; a...
Lubbock Reformed Church
Ryan Denton  |  Lubbock, Texas

Confessional Presbyterian & Reformed We are a place where non-Presbyterians and Reformed folks are welcomed, loved, and admitted into membership as fellow brothers and sisters, but we are unashamed of our commitment to the Westminster Standards and historic Reformed lit...
Luverne Christian Reformed Church
Rev. Joe Steenholdt  |  Luverne, Minnesota

We are a group of believers who follow Jesus Christ, our Mission is to know Christ, to grow in Christ, to serve Christ, and to share Christ — all to God's glory. We joyfully proclaim the Good News of God's saving grace and we seek to serve Him in obedience to His Word. ...
Lynden Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Stephan Regnerus  |  Lynden, Washington

The Lynden PRC is a congregation of distinctively reformed Christian believers associated with the denomination Protestant Reformed Churches in America....
Lynden United Reformed Church
Rev. Mark Stromberg  |  Lynden, Washington

Welcome to the website of the Lynden United Reformed Church. We greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a Christian church committed to historic Protestant Reformation theology. We preach Christ from all of Scripture with the goal of strengthening the bod...
Lynden United Reformed Church
Andrew Cammenga  |  Lynden, Washington

We are a Christian church committed to historic Protestant Reformation theology. We preach Christ from all of Scripture with the goal of strengthening the body of Christ and witnessing to those who do not believe. We are a welcoming congregation of families who understa...
Manhattan Reformed Presbyterian Church
Robert Kelbe  |  Manhattan, Kansas
Maranatha Free Reformed Church
Hamilton, Ontario

Welcome to the website of the Free Reformed Church of Hamilton, Ontario. To find out more about who we are and what we believe, visit our website at We invite you to attend our worship services with us....
Meadowview Reformed Presbyterian Church
Pastor George Sayour  |  Lexington, North Carolina

The mission of Meadowview Reformed Presbyterian Church is to savor the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and to be servants of that grace locally and globally....
Messiah's Independent Reformed
Breno Macedo  |  Holland, Michigan

Preaching "the whole counsel of God" Acts 20:27...
Messiah's Reformed Fellowship
Daniel Ragusa  |  New York City, New York

We are a member church of the United Reformed Churches in North America ( MeRF meets for Divine Worship at 10:30 & 11:30 AM on Sundays at 61 Gramercy Park N. in Manhattan. Weekly Bible Study is held on: Thursday evenings, at 7pm We seek to bring hope a...
Mid-America Reformed Seminary
Dyer, Indiana

Mid-America’s mission is to prepare pastors as faithful servants of the Word and sacraments in the heritage of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches and by training others to serve in various Christian venues. Mid-America’s curriculum is calculated to assist in the intell...
Daniel Vale  |  Montclair, New Jersey

Somos uma igreja estabelecida sob as doutrinas dos apostólos, que à semelhança do descrito em Atos 2:42 cremos e procuramos praticar a comunhão, o partir do pão e as orações, sempre dependendo em tudo do Espírito Santo, para glória do Pai, por meio daquele que é o cabeç...
Mission of Grace Church
David Bodanza  |  Westborough, Massachusetts

We are a Reformed Church in New England and hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Here, the Bible is preached, people are loved, and the good news is shared with our community and the world. Together, we share a vision: Believers in Jesus Christ who worship God ...
Moose Mountain Reformed Baptist Church
Peter van Waardhuizen  |  Arcola, Saskatchewan

Moose Mountain Reformed Baptist Church is a Bible-believing, confessional, Christ-centered, Gospel-focused church that is committed to the redemptive historical teaching and proclamation of God’s word to our community and beyond. We seek to be a community of people who ...
Mountain Reformed Baptist Church
Mike Johnson  |  Lake Arrowhead, California

The Holy Bible is the final and only authority in all matters of faith and practice. We accept and adopt the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, as the most accurate expression of that system of doctrine taught in the Bible. We do not hold this Confession of Fai...
Netherlands Reformed Congregation
Arnoud Vergunst  |  Waupun, Wisconsin
New Haven United Reformed Church
Rev. Andrew Knott  |  New Haven, Vermont

New Haven United Reformed Church is committed to proclaiming the message of salvation in Jesus Christ alone. It is a gift of grace, not of works! Each Sunday God's word is preached straight from the bible through the power of the Holy Spirit. Situated atop a hill, the c...
New Horizon United Reformed Church
Mitchell Persaud  |  Scarborough, Ontario

New Horizon Church in Toronto is a community of mixed ethnic and Canadian Christians adhering to the historic Reformed Protestant faith, sometimes referred to as Calvinist or as Calvinism. We hold rigidly to the doctrine of grace, sometimes called the 5 Points of Calvin...
Newtownards Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev David Sutherland  |  Newtownards, Co. Down, Northern Ireland

Our church accepts that the Bible is the Word of God. We believe that it is infallibly inspired and given as a guide for our daily lives. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation stone of the church, the divine Son of God, and through His sinless life, ...
Northland Reformed Church
Rev. Christopher Campbell  |  Kansas City, Missouri

Worship at Northland Reformed Church! If you're looking for a church home or just a place to worship where the Word of God is heartily believed and boldly proclaimed, we might be the place for you. We gather to worship on Sundays at 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM. Our services are...
Oak Glen United Reformed Church
Rev. Ed Marcusse  |  Lansing, Illinois

Our faith is centered upon Jesus Christ who is the only and entire way to God our Father. Our faith is planted by the Holy Spirit into hearts that are spiritually dead because of sin. Our faith is built upon the Bible which does not make mistakes and which has final say...
Oceanside United Reformed Church
Daniel Hyde  |  Oceanside, California

The Oceanside United Reformed Church began in February 2000 as a church plant of the Escondido United Reformed Church to be the only confessionally Reformed congregation in coastal North County of San Diego. We are members of the United Reformed Churches in North Americ...
Okamoto Keiyaku Reformed Presbyterian
Rev. Kihei Takiura  |  Kobe, Japan

日本改革長č€ć•™äĽš 岡本契約教会 "ă‚­ăŞă‚ąăă®ĺ† ă¨ĺĄ‘ç´„ă®ăźă‚ă«" Japan Presbytery. RPCNA. "For Christ's Crown and Covenant." 〒658-0003 兵庫県神ć¸ĺ¸‚ ćť±ç区本山北町6-17-31 TEL: 078-452-5310...
OKC Reformed Presbyterian Church
Stephen Mulder  |  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

We are called Reformed because we profess that system of Christian truth which recognizes God’s sovereignty over all things and man’s absolute dependence on Him for every aspect of life and salvation. We are called Presbyterian because we adhere to the form of biblical...
Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church
Kevin Park  |  Harleysville, Pennsylvania

From the earliest days of this Reformed congregation founded in 1730 and established in 1732, Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church has made the historic creeds of the Christian church an integral part of its worship, preaching and music. Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church is ...
Omaha Reformed Church
Rev. Randall Klynsma  |  Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha Reformed Church is a mission work of the Reformed Church in the United States. As a church of the Lord Jesus, we exist to worship the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), grow with each other in grace and knowledge, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to ...
Orlando Reformed Presbyterian Church
Nathan Eshelman  |  Orlando, Florida

The Reformed Presbyterian Church is one of the oldest evangelical denominations in the country, founded in 1798. We are committed to the doctrines of the historic reformed faith, which include: Sola Scriptura, the Scriptures alone give us truth: Solas Christus, Christ a...
Ottawa Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Andrew Quigley  |  Ottawa, Ontario

We are a growing community of people of all ages from many backgrounds. It is because of the Lord Jesus’ work through his Word in our lives that we are growing in our love for God, and for each other....
Pagadian Reformed Presbyterian Church
Alden Manatad  |  Pagadian City, Philippines

We are the remnant of those that hold to the whole of the Covenanted work of Reformation as attained in Scotland between the years 1638 and 1649. We trace our spiritual lineage through the Covenanters who fought against both ecclesiastical and civil tyranny. It is a li...
Pastor Russ Westbrook
Russ Westbrook  |  Lexington, KY
Peace Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. John Marcus  |  Dyer, Indiana

Welcome! We are a confessionally Reformed church in Northwest Indiana. We are dedicated to bringing the blessed assurance of salvation from sin to the world especially through the preaching of the gospel. Please feel free to browse and learn more about us, and contact...
Peace Reformed Church
Napoleon, Ohio

A Confessional, Reformed Church in Napoleon, Ohio, joyfully proclaiming Christ crucified for sinners....
Peninsula Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev. Matthew Walker  |  Yorktown, Virginia

Welcome to Peninsula Reformed Presbyterian Church! We are a mission work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (, planted by Reformation Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach, VA. We pray that you would be blessed by our sermons and would join us for worship a...
Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church
Warren S. Smith  |  Phoenix, Arizona

The Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church is located in the heart of Phoenix Arizona a very short distance from major freeways. We are a Reformed fellowship emphasizing the worship of the Triune God through prayer and the consistent, in-depth proclamation of His truth from t...
Phoenix United Reformed Church
Rev. Michael Spotts  |  Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix United Reformed Church promotes the good news of Jesus Christ in all of life. Located centrally in the Biltmore area, our aim is to equip and engage believers for the disciple-making mission....
Pilgrim Reformed Bible Church
Dr. Robert J. Burrelli, Jr.  |  Plymouth, Massachusetts

We are an independent, reformed Bible Church adhering to the authority of Scripture and confessing the doctrine contained in the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith....
Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Jon Mahtani  |  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

We were organized in July 1998. Our church is located at 716 Atlantic Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221, part of the Forest Hills area of Pittsburgh. Our worship services are held every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Our worship emphasizes the preaching of God’s Word as t...
Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church
Rev. Justin Nobel  |  Pompton Plains, New Jersey

Greetings in the Name of the Lord and welcome to PPRBC Sermon Audio! The Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church has established Sermon Audio portal as an extension of our church ministries which we seek, by the grace and mercy of God, to establish firmly on His Holy Spiri...
Presbyterian Reformed Church of NC
Pastor Timothy J. Worrell  |  King, North Carolina

We as a church are confident that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes (Rom. 1:16), and that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God (2 Tim. 3:16f) and are the only rule to direct us how we glorify and enjoy Hi...
Presbyterian Reformed Church of Stockton-on-Tees
Paul Flynn  |  Stockton-on-Tees, England

We maintain the apostolic purity of worship by prayer, the reading and preaching of the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and by the singing of Psalms. We hold to the entire Westminster Confession of Faith....
Presbyterian Reformed Fellowship
Rev. Bill Marshall  |  Morehead City, North Carolina

We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. We stand for historic Reformed Christianity, believing that the Biblical system of truth is faithfully summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms of historic Presbyte...
Providence Free Reformed Church
Dibbet, Scott  |  St. George, Ontario

Welcome to the Providence Free Reformed Church Sermon Audio website. To find out more about us, please visit us at our denominational website. We invite you to attend our family integrated worship services with us....
Providence Presbyterian Church
John Bennett  |  Lubbock, Texas

The community of Providence Presbyterian Church seeks, by our words and actions, to love Lubbock, West Texas, and the world with the shalom of Jesus Christ. We want to engage Lubbock and West Texas in the arenas of proclaiming truth, contributing to and renewing culture...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Casa Grande, Arizona

A confessional Reformed Baptist congregation where Scripture alone is sufficient for all matters of faith and obedience...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Tallahassee, Florida

The chief purpose of Providence Reformed Baptist Church is to glorify God. This is to be accomplished through the promotion of His worship, evangelizing of the lost and edification of the saints. The Scriptures teach that we are to be salt and light and that we are to p...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
John Swindlehurst  |  Erie, Pennsylvania

Welcome to the website of Providence Reformed Baptist Church of Erie, Pennsylvania. Please take a few moments to browse through our site. It is our prayer that you will be blessed by the information contained herein, and as our name indicates, the God who "Provides" wil...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Robert (Bob) Bolles  |  Fishers, Indiana

We believe that the policies, practices, and worship of the church should be ordered by the Word of God. The Word clearly says that the local church is "the house of God, the church of the living God" (1 Tim. 3:15). As such the will of God revealed in the Word of God mu...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Stephen Nutter  |  Minneapolis, Minnesota

The purpose of this church is to glorify the God of the Scriptures by maintaining and promoting His worship both individually and corporately, by evangelizing sinners, and by edifying His saints. Therefore, we are committed to the declaration of God's perfect Law and th...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Timothy Johnson  |  Elbridge, New York

Our purpose is to make known how wonderful God is and what great things He has done for us in Christ. We believe that when people know Christ, they will never be the same. Because God in Christ is taking us from where He found us, to make us over new. We need change,...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Kurt M. Smith  |  Remlap, Alabama
Providence Reformed Church
Jody Lucero  |  Des Moines, Iowa

We are a Christian congregation, firmly committed to the Bible as God's infallible Word, a totally sufficient rule for all that we are to believe unto salvation, and for all that we are to practice unto God's glory. We love the one true God who first loved us and graci...
Providence Reformed Church
Kris Wassam  |  Meridian, Idaho
Providence Reformed Church
Pastor Schlegel  |  Lodi, California

Providence Reformed Church is an organic member of the Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS) whose roots goes back to the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation. We are indebted to such men as Luther, Zwingli, Knox, and Calvin who directed the church back to the...
Providence Reformed Church
Joe Vusich  |  Rock Springs, Wyoming

We affirm the great principles of the Reformation: Scripture alone, Christ alone, Grace alone, Faith alone, Glory to God alone. We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God which reveals to us the way of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ and calls...
Providence Reformed Church (RCUS)
Rev. Harvey Opp  |  Vermillion, South Dakota

PROVIDENCE REFORMED CHURCH is a member congregation of the Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS). Our heritage dates back to the Protestant Reformation in Germany and Switzerland, which was brought to this country about 1710. Our church holds to the Scriptures, ...
Providence Reformed Church-Grand Rapids
Rev. Johan Th. Pronk  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Providence Reformed Church heartily subscribes to the reformed confessions commonly called “The Standards of Unity”. These standards include the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession of Faith, and the Canons of Dordrecht. These forms of unity also include a subscr...
Providence Reformed Community Church
Stephen Dechert  |  Riverton, Wyoming

Providence Reformed Community Church is committed to the historic faith of the 16th and 17th century Reformers. Our faith can be summarized by the five solas of the Reformation: We believe that salvation from sin comes by grace alone (sola gratia) through faith alone (...
Providence Reformed Evangelical Church
Michael Denna  |  Grand Junction, Colorado

As a Church, we gather weekly to receive the promises of God through the preaching of the Word, administration of the sacraments, and the fellowship of the saints. We believe that God has called us to worship regularly so that our sins might be cleansed, our covenant re...
Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church
Steve Bradley  |  Carnegie, Pennsylvania

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America is a branch of the visible Church of Jesus Christ. Our beliefs stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. This means that we believe in the Triune God: Father, So...
Puritan Reformed Church
David Reece  |  Phoenix, Arizona

Puritan Reformed Church (previously Puritan Scripturalist Church) is committed to: 1) sound doctrine from the Word of God alone, 2) purity in the worship of God in a manner that can be proven to be acceptable from Scripture alone, and 3) government of the church in a...
Puritan Reformed Presbyterian Church
Grant Van Leuven  |  San Diego, California

Please support Puritan RPC! To donate to this ministry, visit The Puritan Reformed Presbyterian Church (PRPC) is in Affiliate Relations with the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly (RPCGA): see
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Dr. Adriaan C Neele, President  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is an educational institution whose mission is to prepare students to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry. The seminary aims that such training be God-glorifying and be in accord with t...
Puritan/Reformed Books and Sermons
Duane Linn  |  Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin

This is an audiobook ministry for the refreshment and discipleship of Christians. All narrations and sermons spoken by me, Duane A. Linn, except those preached by the late Dr. Ferrell Griswold....
Quinter Reformed Presbyterian Church
Matthew Sexton  |  Quinter, Kansas

Our desire is to be a church where the Bible is faithfully preached and taught, to the glory of God and to the end that men and women and children might come to know the Savior, Jesus Christ. We want those interested in our church to find that our worship and teachings ...
Randolph Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Richard Smit  |  Randolph, Wisconsin

Making us different from many churches today is our emphasis on exegetical Biblical preaching, Psalm singing in worship, and reverence in worship. Because we emphasize these things, some suppose that we consciously try to cater to "traditional" thinkers and worshipers. ...
Redding Reformed Fellowship
Rev. Gene Crow  |  Redding, California

We exist for one purpose; to exalt and proclaim Jesus Christ through biblical preaching and teaching, God centered worship, and living in recognition that we live every moment of our lives in the presence of God. We hold to the inerrancy and authority of the scripture ...
Redeemer Free Reformed Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Wyoming, Michigan
Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Massey  |  Redlands, California

A confessional Reformed Baptist church in Redlands, CA focused on the Word and worship....
Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church
Nick DeBenedetto  |  Phoenix, Arizona

Welcome to Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church. We are sinners saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. Our desire is to glorify God by proclaiming the good news that His Son Jesus has died for those who repent and believe in Him. We invite you to join us in growing i...
Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Belton, Texas

We are starting a new Reformed Baptist Church in the Temple, Kileen, Ft. Hood metropolitan area. We will be meeting in Belton, Texas. We are very excited about preaching and teaching true religion. True religion comes by the Bible alone, by faith alone, by grace alone, ...
Redeemer Reformed Church
Rev. Jim Sawtelle  |  Twin Cities, Minnesota

Thank you for visiting the web site of Redeemer Reformed Church, a member of the Reformed Church of the United States of America (RCUS). Through Reformed preaching and teaching, God-centered worship, and lively Christian fellowship, we seek to spread the light of the Go...
Redeemer United Reformed Church
Steven Swets  |  Saint John, Indiana

Lively biblical preaching A healthy church will prize the preaching of the Word of God and commit itself to a thorough program of biblical instruction for all ages. Congregational worship and song We are committed to the full use of all our gifts in praise to God. F...
Redeemer United Reformed Church
Rev. Todd De Rooy  |  Orange City, Iowa

Our beliefs are summarized in the Ecumenical Creeds, shared by all churches worthy of the name Christian, and by the Three Forms of Unity, three confessions widely used by Reformed churches with roots in the Netherlands....
Redeeming Grace Church
Kyle Wassell  |  Cody, Wyoming

Redeeming Grace is a Reformed Baptist Church in Cody, planted by Trinity Bible Church in Powell. Our name sums up our mission. We are a redeemed people who delight in the worship and service of our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our heart to passionately proclai...
Redeeming Grace: A Reformed Baptist Church
Ryan Dammarell  |  Kennewick, Washington

We are a Reformed Baptist Church that exists to exalt the Triune God by embracing His gospel and engaging those around us....
Redemption Fellowship
Colorado Springs, Colorado

At Redemption Fellowship, we are committed to holding together two things that are commonly viewed as being separate: a zealous commitment to sound doctrine, and a passionate pursuit of God's presence....
Reformation Presbyterian Church
Joel Ellis  |  Mesa, Arizona

Reformation PC is a Reformed and Orthodox Church meeting in Mesa, AZ. We are a gospel-centered, Bible-believing, and expository preaching congregation affirming the historic doctrines of the Christian faith and of the Protestant Reformation. We are a generationally dive...
Reformation Presbyterian Church
Neil van der Wel  |  Rockhampton, Australia

We are a Protestant and Reformed church which subscribes to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as expressing the teaching of the Word of God. Our congregation is under the oversight of Reformation Presbyterian Church, Australian Presbytery....
Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Jim Savastio  |  Louisville, Kentucky

THE REFORMED BAPTIST CHURCH OF LOUISVILLE Louisville, Kentucky "Contending earnestly for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints" Jude 3 .. Biblical, God-Centered, Historical, Practical...
Reformed Baptist Church
Audey Shepard  |  Coleman, Texas

We are a Christian fellowship in Coleman, Texas, where salvation by grace through faith is faithfully, lovingly and unashamedly preached. If you are looking for a good home church, where the free grace of God in Christ is preached and where Christian love, sympathy and ...
Reformed Baptist Church of Fort Worth
Rev. Hamp Linehan  |  Fort Worth, Texas

We are a Baptist church which has embraced the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Our church polity is Elder Rule and in our worship we seek to conform to the Regulative Principle. The central focus of our ministry is the exposition and application of the W...
Reformed Baptist Church of Franconia PA
Fred G. Zaspel  |  Franconia, Pennsylvania

A warm congregation of believers who love one another, love God's Word, and rejoice in God's sovereign grace. Check us out at
Reformed Baptist Church of Helena
Matt Davis  |  Helena, Montana

Reformed Baptist Church of Helena is a local body of believers dedicated first to the glory and worship of the one true God of the Bible, to the building up of the saints through the teaching and preaching of God's Word, and the evangelism of the lost by the proclamatio...
Reformed Baptist Church of Kansas City
Martin Nish  |  Lenexa, Kansas

We are committed to that biblical, God-centered, historic, and practical message set forth by our Reformation, Puritan, and Baptist forefathers. The love of Christ compels us to worship God in spirit and truth through Christ, to fellowship in love and unity as the body ...
Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette
Patrick Harrison  |  Lafayette, New Jersey

We are both Reformed and Baptistic in our beliefs and practices. Our purpose as individuals and as a church is to glorify God with a whole-hearted, principled obedience to His Holy Word. We believe that our purpose may be summarized in three main areas - Worship, Evan...
Reformed Baptist Church of Lenawee
Calvin Walden  |  Adrian, Michigan

We are a Reformed Baptist church, which simply means that we are Baptists who hold to the major biblical and theological principles of the Protestant Reformation....
Reformed Baptist Church of McKinney
Pastor Stuart Sanders  |  McKinney, Texas

We are a confessional (1689) reformed baptist community that is steered by a handful of key principles. We have a high view of God as sovereign Creator and sustainer of all things. We have a high view of Scripture as inspired, inerrant and the only infallible rule for f...
Reformed Baptist Church of Northern Colo
Douglas Van Dorn  |  Boulder, Colorado

Evangelical churches today are increasingly dominated by the spirit of this age rather than by the Spirit of Christ. As evangelicals, we call ourselves to repent of this sin and to recover the historic Christian faith....
Reformed Baptist Church of Richmond
Michael Brackett  |  Richmond, Virginia

Thank You for your interest in the Reformed Baptist Church of Richmond! We would like to invite you to come and worship with us each Lord's Day at the corner of Winterpock and Beach Road in Chesterfield, Virginia. Who are we? We are committed Christians...
Reformed Baptist Church of Tama
Paul Rendall  |  Tama, Iowa

The Purpose of our church is to glorify the God who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ our Lord. We believe that in giving us the Holy Bible, God gave it that we might know it and live by it so that we would be godly and faithful to Him. We believe that what the Bibl...
Reformed Bible Church of Southern CA
Pastor Alfred J. Chompff  |  Bellflower, California

We are a congregation that believes the Bible alone is able to make one wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Our desire is that every person who has even the slightest interest in the things concerning God and the Bible would not hesitate to open...
Reformed Bible Church, Central Virginia
Pastor Paul Michael Raymond  |  Appomattox, Virginia

The Reformed Bible Church In Central Virginia (RBCCV) bases it's doctrines upon the principles of the European Reformation of the 16th Century. Using the regulative principle of the Reformation worship and life, The RBC subscribes to the foundations of Sola Fide, Sola G...
Reformed Bible Presbyterian Church
Rev. Mark Baldwin  |  Weed, California

A Warm Hearted, Gospel Centered, Reformed Congregation Committed to the Expository Preaching of God’s Holy Word. Reformed Bible Presbyterian Church exists to glorify the One, True, Living, Triune God through the advancement of His kingdom by means of the Gospel of Jesus...
Reformed Church of Palmerston North
Aaron Warner  |  Palmerston North, New Zealand

We are a Christian church for all ages and nationalities and we love to worship and serve the one true God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our God sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world not to condemn it, but to save it (John 3:17). This is why we gather in fel...
Reformed Church of Plymouth
Michael Fintelman  |  Plymouth, Wisconsin
Reformed Church of Silverstream
Paul Archbald  |  Silverstream, Upper Hutt, New Zealand

The Reformed Churches of New Zealand, of which the Reformed Church of Silverstream is a part, are a federation of congregations found in both the North and South Islands....
Reformed Congregations of New Zealand
Rev. Arnoud T. Vergunst  |  Carterton, New Zealand

The Reformed Congregation of Carterton's web-site, welcomes you. It is our pleasure to serve you through this web-site information. As the Lord Jesus spoke, "...but I am among you as he that serveth," (Luke 22:27) so also we desire to serve in His Name to the real needs...
Reformed Faith Presbyterian Church
Jim Thornton  |  Clarksville, Tennessee

5 Solas Glory to God Alone Christ Alone Faith Alone Grace Alone Scripture Alone...
Reformed Pres. Church of Slate Lick
Richard T. Crofutt  |  Slate Lick, Pennsylvania

We are a local congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. To be clear…we are not associated with the mainline PCUSA denomination. We would like to invite you to visit the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Slate Lick to join us in the worship of our great and grac...
Reformed Presbyterian Church
Mark Blalack  |  Beaumont, Texas

Reformed Presbyterian Church of Beaumont (PCA) exists to gather and perfect the saints through the ordinary means of grace: Word, Prayer, and Sacraments, for the Glory of God and the joy of God's people. RPC is committed to the proclamation of God's infallible Word—the...
Reformed Presbyterian Church
Reformed Presby. Ministers  |  worldwide

Our beliefs all stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. This means that we believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We acknowledge our total inability to save ourselves and, in faith, depend on C...
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bowie
Bowie, Maryland

Our Founding Principles Scriptural The Bible, God’s Word, is the foundational authority in the church. We desire to base our worship and our very lives on its teaching. Evangelical We are a Protestant congregation, committed to the doctrine that sinful people can only ...
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Columbus
Joel Hart  |  Columbus, Indiana

help. hope. home. - proclaiming the Word of God - investing in relationships - making disciples of Jesus Christ...
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Oswego
Pastor Gabriel A. Wingfield  |  Oswego, New York

The church was established in October 1980 and is a member of the St. Lawrence Presbytery of the RPCNA. We are located in a small community on the southeastern shore of Lake Ontario and known as the Port City of Central New York. In addition to excellent public and priv...
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Shawnee
Joe Allyn & Derek Moore  |  Shawnee, Kansas

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Shawnee (SRPC) Shawnee, KS is a body of believers dedicated to growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We worship God according to His word with Biblical preaching, prayers, and praise all centered on t...
Reformed Presbyterian Church, Lafayette
Adam Niess  |  Lafayette, Indiana

The Reformed Presbyterian Church is one of the oldest evangelical denominations in the country, founded in 1798. We are committed to the doctrines of the historic reformed faith, which include: Sola Scriptura, the Scriptures alone give us truth: Solas Christus, Christ a...
Reformed Presbyterian Church, Southside
Hanson, David  |  Indianapolis, Indiana

As a church, we live under the Kingship of Christ and hold the Holy Scriptures to be the infallible Word of God. In worship we sing the 150 Psalms in an a Capella style. "Reformed" refers to our adherence to biblical principles set down in the Protestant Reformation of ...
Reformed Presbyterian Theol. Seminary
Faculty, Adjuncts, Guests  |  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) is a special place for many reasons. Among other things, all of our professors have significant pastoral experience. Classes are therefore taught from the prospective of pastors, not mere academicians, and we believe...
Reformed Presbytery in North America
Pastor Greg Price  |  Lewiston, Idaho

The Reformed Presbytery in North America (RPNA) testifies that Christ and our Solemn Covenant with God call us to "one reformed religion" in our lands. The fundamentals of that reformed religion were compiled by the assembly at Westminster in 17th century Britain. No si...
Reformed Protestant Mission
Rev. Shanmugam NV Partheepan  |  Vavuniya, Sri Lanka

Our aim is to worship God according to His Word, to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to witness to those around us....
Reformed Sermons & Podcasts
Paul Flynn  |  Stockton-on-Tees, England

On this Sermon Audio page there are sermons and podcasts uploaded which are there to promote the Reformed faith, as per the Westminster Confession of Faith, simpliciter & in toto. --- Megiddo Radio is a radio and research ministry that is dedicated to serving the Lord J...
Reformed Witness Hour
Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Reformed Witness Hour is committed to the proclamation of God's Truth from the viewpoint of Romans 11:36," For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen." We believe that man was created to serve and glorify the one true Go... MaallikkoSaarnaaja
Johannes Koponen  |  Finland &
Rehoboth United Reformed Church
Jeremy Veldman  |  Ancaster, Ontario

We are a Christ centered, Bible believing church....
Remnant Reformed Church
Standale, Michigan

Remnant Reformed Church was organized on May 22, 2023, when one deacon and several families from First Reformed Protestant Church left that congregation by signing the Act of Separation and Joining. A couple weeks later, the newly formed congregation chose the name Remn...
Ridgefield Park Reformed Presbyterian
Andrew Kerr  |  Ridgefield Park, New Jersey

What God desires most of us is that we worship Him in spirit and in truth through Jesus Christ and His shed blood upon the cross. To that end we want the most important time of our week to be the time when we come before Him in personal devotions, as families in regular...
River City Reformed Church
Bob Carter  |  Wilmington, North Carolina

Our mission is to declare and demonstrate the love of Christ fueled by the Great Commission. This mission is driven by our desire to join God the Father in magnifying the supremacy of His glory through our Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. By grace thro...
River Valley Reformed Church
Monaca, Pennsylvania
Rochester Reformed Presbyterian Church
Ryan Somerville  |  East Rochester, New York

The Reformed Presbyterian Church is one of the oldest evangelical denominations in the country, founded in 1798. We are committed to the doctrines of the historic reformed faith, which include: Sola Scriptura, the Scriptures alone give us truth: Solas Christus, Christ a...
Rock Valley United Reformed Church
Rev. Caleb Castro  |  Rock Valley, Iowa

The congregation of the Rock Valley URC seeks to worship the covenant God, bearing witness in our community to His glory, His truth, and His salvation. Under the authority of the Bible, we seek to be: United - one in Lord, faith, and baptism with the Church that God has...
Rosedale Reformed Bible Church
Rev. Leldon L. Partain  |  Gig Harbor, Washington

Reformed in Doctrine, Worship, and Life Amidst the shifting sands of fads, trends, and uncertainty, it is refreshing to stand upon the unchanging truths of Scripture. As believers anchored in the Lord Christ, we humbly confess in our doctrinal standards: "The chief end...
Russell Reformed Presbyterian Church
Pastor Matt Kingswood  |  Russell, Ontario

The Russell Reformed Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. The Reformed Presbyterian Church is a fellowship of Christians who humbly accept God's gracious gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, His Son....
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church
James Grossmann  |  Manitowoc, Wisconsin

Our Name “Salem Ebenezer” means “peace” and “rock of help.” Our German Reformed ancestors found God’s peace and His constant rock of help as they established this congregation in 1848. “Reformed” identifies us as members of the Reformed Church in the U.S. (RCUS), who...
Salem Reformed Baptist
Gustavo Barros  |  Salem, Oregon

Salem Reformed Baptist adheres to both Reformed & Baptist theology. Honoring the soundness of the 5 Solas and the proclamation of the Doctrines of Grace (also known as the Five Points of Calvinism). SRB also follows several of the Baptist Distinctives and other historic...
Salem United Reformed Church
Bowmanville, Ontario

Salem United Reformed Church is a community of Christians in Bowmanville, centrally located in the municipality of Clarington. The life of our church centres around the worship of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, especially in our Sunday services. We welcome you to jo...
Salt and Light Reformed Presbyterian Church
H. P. McCracken  |  Longmont, Colorado

Our congregation is part of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). We are a church who seeks to spread the gospel to a world in desperate need. Please visit our website to learn more about us....
San Diego Covenant Reformed Church RCUS
Guillermo Baloy  |  Spring Valley, California
San Diego Reformed Presbyterian Church
San Diego, California

San Diego Reformed Presbyterian Church is a classically Reformed and Presbyterian church, holding to the theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. We believe the five "solas" of the Reformation--sola fide (faith alone), sola ...
Santa Clarita United Reformed Church
Dr. Lee Irons  |  Santa Clarita, California

Are you searching for a Reformed church that is Biblically centered and historically and doctrinally grounded? Join us for worship that is simple, reverent, and focused on the Triune God. Experience preaching centered on Christ and the Gospel, filled with hope, and disc...
Sardis Canadian Reformed Church
N/A  |  Chilliwack, British Columbia

We're a federation of sixty-five churches, most of which are in Canada and a few in the United States. Our churches are rooted in the Great Reformation of the sixteenth century. Our aim is to exalt the Triune God by faithfully proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ple...
Seattle Reformed Presbyterian Church
Seattle, Washington

The Seattle Reformed Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) in the Ravenna neighborhood of Seattle. As a church, we live under the Kingship of Christ and hold the Holy Scriptures to be the infallible Word of Go...
Second Reformed Presbyterian Church
Jerry Foltz  |  Indianapolis, Indiana

Second Reformed Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis is a testimony to the kind of building Jesus has been doing throughout all history. When Christ said, "I will build My Church..." He was not talking about a building or corporation. He was talking about people—building...
Second Reformed Protestant Church
Rev. Nathan Langerak  |  Dyer, Indiana
Servants of Grace Ministries
Dave Jenkins  |  Sutherlin, Oregon

Servants of Grace is a multi-media ministry that exists to help people know the God of the Bible and equip God’s people to grow in His grace as they serve in the local church and beyond....
Shaftesbury Square Reformed Presbyterian
Prof. David McKay  |  Belfast, Northern Ireland

A HEART FOR GOD AND A HEART FOR PEOPLE IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. Shaftesbury Square Reformed Presbyterian Church is located right in the heart of the city of Belfast, near the business and university areas, in a community that is very diverse socially and ethnically. I...
Shenandoah Valley Reformed Presbyterian
Rev. Adam Brink  |  Bridgewater, Virginia
Shiloh Free Reformed Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Picture Butte AB, Canada

Welcome to Shiloh Free Reformed Church in Picture Butte, Alberta, Canada. We are a Reformed church which endeavours to preach the whole counsel of God in accordance with the Three Forms of Unity (the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dort)....
Sibley First Reformed Church
Brian Carpenter  |  Sibley, Iowa
Smithville Canadian Reformed Church
Rev. C. Swaving  |  Smithville, Ontario, Canada

The religions of the world are many, each offering their own understanding of the deity or deities (as the case might be). The persons behind this website are unashamedly Christian, and so believe in triune God as revealed in the Bible. This sets us apart from adhere...
Solomon's Porch Smyrna
Jeremy Mack  |  Smyrna, Tennessee

We are a traditional Protestant church (Reformed) founded in Smyrna, TN in November of 2016. We focus on making disciples of Jesus Christ in the pattern established by Christ and His Apostles in the Scriptures....
South Baptist Church
Johnathan Brown  |  Laconia, New Hampshire

South Baptist Church is located in Laconia, New Hampshire, in the heart of the Lakes Region. We joyfully embrace the theology of the Reformed tradition. Through our worship we offer praise to the great triune God, Author and Creator of all, believing that He is pleased ...
Southfield Reformed Presbyterian
Adam Kuehner  |  Southfield, Michigan

Our beliefs all stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. This means that we believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We acknowledge our total inability to save ourselves and, in faith, depend on C...
Southwest Ohio Reformed Presbyterian
The Rev. Dr. R. E. Knodel, Jr.  |  Mason, Ohio

The Southwest Ohio Reformed Presyterian Church (SWORP) is affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), a biblical church tracing its roots to the Scottish Reformation. Go to to access Dr. Knodel's book on Christianit...
Southwest Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. David Noorman  |  Grandville, Michigan

We believe that the Bible is the infallibly and inerrantly inspired word of God and that the message therein is well summarized in the Three Forms of Unity: the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt....
Sovereign Grace Bible Church
Reverend Robert Aiken  |  Sydney, Australia

We are located in the geographic hub of Sydney, drawn from the west, east, north and south. The attraction being a Christ-centred, uncompromising, Bible-based ministry of the Word of Life, together with the warmth of true Christian fellowship. The essence of the Co...
Sovereign Grace Church
Elder Samuel Ashwood  |  Muskogee, Oklahoma

We are a congregation of Reformed believers in Muskogee, Oklahoma. We hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of faith, and proclaim the doctrines of God's sovereign grace as the only hope for men's souls, salvation through Jesus Christ alone, and the necessity of h...
Sovereign Grace Community Church
Craig, Colorado
Sovereign Grace Family Church
Dr. M. Keith Foskey  |  Jacksonville, Florida

SGFC is committed to being a biblically functioning church, and we seek to accomplish this through expositional preaching and teaching from God’s holy Word....
Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Steve Marquedant  |  Ontario, California

We are a Reformed Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Our Church is a charter member of SCARBC (Southern California Association of Reformed Baptist Churches)....
Sovereign Grace Reformed Church
Rev. Martin VanderWal  |  Edmonton, Alberta

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1 Sovereign Grace Reformed Church is an independent Reformed congregation, begun in 1976 and formerly a member of the Protestant R...
Sovereign Grace Reformed Church
Lee Pallister  |  Devon, England

We are a recently planted evangelical reformed Bible-believing baptist church situated in Tiverton, Mid Devon, South West UK. As a Bible-believing fellowship, we stand firmly on the Holy Bible being the Christian’s final authority for both faith and life....
Sovereign Grace Reformed Presbyterian
Jeffrey Carter  |  Hickory, North Carolina

We are a local group of believers who have been knit together with all true believers around the world as one body by the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been “called out” of this dark world, to live as children of the light. “for at one time you were darkness, but now you a...
Sovereign Grace United Reformed Church
Rev. Mitchell C. Dick  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Sovereign Grace United Reformed Church is a congregation of believers and their children located in the north east side of Grand Rapids. We are a member of the United Reformed Churches of North America that holds to the historic Biblical Christian faith as summarized i...
Sparta Reformed Presbyterian Church
Ross Fearing  |  Sparta, Illinois
Springfield Reformed Baptist Church
Jeremy Michael Cochran  |  Springfield, Ohio

We affirm and adhere to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our statement of faith. We are committed to preaching the whole counsel of God for the glory of God, the salvation of sinners, and the edification of the saints. We exist to glorify God and enjoy Hi...
Springford Reformed Church
Pastor W.M. Mulder  |  Springford, Ontario

Springford Reformed Church is part of the Hersteld Hervormde Kerk (HHK) denomination in the Netherlands. The Bible is the Word of God. The denomination is founded upon Gods Word and the Three Forms of Unity. Springford Reformed Church has been in existence for over 25 y...
Springs Reformed Church - RPCNA
Edwin Blackwood  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado

The Springs Reformed Church (RPCNA) is a confessionally Reformed church located in Colorado Springs, CO. We believe that the Westminster Standards (Confession, Larger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism) are the best and most accurate summary of biblical teaching available...
St. John's Reformed Church
Lee Johnson  |  Lincoln, Nebraska

Our History St. John’s Reformed Church is a member congregation of the Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS), whose history in this country goes back to 1710 when German immigrants founded Reformed Churches in colonial Pennsylvania. The Name “Reformed” comes ...
St. Stephen Reformed Church
Dr. Drew DiNardo  |  New Holland, Pennsylvania

Welcome to Saint Stephen Reformed Church "The Beacon on the Hill" Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the sam...
Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church
Bruce Parnell  |  Stillwater, Oklahoma

Welcome to the Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church on Sermonaudio. For over 100,000 minutes of audio, including teaching series on subjects like the sacraments, the Westminster Confession of Faith, Puritan Paperbacks, visit us at
Stornoway Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev Kenneth Stewart  |  Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland

As a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland denomination, we are an evangelical, reformed fellowship in Stornoway. Come and worship with us!...
Sunrise Church
Shawn Magoon  |  McMinnville, Oregon

Service is at 10:00am. We welcome you to join us as we worship the Lord Jesus Christ...
Surrey Reformed Baptist Church
Mike Kirkpatrick  |  Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

We affirm the classical, Christian doctrine of the triune God codified in the early Christian creeds, affirm the five “solas” of the Reformation, and we fully subscribe the 2nd London Confession of Faith of 1677/1689 as our doctrinal standard. We are committed to preac...
Sycamore Reformed Baptist Church
East Moline, Illinois

Sycamore Reformed Baptist Church began in 1975 as a Regular Baptist Church. Between 1980-1987, the church underwent a reformation, coming to the conviction that God saves sinners by grace alone, in Christ alone, through faith alone, to the glory of God alone. In some wa...
Sycamore Reformed Presbyterian Church
Shawn Anderson  |  Kokomo, Indiana

As a congregation we gather together on Sunday, the Christian Sabbath. Throughout Biblical history the Sabbath day was seen as a rest from our daily work in order that we might worship and enjoy our Creator. Through the resurrection of Christ on the first day of the wee...
Temple Reformed Baptist Church
Haw River, North Carolina

We are a Reformed Baptist Congregation proclaiming the Doctrines of Grace in the tradition of historic Christianity. We believe that the ultimate authority in every area of life is the Word of God alone, under which we will in all circumstances strive to live to the gl...
Templepatrick Reformed Church
Colin Meikle  |  County Antrim, Northern Ireland

On Tuesday 30th July 2020, Templepatrick Reformed Church reopened its public services with a Prayer Meeting to give thanks to God. Services had been discontinued since the UK government enforced lockdown at the end of March. Services are being held with social distanci...
Terre Haute Reformed Presbyterian Church
Stephen Rhoda  |  Terre Haute, Indiana

We are a congregation committed to the Holy Bible as God's inspired and inerrant Word. As the Bible teaches, we believe in one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We confess and teach that we and all mankind are lost and dead in sin, unable to save our...
Texarkana Reformed Baptist Church
Matt Smart  |  Texarkana, Arkansas

Texarkana Reformed Baptist Church (TRBC) was organized in April, 1978. We believe in the historical doctrines and practices of Christianity....
The Body of Christ Serving South Jersey
Anthony Zurlo  |  Mantua, New Jersey

To give no place to anything that fights to steal the spotlight from Christ. To stir one another to burn with jealousy over Him. To build all upon this- Christ is everything. His Word is sufficient. His means laid out in His Word are sufficient. More here: http://www....
The Chapel at Sherwood Shores
Bobby Baker  |  Gordonville, Texas

The Chapel is a Reformed body of believers located in Gordonville, Texas....
The Inspiring Word at Blue Ridge Church
Dr. Terry Cheek  |  Marion, North Carolina

Welcome to "The Inspiring Word," a Bible broadcast of retired pastor Dr. Terry Cheek with his wife, Lori Cheek, producing, we provide expository preaching and teaching of the word of God, our Bible. Visitors can access hundreds of recorded audio and video teaching and a...
The King's Reformed Presbyterian Church
Pastor Rudy Poettcker  |  Melbourne, Florida

We are a Bible-believing, confessional reformed Presbyterian Church. Our congregation is a member of the Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church (CRPC). We are family-friendly and welcome all ages to worship. The Bible is God’s word to mankind. He is the author of the B...
The Ridge Christian Fellowship
Jeremiah York  |  Tucson, Arizona

Our mission is to make disciples by teaching how to love God and love people....
The Woodlands Reformed Church
Multiple Speakers  |  The Woodlands, Texas

The Woodlands Reformed Church exists to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit....
Third Reformed Presbyterian Church
Casey Huckel  |  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Third Reformed Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Prebyterian Church in America. We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Far Northeast Philadelphia and Lower Bucks County PA. In addition to our Sunday services, we minister to the neighborhood youth at...
Topeka Reformed Presbyterian Church
Brad Johnston  |  Topeka, Kansas

We are committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our members are in various stages of our walk with Him . . . from the very young in Christ to those who have known Him for years. We serve our Savior, Jesus, by using our diverse gifts and talents to build up of His Bod...
Treasure Valley Reformed Presbyterian Church
Ryan Hemphill  |  Boise, Idaho

We are a mission work of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). The main thing that makes us unique from other Reformed Churches is we sing only the Psalms without musical accompaniment. We look forward to having you join us! Please contact us for sp...
Trinity Bible Church
Brian Onstead  |  Powell, Wyoming

Trinity Bible Church is a congregation of believers first organized in April 1995. We embrace the great biblical doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, sometimes referred to as the "doctrines of grace" and most fully expressed in the London Confession of Faith of 1689...
Trinity Covenant Reformed Church
Rev. Chris Moulton  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado

We are a member of the Reformed Church in the United States, a small conservative denomination which confesses the faith by means of the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and the Heidelberg Catechism. We are traditional in worship and music and consider the focus ...
Trinity Presbyterian Reformed Church
Michael Ericson  |  Des Moines, Iowa

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Reformed Church.
Trinity Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. William Langerak  |  Hudsonville, Michigan

We belong to the Federation of Protestant Reformed Churches in America which is a denomination of 27 churches and almost 6,000 members. We were founded as a separate denomination of Reformed churches in 1924 and trace our roots to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th ...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Choctaw
Preston Kelso  |  Choctaw, Arkansas

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church was planted in 2023 as an outreach effort of Grace Bible Church of Conway. We exist to glorify God by proclaiming and living out biblical truth. Our distinctives reflect our Word-centered approach to exalting God, edifying the saints, an...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Simon O'Mahony  |  Carlisle, Pennsylvania

We are a confessional and congregational church, committed to the Lord and to one another. We believe the Holy Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. With the Church throughout the ages, we recognize the necessity of confessing what we belie...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Brandon F. Smith  |  Jackson, Georgia

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church Jackson Georgia seeks to be defined by the Bible alone. We desire to exalt God alone in worship, to equip the church with substantive biblical preaching and teaching, and to evangelize the world through the faithful proclamation of the go...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Don Lindblad, Stefan Lindblad  |  Kirkland, Washington

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church holds to the absolute authority of Scripture, the centrality of God, the primacy of preaching, the sovereignty of grace, the regulative principle of worship, and the spirituality of the church. The purpose of Trinity Reformed Baptist Chu...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Samuel Renihan  |  La Mirada, California

We are a confessional church (1689 London Baptist Confession), holding to the absolute authority of Scripture, the centrality of God, the sovereignty of grace, the primacy of preaching (expository), and the regulative principle of worship....
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Alpheus Atkins, Timothy Decker  |  Roanoke, Virginia

Trinity Church is located at 7965 Dunahoo Drive in beautiful Boone’s Mill, Virginia. We are a Reformed Baptist Congregation which proclaims the Doctrines of Grace in the tradition of historic Christianity. We believe that the ultimate authority in every area of life i...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Ryan Maljaars  |  Armstrong, British Columbia

We are a Reformed Baptist church in the North Okanagan valley of British Columbia. Our aim is to advance the kingdom of Christ through the proclamation of the gospel and the strengthening of the faith of His people....
Trinity Reformed Church
Pastor Mike McGee  |  Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Our name can tell you something about us... Trinity We believe the Bible reveals God as three persons in one divine being -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three persons exist eternally as one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. •God the Father -...
Trinity Reformed Church
John van Eyk  |  Lethbridge, Alberta

Our roots go back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, more particularly to the Calvinistic branch of the Reformation. We confess all the great doctrines of the Reformation, emphasizing particularly that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in C...
Trinity Reformed Church
Stephen Wetmore  |  Cape Coral, Florida

We at Trinity Reformed Church are so exited to be part of this online community of so many devoted to the Word of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Believing as we do that it is the living Word of God, relevant, authoritative, and life changing, as it leads u...
Trinity Reformed Church
Devin Smith  |  Beaverton, Oregon

Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC mission church serving the Beaverton/Hillsboro area. All of Christ, for all of life, for all of Washington County....
Trinity Reformed Church
Toby DuBose  |  Landstuhl, Germany

Trinity Reformed Church is an English-speaking, Reformed, Protestant congregation located in Landstuhl, Germany and serving the greater Kaiserslautern area since 1993. It is a distinctively Bible-oriented church composed of families of all ages. Biblical truths are pres...
Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church
Kevin Dennis  |  Burtonsville, Maryland

Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church is a congregation affiliated with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. We are a fellowship of individuals and families in the Washington, DC area committed to honoring our Lord Jesus Christ and applying God’s Word in ev...
Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church
Chris Cashen  |  Lanham, Maryland

We are located in the suburbs of Washington, DC. When you worship with us you will notice that the Bible is central to all our activities. That is not an accident, for we believe that God's word is inspired and is of great profit to our progress in holiness as those ...
Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church(NI)
Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland

Here you will find sermons preached on at Lord's Day worship services by both our former pastor, visiting preachers and conference speakers....
Trinity United Reformed Church
Jacob London  |  Caledonia, Michigan

Trinity United Reformed Church of Caledonia, MI proclaims the eternal truths of the Word of God, the Bible. We are a confessionally Reformed church, believing that the teachings of the Bible are faithfully summarized in the historic creeds and confessions of the Reforme...
Trinity United Reformed Church
Rev. Daniel Hamstra  |  St. Catharines, Ontario

We desire to be faithful to the teachings of Scripture; to live out those teachings in our lives; to defend, preserve, practice and propagate those teachings so that God may be glorified, and His Name praised....
United Reformed Church of Burlington
James Ogle  |  Burlington, Washington

Calling sinners from guilt before a Holy God, into our only comfort, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and equipping them for a life of gratitude in the Holy Spirit....
United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay
John Ysinga  |  Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

You are welcome to join us for worship at 10:00 am & 2:30 pm every Sunday. Our church building is located along Hwy. 130, just south of Hwy. 11/17,(Fire #23 Hwy 130) west of Thunder Bay, ON Canada....
Unity Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. Eriks  |  Byron Center, Michigan

Unity Protestant Reformed Church was organized in October 2019 as a daughter congregation of Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church. The formation of a daughter church had been discussed at Byron Center PRC for some time, but the process began in earnest on February 2...
Valley Reformed Fellowship
Tait Zimmerman  |  Wasilla, Alaska

We believe the Bible to be the only inerrant Word of God. It is our only ultimate and infallible authority for faith and practice. We have adopted the Westminster Confession of Faith (with minor, ordinary exceptions). We are in agreement with the Apostle’s, Nicene, & Ch...
Vineland Free Reformed Church
Pastor Joel Overduin  |  Vineland, Ontario, Canada

Basing our DOCTRINE, PREACHING and WORSHIP on the BIBLE, the Vineland Free Reformed Church will compare (in the spectrum of churches)as ORTHODOX in teaching, APPLICATORY in its preaching, and TRADITIONAL in its worship style. We believe that the Bible is rightly called,...
Walker United Reformed
Grand Rapids, Michigan

We are a congregation of Christians committed to the faithful preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God for all who believe. We strive to maintain biblical worship, our confessional identity, true Christian fellowship, and the equipping of God's...
Washington Reformed Presbyterian Church
Keith Dewell  |  Washington, Iowa

The Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA) is founded upon the conviction that the Bible is the Word of God. *We believe that the Bible is inspired and therefore without error. It is the only rule of our faith and lives. *We believe that there is one God in three persons...
Wellandport United Reformed Church
Joel Dykstra  |  Wellandport, Ontario, Canada

Wellandport URC is affiliated with the United Reformed Churches in North America. We are a confessional and reformed church that strives to remain faithful to the Word of God in all we do....
West River Road Reformed Church
Rev. Curt Van Dyken  |  Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

We're located at the south end of Cambridge, Ontario in the scenic valley of the Grand River. In this community we, a small congregation, celebrate God the Father, His son, Jesus Christ our Saviour, and the Holy Spirit through worship, weekday studies and outreach in ou...
West Sayville Reformed Bible Church
Rev. Andrew Eenigenburg  |  West Sayville, New York

West Sayville Reformed Bible Church exists to glorify the Lord, Jesus Christ, and to proclaim the gospel of His salvation. Our mission begins here with the people of Long Island. Without distractions or gimmicks we preach Jesus Christ to honor our Triune God in worship...
Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church
Joe Smith RPCNA  |  Westminster, Colorado

The Purpose of WRPC is to reach the lost, disciple the saved and establish itself and daughter churches as living bodies of Christ which honor God in their worship, teaching, fellowship and service....
Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church
Joshua M. Smith  |  Prairie View, IL (N Suburbs of Chicago)

Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church exists to proclaim the ever-relevant Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, along with whole counsel of God as found in the Bible, to the people of the greater Chicagoland area. We seek to help them come to a saving knowledge of Christ...
What Christians Should Know
Rev. Dr. C. H. Elijah Sadaphal  |  Fresh Meadows (Queens), New York

What Christians Should Know is intelligent faith that provides clarity and meaningful answers about God, the Bible and your Christian life. WCSK equips believers to feel confident about they believe and why they believe it....
White Oak Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Senoia, Georgia

ABOUT WHITE OAK ARP: White Oak Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church has been worshipping since 1836 and was organized as a congregation in 1848 in Coweta County. Our congregation is part of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) denomination ( We...
Winchester Reformed Presbyterian Church
Kyle Borg  |  Winchester, Kansas

Winchester RPCNA is a rural church that exists to proclaim and contend for the truth of Jesus Christ that sinners might be brought into the joyful fellowship of the body and grow to the fulness of maturity because the Lamb is worthy to receive the reward of his sufferin...
Wingham Protestant Reformed Church
Rev. D. Holstege  |  Wingham, Ontario

Wingham Protestant Reformed Church began in 1979 as the Listowel Orthodox Christian Reformed Church. Its first pastor was Reverend Harry Vandyken. The church was organized by families who left the Christian Reformed Church for doctrinal reasons. It was the first church ...
Yarrow Canadian Reformed Church
Jeremy Segstro  |  Yarrow, British Columbia

As the Canadian Reformed Churches move into the 21th century, they are continuing to experience further growth and development. The number of local churches now numbers just over 50, with an additional 2 house congregations. They are to be found in the provinces of Brit...
Zion Free Reformed Church
Mark Wagenaar  |  Fenwick, Ontario

Welcome to the website of the Free Reformed Church of Fenwick, Ontario. To find out more about who we are and what we believe, visit our church website or our denomination website. We invite you to attend our worship services each Sunday at 9:45am and 3:00pm....
Zion Reformed Church
Bruce Persenaire  |  Ripon, California

Announcing freedom from guilt, the comfort of grace, and the joy of gratitude in the person and work of Jesus Christ...
Zion Reformed Church (RCUS)
Rev. Travis Grassmid  |  Menno, South Dakota

The Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS) is a communion of Christian churches in the Reformed tradition. We stand on the great Reformation principles of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to the Scriptures alone, to the glor...
Zion United Reformed Church
Rev Al Bezuyen  |  Sheffield, Ontario

Every Sunday we gather as a congregation to worship the Lord our God. We hear from the Word of God and we respond to His Word together in songs, prayers, and confession. Our public worship services are open to all and we invite you to join us....

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