Joseph McCulleyJoseph McCulley | Oklahoma City, Oklahomawww.sermonaudio.com/josephmcculley |
Joseph McCulley has served as a pastor and a church planter.... |
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We are called Reformed because we profess that system of Christian truth which recognizes God’s sovereignty over all things and man’s absolute dependence on Him for every aspect of life and salvation. We are called Presbyterian because we adhere to the form of biblical... |
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A Christ centered, Bible preaching, Gospel sharing, Sovereign Grace celebrating, family oriented, loving, praying, imperfect expression of genuine New Testament Christianity, in the Oklahoma City Metro Area.... |
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We believe the following: 1. That the scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament are the inspired, infallible words of God and the rule of faith and practice. That the Authorized King James Bible is the right version for the English-speaking peoples of the w... |