We are an independent fundamental KJV Bible preaching church geared toward seeing people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are focused on creating and helping families develop into Godly Christian people dedicated to serving the Lord in order to reach out...
At Bayshore Baptist Church, we stand upon the unshakable Word of God. thousands of men and women have attempted to destroy the Bible in part or in full, yet it remains steadfast. Those who come to it in humility, find the only ultimately fulfilling purpose of life: know...
The founders’ purpose was to hold tight to the precious truths of the Word of God which had been recaptured by our Protestant forefathers. This heritage of Evangelical, Reformed, and Baptist theology forms the basis for who we are as a church family....
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a denomination founded in 1936 by missions-minded Presbyterians committed to the inspiration and authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God in all things, and the mandate to go into all the world with the gospel....
The most important thing about Pilgrim OPC is our commitment to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and life for Christians and the Christian Church....