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![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/burgeterrace.1648479421.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) We believe that the most important and foundational relationship a person can have is with Jesus Christ. Once a person becomes a Christian, he has the responsibility to mature in his relationship with God. It is our desire to see every believer who attends our church un... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/colonialindy-01.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) Colonial Hills Baptist Church is a church where the divinely inspired, infallible, inerrant Bible is preached as the absolute authority for all the world. We realize that Christians need instruction from the Word, presented in an expositional, inspirational, and practic... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/covenantmbc.1654557679.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) Covenant Missionary Baptist church is an independent Baptist church located near Indianapolis Indiana. Our prayer is that God will be honored in our church, our homes, and our hearts.... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/indy-01.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) We are a congregation from various backgrounds and age groups. The one thing that strongly binds us together is the preaching of Christ. We are Reformed in doctrine, evangelistic in practice and strive to be Christ-focused in all our ministries. In corporate worship, ou... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/broabc.1663880182.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) Glory Baptist Church is a historic baptist church, we preach and teach directly from the King James Bible “line upon line, precept upon precept”!... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/gracepcaindy.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) We are eager to share the Good News of the Gospel with all to the glory of God, according to the teaching in the Great Commission: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching the... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/heatherhills.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) Heather Hills is a church where you will find open doors, open hearts, and an open determination to building up the Body of Christ. We welcome you to visit our services and programs. We encourage you to examine our ministries and outreaches.... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/newlifeindy.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) New Life Community Church is a Reformed Christian church on Indianapolis’ northwest side and we are members of the Southern Baptist Convention. Those who worship at New Life are focused on studying Scripture and understanding how its truth affects us in our everyday l... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/ssrpc.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) As a church, we live under the Kingship of Christ and hold the Holy Scriptures to be the infallible Word of God. In worship we sing the 150 Psalms in an a Capella style. "Reformed" refers to our adherence to biblical principles set down in the Protestant Reformation of ... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) Second Reformed Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis is a testimony to the kind of building Jesus has been doing throughout all history. When Christ said, "I will build My Church..." He was not talking about a building or corporation. He was talking about people—building... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/thompsonroad.1649178490.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) THOMPSON ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH ​is a people-oriented, Christ-centered church who believes God's inspired Word has the answers to life's questions, the guidance to bring us to God, and the instruction to teach believers to follow Him. ​We believe humankind is corrupted by... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/whitcomb.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) Our radio ministry: Welcome to Whitcomb Ministries, the home of the "Encounter God’s Truth" radio broadcast. This is an innovative weekly half-hour radio teaching program featuring the classical Bible teaching of author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb. You can listen ... |
| ![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/tx.gif) | ![](//media.sermonaudio.com/images/broadcasters/thumbnail/whosoeverwillcf.1738469751.PNG) |
![](https://media.sermonaudio.com/images/web/images/gray3.gif) Whosoever Will Christian Fellowship exists to help people carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ via the Holy Spirit, according to the Holy and inerrant Word of God.... |