It is the chief end of this church to attribute to God the highest glory and praise through our worship as living sacrifices. We believe God has created us for His glory and, therefore, given us a pattern to that end (Is. 43:7, Eph. 1:5, 6; 3:21, Rev. 4:11). This biblic...
Capitol Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church located in Delaware's capital city. For decades, our church has strived to maintain an emphasis on preaching, evangelism, discipleship, missions, conservative music, and strong families. Though we have one message ...
Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church has been working to advance the Kingdom of God in northern Delaware for over 100 years. Thank you for visiting us online. We invite you to join us on a Sunday morning or evening in the highest of all human activities: the worship...
Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith, to propagate the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into our local community, and the uttermost parts of the world, First State Baptist Church of Wilmington DE was formed in the ...
What to Expect at Grace and Truth Community Church
1.Expositional Preaching: We believe that the regular diet of preaching should be verse by verse exposition of books of the Bible. This will be the norm.
2.Balanced Worship: We value Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs....
Doesn’t Seaford have enough churches? What could one more church possibly do for Seaford? Well, that answer is simple—be a gospel witness for the Lord, bring hope and discipleship from the gospel to the lost, and bring encouragement to the Lord’s sheep. ​The Lord Jesus...