Brainerd Hills Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of Westminster Presbytery, Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly.
The RPCGA is a continuing historic confessing church that has officially adopted the Westminster Confession of Faith of 1647 together w...
Planted in 2016, and constituted in 2019, Christ Reformed Baptist Church exists for the glory of God and the promulgation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard....
We are a doctrinally conservative congregation that holds to a reformed understanding of the Scripture in a Baptistic tradition. The term "reformed" comes from the period of church history called "The Reformation", when important Biblical truths were recovered and reemp...
Your visit to the Stanley Heights SermonAudio home page is not an accident but God's appointment for you. SHBC is a haven for people of all backgrounds in the Chattanooga area seeking biblically balanced ministry extending locally, regionally, globally and generationa...
Tiftonia Baptist ChurchPastor Mark Brandon | Chattanooga,
Welcome from the pastor... I am delighted to have you visit our Sermon Audio page. It is a great honor and privilege to serve as pastor of Tiftonia Baptist Church. We have a consuming passion to see people come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior a...