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  [58 FOUND]  LOCAL | NAME   

Adoration United Reformed Church
Lincoln, Ontario

Adoration URC is a Reformed (Christian) church in St. Ann's, ON. We are members of the federation of the United Reformed Churches of North America and hold as true the the doctrines set forth in the Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles, Nicene, & Athanasian) and the Reformed Con...
All American Revival
Rev. G. I. Williamson  |  Pella, Iowa

The reason for and The Lord's Day - Facebook Page. - is because THE UNITED STATES NEEDS A REVIVAL, IF IT IS TO SURVIVE AS A FREE COUNTRY America was great be...
Calvary United Reformed Church
Rev. Brian Vos  |  Loveland, Colorado

Calvary URC is a Christian Church in Loveland, Colorado, belonging to a fellowship of congregations known as the United Reformed Churches in North America. We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our only savior from sin. We accept the Bible as the inspired, i...
Christ Reformed Church
Kirk Gibbons  |  Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Christ Reformed Church is a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America...
Christ Reformed Church
Nick Smith  |  Nampa, Idaho

Christ Reformed Church is in the growing community of Nampa, Idaho, just outside Boise in southern Idaho's Treasure Valley. We are a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America....
Cloverdale United Reformed Church
Russell Herman  |  Boise, Idaho

Cloverdale URC seeks to bring glory to God by being a dynamic and caring Christian community centered on the worship of God, faithful in bearing witness to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit for life and ministry, as gover...
Community United Reformed Church
Schererville, Indiana

We warmly welcome you to the family of faith here at Community United Reformed Church. Although we come from different walks of life, we are a fellowship of people who share a common bond of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In this community, Jesus Christ lovingly tran...
Cornerstone United Reformed Church
Dan Donovan  |  Sanborn, Iowa

THE UNITED REFORMED CHURCHES IN NORTH AMERICA (URCNA) is a young federation of churches formed on October 1, 1996, at a synod meeting held in Lynwood, Illinois. The basis of these churches is God’s Holy Word as confessed in the Three Forms of Unity (Heidelberg Catechism...
Cornerstone United Reformed Church - YEG
Rev. William Pols  |  Edmonton, Alberta

Cornerstone United Reformed Church of Edmonton (name changed from Orthodox Reformed Church of Edmonton) is a protestant church rooted in the Biblical teachings recovered during the Protestant Reformation. We are a member of the United Reformed Churches in North America ...
Covenant Christian Church, URCNA
Tsjibbe deJong  |  Wyoming, Ontario

At Covenant Christian Church in Wyoming, Ontario, we believe that the Bible, comprising the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is God's inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word. It is the final authority on matters of doctrine and life. It is the Holy Spirit ...
Covenant Reformed Church
Steve Arrick  |  Carbondale, Pennsylvania

Covenant Reformed Church of Carbondale is a member of the United Reformed Churches in North America....
Covenant Reformed Church
Stephen Lauer  |  Kansas City, Missouri

Our congregation is committed to: Liturgical worship. Liturgical worship denotes corporate worship characterized by solemnity, familiarity, regularity and meaning. The order of worship, in which each element has great significance, is deliberately predictable. Pattern...
Covenant United Reformed Church
Chris Engelsma  |  Kalamazoo, Michigan

We are a member church of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA), a federation of 120+ churches throughout North America. We hold ourselves accountable to these churches through our confessions and common church order. We encourage you to visit our federa...
Covenant United Reformed Church
Scottie Wright  |  Pantego, North Carolina

Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it'' (Matthew 16:18). This means that wherever the true church of Jesus Christ is found, there is no mere human organization, but the supernatural work of the Son of God. With gratitude ...
Doon United Reformed Church
Rev. John Vermeer  |  Doon, Iowa

We are a congregation of people, called together by God. We stand on the inerrant Word of God as our foundation and authority. We are united by a common faith in Jesus Christ –our Lord and Savior. God has called us to praise Him in all His holiness, majesty and mercy, a...
Dutton United Reformed Church
Talman Wagenmaker  |  Caledonia, Michigan

We are a congregation convinced of the absolute authority of God's Word. We seek to know His Word for in it is the message about Him who gives eternal life. God is knowable. He has revealed Himself in His Word which points to His Son, Jesus Christ. To know Christ is to ...
Eastmanville United Reformed Church
Jeph Nobel  |  Coopersville, Michigan

Eastmanville United Reformed Church is a member of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA), a federation of churches united in faith and confession, exercising the ministry of reconciliation by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the eart...
Escondido United Reformed Church
Rev. Christopher J. Gordon  |  Escondido, California

We are Reformed in our faith and practice according to the Scriptures as summarized during the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation in the Three Forms of Unity: Belgic Confession (1561), Heidelberg Catechism (1563) and Canons of Dort (1619)....
Faith United Reformed Church
Rev. Nathan Voss  |  Beecher, Illinois

Faith United Reformed Church, is a young, growing church made up of men and women and children of all ages. We come from a variety of backgrounds, but what we have in common is that we trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. We rejoice that we are not our own, but...
Faith United Reformed Church
Rev. Matthew Nuiver  |  West Olive, Michigan

Faith United Reformed Church held it's first worship service in May 1994. It was formed out of concern that the "faith of our fathers" was slowly being lost. In 1997 the congregation voted to join the United Reformed federation....
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn
Rev. Harold Miller  |  Oak Lawn, Illinois

We are a body of believers in Jesus Christ – washed by his blood and eager for the Spirit to work through us as we serve him in all of life. Our worship seeks to focus on God, knowing that from this we too will be blessed. You will find authentic fellowship and friendly...
Grace Reformed Church
Rev. Sam Perez  |  Jersey City, New Jersey

We are a Reformed church in Jersey City, and a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America. Join us every Sunday at 10 am and 11 am to worship God at 240 Fairmount Ave (at the corner of Monticello) in the New City Kids facility....
Grace Reformed Church
Dunnville, Ontario

The United Reformed Churches have extremely deep roots which reach down through the ages. They begin in the promise of God that He would always maintain and preserve a Church on this earth that would serve Him. They can be further seen in the three creeds which it profe...
Grace United Reformed Church
Rev. Doug Barnes  |  Alto, Michigan

We are a congregation belonging to the United Reformed Churches in North America. Our fellowship is knit together by the common thread of faith in Jesus Christ. Standing on God’s unshakable Word, we joyfully confess the historic Three Forms of Unity and remain committed...
Grace United Reformed Church
Rev. Paul Freswick  |  Waupun, Wisconsin

We are a church whose goal it is to proclaim the Good News that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. We accept the Bible as God's inspired and inerrant Word and as His will for our lives. We are affiliated with a federation called the United Reformed Churches in North Ame...
Hope Congregation
Tony Zekveld  |  Toronto, Ontario

Hope Centre is a safe and caring environment for all. You may be an inquirer. You may want to know and grow in Jesus Christ. Our aim is to know, love and worship God and to receive answers to the difficulties in life....
Hope Reformed Church of Brampton
John Bouwers  |  Brampton, Ontario

We are a family of people who desire to trust in and serve our Creator God. He had called us out of the spiritual deadness of our sin and unbelief and has brought us into the wonderful life of forgiveness and joy with Him, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Chr...
Hudson Valley United Reformed Church
Kevin Hossink  |  New Hampton, New York

To all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; to all who wi...
Immanuel Covenant United Reformed Church
Aaron van der Heiden  |  Abbotsford, British Columbia

Historical We are a congregation that has her roots in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century. We believe and live according to the five solas of the Reformation; namely that scripture alone is our rule for faith and life, and that we are saved by grace alone,...
Immanuel Fellowship Church
William Boekestein  |  Kalamazoo, Michigan

Immanuel Fellowship Church is a reformed congregation which submits to the Bible as the infallible and authoritative Word of God, and confesses the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort as a faithful summary of Scripture....
Immanuel United Reformed Church
Rev. Ryan Swale  |  Jordan, Ontario

We are United with all true Christian believers in the one and only apostolic faith in God alone. We are Reformed, a term rooting back to the Reformation, signifying a constant reforming of our lives to the Word of God as the rule for all of life. We are member's of Chr...
Immanuel United Reformed Church of Listowel ON
Various Speakers  |  Listowel ON Canada

The United Reformed Churches in North America confess Jesus Christ as the only Savior and the Sovereign Lord over all of life, and are fully committed to the Bible in its entirety as the Word of God written, without error in all its parts, and to its teaching as set for...
Immanuel's Reformed Church
Pastor: Rev. Todd Joling  |  Salem, Oregon

Immanuel's Reformed Church (IRC) is a member congregation of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA). We are located in Salem, Oregon. IRC's first service was held on December 22, 1991. Seventy-five people attended this initial worship service with much p...
Indy Reformed Church
Rev. Austin Reifel  |  Westfield, Indiana

Indy Reformed is a church plant of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA). A mission work of Zeltenreich Reformed Church...
Living Water Reformed Church
Greg Bylsma  |  Brantford, Ontario

Living Water Reformed Church welcomes all who want to learn more about Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in a Biblical based setting. We worship twice a Sunday and hear two in-depth Bible-based sermons to get to know our God more fully. We believe in the inerrancy ...
Lynden United Reformed Church
Rev. Mark Stromberg  |  Lynden, Washington

Welcome to the website of the Lynden United Reformed Church. We greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a Christian church committed to historic Protestant Reformation theology. We preach Christ from all of Scripture with the goal of strengthening the bod...
New Horizon United Reformed Church
Mitchell Persaud  |  Scarborough, Ontario

New Horizon Church in Toronto is a community of mixed ethnic and Canadian Christians adhering to the historic Reformed Protestant faith, sometimes referred to as Calvinist or as Calvinism. We hold rigidly to the doctrine of grace, sometimes called the 5 Points of Calvin...
Oak Glen United Reformed Church
Rev. Ed Marcusse  |  Lansing, Illinois

Our faith is centered upon Jesus Christ who is the only and entire way to God our Father. Our faith is planted by the Holy Spirit into hearts that are spiritually dead because of sin. Our faith is built upon the Bible which does not make mistakes and which has final say...
Oceanside United Reformed Church
Daniel Hyde  |  Oceanside, California

The Oceanside United Reformed Church began in February 2000 as a church plant of the Escondido United Reformed Church to be the only confessionally Reformed congregation in coastal North County of San Diego. We are members of the United Reformed Churches in North Americ...
Phoenix United Reformed Church
Rev. Michael Spotts  |  Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix United Reformed Church promotes the good news of Jesus Christ in all of life. Located centrally in the Biltmore area, our aim is to equip and engage believers for the disciple-making mission....
Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church
Rev. Justin Nobel  |  Pompton Plains, New Jersey

Greetings in the Name of the Lord and welcome to PPRBC Sermon Audio! The Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church has established Sermon Audio portal as an extension of our church ministries which we seek, by the grace and mercy of God, to establish firmly on His Holy Spiri...
Providence Reformed Church
Jody Lucero  |  Des Moines, Iowa

We are a Christian congregation, firmly committed to the Bible as God's infallible Word, a totally sufficient rule for all that we are to believe unto salvation, and for all that we are to practice unto God's glory. We love the one true God who first loved us and graci...
Redeemer Reformation Church
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

We are a growing and enthusiastic group of Reformed Christians in Regina. We hold to the truth of the Gospel as proclaimed by the Apostles and recovered in the Protestant Reformation. And together, we glorify and enjoy God, by his grace....
Redeemer United Reformed Church
Steven Swets  |  Saint John, Indiana

Lively biblical preaching A healthy church will prize the preaching of the Word of God and commit itself to a thorough program of biblical instruction for all ages. Congregational worship and song We are committed to the full use of all our gifts in praise to God. F...
Redeemer United Reformed Church
Rev. Todd De Rooy  |  Orange City, Iowa

Our beliefs are summarized in the Ecumenical Creeds, shared by all churches worthy of the name Christian, and by the Three Forms of Unity, three confessions widely used by Reformed churches with roots in the Netherlands....
Rock Valley United Reformed Church
Rev. Caleb Castro  |  Rock Valley, Iowa

The congregation of the Rock Valley URC seeks to worship the covenant God, bearing witness in our community to His glory, His truth, and His salvation. Under the authority of the Bible, we seek to be: United - one in Lord, faith, and baptism with the Church that God has...
Salem United Reformed Church
Bowmanville, Ontario

Salem United Reformed Church is a community of Christians in Bowmanville, centrally located in the municipality of Clarington. The life of our church centres around the worship of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, especially in our Sunday services. We welcome you to jo...
Santa Clarita United Reformed Church
Dr. Lee Irons  |  Santa Clarita, California

Are you searching for a Reformed church that is Biblically centered and historically and doctrinally grounded? Join us for worship that is simple, reverent, and focused on the Triune God. Experience preaching centered on Christ and the Gospel, filled with hope, and disc...
Sovereign Grace United Reformed Church
Rev. Mitchell C. Dick  |  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Sovereign Grace United Reformed Church is a congregation of believers and their children located in the north east side of Grand Rapids. We are a member of the United Reformed Churches of North America that holds to the historic Biblical Christian faith as summarized i...
Trinity Reformed Church
John van Eyk  |  Lethbridge, Alberta

Our roots go back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, more particularly to the Calvinistic branch of the Reformation. We confess all the great doctrines of the Reformation, emphasizing particularly that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in C...
Trinity Reformed Church
Stephen Wetmore  |  Cape Coral, Florida

We at Trinity Reformed Church are so exited to be part of this online community of so many devoted to the Word of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Believing as we do that it is the living Word of God, relevant, authoritative, and life changing, as it leads u...
Trinity United Reformed Church
Jacob London  |  Caledonia, Michigan

Trinity United Reformed Church of Caledonia, MI proclaims the eternal truths of the Word of God, the Bible. We are a confessionally Reformed church, believing that the teachings of the Bible are faithfully summarized in the historic creeds and confessions of the Reforme...
United Reformed Church of Burlington
James Ogle  |  Burlington, Washington

Calling sinners from guilt before a Holy God, into our only comfort, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and equipping them for a life of gratitude in the Holy Spirit....
United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay
John Ysinga  |  Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

You are welcome to join us for worship at 10:00 am & 2:30 pm every Sunday. Our church building is located along Hwy. 130, just south of Hwy. 11/17,(Fire #23 Hwy 130) west of Thunder Bay, ON Canada....
Walker United Reformed
Grand Rapids, Michigan

We are a congregation of Christians committed to the faithful preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God for all who believe. We strive to maintain biblical worship, our confessional identity, true Christian fellowship, and the equipping of God's...
Wellandport United Reformed Church
Joel Dykstra  |  Wellandport, Ontario, Canada

Wellandport URC is affiliated with the United Reformed Churches in North America. We are a confessional and reformed church that strives to remain faithful to the Word of God in all we do....
West Sayville Reformed Bible Church
Rev. Andrew Eenigenburg  |  West Sayville, New York

West Sayville Reformed Bible Church exists to glorify the Lord, Jesus Christ, and to proclaim the gospel of His salvation. Our mission begins here with the people of Long Island. Without distractions or gimmicks we preach Jesus Christ to honor our Triune God in worship...
Zion Reformed Church
Bruce Persenaire  |  Ripon, California

Announcing freedom from guilt, the comfort of grace, and the joy of gratitude in the person and work of Jesus Christ...

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Christ, the Righteous Warrior

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