Es una iglesia Cristiana en Grupos pequeños, dedicada a honrar al Señor Jesucristo por medio de predicar las Sagradas Escrituras para la conversión de los no salvos y la edificación del pueblo de Dios: "Discípulos que hacen discípulos. Somos un cuerpo básico de Cristo, ...
Palomino Valley Bible Fellowship is a conservative reformed Christian fellowship.
Our church is located in rural Washoe County NV. north of Reno near Pyramid Lake. Our Internet connection is provided by a wireless broadband provider and may become unstable at times aff...
We are an independent, reformed Bible Church adhering to the authority of Scripture and confessing the doctrine contained in the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith....
Independent Bible Church "Reformed By His Grace - Reforming for His Glory" Expository Preaching, Doctrines of Grace, Premillennial, Cambridge Declaration, Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone), Soli Deo Gloria (Glory of God Al...