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  [286 FOUND]  LOCAL | NAME   

5 Solas Ministry
Pastor Paul Walker  |  Western South Dakota

Exhorting and admonishing brothers in Christ at home and throughout Latin America....
Abiding Grace Church
Mike Milano  |  West Mifflin, Pennsylvania

Abiding Grace Church is a community-oriented congregation located in West Mifflin, PA, focused on calling on men and women – made in the image and likeness of God – to delight in the One True God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. This call is centered on the Gosp...
Abounding Grace Church
Jathan Newton  |  Visalia, California

Making disciples by following the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God!...
Acts Reformed Baptist Church
Shawn Owens  |  Harrisburg, Illinois

We are a community of believers in Jesus Christ who desire to know God more deeply through the study of His Word and to worship Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. Our church is committed to the truth of the Bible and to the joy that comes from living according t...
Agros Reformed Baptist Church
Dane Jöhannsson  |  Mesa, Arizona

Reformed Confessional Baptist Experiential/Expositional Preaching​ Family Integrated Liturgical Traditional Psalm Singing Theologically Rich Hymns Weekly Observance of the Lord's Supper...
Albany Baptist Church
Mark Sarver  |  Albany, New York

Albany Baptist Church was constituted in 1979. After a period of reformation, the church formally adopted the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our doctrinal confessional standard. Understanding that the Bible alone is the infallible word of God, we believe the...
Alex City Reformed Baptist Church
Patrick McDonald  |  Alexander City, Alabama
Antioch Reformed Baptist Church
Brance Gillihan  |  Attica, Michigan

We are a confessionally reformed Baptist church, subscribing to the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession. Our prayer is that you would find our church to be a place where the truth of the gospel is proclaimed and warm, loving fellowship is enjoyed. We hope you’ll join ...
Arann Reformed Baptist Church
Mark Fitzpatrick  |  Dublin, Ireland

We are the only Reformed Baptist Church in the capital of Ireland. We started meeting on the Lord's day in May 2007. Please pray that the Lord will bless to the praise and glory of his Sovereign grace....
Baldock Baptist Church
Jonathan Northern  |  Baldock, Hertfordshire, UK

We are a group of Christians, who live locally, who formed a new independent Baptist Church in January 2006. We have been meeting in Baldock since 2003. Pastor: Jonathan Northern All are welcome to join with us as we meet together for the worship of Almighty God, and...
Ballston Lake Baptist Church
Pastor Sydney Kombe  |  Ballston Lake, New York

The Ballston Lake Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist Church, holding to the London Confession of 1689. You are warmly invited to attend our worship services....
Beacon Baptist Church
Gregory N. Barkman  |  Burlington, North Carolina

Beacon Baptist Church, established in 1973, is reformed in doctrine, baptist in polity, expositional in style, and evangelistic in attitude. "Where the Sufficiency of the Word is Declared"...
Beaverlodge Baptist Church
Rick Taillefer  |  Beaverlodge, Alberta

Beaverlodge Baptist Church is open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. We gather to worship God, understand the teachings of Christ, and give thanks for God's grace....
Berean Baptist Church
Pastor Jerry Slate, Jr.  |  Powder Springs, Georgia

Berean Church is a confessional reformed Baptist ministry that was begun on February 2, 2003. We are passionately committed to the absolute authority and sufficiency of God's written Word, the Holy Bible. Standing upon that firm foundation, we believe and teach that G...
Berean Baptist Church
Grand Blanc, Michigan

Berean Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist congregation meeting in Grand Blanc, Michigan. More detailed information about us can be found at our website:
Berean Bible Baptist Church
Roger W. F. Skepple  |  Atlanta, Georgia

Sunday morning you can expect worship to be focused in thanks to God for the blessings of Christ. We try to express this with praise-music, hymns, prayers, giving, and a frequent taking of the Lord’s Table. Two impressions seem to stick with those who worship with us. T...
Bethany Baptist Church
Kyle Fitzgerald  |  Stockton, California

At Bethany our vision is that which Christ has given every local gospel church. As those who have been saved from our sin and reconciled to our God through Jesus Christ we seek to bring glory to our God and display His holy love to the world. We primarily do this by cor...
Bethel Reformed Baptist Church
Ron Garner  |  Bluffton, Indiana
Bozeman Reformed Baptist Church
Brett Shaw  |  Bozeman, Montana
Bread of Life Fellowship
Elias Adamo  |  Wayne, New Jersey

Bread of Life Fellowship is a community of believers devoted to the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers. It is our calling to allow the Lord Jesus Christ to build His church. To that end, we seek a biblical foundation based on the ...
By the Word Baptist Church
Randall Easter  |  Azle, Texas

We are a church that is God honoring, Jesus proclaiming, Holy Spirit led and Word driven for the glory of God among the nations. Looking for a church? Expository preaching (verse by verse through books of the Bible), Scripture reading, Music that seeks to communicate t...
Calvary Baptist Church (Reformed)
D. Scott Meadows  |  Exeter, New Hampshire

You are warmly invited to worship with us. Please be our guest for the fellowship lunch after the morning worship service. Entrance at the lower level, back side of the building....
Camp Branch Baptist Church
Jodey Hogeland  |  West Blocton, Alabama
Centinela Baptist Church
Jehad El Karaki  |  Lawndale, California

Centinela Baptist Church is a confessional Baptist church located in Lawndale, Ca. We are a part of both the Confessional Baptist Association (CBA) and the Southern California Association of Reformed Baptist Churches (SCARBC) For more information, please email Pastor E...
Christ Bible Church
Joseph Jacowitz  |  Pleasanton, California

In behalf of Christ Bible Church we cordially invite you to visit our Sunday worship services. We are a non-denominational, evangelical, Bible teaching church that desires to be a place of truth for those who are spiritually hungry and hurting. Besides our Sunday servic...
Christ Bible Church Kingsport
Damon Joseph  |  Kingpsort, Tennessee

We are a Confessionally Reformed Baptist Church in the heart of East Tennessee with great desire to serve Christ through serving you and our community! Our prayer is that the content of this website will be a great help to you, but more importantly we hope that the mini...
Christ Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Jason Montgomery  |  Haltom City, Texas

"We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ." As a church we seek to glorify God, strengthen believers through worship and the teaching of God's word, and reach the lost with the li...
Christ Evangel
Austin Huggins  |  Milton, Florida

We affirm the Doctrines of Grace and passionately pursue the means of grace as Bible-believing, Bible Practicing, Christ-Centered Christians....
Christ Fellowship Baptist Church
Dr. Clint Archer  |  Mobile, Alabama

We exist to glorify God by making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the whole world through the proclamation of God’s Word, resulting in transcendent worship, kindred fellowship, strategic ministry, and biblical evangelism....
Christ Reformation Church
Jeff Crippen, Pastor  |  Tillamook, Oregon

Through the influence of a 3 year teaching series through Paul's Epistle to the Romans, assisted with materials from teachers such as Lloyd-Jones and R.C. Sproul, Christ Reformation Church came to understand what are commonly called the doctrines of grace. We are now a...
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Riddle  |  Louisa, Virginia

Christ Reformed is a confessional Reformed Baptist church. This means we are Biblical and Reformed in theology, and we practice believer's baptism. We hold unashamedly to the classical theology of the Protestant Reformation including the "doctrines of grace" or the fi...
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Nathan White  |  Chattanooga, Tennessee

Planted in 2016, and constituted in 2019, Christ Reformed Baptist Church exists for the glory of God and the promulgation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard....
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Brad Jordan  |  217 W Main Street, Lamar, SC 29069

Christ Reformed Baptist is a church rooted in historic biblical Christianity that is committed to reaching an ever-changing culture with a never-changing message. It is our deepest desire to honor and glorify God, remain true to His inerrant, infallible, sufficient, and...
Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Doug Barger  |  New Castle, Indiana

We are a compassionate, conservative Reformed Baptist Church who desires to be used by God to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word to all of Henry County and the surrounding area – all unto God's glory!...
Christ Reformed Church
Pastor Robert Truelove  |  Lawrenceville, Georgia

We are a Reformed Baptist church in Northeast Atlanta (Lawrenceville), Georgia. Visit our website for more information....
Christ Reformed Church of Albany
Tom Smith  |  Albany, Oregon

We are a Confessional Reformed Church, meeting in downtown Albany, Oregon. Our name, Christ Reformed Church of Albany, tells you who we are: Christ is the best and only hope for every person. He is the Head of our Church and exercises His authority through the Word of ...
Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church
Keith R. Jones  |  Wawarsing, New York

We are a church that holds to the truths of Scripture as communicated in the doctrines, creeds, and confessions of the Protestant Reformation. We believe these Biblical truths are best summarized in the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. We believe that the gos...
Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church
Brandon D. Myers  |  Chicago, Illinois

To God's glory we are a confessionally reformed baptist and independent local church (we hold to the 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith and the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith). By God's grace alone, we aim to honor the Lord by being and making d...
Christ the Redeemer Church
Creston Thomas  |  Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Christ the Redeemer is a confessional church that exist to glorify the God of the Scriptures (by) earnestly contending for the faith which was once for all entrusted to the saints....
Christian Answers of Austin
Larry Wessels  |  Austin, Texas

See our YOUTUBE channel page CAnswersTV at With over 750 Videos and counting organized into 19 Playlists on various topics, such as, Biblical Theology, Doctrine, Creation Science, Comparative Religions, and Apologetics. Our minis...
Community Bible Church
Pastor Akash Sant Singh  |  Reno, Nevada

Community Bible Church exists to joyfully praise the Triune God, faithfully proclaim the Christ-centered Word, deliberately display Christian love, and passionately evangelize our city and world....
Cornerstone Baptist Church
Bill Moore  |  Clinton, South Carolina
Cornerstone Bible Church - Miami
Pastor Freddy Campana  |  Miami, Florida

Cornerstone Bible Church is a church that holds to historic baptist principles as laid out in the 2nd London Confession of Faith - 1689. We are located in Miami, Florida USA. We are united together as a fellowship of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ by our mutual fa...
Cornerstone Chapel Reformed Baptist
Bristol, Tennessee

We were a Reformed Baptist Church, ministering in the Bristol, Tennessee area, southwest Virginia, as well as the Tri-Cities region of east Tennessee. This site is continuing as an archival site for the preaching ministry that occurred at this church through June 30, 2...
Cornerstone Church
Dr. James E. Adams, Pastor  |  Mesa, Arizona

"Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone." Eph. 2:20 We warmly welcome you to come worship with us. You are among friends at Cornerstone Church and we look forward to getting acquainted with you. We gat...
Cornerstone Church
Rusty Fulp  |  Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

The most important time of the week is when the called out people of God gather to worship and exalt His name. Here is what you can expect when you come to Cornerstone; Expositional preaching verse by verse, book by book. Songs about the greatness and glory of God. Pe...
Cornerstone Church of Orlando
Pastor Marc Brashear  |  Oviedo, Florida (East Orlando)

Welcome to Cornerstone Orlando! From your first visit with us, you’ll notice that Cornerstone is a church where people love the Lord and are faithfully committed to His word. It’s a church where people love one another and are patiently committed to the unity of the S...
Cornerstone Reformed Baptist Church
Gold Coast, Australia

We are a church diligently committed to deep and systematic expository preaching of the Bible and to fervent intercessory prayer for the church's work. We are dedicated to individual and collective discipleship within the local church, bearing a genuine burden for the ...
Covenant Baptist Church
Pastor Charles Swann  |  West Columbia, South Carolina

First, we are committed to the Exaltation of God. We desire that the people at Covenant truly understand who God is and His rightful place in their lives. He is our Lord and our Sovereign God to whom we owe worship and obedience. We proclaim God as Sovereign and Savior....
Covenant Baptist Church
Lumberton, New Jersey

Check out our Store at the top for a major work on the Holy Spirit and Biblical Character Studies. Visit our Church Web Site at
Covenant Baptist Church
Pastor Richard L Pike  |  Rossmoyne, WA - Australia

Our Fellowship is known as the Covenant Baptist Church of Rossmoyne, Western Australia The purpose for which this church exists is to glorify the God of the Scriptures Through the promotion of His worship. Through the obedient lives of His people. Through the faithful w...
Covenant Baptist Church
Russell Taylor  |  Baker, Florida

Covenant Baptist Church is a reformed baptist church that exists to make and multiply mature disciples of Jesus Christ. We hold to The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith....
Covenant Baptist Church of Clarksville
Ron Miller  |  Clarksville, Tennessee

We are a congregation of diverse people united by one common reality: we are sinners reconciled to God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Having been shown such amazing grace from God, we exist: To exalt Jesus Christ, our risen Savior and reigning Lord, by the power o...
Covenant Church of Perrysburg
Pastor Joe Hillrich  |  Perrysburg, Ohio

Scripture Alone Grace Alone Faith Alone Christ Alone God's Glory Alone Reconciling A Fallen World to God....
Covenant Community Church of Newark
Josh Tinkham  |  Newark, Ohio

We are a fully subscribing Second London Confession of Faith (1689) Church....
Covenant Fellowship of Moneta
Rick Vis  |  Moneta, Virginia

Covenant Fellowship of Moneta is a Reformed Baptist congregation located in Celebration Square, Downtown Moneta. Please visit our website for more information....
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Lee McKinnon, Scott Holland  |  Bluefield, West Virginia

We are a local church located in the mountains of Bluefield West Virginia, right on the Virginia/West Virginia Border. Our Pastors are Lee McKinnon and Scott Holland. Our current meeting location is 2200 Bland Road, Bluefield WV....
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Mark Powell  |  Easley, South Carolina

Covenant Reformed Baptist Church is a conservative, Bible-believing church, striving to promote the glory and enjoyment of God. We hope you will find our worship to be reverently and joyfully God-honoring, Christ-centered, and Spirit-filled. We are "Reformed" in our the...
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Steve Clevenger  |  Warrenton, Virginia

The teaching ministry of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Warrenton, Virginia. Pastor, Steve Clevenger. Covenant Reformed Baptist Church is a Bible-believing church with a high view of God, Scripture, and grace. We are a confessional church that subscribes to the Secon...
Crich Baptist Church
Darren Clarke  |  Crich, Derbyshire, U.K.

We are an Independent Reformed Baptist church situated in the heart of England that preaches Christ Crucified, Risen and Coming again. We believe that salvation is by grace alone, in Christ alone, through faith alone! These truths are very precious to us, and we seek, w...
Cross Roads Baptist Church
Greg McGuigan  |  Centerville, Tennessee

Our desire is to honor and glorify the Lord in all aspects of our life. As a body of believers we believe we should each be seeking the Lord daily and sharing the good news of the Gospel with those we come in contact with!...
Crosspoint Church
Dafydd Hughes  |  Palmerston North, New Zealand

Crosspoint Church is a Reformed Baptist church in Palmerston North, New Zealand. The church endeavours to joyfully exalt the triune God, faithfully declare the Christ-centred Word, intentionally demonstrate Christian love, and zealously evangelise our community and worl...
Dallas Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Les Walthers  |  Dallas, Texas

We are an independent Reformed Baptist Church, holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Please visit our website for more information about the church: Feel free to also visit our video site:
Dayspring Fellowship
Greg Van Court  |  Austin, Texas

We are an independent church, Reformed in theology, continuing the teachings of the Protestant Reformation; and Baptist in practice, administering the sacrament of baptism to believers only. The church is overseen by a plurality of elders, and a group of deacons minist...
Desert Sky Baptist Church
Dominick Grimaldi  |  Casa Grande, Arizona

Desert Sky Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist Church. Pastor Dominick Grimaldi is a reformed theologian who preaches expositionally through God's Word....
Disciple Church (Reformed Baptist)
Joaquin Garcia  |  Whittier, Cailifornia

Disciple Church is comprised of followers of Jesus Christ who have united under His Lordship in covenant commitment to one another and to our God. We joyfully and wholeheartedly submit to His authority as it is revealed to us in His holy, inerrant, and infallible writte...
Dominion Baptist Church
Mark Liddle  |  Birmingham, Alabama

We are Reformed Church, embracing as biblical that system of theology known as the Doctrines of Grace. . .In particular the doctrines of total depravity, unconditional election, definite atonement, effectual calling, and the perseverance of the saints. We rejoice in tho...
East Dulwich Tabernacle
Darren Cadapen  |  East Dulwich, London

Founded 1877. We are an independent reformed Baptist church located in East Dulwich, South-East London. Our distinctive features include reverent services, traditional hymns and clear preaching from the Bible. We encourage people from all walks of life and backgrounds t...
Elvaston Community Church
Doug Campbell  |  Elvaston, Illinois

Elvaston Community Church (ECC), is located in small town western Illinois. A small roadside village located between the two largest towns in Hancock County, ECC is humbly seeking to serve Him by committing to worship, committing to service, by seeking God in Prayer, a...
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Pastor Jeffery S. Smith  |  Coconut Creek, Florida

Emmanuel Baptist Church, located in Coconut Creek, Florida, is a Reformed Baptist Congregation which proclaims the Doctrines of Grace in the tradition of historic Christianity. We believe that the ultimate authority in every area of life is the Word of God alone, under...
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Luke Peterson  |  Verona, Virginia

We'd love to have you come and worship with us! Emmanuel Baptist Church is a 1689 Reformed Baptist Congregation located in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley in Verona, Virginia....
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Thomas Waters  |  Jesup, Georgia

We identify ourselves as an Evangelical, Reformed, and Baptist church. Our purpose as a church is to glorify the God of Holy Scripture through biblical worship, faithful instruction of God's word, promotion of believers' fellowship, evangelizing sinners through domestic...
Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Steve Garrick  |  Georgetown, Texas

We are a Reformed Baptist Church, holding to the London Baptist Confession of 1689. Our goal is to worship according to the principles of Scripture for the glory of God alone....
Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Dewey Dovel  |  SeaTac, Washington

Our Beliefs Our major distinctives can be summed up in the principles that were the backbone of the Protestant Reformation. First, the inerrant and infallible Bible is our only authority. The Bible alone, not human tradition, teaches what we are to believe and how we ar...
Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
SeaTac, Washington
Emmasdale Baptist Church
Isaac Makashinyi  |  Lusaka, Zambia

We are a Reformed and reforming Baptist church holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. We are committed to seeking to uphold the Glory of God through the Lord Jesus Christ in His Church through submission to His Word, expository preaching, Biblical Worsh...
Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church
Joe Anady  |  Hemet, California

We are a community of Christ followers who love God, love one another, and serve the church, community, and nations, for the glory of God and for our joy. Our hope is that you will make Emmaus your home and that you will begin to grow with us as we study the scriptures...
Emmaus Road Reformed Baptist Church
Jonathan Goodman  |  Colorado Springs, Colorado

We are Christ-Exalting. Worship is the ultimate priority and chief end of man. It is the highest purpose for which the Christian has been redeemed: to enjoy God and to make much of Him. Whether through song, giving, Scripture reading, or preaching, we would see God exa...
Evangelisch-Reformierte Baptisten
Nathanael Armisen  |  Wetzlar, Germany

EVANGELISCH-REFORMIERTE BAPTISTENGEMEINDE WETZLAR Wir sind eine Gruppe unterschiedlicher Menschen, doch durch den Glauben an Jesus Christus sind wir in herzlicher Gemeinschaft miteinander verbunden. WIR SIND EVANGELISCH Wir glauben an die frohe Botschaft (das Evangeli...
Faith Baptist Church of Visalia
Multiple Speakers  |  Visalia, California

We are committed to building lives rooted in Christ and the Word. Our mission is to 1) Introduce individuals to Jesus Christ. 2) Disciple believers to spiritual maturity. 3) Equip believers for ministry. 4) In all things to bring glory to God....
Faith Bible Church
Dr. Curt D. Daniel  |  Springfield, Illinois

Faith Bible Church seeks to be fully biblical in everything: God-centered worship and Bible-based doctrine, without the gimmicks, legalism, or liberalism of most modern churches. Faith Bible Church is committed to the Holy Scripture as our sole authority in matters of ...
Faith Bible Church
Keith Comparetto  |  Concord, New Hampshire

Faith Bible Church of Concord, New Hampshire is an independent, Bible-preaching church in the evangelistic, Reformed, confessional Baptist tradition, committed to the historic teachings of the Christian faith, preaching, teaching and upholding the great Biblical Doctrin...
Faith Christian Fellowship Reformed
Pastor Daniel Ozuna  |  Henderson, Nevada

Faith Christian Fellowship is a Reformed Baptist Church that believes in the Abrahamic Covenant. The Church has not replaced Israel and this covenant is still in existence through scripture, and God's Word is our only authority and inerrant truth of God. FCF further b...
Faith Reformed Baptist Church
Russ Jarvis | Gary Weaver  |  Titusville, Florida

We are a small congregation of believers that love God and His word. We strive to live a life that brings honor to the Lord Jesus Christ....
Faith Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Joe Gwynn  |  Virginia Beach, Virginia

Faith Reformed Baptist Church is a new startup in the Hampton Roads area of southeast Virginia. We believe the Scripture is the Holy, infallible Word of God and we aspire to faithfully preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ....
Fellowship African Reformed Ministries
Jeff Bys  |  Western Kenya

We are an association of churches that fully subscribe to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. We are primarily located in and serving western Kenya, as well as Swahili speakers throughout Africa. Our primary purpose is planting churches, strengthening current...
Fellowship Baptist Church Coney Island
Pastor Robert Rubino  |  Brooklyn, New York

We are a Reformed Baptist Church. At Fellowship Baptist Church Of Coney Island, God's Holy Word is preached faithfully. We are a Church where people are coming to the Lord and growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. If you are looking for a home Church that stands firmly ...
First Baptist Church
Jason Gunter  |  Willow Springs, Missouri

We are a Reformed Southern Baptist Church located in Willow Springs, Missouri....
First Baptist Church of Leominster
Dr. Lars Larson  |  Leominster, Massachusetts

The First Baptist Church of Leominster is an independent reformed Baptist church serving our Lord in the heart of New England by conforming our church life, body, and teaching to the revelation of the Scriptures alone. As a local church we recognize no outside authority...
First Baptist Church of Parker Texas
Parker, Texas

First Baptist Church is not a building but a body, not an organization but an organism. Diverse in our professions, cultural backgrounds, and personal interests, we are bound together by one common thread-- a passionate desire to worship God in spirit and in truth. Our ...
First Baptist Coleman
Travis Van Meter  |  Central Florida

FBC Coleman is a Reformed Baptist Church that holds to the Second London Baptist Confession (1689). We believe in expository preaching, family integrated worship, and Baptist covenant theology....
First Family Church
Nick Neves & Paul Abeyta  |  Antioch, California

Please visit our website - for more info....
Free Grace Baptist Church
Jim Butler  |  Chilliwack, British Columbia

The Free Grace Baptist Church of Chilliwack, B.C. formally constituted in January 1998 by God’s grace. We are Reformed Baptists and heartily embrace the “Five Solas” of the Reformation. For more on what we are about please visit us at
Free Grace Baptist Church
Poulsbo, Washington

We are a Reformed Baptist Church that ascribes to the 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith....
Free Grace Baptist Church
Belvedere, Kent, England

We are a Reformed Baptist church based in south east London. We seek to be a friendly, and welcoming fellowship with a desire to reach our local area with the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ....
Free Grace Church of Tampa Bay
Pastor Gary Carter  |  Tampa, Florida

Our purpose is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and to be His servants here in the Tampa Bay Area. We welcome you to come and worship with us. We come together to listen to God speak to us from the Bible. We seek to respond by worshipping Him, living in obedience to His...
God's Grace Reformed Church
Dr. Ismael Miranda  |  Victorville, California

God's Grace Reformed Church is a small church with a big heart for the Lord. We live by the Word of God as our guide. We actively study the Bible in order to live in such a way as to bring glory to God. We love people at God's Grace Reformed Church. Our hearts and our a...
Grace and Truth Community Church
Rick Hensley  |  Felton, Delaware

What to Expect at Grace and Truth Community Church 1.Expositional Preaching: We believe that the regular diet of preaching should be verse by verse exposition of books of the Bible. This will be the norm. 2.Balanced Worship: We value Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs....
Grace Baptist Chapel (Reformed)
J. Ryan Davidson  |  Hampton, Virginia

We desire to glorify God in all that we do, and we seek to honor God by exalting in the gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. We are a Confessional Reformed Baptist Church (LBCF 1689) holding a high view of the Sovereignty of God, Holy Scriptures, Expository Preaching and th...
Grace Baptist Church
John Greene  |  Mt. Pleasant, Texas

We are an independent church, reformed in theology, and Baptist in practice. Promoting the Glory of God and exalting the Lord Jesus Christ through expository preaching and teaching....
Grace Baptist Church
Mark Hogan  |  Van, Texas

Grace Baptist Church is a 1689 Confession/Reformed Baptist Church. We are a member of the Confessional Baptist Association and of the Texas Area Association of Reformed Baptist Churches. We are a Bible-believing, Christ-centered church that takes the gospel and men’s et...
Grace Baptist Church
Michael Phillips, Henry Wiley  |  Fremont, California

The church is located in Fremont, California in the historic Niles district. The building is over 100 years old. Our church is a family of believers who love each other and enjoy spending time together after services on Sunday, at Bible study on Wednesday nights, and at...
Grace Baptist Church
Pastor Tim Goad  |  San Antonio, Texas

Grace Baptist Church exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to honor and glorify God by equipping the gathered saints for the work of the ministry through the faithful teaching and preaching of His Word. If you are currently without a church home and live in the...
Grace Baptist Church
Trace Foote  |  Dewey, Oklahoma

Here at GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH we seek to glorify God by encouraging and equipping the family of God through expository preaching....
Grace Baptist Church
Pastor Chip Davidson  |  Madison, Alabama

Preaching the free grace of God which brings a change of masters, lifestyles, and destinies. Evangelical Reformed Baptist Grace Baptist Church was formally established in 1990 as a distinctively Calvinistic Baptist Church in north Alabama. The church is a member of the...
Grace Baptist Church
Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Our chief concern is the proclamation of the central message of the Bible: the truth about the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason our public services emphasize preaching and teaching as God's appointed means of bringing people into His kingdom and...
Grace Baptist Church
John Price  |  Rochester, New York

Our purpose is to glorify God by following the Scripture alone as the final authority in faith and practice. By the grace of God, we seek to live faithful lives as disciples of Jesus Christ before a lost and dying world....
Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen
John-William Noble  |  Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen is a growing church in the area of Hilton and Woodside. The church started gathering in 2019 and is confessionally Reformed Baptist in doctrine....
Grace Baptist Church at Castlewoods
Thomas Winn  |  Brandon, Mississippi

DOCTRINE The formal, doctrinal basis of our fellowship is the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Though not inspired, we believe this Confession to be an excellent expression of the teaching of the Holy Scriptures by which all confessions are to be measured. We ho...
Grace Baptist Church Chambersburg
Daniel Scheiderer  |  Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Grace Baptist Church Los Baños
Pastor Noel A. Espinosa  |  Laguna, Philippines

Grace Baptist Church of Los Baños is a Reformed Baptist congregation located near Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. The church stands by the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. We strive to make the gospel known through the faithful preaching of God's word in the pulpit. Y...
Grace Baptist Church of Commerce
Murray G. Brett  |  Commerce, Georgia

Grace Church exists to glorify God by making fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who worship and exalt him in all things. We strive to fulfill this purpose as we: devote ourselves to the preaching, study and application of God’s Word; seek the Lord in earnest prayer...
Grace Baptist Church of Leavenworth
Gordon Champion  |  Leavenworth, Indiana

By God's grace we are a new church planted to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. We are reformed, baptistic and confessional, holding to the doctrines of grace, the regulative principle of worship, and the 1689 London Baptis...
Grace Baptist Church of Taylors
Jamie Howell  |  Greenville, South Carolina

GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH IS A FAMILY OF REFORMED BAPTISTS WHO ARE DEDICATED TO TEACHING, LEARNING, AND LIVING BIBLICAL TRUTH. We are an Elder led congregation of Christians. In keeping with the pattern of Scripture, we refer to all of our Elders as "Pastor," even if they al...
Grace Bible Church of Conway
Jeffrey D. Johnson  |  Conway, Arkansas

Grace Bible Church (GBC) is a Reformed Baptist Church seeking to be known for the Gospel. We have a simple and family oriented worship service where we gather to listen to the preached Word, sing from our hearts unto the Lord, and fellowship around the person of Jesus C...
Grace Chapel of Longwood
Mark Bigenho  |  Longwood, Florida

Grace Chapel is a group of believers that God has called out to His honor and glory. We believe that only by God’s grace alone can those who are bound in their sin be freed to new life in Christ. We hold to the distinctives of the Reformation: salvation in Christ alone,...
Grace Chapel Reformed Baptist Church
Traever Guingrich  |  Argo, Alabama

We are a 1689 Confessionally Reformed Baptist Church in Argo, Alabama (about 15 min northeast of Birmingham). We have a plurality of elders & deacons, practice expository preaching, & the regulative principle of worship. We take the Lord’s Supper weekly. Our Wed evening...
Grace Church
Mitch Lush  |  Downingtown, Pennsylvania

We at Grace Church have a message of hope! Our exalted Creator who has made us and the world we live in has plainly spoken to us in His Word. In the Bible He tells us that our one main problem is the cause of all others. Our sinful selfishness has separated us from our ...
Grace Church Crystal Coast
Multiple Speakers  |  Swansboro, North Carolina
Grace Community Baptist Church
Pastor Robert Ventura  |  North Providence, Rhode Island

Grace Community Baptist Church is committed to preaching the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Bible. Our great desire both individually and corporately is to live the entirety of our lives for the glory and honor of our Living Redeemer, Jesus Christ the Lord and...
Grace Community Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Ryan Case  |  Alberta, Canada

Are you looking for a Reformed Baptist church for the Lethbridge area? Grace Community is for: those who are hungering and thirsting to hear God's Word proclaimed verse-by-verse, week after week. Those who long to see the name of Jesus Christ exalted above all else. Tho...
Grace Covenant Baptist Church
Todd Wilson  |  Vestavia Hills, AL

Grace Covenant Baptist Church exists for its members to glorify God in their worship both personally and corporately and to equip its members for gospel life and witness as the body of Christ wherever God leads them in His world....
Grace Covenant Baptist Church
Alan Dunn  |  Flemington, New Jersey

We believe that it is God's prerogative to determine how He shall be worshipped, and how He shall be represented in the world. We believe that Christians and churches need to turn to the Bible to discover what to include in worship services, and how to worship God "in s...
Grace Covenant Baptist Church Monroe
Rusty Grant  |  Monroe, Louisiana

Grace Covenant Baptist Church seeks to exalt Christ and share His Gospel. We are a confessional church following in the heritage of the reformed Baptist doctrine known as "The Second London Baptist Confession of 1689." Members and visitors, regardless of age, study an...
Grace Covenant Church
Wesley Tyler  |  Litchfield, New Hampshire

We are a body of Christ followers, seeking to glorify and enjoy God by reaching upward in grateful worship, inward to build up believers in the faith, and outward to our community with the life transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ....
Grace Covenant Church
Joel Kindberg  |  Weatherford, Texas

The purpose of Grace Covenant Church is to equip God's people to delight in His glory and declare that glory to the nations. We are committed to building up the Body in love and sound doctrine. Grace Covenant Church of Weatherford held its first corporate worship servi...
Grace Covenant Church
Mark Corral  |  Rock Hill, South Carolina

Semper Reformanda — Always Reforming Always Reforming our Worship to the Word of God Always Reforming our Evangelism to the Word of God Always Reforming our Lives to the Word of God We are a newly planted church in Rock Hill, SC. Our church seeks the glory of God in all...
Grace Covenant Church
Josh Henson  |  Virginia Beach, Virginia

We would love to have you visit us during our worship services. Our worship services are centered around the very Word of God, the Bible. God tells us His Word is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of ...
Grace Covenant Church
Pastor Dabney Olguin  |  Cleveland, Ohio

Our purpose as a church is to glorify God by finding our fullest joy and delight in Him, and to proclaim to others that fullness of joy is found only in God as He has made Himself known through Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. We seek to fulfill our purpose in thre...
Grace Family Baptist Church
Aaron Wright  |  Houston, Texas

Finding a church can be a difficult task. So often we find it nearly impossible to discover who people are and what they believe. In fact, many churches strive to hide this information, or make it as vague as possible. Our desire is to be as clear and above board about ...
Grace Family Baptist Church - Conroe
David Shiflet  |  Conroe, Texas

Our vision is to be a kingdom-minded, Christ-exalting, multigenerational, community of faith. Therefore, our mission is to proclaim the supremacy of Christ to all men with a view towards biblical conversion and comprehensive discipleship....
Grace Family Church
Brian Jensen  |  Pearland, Texas

Our desire is to be a God-centered, Christ-honoring, and Spirit-led church....
Grace Family Fellowship Reformed Baptist
Joe W. Allen, Jr.  |  Russell Springs, Kentucky

We are a Reformed Baptist Church in the Russell Springs/Jamestown, KY area. Our church has a deep desire to equip God's people so that they may engage a Christ-less culture armed with sufficient knowledge of God's Word....
Grace Family Reformed Baptist Church Medicine Hat
Pastor Geoff Heidebrecht  |  Medicine Hat Alberta

Grace Family is a Confessional Reformed Baptist Church in Medicine Hat Alberta. We hold to the 2nd London Confession of Faith commonly called the 1689 LBC....
Grace Fellowship Baptist Church
Mark Gervais  |  Robertsdale, Alabama

We are a reformed Baptist Church in the great tradition of confessional Baptists down through history. We are convinced that changed minds lead to changed hearts, leading to changed lives, all to the glory of God! Grace Fellowship Baptist Church holds to a reformed doct...
Grace Fellowship Church
Pastor Greg Johnson  |  Charlotte, North Carolina

Grace Fellowship Church is a Reformed Baptist Church in the Charlotte, NC area. We proclaim the Doctrines of Sovereign Grace and hold to the five "solas" of the Protestant Reformation....
Grace Fellowship Church
Mike Reid  |  Davenport, Iowa

The PURPOSE of Grace Fellowship Church is to pour Biblical truth into and to build up God’s remnant, equipping them to carry out the work of the church that God commissioned before the beginning of time. Ephesians 4:12. Davenport, IA Quad Cities...
Grace Life Church
Phil George  |  Allen, Texas

The purpose of Grace Life Church is to glorify God by obediently making and equipping disciples of Christ, in Dallas and throughout the world, by the power of the Spirit....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Rod Amberson  |  Regina, SK

Grace Reformed Baptist Church is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered church committed to teaching and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ from every part of the Bible. We are a community of people who gather together because we recognize our common need for God's grac...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Dirk Littlefield  |  Kingwood, Texas

As a local body, we believe that we are called to accomplish our mission in two primary ways: (1) Teaching the Saints the precepts of God’s Word, and... (2) Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to the lost. We sincerely pray that GRBC becomes a “City on a Hill” as ...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Richard Barcellos  |  Lancaster, California

Grace Reformed Baptist Church is a group of believers in Christ who started a new church in the growing city of Palmdale. There are about 475,000 people in the Antelope Valley and it is projected to be 1,000,000 by 2020. In light of this, there is a growing need for chu...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Young  |  Bonham, Texas
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Mark Raines  |  East Haven, Connecticut

We believe that the Word of God, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is fully inerrant, authoritative, and entirely sufficient for what we must surely believe and for how we must live and worship. We hold that its essential truths are best summarized in "...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Dr. D. Wayne Layton  |  Chattanooga, Tennessee

We are a doctrinally conservative congregation that holds to a reformed understanding of the Scripture in a Baptistic tradition. The term "reformed" comes from the period of church history called "The Reformation", when important Biblical truths were recovered and reemp...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Rev. Daniel L. Arter  |  Ramey, Pennsylvania

About our Church: Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Ramey, Pennsylvania, is a small, welcoming congregation dedicated to glorifying God through reverent worship, faithful preaching of God's Word, and loving fellowship. The church is grounded in historic Reformed Baptist ...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Jones Ndzi  |  Mebane, North Carolina

Grace Reformed Baptist Church is not fundamentally a building or a set of programs, but a congregation of people — a community with a shared vision and a shared faith in Christ. We are a Reformed Baptist church. We embrace many of the great Biblical teachings emphasiz...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Sam Waldron  |  Owensboro, Kentucky

On behalf of our entire church family at Grace Reformed Baptist Church, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting us online and extend to you a very warm welcome to visit us in person at any of our services....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Rocky Mount, North Carolina

About Us. Holding to the Baptist Confession of 1689, Grace Reformed Baptist Church seeks to faithfully preserve the doctrine, worship, and practice taught in the Holy Scriptures and recovered in the Protestant Reformation. Our congregation is comprised of families from ...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Dale Smith  |  Rockford, Illinois

If you are looking for a church that affirms the sole authority of the Holy Scriptures for all of faith and practice, the pre-eminence of the preaching of the Word of God, the glorious truths of salvation called the Doctrines of Grace, the necessity and responsibility o...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Craig Riggall  |  Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

Welcome to Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Camp Hill, PA. Our purpose is to glorify God by proclaiming the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ. You are invited to visit us for Sunday worship or at any of our public meeting times....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Ben F. Gardner  |  Fountain Inn, South Carolina

We are an age integrated Reformed Baptist church located in Simpsonville SC. We hold to the Second London Baptist confession of 1689....
Grace Reformed Baptist Church of L. I.
Daniel Mercado  |  Merrick, New York

The purpose of Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Long Island is to bring glory to the only true God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We seek to do this in three ways: 1. By worshiping God in spirit and truth. Humble and reverential adoration is to be given exclusive...
Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Newark
Belton Brevard III  |  Newark, New Jersey

Our purpose is to serve the greater Newark area by preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; evangelizing sinners, edifying saints, promoting Biblical worship, and showing benevolence to the needy. As a reformed Baptist church, we hold firmly to the Doctrines of Gr...
Grace Reformed Bible Church San Diego
Steven Robinson  |  San Diego, California

Grace Bible Church San Diego is a Gospel-centered community committed to exalting God, equipping the saints, and evangelizing the lost. We are a Reformed Baptist church that is made up of a group of Believers who have savingly embraced the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, a...
Gracepointe Church & Academy
Dr. A.W Tucker  |  Summerfield, Florida
GraceTruth Church
James H. Tippins  |  Claxton, Georgia

Thank you for connecting with us. Please visit our site to learn more about the teaching ministry of Pastor James H. Tippins. For the church times and locations, please visit
Gracious Cross Reformed Church
Gregg E. Harris  |  Salem, Oregon

Gracious Cross Reformed Church exists to glorify God. ​We want to know Christ and to make Him known, in our homes, in our community and around the world. Jesus Christ is the Head of this church. Everything we do is for His glory. This is His church. He is the Lord and w...
Greater Boston Reformed Baptist Fellowship
Cambridge, Massachusetts

We are a Reformed Baptist church plant in the greater Boston area. We fully subscribe to the historic 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. We gather every Sunday for worship with the intention of covenanting together as a local church....
Harbor City Baptist Church
Matt C. Simpson  |  Melbourne, Florida

Harbor City Baptist was founded in 1962 and has to today sought to be a bible teaching and preaching church. In a day when the church as a whole is growing weaker in an attempt to appeal to the masses, we strive and desire to be a church that teaches the whole council o...
Harbor Reformed Baptist Church
Matthew I. Morgan  |  Holland, Michigan

We believe that biblical preaching is a vital means that God has ordained for the growth of His kingdom. As such we are delighted to share messages from our pulpit through this website. May the Lord enable you to grow in grace and equip you to serve Him more faithfull...
Harmony Baptist Church
Derin Stidd  |  Frankfort, Indiana

Harmony Baptist Church is a confessional, expositional, family integrated Reformed Baptist Church in Frankfort, In....
Harvest Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Jeff L. Black  |  Halsey, Oregon

At Harvest RBC, we love the doctrines of grace and are focused on building biblically-strong individuals & families committed to Christ and His Word. We hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our doctrinal statement. At 9am, we have a separate Bible ...
Haven Reformed Baptist Church
Greg Feulner  |  St. Charles, Missouri

We are a group of committed believers who gather regularly for worship, expositional teaching, discipleship, breaking of bread, and prayer. We believe in the transforming power of the gospel and are focused on the spiritual growth of each member of our congregation to b...
Heritage Baptist Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Mansfield, Texas

A Reformed Baptist congregation, a member of the Confessional Baptist Association, and the Texas Area Association of Reformed Baptist Churches. We subscribe to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith....
Heritage Church
Brandon Scalf  |  Tulsa, Oklahoma

Heritage Tulsa exists to Spread a Passion for the Supremacy, Loveliness, and Glory of Christ in All of Life for the Joy of Tulsa, Oklahoma and Beyond....
Heritage Reformed Baptist Church
Hank Rast  |  Fayetteville, Georgia

Heritage Reformed Baptist Church was formed in April of 1989. The founders’ purpose was to hold tight to the precious truths of the Word of God which had been recaptured by our Protestant forefathers. This heritage of, Evangelical, Reformed, and Baptist theology forms...
Hope Baptist Church
Scott T. Brown  |  Wake Forest, North Carolina

Our desire is that the people of Hope Baptist Church are a church family nourished by the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ and transformed to His likeness. We purpose to accomplish this by applying the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture, maintaining an emphasis on C...
Hope Reformed Baptist Church
Richard Jensen  |  Coram, New York

Hope Reformed Baptist Church was founded in 1996 by a group of families interested in having a distinctively Reformed Baptist church in Suffolk County, NY. Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Merrick, NY offered their oversight and assistance in planting the new church. Th...
Hope Reformed Baptist Church
Ben Habegger  |  Aloha, Oregon

Jesus Christ proclaimed in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth and the life." We as part of a worldwide fellowship of believers confess this together to be true. Therefore, it is vital that the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith as taught in the Holy Scriptur...
Iglesia Bautista Reformada Antorcha
Mark Mudge  |  Guatemala City, Guatemala C.A.

Nosotros somos una iglesia bautista reformada localizada en la cuidad de Guatemala. Creemos en La ConfesiĂłn de Fe de 1689....
Iglesia Bautista Reformada del Pacto
Pastor B. Lozano  |  Madrid, Spain

Sola Scriptura - Sola Gratia - Sola Fide - Solo Christus - Soli Deo Gloria: La IBRPG está formada por un grupo de creyentes en Cristo, a quienes Dios en Su Providencia ha llevado a conocer con claridad las enseñanzas bíblicas que Su iglesia ha de creer y practicar. Lea ...
Iglesia BĂ­blica Cristo Salvador
Jerome Bradley  |  DajabĂłn, Republica Dominicana
Immanuel Baptist Church
Keith Throop  |  Bloomington, Illinois

Immanuel's approach to ministry is shaped by our commitment to the doctrines of grace. Our objective can best be summed up as the out-working of the Spirit-given desire to know Christ and to make Him known in the Bloomington-Normal area and around the world....
Immanuel Baptist Church
Steve Meister  |  Sacramento, California

We gather every Sunday morning and evening to worship God by listening to the reading and teaching of the Bible, by praying and singing, and by helping one another trust and obey God....
Immanuel Free Reformed Church
William Einwechter  |  Schoeneck, Pennsylvania

Immanuel Free Reformed Church is a fellowship of Reformed Baptist believers with a vision to rebuild the broken foundations of the Family, Church, and State. “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many g...
Killeen Bible Church
Daniel Drake  |  Killeen, Texas

We are a family of Bible-believing Christians committed to the historic reformed faith. Understanding the Bible from a New Covenant perspective, we hold to believer's baptism, and we treasure the expository preaching of the Word. We desire that our worship be authentic ...
King's Church
John Samson  |  Peoria, Arizona

We are a Reformed, Confessional, Baptist Church committed to sound and practical verse by verse Bible preaching, as well as a passionate pursuit of the presence of God. We are very much encouraged as we see many evidences of God’s grace here among us as He forms a peopl...
Viborg, Denmark

Vi er en gruppe kristne i og omkring Viborg, der er sluttet sammen i pagt for at tilbede og tjene Herren som en lokal menighed. Vi er en evangelisk kirke, som elsker evangeliet om Guds nĂĄde i Jesus Kristus. Vi er ogsĂĄ en reformert baptistkirke, hvilket betyder at vi til...
Lakeville Christian Fellowship
Daniel J. Casieri  |  Lakeville, Massachusetts

Sermon manuscripts available on our church website. “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42). The biblical record has set the standard for expressing our love for God in worship. Whe...
Lighthouse Baptist Church
Dwayne C. Smith  |  Hope Mills, North Carolina

At Lighthouse Baptist Church, our main goal is to preach Christ and Him crucified. We are a body of believers that has a desire for people to come to know Christ, grow spiritually through expositional teaching and preaching of God's word....
Living Hope Church
Pastor Doug McConnell  |  Grantsburg, Wisconsin

We are a Reformed Baptist church which began in 2002. We were formed out of a variety of church traditions, but are united in our desire to see people come to Christ and grow in their faith....
Lusaka Baptist Church
Ronald Kalifungwa  |  Zambia, Africa

Lusaka Baptist Church is a reformed Baptist church founded in 1960. We are located on Lubu Road, in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia, Southern Africa....
Maidenbower Baptist Church
Jeremy Walker  |  Maidenbower, Crawley, West Sussex, UK

We are an independent reformed Baptist church which has been meeting in Crawley since 1971, and in the neighbourhood of Maidenbower since 1996. Our worship is simple, sincere, reverent and joyful: our focus is the Triune God of our salvation. Visitors of all ages, bac...
Maryport Street Baptist Chapel
Rev. Thomas Yates  |  Devizes, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom

We are a reformed and evangelical church, believing that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ. We are an independant local Baptist church with a membership and church officers. We adhere to the 1689 Baptist Confession of faith in practice and ...
Mill Creek Church
Monte Byrd  |  Bellville, Texas

Fundamental Beliefs Our faith is founded on the truth that the Bible is God’s fully sufficient, inerrant Word. It is timeless and relevant for living and worship today without the need for a â€cultural perspective’. Psalm 19 Simplicity of Worship Our focus of the Church ...
Miller Valley Baptist Church
Chris J. Marley  |  Prescott, Arizona

Miller Valley Baptist Church is a fellowship of believers in the mile-high city of Prescott, Arizona, who desire to see God glorified in all that we do. We are a member of the Reformed Baptist Network (RBNet) and the Yavapai Association of the Southern Baptist Conventio...
Moose Mountain Reformed Baptist Church
Peter van Waardhuizen  |  Arcola, Saskatchewan

Moose Mountain Reformed Baptist Church is a Bible-believing, confessional, Christ-centered, Gospel-focused church that is committed to the redemptive historical teaching and proclamation of God’s word to our community and beyond. We seek to be a community of people who ...
Mount Zion Bible Church
Pastor Jeff Pollard  |  Pensacola, Florida

We are a local assembly of approximately 80 members, banded together to worship the Lord as He is revealed in Christ Jesus, following the truths set forth in His holy Word. Our doctrinal position is most accurately expressed by the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Fait...
Mountain Reformed Baptist Church
Mike Johnson  |  Lake Arrowhead, California

The Holy Bible is the final and only authority in all matters of faith and practice. We accept and adopt the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, as the most accurate expression of that system of doctrine taught in the Bible. We do not hold this Confession of Fai...
New Covenant Bible Fellowship
Geoff Volker  |  Gilbert, Arizona

New Covenant Bible Fellowship (NCBF) started as the result of a church plant in August 2000. We are an informal family of believers who meet in Gilbert, Arizona. We are Reformed in that we hold to the Doctrines of Grace and the Five Points of Calvinism. We also practice...
New Covenant Church Glen Carbon
Robert McNutt  |  Glen Carbon, Illinois

We believe that God is most honored and we are most happy when we worship Him, serve one another, and take the Gospel to the nations. We also believe this is best done in community, within the structure of a local New Testament church. We are a small, yet growing, fami...
New Harvest Ministries NEO
Vermilion, Ohio

New Harvest Ministries NEO exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, exposit the Word of God, and make disciples. We hold a weekly service in the evening, and engage in outreach as well. You can join us at 5 PM for our Sunday night service, hosted by Lakeview Bap...
New Hope Baptist Church
George Anderson & Don Schunck  |  St Marys, Georgia

New Hope Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist Church which gladly holds to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and which is striving, by God's grace, to worship, walk, and witness in a manner which pleases our Lord. We are a Christ-centered Church that is eager ...
New Hope Baptist Church
Curtis Knapp  |  Seneca, Kansas

Curtis Knapp graduated in 1998 from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, FL. He has been in the pastoral ministry since that time. He has been married to his wife since 1994 and has eight children....
New Hope Bible Church
Kent Hobbs  |  Wichita, Kansas

The following Scriptures have been the central focus of ministry for this assembly from its inception in 2001: Hebrews 10:24-25 –“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the mann...
New Life Baptist Church
Eric Swinney  |  Harvest, Alabama

Simple. Biblical. God Glorifying. NLBC purposes to be a Thriving Community of Christ Followers, Striving Together for the Faith of the Gospel. Our purpose as a church is derived from a couple of New Testament passages. Here they are: Philippians 1:27-30 27 Only le...
New Testament Baptist Church
Corey Bailey  |  Biloxi, Mississippi

We are located in Biloxi, Mississippi and believe in Biblical exposition, Biblical interpretation, and Biblical exhortation. We are committed to upholding historic Baptist beliefs and practices according to the Bible and expressed in the Second London Baptist Confession...
Noble Park Evangelical Baptist Church
Nelson Attwood  |  Noble Park, Victoria, Australia

We are a conservative Reformed Baptist church, comprised of members from 28 different nationalities. We love the Lord Jesus. We exist to glorify God in three ways: 1) in our worship, 2) in building-up the Followers of Christ, thru preaching and teaching the word of Go...
Northwest Baptist Church
Dan Sardinas  |  Bradenton, Florida

Northwest Baptist Church exists to glorify God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, relationships & mission....
Oak Grove Baptist Church
Dr. Rick Jefferds  |  Angier, North Carolina

Our church adheres to the Second London Baptist confession, and is delighted to be part of the Confessional Baptist Association. We hold that our mission is the preservation and the proclaimation of biblical truth, to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. ...
Parkside Bible Fellowship
Brennen Behimer  |  Fallon, Nevada

We are a congregation seeking to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ....
Particular Baptist Broadcast
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd  |  Mendenhall, Mississippi

Our purpose is to glorify God, help His people, and further His kingdom. We hold to the Second London Confession of Faith. All the speakers that may be heard on this site will not necessarily subscribe to the same confession, but they will all be preachers of sovereign ...
Peninsula Bible Church
Jeff Gonzales  |  Port Angeles, Washington

We are a group of believers who trust in the grace of God that is found in Jesus Christ alone. We stand in the long line of those who have yielded themselves to the testimony of God’s objective, inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word. Although we are imperfect and sin ...
Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church
Warren S. Smith  |  Phoenix, Arizona

The Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church is located in the heart of Phoenix Arizona a very short distance from major freeways. We are a Reformed fellowship emphasizing the worship of the Triune God through prayer and the consistent, in-depth proclamation of His truth from t...
Poplar Baptist Church
Henry Dixon  |  London, United Kingdom

Poplar Baptist Church is an evangelical reformed Baptist church meeting in Tower Hamlets in the East End of London, one mile north of Canary Wharf in Docklands, and three miles east of the City of London....
Pray's Mill Baptist Church
Dr. Josh Buice  |  Douglasville, Georgia

We are a Baptist church located in Douglasville, Ga - just west of Atlanta. We were established in 1842 and hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Our mission statement reads: "We exist to believe and spread the gospel of God, to see and savor the sovereignty o...
Prestons Baptist Church
Pastor John Sirone  |  Prestons, South-West Sydney, Australia

We are an evangelical Baptist Church fulfilling the commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations. We proclaim the gospel of God’s grace through the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a down to earth church with people from many different back...
Prineville Community Church
Chris Cookston  |  Prineville, Oregon

Welcome! Man's chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever! PCC does this by faithfully preaching and teaching the Bible, living Christ-like and Spirit-empowered lives together, teaching the gospel to new friends and building each other up. Our teaching foundat...
Providence Baptist Chapel
Pooyan Mehrshahi  |  Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

Established in 1875, Providence Baptist Chapel stands as a place for preaching the Gospel of Christ and teaching the Word of God. We aim to point lost souls to Christ and disciple Christians to serve and grow. We warmly invite those in Cheltenham and Gloucestershire to ...
Providence Baptist Church
Eric Johnson  |  Asheboro, North Carolina

Our desire is to grow in the knowledge of Christ by growing in our understanding of God's Word. Providence is a church where the sufficiency of the Word and the sovereignty of his Grace are declared! We value corporate worship with others of like precious faith and welc...
Providence Baptist Church
Marty Hoffman  |  Citrus County, Florida

Providence Baptist Church is a local congregation of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We exist to bring glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ as a local church here on the Nature Coast of west central Florida. We extend to you an invitation to come and worship wi...
Providence Baptist Church
Mark Lukens  |  Norfolk, Massachusetts

We are a sovereign, autonomous, reformed, and baptistic church....
Providence Baptist Church
Jarrod James  |  Bixby, Oklahoma

Providence Baptist Church is a church plant located in Bixby. The church started in the summer of 2017 with a desire to be Christ-centered, theologically grounded, and missions-minded. We are not affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention or any other denomination,...
Providence Baptist Church NYC
Omar Lilly  |  New York, New York

We are a Reformed Baptist church. We hold to the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith and affirm the 5 Solas of the Reformation. We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit to the glory of God the Father....
Providence Chapel
Lee Dodd  |  Denton, Texas

Providence Chapel can best be described as a reformed baptist church. Our focus is glorifying and enjoying our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, in all of life, concentrating on the simplicity of congregational worship with hymn, chorus, and psalm singing....
Providence Christian Fellowship
Darren Newcomb  |  Athol, Idaho

At Providence Christian Fellowship in Northern Idaho, our chief aim is to bring glory to God in all that we do. Thus we come together with intention to encourage one another in our worship of Him. We embrace a reformed or particular form of baptist soteriology. We would...
Providence Church
Ty Blackburn  |  Duluth, Georgia

One of the foundational commitments that undergirds our philosophy of ministry here at Providence is our commitment to expository preaching. We believe that the congregation of God needs to be fed a regular diet of expositional preaching and teaching....
Providence Church Mansfield
Jamie Terry  |  Mansfield, Ohio
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Casa Grande, Arizona

A confessional Reformed Baptist congregation where Scripture alone is sufficient for all matters of faith and obedience...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Tallahassee, Florida

The chief purpose of Providence Reformed Baptist Church is to glorify God. This is to be accomplished through the promotion of His worship, evangelizing of the lost and edification of the saints. The Scriptures teach that we are to be salt and light and that we are to p...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
John Swindlehurst  |  Erie, Pennsylvania

Welcome to the website of Providence Reformed Baptist Church of Erie, Pennsylvania. Please take a few moments to browse through our site. It is our prayer that you will be blessed by the information contained herein, and as our name indicates, the God who "Provides" wil...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Robert (Bob) Bolles  |  Fishers, Indiana

We believe that the policies, practices, and worship of the church should be ordered by the Word of God. The Word clearly says that the local church is "the house of God, the church of the living God" (1 Tim. 3:15). As such the will of God revealed in the Word of God mu...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Stephen Nutter  |  Minneapolis, Minnesota

The purpose of this church is to glorify the God of the Scriptures by maintaining and promoting His worship both individually and corporately, by evangelizing sinners, and by edifying His saints. Therefore, we are committed to the declaration of God's perfect Law and th...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Timothy Johnson  |  Elbridge, New York

Our purpose is to make known how wonderful God is and what great things He has done for us in Christ. We believe that when people know Christ, they will never be the same. Because God in Christ is taking us from where He found us, to make us over new. We need change,...
Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Kurt M. Smith  |  Remlap, Alabama
Ralph Hull
Ralph Hull  |  Gunnison, Colorado

Grace Covenant Church Gunnison is a gospel-centered, Christ-honoring Confessional Reformed Baptist Church in Gunnison, CO. We exist to bring glory to God the Father by continually making disciples. Whether you have never stepped foot in a church or you have been a Chri...
Redeemer Baptist Church
Macon, Georgia

The purpose of this church is to glorify the God of Scriptures in promoting His worship, evangelizing sinners and edifying saints. Therefore, we are committed to the proclamation of God’s perfect Law and the glorious Gospel of His grace through all the world and to the ...
Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Belton, Texas

We are starting a new Reformed Baptist Church in the Temple, Kileen, Ft. Hood metropolitan area. We will be meeting in Belton, Texas. We are very excited about preaching and teaching true religion. True religion comes by the Bible alone, by faith alone, by grace alone, ...
Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church
Jeff Massey  |  Redlands, California

A confessional Reformed Baptist church in Redlands, CA focused on the Word and worship....
Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church
Nick DeBenedetto  |  Phoenix, Arizona

Welcome to Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church. We are sinners saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. Our desire is to glorify God by proclaiming the good news that His Son Jesus has died for those who repent and believe in Him. We invite you to join us in growing i...
Redeeming Grace: A Reformed Baptist Church
Ryan Dammarell  |  Kennewick, Washington

We are a Reformed Baptist Church that exists to exalt the Triune God by embracing His gospel and engaging those around us....
Redemption Baptist Church of Nashville
Tyler Krug  |  Nashville, Tennessee

We are a Reformed Baptist Church committed to expository preaching, biblical church membership, and practical Christianity. It is our desire to see the glory of Christ spread through the evangelizing of the lost and the building up of His saints. Please see our web si...
Reformation Baptist Church
Reagan Marsh  |  Dalton, Georgia

We are a church that takes the Bible seriously. We are committed to historic, Biblical worship in the Reformed tradition. We have expository (verse by verse, Biblical) preaching each week, hold to confessional Reformed theology, have a plurality of leadership, and are p...
Reformation Baptist Church
Dan Horn  |  Youngsville, North Carolina

Reformed Doctrine The heart of reformed doctrine is that all things were made by God, for God and through God, and we are to exalt God in everything we say and do. Reformation holds to the historic reformed confession, the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689. Fami...
Reformation Church of Shelbyville
Jerry Dorris  |  Shelbyville, Kentucky

Reformation Church of Shelbyville is a fellowshp that wants to encounter the Gospel every moment of the day. We want it to shape the words that we speak, the shows that we watch, the activities we pursue. The Gospel should permeate every aspect of our lives, from how we...
Reformed Baptist Church of Fort Worth
Rev. Hamp Linehan  |  Fort Worth, Texas

We are a Baptist church which has embraced the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. Our church polity is Elder Rule and in our worship we seek to conform to the Regulative Principle. The central focus of our ministry is the exposition and application of the W...
Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette
Patrick Harrison  |  Lafayette, New Jersey

We are both Reformed and Baptistic in our beliefs and practices. Our purpose as individuals and as a church is to glorify God with a whole-hearted, principled obedience to His Holy Word. We believe that our purpose may be summarized in three main areas - Worship, Evan...
Reformed Baptist Church of Lenawee
Calvin Walden  |  Adrian, Michigan

We are a Reformed Baptist church, which simply means that we are Baptists who hold to the major biblical and theological principles of the Protestant Reformation....
Reformed Baptist Church of McKinney
Pastor Stuart Sanders  |  McKinney, Texas

We are a confessional (1689) reformed baptist community that is steered by a handful of key principles. We have a high view of God as sovereign Creator and sustainer of all things. We have a high view of Scripture as inspired, inerrant and the only infallible rule for f...
Reformed Baptist Church of Richmond
Michael Brackett  |  Richmond, Virginia

Thank You for your interest in the Reformed Baptist Church of Richmond! We would like to invite you to come and worship with us each Lord's Day at the corner of Winterpock and Beach Road in Chesterfield, Virginia. Who are we? We are committed Christians...
Reformed Baptist Church of Tama
Paul Rendall  |  Tama, Iowa

The Purpose of our church is to glorify the God who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ our Lord. We believe that in giving us the Holy Bible, God gave it that we might know it and live by it so that we would be godly and faithful to Him. We believe that what the Bibl...
Ridley Hall Evangelical Church
Fabio Silva  |  London, England

We are a small community of born again Christians who, in our love for the Lord Jesus Christ, seek to live, worship and serve Him in accordance with the Holy Bible. Whether you live in Battersea or are just visiting, you can always be assured of a very warm welcome....
Salem Baptist Chapel Peterborough
Wezi Kaonga  |  Cambridgeshire, England

Salem Baptist Chapel is an independent Reformed Baptist church based in the city of Peterborough. Located at the corner of Eastfield Road and Dickens street the church is easily accessible. Buses and taxis to and from the City Centre come along Eastfield Road. The neare...
Salem Reformed Baptist Church
Gustavo Barros  |  Salem, Oregon

Salem Reformed Baptist adheres to both Reformed & Baptist theology. Honoring the soundness of the 5 Solas and the proclamation of the Doctrines of Grace (also known as the Five Points of Calvinism). SRB also follows several of the Baptist Distinctives and other historic...
Shepherds Rock Bible Church
Joshua Banks  |  Kingsport, Tennessee

Our foundation is the Word of God and the Word of God alone. It is our hope that this church will be a resting place for the weary, a safe place for the weak, and prominent place to glorify God. ChurchTrac Link Pastor welcome message 2020 Series Announcement Ministry: ...
Solid Rock Baptist Church
Joe Cassada  |  Saint Louis, MO

We are an independent, Calvinistic Baptist church located in the Saint Louis region. We strive to glorify God by edifying believers and evangelizing unbelievers in our city and around the world. We do this by emphasizing expository preaching, soul winning, and the praye...
Southside Tabernacle Baptist Church
Pastor Clarence Simmons  |  St. Petersburg, Florida

We are a body of believers desiring to see God magnified in the persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is our drive to preach Christ in all of His beauty, to love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and to serve our fellow man according to the truths...
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Theodore Zachariades  |  Manchester, Tennessee

Our Goal is to minister the "Whole counsel of God" in the spirit of the Apostle Paul (Acts 20:27), to declare unashamedly that "The Entirety of God's Word is True" (Psalms 119:160), and to "Preach Christ as Lord" (2 Corinthians 4:5), Who is Himself, the absolute "Truth"...
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Job Dunklin, Jr.  |  Enid, Oklahoma

Welcome to Sovereign Grace Baptist Church! We are glad you are visiting our sermon audio page. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist Church in Enid, Oklahoma. We embrace the principles and practices expressed in the historic confession: The Second London ...
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Shane Waters  |  Jacksonville, Florida

We are a reformed baptist congregation. We value expository preaching, God centered worship, family discipleship and a community rooted in the gospel. We desire to encourage followers of Christ to faithfully live by God's grace and for His glory. Faithfulness, then, ...
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Multiple Speakers  |  Bonham, Texas
Sovereign Grace Bible Church
Paul Thomas  |  Worland, Wyoming

We embrace the great biblical doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, sometimes referred to as the “doctrines of grace”, currently labeled “Reformed Baptist” and most fully explained in the London Confession of Faith of 1689....
Sovereign Grace Bible Church
Max Doner  |  Lebanon, Oregon

Sovereign Grace Bible Church was formed out of a desire to see a church raised up that would be distinctly biblical in both its belief and practice. Our desire is that the church would be a place where God's glory would be declared, God's people would be strengthened, a...
Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church
Steve Marquedant  |  Ontario, California

We are a Reformed Baptist Church holding to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Our Church is a charter member of SCARBC (Southern California Association of Reformed Baptist Churches)....
Sovereign Grace Reformed Church
Lee Pallister  |  Devon, England

We are a recently planted evangelical reformed Bible-believing baptist church situated in Tiverton, Mid Devon, South West UK. As a Bible-believing fellowship, we stand firmly on the Holy Bible being the Christian’s final authority for both faith and life....
Sovereign Savior Church
Jason Hatchett  |  Bremen, Georgia

We are a Confessional, Reformed Baptist Church located in Bremen, GA. We subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession....
Springfield Reformed Baptist Church
Jeremy Michael Cochran  |  Springfield, Ohio

We affirm and adhere to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our statement of faith. We are committed to preaching the whole counsel of God for the glory of God, the salvation of sinners, and the edification of the saints. We exist to glorify God and enjoy Hi...
Sycamore Reformed Baptist Church
East Moline, Illinois

Sycamore Reformed Baptist Church began in 1975 as a Regular Baptist Church. Between 1980-1987, the church underwent a reformation, coming to the conviction that God saves sinners by grace alone, in Christ alone, through faith alone, to the glory of God alone. In some wa...
Tapestry Community Church
Belton, Texas

The mission of Tapestry Community Church is to glorify God by establishing a body of believers who find their greatest delight in Him, have a palpable love for their neighbor, have a passion for reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, have an unwavering faith...
Temple Reformed Baptist Church
Haw River, North Carolina

We are a Reformed Baptist Congregation proclaiming the Doctrines of Grace in the tradition of historic Christianity. We believe that the ultimate authority in every area of life is the Word of God alone, under which we will in all circumstances strive to live to the gl...
Texarkana Reformed Baptist Church
Matt Smart  |  Texarkana, Arkansas

Texarkana Reformed Baptist Church (TRBC) was organized in April, 1978. We believe in the historical doctrines and practices of Christianity....
The Cross Church
Pastor Jon Mark Olesky  |  Pensacola, Florida

The Cross Church exists to glorify God by making disciples who enjoying Jesus together....
The King James Bible Seminary
Myron Baughman  |  Macon, Georgia

We are Reformed Baptists using the confessional statement of 1689. ( *** Our Baptist Confession of Faith, 1689, can be found at the Sermon Audio site listed as a PDF series. We also hold to the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerr...
The Narrated Puritan
Thomas Sullivan  |  Owensboro, Kentucky

Though these narrations now span the last 39 years and consist of the largest collection of unique names of pastors in reformed and Puritan churches since the reformation in audiobook format, they mostly are the best of the last 7 years of a collection of the most solem...
The Shepherds Church
Nathan Fort  |  Baker, Florida
TIME in the Word Ministries
Phillip M. Way  |  Marble Falls, Texas

TIME in the Word Ministries (Together for Inspiration, Motivation, and Encouragement) The preaching ministry of Providence Reformed Baptist Church....
Trinity Baptist Church
David Chanski  |  Montville, New Jersey

We are a congregation of believers first organized in March 1967. We embrace the great biblical doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, sometimes referred to as the "doctrines of grace," which are most fully expressed in the London Confession of Faith of 1689. Our pur...
Trinity Bible Church
Dr. Rodel Lasco  |  San Pablo City, Philippines

A Reformed Baptist congregation celebrating its 38th year anniversary in 2020. Pastor Rodel has been ministering in the church since its foundation in 1982....
Trinity Bible Church
Brian Onstead  |  Powell, Wyoming

Trinity Bible Church is a congregation of believers first organized in April 1995. We embrace the great biblical doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, sometimes referred to as the "doctrines of grace" and most fully expressed in the London Confession of Faith of 1689...
Trinity Fellowship
Matt Plett  |  Niverville, Manitoba

Trinity Fellowship exists to herald the glory of God over all creation. We are a biblical, evangelical, and Reformed Baptist church. By God's grace, we desire to be a warm and welcoming church family. Our aim is to be marked by a healthy recognition of the wideness of ...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Choctaw
Preston Kelso  |  Choctaw, Arkansas

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church was planted in 2023 as an outreach effort of Grace Bible Church of Conway. We exist to glorify God by proclaiming and living out biblical truth. Our distinctives reflect our Word-centered approach to exalting God, edifying the saints, an...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Don Lindblad, Stefan Lindblad  |  Kirkland, Washington

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church holds to the absolute authority of Scripture, the centrality of God, the primacy of preaching, the sovereignty of grace, the regulative principle of worship, and the spirituality of the church. The purpose of Trinity Reformed Baptist Chu...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Simon O'Mahony  |  Carlisle, Pennsylvania

We are a confessional and congregational church located in Carlisle, PA. We are committed to the Lord and to one another. We believe the Holy Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. With the Church throughout the ages, we recognize the necess...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Brandon F. Smith  |  Jackson, Georgia

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church Jackson Georgia seeks to be defined by the Bible alone. We desire to exalt God alone in worship, to equip the church with substantive biblical preaching and teaching, and to evangelize the world through the faithful proclamation of the go...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Alpheus Atkins, Timothy Decker  |  Roanoke, Virginia

Trinity Church is located at 7965 Dunahoo Drive in beautiful Boone’s Mill, Virginia. We are a Reformed Baptist Congregation which proclaims the Doctrines of Grace in the tradition of historic Christianity. We believe that the ultimate authority in every area of life i...
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Samuel Renihan  |  La Mirada, California

We are a confessional church (1689 London Baptist Confession), holding to the absolute authority of Scripture, the centrality of God, the sovereignty of grace, the primacy of preaching (expository), and the regulative principle of worship....
Trinity Reformed Baptist Church
Ryan Maljaars  |  Armstrong, British Columbia

We are a Reformed Baptist church in the North Okanagan valley of British Columbia. Our aim is to advance the kingdom of Christ through the proclamation of the gospel and the strengthening of the faith of His people....
Uxbridge Road Tabernacle
Ibrahim Ag Mohamed  |  London, England

Uxbridge Road Tabernacle is a Bible believing church that has preached the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for over 130 years. We would love to see you at our services and can assure you of a warm welcome when you come. We are an independent Baptist Church who serve ou...
Valley of Grace Bible Fellowship
Pastor Kelson Macpherson  |  Pennsylvania

We are an unincorporated, reformed, confessional and biblically functioning, God-centered Christian fellowship (LBCF 1689) which seeks to exalt Christ and proclaim his gospel to our neighbors and the nations we are committed in our desire to worship God in Spirit and Tr...
Vayahiy Devotionals & Commentaries
Jon Cardwell  |  Ninilchik, Alaska

PREACHING JESUS CHRIST, and HIM CRUCIFIED... the sum and substance of the Gospel Jon J. Cardwell began broadcasting on SermonAudio in 2006, while he ministered as pastor in remote, bush Alaska at Scammon Bay Covenant Church. He continued to upload sermons onto this si...
Veritas Church
Brett Wagner  |  Roseville, CA

A church formed by Word and Spirit for the glory of God and the good of the world....
Victory Baptist Church
Joshua Sommer  |  Kansas City, Missouri

Preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ... Acts 8:12...
Westminster Baptist Church
Mr Jonathan Arnold  |  London, England

Welcome to the Westminster Baptist Church website. We are a reformed baptist church in Central London, we hope you are blessed by looking at this site and look forward to having fellowship with you in the future, God willing....
Whitemarsh Island Baptist Church
Ronnie Nichols  |  Savannah, Georgia

Whitemarsh Island Baptist Church is a small but faithful body of believers who seek to glorify God and enjoy Him forever through the preaching, teaching, praying, singing, sharing, and living out His Word before our Creator and the creation He has given us. Our service...
Woodside Community Church
Matthew Shores  |  Woodside, New York

Woodside Community Church is a Baptist church of approximately 45 members, with usually 120 people attending on a typical Sunday. Our diverse congregation is made up of people from over two dozen different nations. We meet on Sunday Mornings at 11 AM. There is a kids p...
Word of Grace Baptist Church
Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Believing that God calls his church to seek and savor his glory, our chief purpose is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Therefore, we delight in Christ’s preeminence in all things. We proclaim the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone. We work...

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