We praise God for sending you to our web site! Our prayer is that through the services and ministries of this church you will grow in your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We sincerely pray that you may experience the abundant life that God has made available to...
We accept, as the fullest and most cohesive expression of our faith, the historic 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. However, in so doing, we affirm that the ultimate authority in all matters of faith, order, and morals is, and must ever be the Bible alone, as art...
Covenant of Peace ChurchBlair Bradley | Gulfport, Mississippiwww.sermonaudio.com/covenantofpeace
We're delighted that you would stop by to take a look at our Web Site. As you navigate through these pages- you will find out quite a bit about us- Who we are; What we Believe and Teach; Our view of God and each other; and what we hope to accomplish here on the Mississi...
At Faith Bible Church, it is our conviction that God’s Word, the Bible, is inspired, inerrant, sufficient and authoritative. This conviction drives us to shape our theology, practices and worship solely on the basis of what God’s Word has to say about a subject instead ...
Gateway Church is located in the heart of the Livermore Valley Wine Country about 40 minutes East of San Francisco, CA. We frequently welcome visitors from around the world while they are visiting the Bay Area for business or pleasure. We offer a warm welcome to you whe...
We are a Reformed, Baptistic, Family Integrated congregation that emphasizes the power of God's Word and the Holy Spirit to enable believers to mature in their union with Christ and to testify to the saving power of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. We meet for L...
We are an independent Christian church locally governed by a plurality of elders who are equal in authority and mutually accountable. We are a founding member of F.I.R.E., a unifying network for independent reformed (and reforming) baptistic churches to experience mutua...
Our mission is to proclaim the whole counsel of God for the discipleship of Christ’s body, for the salvation of the lost, and for the glory of the Triune God whom we worship....
King's Cross (formerly Juanita Community Church) is an evangelical Reformed Baptist church near Seattle, Washington. We embrace the London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) as a summary of what we believe the Scriptures teach. King's Cross is a member of FIRE, the Fell...
Living Word Bible Church is a body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ meeting together for worship and mutual edification to the glory of God. As the Reformers’ cry was sola scriptura (Scripture alone), we desire to proclaim and also submit ourselves to the truth of ...
We are a church in the Reformed tradition that exists for the sake of knowing Jesus and making Him known. Service is held every Sunday morning at 10:45am. See map. You can expect to experience a multi-generational worship service. We sing "psalms, hymns, and spiritual s...
Redeemer Covenant Church exists to glorify God through Bible-centered fellowship and worship in spirit and truth; by making maturing disciples through evangelism and teaching sound doctrine; and by dedicating ourselves to others with compassionate service and hospitalit...
Redeeming Grace ChurchPastor David Harris Sr | Cartersville, GAwww.sermonaudio.com/redeeminggracega