Pastor Sam Adams | Studies in GenesisIndependence Baptist Church |
| SUN 02/11/2024 500+ | 46 min
Richard Caldwell Jr. | Non Series - LukeFounders Baptist Church |
| SUN 10/05/2014 440+ | 44 min
Joey Faust Old Path Baptist Church |
| SUN 09/24/2023 340+ | 70 min
Dr. D. James Kennedy | God's PurposesKennedy Classics |
| SAT 04/09/2016 260+ | 28 min
Richard Caldwell Jr. | Non Series - LukeFounders Baptist Church |
| SUN 10/05/2014 240+ | 55 min
Craig Mussulman | MarkGrace Community Church |
| SUN 12/24/2023 220+ | 49 min
Todd Nibert Todd's Road Grace Church |
| WED 04/05/2017 200+ | 38 min
Dr. James M. Phillips | Mark From Greek TextDiscover The Word With Dr Jim |
| SUN 11/20/2016 160+ | 55 min
Rev. William McCrea | Gospel Mission 2024Coleraine Free Presbyterian |
| MON 03/18/2024 140+ | 46 min
Dr. Dan W. Cozart Grace Baptist Church |
| SUN 08/28/2016 120+ | 40 min
Dr. Thomas M. Cucuzza Northland Bible Baptist Church |
| SUN 05/03/2020 120+ | 45 min
Bob Grass | MarkLiving Word Bible Church |
| SUN 07/24/2022 120+ | 54 min