Dr. David P Murray Heritage Reformed Congregation |
| SUN 04/12/2009 480+ | 42 min
Dr. Richard D. Phillips | GenesisSecond Presbyterian Church |
| SUN 12/10/2017 380+ | 47 min
Dr. David P Murray | Murray 2016Free Reformed Church |
| SUN 01/03/2016 280+ | 43 min
Dr. Hensworth Jonas Heritage Reformed Congregation |
| SUN 08/25/2024 160+ | 57 min
Rev. William Macleod | JudgesWilliam Macleod and Friends |
| SUN 01/10/2021 120+ | 39 min
Gary Hewins | Identity TheftCommunity Bible of Highlands |
| SUN 01/15/2012 100+ | 43 min
Roland Hammett | Stand Sure in ChristLehigh Valley Baptist Church |
| SUN 04/24/2022 Sunday - AM | 48 min
Mark Raines Grace Community Baptist Church |
| SUN 08/18/2019 Sunday - AM | 45 min
Gary Hewins | Identity TheftCommunity Bible of Highlands |
| SUN 01/22/2012 Sunday Service | 40 min
Gary Hewins | Identity TheftCommunity Bible of Highlands |
| SUN 03/04/2012 Sunday Service | 43 min
Gary Hewins | Identity TheftCommunity Bible of Highlands |
| SUN 02/05/2012 Sunday Service | 43 min
Gary Hewins | Identity TheftCommunity Bible of Highlands |
| SUN 03/25/2012 Sunday Service | 42 min