Pastor Gary LaPietra | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Speaker: Gary LaPietra
1,592 sermons
>Joseph's Dilemma - 1/8/2023 Joseph Weds Mary As the Ange.. - 1/8/2023 Wise Men Seek and Find Jesus - 1/15/2023 John the Baptist - 1/22/2023 Mary and Joseph flee to Egypt - 1/29/2023 Convicting Preaching - 1/29/2023 Believer's Baptism - 2/5/2023 The Baptism of Jesus - 2/5/2023 Satanic Influence on the Wor.. - 2/12/2023 John the Baptist Imprisoned - 2/12/2023 Follow Me - 2/19/2023 Blessed Are They That Mourn - 2/19/2023 Blessed Are The Meek - 2/26/2023 Persecution - 3/5/2023 Has the Salt lost its Savour? - 3/5/2023 Jesus Came Not to Destroy th.. - 3/19/2023 Lights in a Dark World - 3/19/2023 Jesus: Fulfills the Law of R.. - 3/19/2023 The Law Magnified - 3/19/2023 Lust of the Eyes :The Sin of.. - 3/26/2023 Divorce: What the Bible Says - 3/26/2023 The Glorious Power of Resurr.. - 4/2/2023 The Law of Love - 4/2/2023 Some Doubted part 1 - 4/9/2023 Some Doubted Part 2 - 4/9/2023 The Lord's Prayer - 4/16/2023 Thy Kingdom Come - 4/16/2023 Give Us This Day Our Daily B.. - 4/23/2023 Super Abundance - 4/23/2023 The Single Eye - 4/30/2023 Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon - 4/30/2023 Making Righteous Judgments - 5/7/2023 Keep Asking: Power in Prayer - 5/7/2023 One Way - 5/14/2023 False Prophets - 5/21/2023 Apostates - 5/21/2023 I Never Knew You! - 5/28/2023 The Touch of the Master's Hand - 6/4/2023 Lord Save Us! - 6/4/2023 The Maniacs of Gadara - 6/11/2023 The Conversion of a Maniac - 6/11/2023 The Paralytic Man Healed by.. - 6/18/2023 The Power to Forgive Sins - 6/25/2023 Conversion Stories - 7/2/2023 Conversion of Matthew: A Cau.. - 7/2/2023 The Power of a Few Words - 7/9/2023 The Great Physician - 7/9/2023 New Wine Old Bottles Part 1 - 7/16/2023 New Wine Old Bottles Part 2 - 7/16/2023 Jairus' Daughter Raised - 7/23/2023 Healing the Blind Eyes - 7/23/2023 Eyes Opened - 7/30/2023 The Good Shepherd - 7/30/2023 The Kingdom of Heaven is at.. - 8/6/2023 Wise as Serpents, Harmless a.. - 8/6/2023 You Cannot Hide From God - 8/13/2023 His Eye is On the Sparrow - 8/13/2023 Family Division - 8/20/2023 Kindness - 8/20/2023 John and Elijah: Similarities - 8/27/2023 Come Unto Me - 9/3/2023 Yoke Partner - 9/3/2023 Resting In Jesus - 9/10/2023 Sabbath Rest - 9/10/2023 Satan's Kingdom Undivided - 9/17/2023 Binding Satan - 9/17/2023 Sound Speech - 9/24/2023 Temporary Signs and Wonders - 9/24/2023 The Prophecy of Jonah - 10/1/2023 The Men of Nineveh - 10/1/2023 Demons - 10/15/2023 Relatives of Jesus - 10/15/2023 The sower and the Seed - 10/22/2023 The Sower: The Four Types of.. - 10/22/2023 Children of the Wicked One - 10/29/2023 The Wheat and the Tares - 10/29/2023 The Mustard Seed - 11/5/2023 The Treasure of God's Word - 11/5/2023 Where is Understanding? - 11/19/2023 The Murder of John the Baptist - 11/19/2023 Feeding the 5000 (Part 1) - 11/26/2023 Feeding the 5000 (Part 2) - 11/26/2023 In the Midst of the Storm - 12/3/2023 Lord Save Me! - 12/3/2023 Tradition! - 12/31/2023 Lord, Lord! - 1/14/2024 Lip Service vs. Heart Service - 1/14/2024 The Syro-phonecian Woman - 1/21/2024 He Sent His Word and Healed.. - 1/21/2024 The Devil's Table - 1/28/2024 The Leaven of the Pharisees.. - 1/28/2024 You Must Answer this Question - 2/4/2024 The Keys of the Kingdom - 2/4/2024 Lose Your Life To Find It - 2/11/2024 The Transfiguration - 2/18/2024 The Voice of the Lord - 2/18/2024 Deliverance From the Bondage.. - 2/25/2024 Prayer and Fasting - 2/25/2024 Jesus Loves the Little Child.. - 3/3/2024 Jesus Loves the Little Child.. - 3/3/2024 The Shepherd Seeks the Lost.. - 3/3/2024 Forgiveness - 3/10/2024 Divorce - 3/10/2024 The Rich Young Ruler - 3/17/2024 The Rich Ruler Makes an Eter.. - 3/17/2024 The Triumphal Entry of Christ - 3/24/2024 Impossible Cases - 3/24/2024 Life Isn't Fair: Parable of.. - 4/7/2024 Who Will Be Greatest in the.. - 4/7/2024 Ransomed - 4/14/2024 That Our Eyes May Be Opened! - 4/14/2024 The Triumphal Entry - 4/21/2024 The Donkey: A Type of the Be.. - 4/21/2024 Cleansing the Temple - 4/28/2024 My Body: His Temple - 4/28/2024 The Rapture and Blessed Hope - 8/25/2024 Oil in the Lamp - 8/25/2024 Is There Oil In Your Lamp? - 9/1/2024 And The Door Was Shut! - 9/1/2024 The Parable of the Talents - 9/8/2024 The Sheep and the Goats - 9/8/2024 The Trial of the Lord Jesus - 11/17/2024 The Crown of Thorns and the.. - 11/17/2024 Jesus: Our Substitute - 11/24/2024 The Suffering Savior - 12/1/2024 The Cross of Jesus - 12/1/2024 Forgiven - 12/8/2024 Mocking the Lord of Glory - 12/8/2024 Born to Save - 12/29/2024 Saving a Thief - 12/29/2024
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Gary LaPietra
Forgiven The Gospel of Matthew Faith Bible Baptist Church
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