Elder Samuel Ashwood | Muskogee, Oklahoma
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Speaker: Elder Samuel Ashwood
905 sermons
>The Deity of Christ - 8/26/2007 Christ, Our Life & Light - 9/5/2007 Spiritual Blindness - 10/3/2007 A Man Sent From God - 11/25/2007 The True Light - 2/6/2008 Power To Become Sons - 3/5/2008 Born Of God - 4/2/2008 The Word Dwelt Among Us - 6/15/2008 John The Baptist Witness - 7/2/2008 Moses & Christ-Law & Grace - 8/17/2008 The Father Declared By His Son - 12/3/2008 A Case Of Identity - 1/7/2009 Coming After, Yet Preferred - 2/4/2009 Behold The Lamb Of God - 3/15/2009 Choosing The Better Part - 4/1/2009 Something Good Out Of Nazareth - 5/6/2009 The Calling Of Nathanael - 6/21/2009 Jesus and Mary at the wedding - 7/1/2009 Christ Cleanses The Temple - 8/16/2009 The Jews Confront Christ - 9/2/2009 Our Savior, Omniscient - 10/7/2009 Except A Man Be Born Again - 11/4/2009 Born Of Water & Of The Spirit - 11/18/2009 Like Begets Like - 12/2/2009 Nicodemus's Learned Ignorance - 2/3/2010 Christ Testifies of Heavenly - 3/3/2010 The Son Of Man Lifted Up - 4/18/2010 God So Loved The World - 5/5/2010 Faith Or Condemnation? - 8/11/2010 This Is The Condemnation - 9/1/2010 Doers of Evil & Doers of Truth - 9/8/2010 Discontent Of John's Disciples - 9/15/2010 Christ's Superiority - 10/6/2010 The True Minister's Motto - 12/1/2010 Christ Above All - 1/5/2011 God's Unique Messenger - 3/2/2011 The Great Dichotomy - 4/6/2011 The Great Dichotomy Pt 2 - 5/4/2011 Jesus Comes To Samaria - 6/1/2011 A Woman Of Samaria - 7/6/2011 The Woman Of Samaria Pt 2 - 7/13/2011 The Woman Of Samaria Pt 2 - 8/3/2011 Go Call Thy Husband - 9/7/2011 A Question Of Worship - 10/5/2011 A Question Of Worship Pt 2 - 12/7/2011 Sychar's Female Evangelist - 1/4/2012 Jesus' True Meat - 3/7/2012 A Ready Harvest - 4/4/2012 Sychar Comes To Christ - 5/2/2012 Sickness in Galilee - 5/9/2012 Jesus Heals Nobleman's Son - 6/6/2012 Multitude Of Impotent Folk - 7/11/2012 Wilt Thou Be Made Whole? - 8/1/2012 Ignorance Of The Benefactor - 9/5/2012 Jesus Persecuted By The Jews - 10/3/2012 Works Of Christ And His Father - 12/5/2012 Christ Honored Equally - 2/6/2013 Life & Authority Given To Son - 4/10/2013 The Coming Hour Of Resurrectio - 5/1/2013 Christ's Just Judgment - 6/5/2013 John's Witness Unto The Truth - 7/3/2013 Why Christ Appealed To John - 8/7/2013 The Witness Of Christ's Works - 9/4/2013 Search The Scriptures - 10/2/2013 Only One True Christ - 11/6/2013 The Accuser Of The Jews - 12/4/2013 Christ, Inseparable From Moses - 1/15/2014 Whence Shall We Buy Bread? - 2/5/2014 Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand - 3/5/2014 Jesus Flees An Earthly Crown - 4/2/2014 Jesus Walks On The Sea - 5/7/2014 Food Worth Laboring For - 5/28/2014 This Is The Work Of God - 6/4/2014 The Bread Of God - 6/11/2014 I Am The Bread Of Life - 7/2/2014 Two Unshakeable Pillars - 7/20/2014 This Is The Father's Will - 7/23/2014 How Men Come To Christ - 8/6/2014 Who Comes To Christ - 9/3/2014 Damnable Doctrine of Equality - 9/21/2014 Eating Christ's Flesh and Drin - 9/26/2014 Meat Indeed & Drink Indeed - 10/1/2014 Life Feasting On Christ - 10/8/2014 The Offense Of The Gospel - 11/19/2014 Wonderful Words Of Life - 12/3/2014 Thou Hast the Words of Life - 1/7/2015 Jesus Abides in Galilee - 4/1/2015 Murmuring concerning Jesus - 4/17/2015 Christ Teaches in the Temple - 5/6/2015 Doing God's will - 5/27/2015 Why Go Ye About to Kill Me? - 6/3/2015 Judging Righteous Judgment - 8/2/2015 Unbelief in Jerusalem - 9/30/2015 Son's Knowledge of The Father - 10/10/2015 His Hour Was Not Yet Come - 11/11/2015 If Any Man Thirst - 12/23/2015 Rivers of Living Water - 1/6/2016 There Was A Division - 1/27/2016 Never Man Spake Like This Man - 2/3/2016 Nicodemus Defends Jesus - 2/10/2016 A Woman Taken In Adultery - 2/17/2016 What Sayest Thou? - 3/3/2016 He That Is Without Sin - 3/30/2016 Go and Sin No More - 4/6/2016 Jesus The Light of the World - 5/11/2016 Christ's True Record - 6/1/2016 Two Witnesses to Christ - 8/3/2016 Knowing Christ and His Father - 8/24/2016 Dying In Your Sins - 9/7/2016 From Beneath or Above - 9/21/2016 The Father's Truth and.. - 12/21/2016 When Ye Have Lifted Up the.. - 1/4/2017 Disciples Indeed - 1/18/2017 Freedom Through the Truth - 2/1/2017 The Worst kind of Slavery - 2/8/2017 Slaves or Sons - 2/15/2017 The Great Emancipator - 3/1/2017 Two Fathers - 3/22/2017 Abraham's Children - 4/5/2017 God's Children - 5/10/2017 Your Father the Devil - 6/7/2017 The Devil - A Murderer And.. - 7/5/2017 Christ's Character and Word - 8/2/2017 Answering an Accusation - 10/4/2017 Christ Honored - 11/1/2017 Who Do You Think You Are? - 12/6/2017 Honor From the Father - 1/3/2018 Evidence of Knowing God - 1/31/2018 Before Abraham Was - 2/28/2018 Jesus Escapes Stoning - 3/7/2018 Blind From Birth - 3/28/2018 Who Did Sin? - 4/11/2018 Purpose In Affliction - 4/25/2018 Work For the Night is Coming - 5/2/2018 Sight Restored - 5/30/2018 Who and How - 6/27/2018 Brought to the Pharisees - 7/11/2018 Division Over Christ - 7/25/2018 The Blind Man's Parents - 8/30/2018 Knowing About Jesus - 9/26/2018 Whose Disciple Are You? - 10/17/2018 Blind Man's Closing Argument - 10/31/2018 Cast Out to Christ - 11/28/2018 The Seeing and the Blind - 12/26/2018 A Thief and a Robber - 2/21/2019 The Shepherd and the Sheep - 3/27/2019 Who the Sheep Follow - 4/24/2019 The Door of the Sheep - 5/5/2019 Life More Abundant - 5/5/2019 Good Shepherd, Hireling, Wolf - 6/5/2019 Good Shepherd Knowing & Known - 6/26/2019 One Fold and One Shepherd - 8/28/2019 Christ's Willing Sacrifice - 9/11/2019 Responding to the Good.. - 9/25/2019 Jesus in Solomon's Porch - 10/30/2019 "Ye Are Not of My Sheep" - 11/10/2019 Christ's Sheep Hear His.. - 11/13/2019 They Shall Never Perish - 1/1/2020 Secured By the Father and.. - 1/15/2020 Why the Jews Would Stone Jesus - 1/29/2020 Gods and the Son of God - 2/26/2020 "Believe the Works" - 4/29/2020 A Man Named Lazarus - 5/27/2020 Sickness for the Glory of God - 6/17/2020 "Lazarus is Dead" - 7/29/2020 Martha's Faith - 9/30/2020 The Resurrection and the Life - 11/18/2020 The Believer in Christ.. - 12/30/2020 Jesus Groaning and Troubled - 1/6/2021 Jesus Weeping - 1/31/2021 At the Grave of Lazarus - 2/28/2021 Lazarus, Come Forth - 3/14/2021 Response to the Miracle - 3/28/2021 The Deadly Conspiracy - 4/11/2021 Caiaphas' Prophecy - 4/25/2021 Man's Counsel Against God - 6/27/2021 Mary Anoints Jesus - 6/27/2021 Judas the Thief - 7/18/2021 Mary Defended by Christ - 7/25/2021 The Triumphal Entry - 9/12/2021 Understanding the Triumphal.. - 9/26/2021 We Would See Jesus - 10/10/2021 The Dying Corn of Wheat - 11/14/2021 The Supreme Objective of.. - 11/28/2021 The Prince of This World.. - 12/12/2021 The Light Hides Itself - 12/26/2021 Prophecy Fulfilled in Unbelief - 2/13/2022 They Would Not Confess Christ - 2/27/2022 Jesus Came to Save - 3/13/2022 The Standard of Judgment - 3/27/2022 Terrible Treason and.. - 4/10/2022 Jesus Washes His Disciple's.. - 4/24/2022 Peter's Protest - 5/1/2022 Following Christ's Example - 5/22/2022 Receiving Christ's Messengers - 6/12/2022 The Disciple Jesus Loved - 7/10/2022 Dipping the Sop - 7/10/2022 The Son of Man Glorified - 7/24/2022 Christ's New Commandment - 7/31/2022 Being Known as Christ's.. - 8/21/2022 Obeying the New Commandment - 8/28/2022 Peter's Denial Foretold - 9/4/2022 Let Not Your Heart be Troubled - 9/25/2022 The Way to Happily Ever After - 10/9/2022 The Way, the Truth, and the.. - 10/30/2022 Seeing the Father - 12/4/2022 Praying in Christ's Name - 12/4/2022 The Coming of the Comforter - 12/11/2022 The Spirit Dwelling With Us - 12/25/2022 Living Because Christ Lives - 1/8/2023 Love and Obedience - 1/15/2023 Christ's Peace With Us - 1/15/2023 Overcoming the Prince of Thi.. - 1/22/2023 The Vine and the Branches - 1/29/2023 Abiding in Christ - 2/5/2023 The Withered Branch Burned - 2/12/2023 Joy and Love - 3/12/2023 Not Servants But Friends - 3/19/2023 The Hatred of the World - 4/2/2023 The Hatred of the World #2 - 4/16/2023 The Proceeding and Testifyin.. - 4/23/2023 Prepared for Persecution - 4/30/2023 Christ's Expedient Departure - 5/21/2023 The Spirit's Reproving Work - 5/28/2023 The Spirit's Work for the Be.. - 6/4/2023 Sorrow Turned Into Joy - 7/2/2023 Fullness of Joy - 7/16/2023 The Love of the Father for Us - 7/23/2023 Christ's Mission Summarized - 8/6/2023 I Have Overcome the World - 8/13/2023 The Giver of Eternal Life - 9/3/2023 This is Life Eternal - 9/10/2023 God in Three Persons - 9/17/2023 The Giving and Keeping of Ch.. - 9/24/2023 Christ Prays Only for His Own - 10/1/2023 None Lost but Judas - 10/8/2023 Not of the World - 10/17/2023 Sanctified Through the Word - 10/29/2023 Sent and Sanctified - 11/12/2023 Christ Prays for All Believers - 11/19/2023 Unity Here and Hereafter - 11/26/2023 Why Jesus Offered His Prayer - 12/10/2023 Over Cedron and Into the Gar.. - 12/24/2023 Christ's Unsurpassed Courage - 12/31/2023 An Ear Cut Off - 1/7/2024 Jesus in the High Priest's H.. - 2/4/2024 Peter's First Denial - 2/4/2024 Christ Interrogated by Annas - 2/11/2024 The Rooster Crowed - 2/18/2024 Christ Before Pilate - 2/25/2024 The King of the Jews - 3/3/2024 A Kingdom Not of This World - 3/10/2024 Barabbas Preferred to Jesus - 3/17/2024 The Scourging and the Crown.. - 4/14/2024 Behold the Man! - 4/21/2024 Pilate and the Greater Sin - 5/5/2024 The Judge Judged - 5/12/2024 No King but Caesar - 5/19/2024 They Crucified Him - 6/9/2024 The Title on the Cross - 6/16/2024 Gambling for the Saviour's C.. - 6/23/2024 The Maker Thirsts - 7/8/2024 It is Finished - 7/14/2024 Broken Legs and an Opened Fo.. - 7/21/2024 Blood and Water - 7/28/2024 The Burial of Christ - 8/4/2024 The Stone Taken Away - 8/4/2024 A Race to the Sepulcher - 8/11/2024 Peter & John in the Empty Tomb - 8/11/2024 Mary Magdalene and the Angels - 8/18/2024 Mary; Rabboni - 8/25/2024 Your Father and My Father - 9/1/2024 Peace Be Unto You - 9/8/2024 Even So Send I You - 9/8/2024 Receive Ye the Holy Ghost - 9/15/2024 Remitting and Retaining Sin - 9/22/2024 Doubting Thomas - 9/29/2024 Not Faithless but Believing - 10/13/2024 My Lord and My God - 10/20/2024 That Ye Might Believe - 10/27/2024 Seven Disciples Go Fishing - 11/10/2024 A Net Full of Fish - 11/17/2024 The Unbroken Net - 11/24/2024 Lovest Thou Me? - 12/14/2024 The Fate of Two Apostles - 12/22/2024 John's Testimony to the Unli.. - 12/29/2024 The Gospel of Christology an.. - 1/5/2025
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