Glory In The Church To All Generations (Titus 2:1-8) Intro: We are on a Mission From God "to Him be Glory in the Church to All Generations" (Eph 3:21)
Exposition There is a doctrine that Paul spoke of a few verses earlier which is "ruining whole households" (1:11, NIV). But the truth of God taught rightly leads to spiritually & morally healthy Christian lives.
1. Older Men Sober, reverend (or themselves worthy of respect), temperate (i.e. self-controlled), sound in faith, love, & patience (or perseverance)
2. Older Women Likewise, reverent (or worthy of respect) in their behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of what is good
3. Younger Women Loving their husbands & children, discreet (controlling their tongue), chaste, homemakers (or diligent at home), good, & subject to their own husbands
4. Younger Men Likewise, sober-minded, following a pattern of good works, having doctrinal integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, & sound speech
Application to the church: The older in the church bear the first responsibility (after parents) for training youth
"Whatever new models for youth ministry we develop must take seriously the fact that teenagers grow toward mature Christian adulthood as they are connected to the total body of Christ, not isolated from it." Mark DeVries, Family Based Youth Ministry
Example: The Pilgrims
Conclusion Ps 102:18 |