Don Fortner | Danville, Kentucky
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Speaker: Don Fortner
2,968 sermons
In these nine verses the Lord God calls for us to trust him alone and promises that he will effectually protect and deliver all who trust him from all their enemies.
>Eight Stubborn Statements - 12/15/2007 Four Stages of Grace - 6/15/2010 In That Day - 7/14/2013 It Is Well With The Righteous - 1/19/2014 Salvation Is Of The Lord - 4/26/2016 God's Prophet, Providence... - 5/1/2016 A People Laden With Iniquity - 5/8/2016 A Remnant - 5/22/2016 Contemptible Religion - 6/5/2016 God's Word For You - 6/12/2016 God Has Spoken - 6/26/2016 Two Things God Will Do - 7/17/2016 What Will It Take To Save You? - 8/28/2016 The Glory of Zion - 9/12/2016 Walking In the Light - 9/25/2016 Why Did God Forsake Israel? - 10/16/2016 In The Day of Grace - 10/23/2016 Man Humbled - God Exalted - 11/6/2016 The Lord Alone Exalted - 11/13/2016 Cease Ye From Man - 11/27/2016 Jerusalem Ruined, Judah Fallen - 12/4/2016 It Shall Be Well With The.. - 12/18/2016 In These Last Days - 1/8/2017 Christ The Branch - 1/15/2017 A Song of Praise To An.. - 2/5/2017 What Did Isaiah See? - 3/5/2017 Holy, Holy, Holy, is the.. - 3/26/2017 The Making of a Prophet - 4/2/2017 It Shall Not Stand - 5/7/2017 If Ye Will Not Believe - 5/21/2017 Our Virgin Born Savior - 6/4/2017 When God Hides His Face - 6/18/2017 Christ Our Sanctuary - 7/16/2017 Signs and Wonders - 7/30/2017 A Call To Dogmatism - 8/13/2017 'Nevertheless' – The.. - 8/20/2017 His Name Shall Be Called.. - 9/10/2017 His Name Shall be Called.. - 9/17/2017 His Name Shall be Called.. - 9/24/2017 His Name Shall Be Called.. - 10/8/2017 Christ the Prince of Peace - 11/19/2017 Christ the King - 12/3/2017 "The Zeal of the LORD" - 12/17/2017 bring you to repentance? - 1/7/2018 Undstanding Divine Providence - 1/14/2018 What a Change Grace has Made! - 2/4/2018 Lord shall Recover Remnant - 2/11/2018 Christ Our Ensign - 2/18/2018 Glorious Rest of Our Redeemer - 3/4/2018 In That Day - 3/18/2018 My Confession - 4/15/2018 Faith and Fear - 4/22/2018 When Judgment Comes - 5/13/2018 God's Prophet and His Message - 5/20/2018 The Purpose of God - 6/3/2018 Captivity, Deliverance,Victory - 6/10/2018 3 Facts about God's Purpose - 6/24/2018 Lucifer's Fall - 7/14/2018 What shall one then answer? - 7/22/2018 The Burden of Moab - 8/19/2018 The Burden of Damascus - 8/26/2018 Scattered and Peeled - 9/9/2018 Salvation God's Way - 9/16/2018 Wonders of Grace - 9/23/2018 The Naked Preacher - 10/28/2018 The Burden of Babylon - 11/11/2018 The Watchman - 11/18/2018 A Nail in a Sure Place - 12/9/2018 To Stain Pride of All Glory - 12/22/2018 When Judgment Day Comes - 1/13/2019 The Crimes of Babylon - 1/24/2019 This is Our God - 2/1/2019 Christ is All - 2/5/2019 Six Provisions of Grace - 2/10/2019 The Covering Removed - 2/12/2019 The Day of Grace - 2/17/2019 Trust Ye in the Lord Forever - 2/26/2019 Perfect Peace - 3/12/2019 Stayed upon Jehovah - 3/17/2019 Five Encouragements for Faith - 3/26/2019 The Path of the Just - 3/31/2019 A Review, a Promise, an.. - 4/6/2019 A God Wrought Salvation - 4/14/2019 Thy Dead Men Shall Live - 4/20/2019 The Hope of the Resurrection - 4/21/2019 Fury Is Not In Me - 4/28/2019 God's Promises to Israel - 5/12/2019 Judgment Begin at House of God - 5/21/2019 Readiness - 6/2/2019 God Our Keeper - 6/4/2019 They Would Not Hear - 6/23/2019 A Refuge of Lies - 6/23/2019 Wonderful in Counsel - 6/23/2019 Learning from the Reprobate - 7/2/2019 Vain Worship - 7/14/2019 When the Gospel Comes in Power - 7/23/2019 Rebel Children and a.. - 7/27/2019 The Longsuffering of God - 8/18/2019 Irresistible Grace - 8/25/2019 God is My Defense - 9/8/2019 Behold, a King shall Reign.. - 9/10/2019 Christ Our Hiding Place - 9/15/2019 Our Judge, Our Lawgiver,.. - 9/17/2019 The Character and.. - 9/22/2019 Seeing the King's Beauty - 10/8/2019 Look Upon Zion - 10/20/2019 Forgiven - 10/27/2019 The Day of the Lord's.. - 11/3/2019 When Christ Comes - 11/17/2019 A Fearful Heart - 11/19/2019 Almighty Grace - 11/24/2019 Going Home - 12/1/2019 The Way - 12/8/2019 A Day of Trouble - 12/15/2019 Lessons for a Day of Trouble - 1/5/2020 Set Your House in Order - 1/12/2020 My Experience of Grace - 1/19/2020 God Left Him - 2/2/2020 The Threefold Message Of.. - 2/9/2020
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Aileen Willoughby (12/9/2019)from Bradenton Fl
Great Sermon! Every sermon I’ve listened to by this godly wise preacher has benefitted me in my walk with Jesus. I thank God for people like Pastor Fortner who put their heat and soul into the gospel.
Don Fortner (1950-2020) pastored and faithfully declared the gospel of God's free grace in Christ at Grace Baptist Church of Danville Kentucky for over thirty years and was a widely published author, and conference speaker. Books and commentaries resulting from his prolific and...
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