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Great Sermon! (New comment) Around the gospel mountain base are thousands doing church work,..needful ,yes,..but blinkered,no looking at the bigger picture. Halfway up the mountain are those on kingdom work ,for example , missionaries...some at the base will commit them to the Lord in prayer. A further up,near the summit,are those whom the Lord uses to win souls ,and they are at the sharp end ..for example,holding up a placard with Gods word amongst the lost. This embarresses most *Christians* at the base,so thjey wont pray , and indeed will only criticise . Yes,its lonely near the summit,but one is close to the LORD and Saviour,Jesus Christ ...HE is at the summit ! Alone,rejected,but interceeding for those at the base,as well as those nesr the summit ! Praise His lovely nmae. What are you doing indeed ? In the comfort zone of church work around the base of the gospel mountain ? Or on kingdom work,near the summit,and nearer to the Lord Jesus ,despite the apathy of fellow beleivers ?
I know where i would rather be,and i thank brother Forreister who came into my life like a comet...brief,but then disappeared...but the Lord has used him to bless me in kingdom work.
Norman Smith (5/13/2008)
from New Haw,Surrey,England
What are we doing indeed ! Thankyou my dear brother for this sermon which was just what i needed to hear,especially as by grace, God willing, i will be out amongst the lost again soon. I am very alarmed at being caught up in church work, rather than continuous zeal in the talent that the Lord has been pleased to empower me with. May God bless your dear (small ?) congregation,my dear brother Ernest...tell them that although i have never met them,they are included in all the household of faith whom i pray for daily. I love all my brethren and sisters who make up your congregation.
Evangelist and pastor E.A. Forrestier, a young man that God has raised up in these last days and has anointed to preach His Word, is currently pastoring a small group in the New Orleans area. New Beginning was birthed when God told him "if any man be in Christ, he is a new...