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Robert Reed | Coden, Alabama
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Victory Baptist Church
14473 Bellingrath Rd
Coden, AL 36523
P.O. Box 257
Coden, AL 36523
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Robert W. Reed
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Duck Dynasty
Series:  Music Series  · 2 of 5
9/29/2013 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Titus 2:11-15
        SUNDAY - PM
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Robert W. Reed
Duck Dynasty

Music Series
Sunday - PM
Victory Baptist Church
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Robert W. Reed
Duck Dynasty

Music Series
Victory Baptist Church
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Mary (6/9/2015)
“ Sadie Robertson with Duggars ”
To add to my previous comment

Mary (6/7/2015)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Needed to be said. Found while looking for a similar sermon on the Duggars. Sadly I found none. Much of this stuff applies to the Duggars too. Their reality show may have been more 'moral' but they were also friends with the world and allowed many do the things they claimed to be against on their show (immodestly dressed women for one). They had makeovers done and were the darlings of People magazine and went on every worldly tv show for interview you could think of. The girls also did an interview for Cosmopolitan magazine. All this stuff was done under the guise of 'shining a light in the world'. I've never know JESUS to be mentioned in any of their shows! The girls had become vain and wore heavy makeup and constantly posted 'selfies' on social media. You cannot be friends with the world and not be an enemy of God. This is not truly following Jesus. Professing christians do fall over anyone who claims to be a christian and is on TV or a celebrity in some way. Shame on them. They are just showing what is in their heart (a love of the world) and think they can make it ok if it has a 'christian' flavour to it. No. JESUS sees through this and eventually it will get exposed for what it is. Don't be a dumb false christian be a real Christ Jesus follower.

NancyContact via email (3/30/2014)
from Ohio
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good teaching. People need to be reminded that G-D IS HOLY!!

Ralph BoumaContact via email (2/9/2014)
from Conrad, Montana
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dear Brother R. W. Read: Few and far between are those who not only understand the truth of our times - but also dare to be a Daniel and stand alone. Please notice what Jesus said about the "strait and narrow" - and the "broad way" Christianity in MAT 7:13-33. Few find the TRUTH! Many are those spoken of in 2Corinthians 11:13-15 who are Satan's ministers going about as ministers of righteousness. God bless your ministry and pray for those few who still stand for the Truth. Pray also for for my ministry @ hapel

Carol HalfordContact via email (1/29/2014)
from Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
I'm SO GLAD someone has finally spoken out about this recent Hollywood entertainment phenomenon. Christians all over the place are singing the praises of these "actors" and have missed everything about the worldliness that they are presenting. Just because they say "I'm saved, and love Jesus", they get a "pass" by mainstream Christianity...and well, why do people like Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, and Joyce Meyers. Pastor, you have done exceptional research and have exposed these "God mockers" better than anyone I've heard. We are in a time where Christians want to be entertained instead of educated in the Bible and truth. And they are being deceived by so many. Makes me so angry and sad. Thank you again Pastor Reed! I will be sharing this sermon with as many as will receive it.

Gary R. PetersonContact via email (11/17/2013)
from Omaha, Nebraska
“ Everything Ain't Ducky with Duck Dynasty ”
Outstanding teaching, Pastor Reed! I have never seen this show, but have heard many Christians I respect praising it (invariably citing the prayer at the end as a sign of its orthodoxy). I didn't think much about it until I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and saw a gaudy display for Duck Commander Wine. I was stunned. Any credibility they had as Christians--especially as Christians in the media that could potentially reach the slack-jawed and glazed-eyed multitudes who waste hours watching the idiot box--was irretrievably lost. Professing Christians making and profiting from selling booze? They will have much to answer for when confronted with all those whom they ensnared and caused to stumble. You made many excellent and insightful points and your research into these pop culture subjects was thorough as always. I will ask some pointed questions and share what I learned from you the next time a Christian acquaintance starts trying to tell me some supposedly hilarious line that Si or Phil said on the show last night. Thank you, Pastor Reed, for your willingness to be a watchman on the wall and to warn Christians against deceptive ungodliness (your warnings will likely ruffle the feathers of fools who flock together and who like their worldliness with a thin veneer of religion).

Bubba (11/7/2013)
from Asia
“ Great Sermon! ” duck-commander.php

Josh RuffinContact via email (10/7/2013)
from Raleigh, NC
“ Shame on You!! ”
Pastor Reed...I am surprised you are so well studied on the most famous family dynasty in American...for now. As always, you gonna make some nice enemies for this one. Keep sounding the trumpet sir and thanks for alerting your fellow brothers and sisters and to remind us all to refrain from the desires of these tricky wicked devices set up to distract and gain our attention. ENJOYED TO THE FULL!!!

Bubba (10/5/2013)
from Asia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Reed does it again!! I suggest any and all listen to his sermon on Hollywood, Disney, and the music series!!! Also check out his family series so you can know how to keep your wife and children safe from this wicked world!! This is a classic Duck commander meet the Bible commander!!! Let God be true and every man a liar!

J. Elliott (9/30/2013)
from TN
“ Great Sermon! ”

ReneeContact via email (9/30/2013)
from Washington
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Robert, thank you for preaching this message! We listened to it last night on our way home, and were SO ENCOURAGED by it! Though we'd been guilty of indulging in this show for a season, God graciously pulled us out of it. Many of the reasons we stay away from it, you mentioned. We hope more people will avail themselves of this truth shared!

Jason Elliott (9/30/2013)
from TN
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother Reed THANK YOU for exposing Duck Dynasty. I have been telling people that these people preach a false doctrine and then I am labeled "negative" or a "heretic". I appreciate your boldness in exposing this family. May God bless you.

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