Speaker: Ken Ham
4,153 sermons
Technologically Savvy Noah?
>Creation Day, Jewish Tradition - 11/9/2009 Massive Exodus of Young People - 11/10/2009 Book of Genesis: Number One! - 11/11/2009 Life: It Begins at Conception - 11/12/2009 Big Bang: It's on It's Way! - 11/13/2009 Genesis Teaching - 11/16/2009 Mount St. Helens - 11/17/2009 Young-earthers - 11/18/2009 Creationists - 11/19/2009 Our Children's Books - 11/20/2009 A Creation Scientist - 11/23/2009 The Sun: Paradox for Evolution - 11/24/2009 'Prehistoric': No Such Thing - 11/25/2009 Canyons: In a Few Days' Work - 11/26/2009 Six Creation Days: Rejected - 11/27/2009 Jupiter's Moon - 11/30/2009 Dating Methods: Reliable - 12/1/2009 The Most Dangerous Book - 12/2/2009 Evolution: Martin Luther - 12/3/2009 Louis Pasteur - 12/4/2009 Our Sunday Schools - 12/7/2009 Biases: Can They Be Changed? - 12/8/2009 Christian Colleges - 12/9/2009 The Bible: Proving It's True - 12/10/2009 Church: Going, Going, Gone? - 12/11/2009 The Round Earth: It's in Bible - 12/14/2009 Real Church Growth - 12/15/2009 Genesis - 12/16/2009 The Bible - 12/17/2009 Answers in Genesis - 12/18/2009 Zenkey, zonkey, or zedonk? - 12/21/2009 First creation days - Light? - 12/22/2009 Jesus' death - Genesis? - 12/23/2009 Jesus Christ - He is Creator - 12/24/2009 Surprising coral reefs... - 12/25/2009 The Koran - Genesis? - 12/28/2009 Creation days - Authority? - 12/29/2009 Eschatology - Different views? - 12/29/2009 Transitional forms - 12/30/2009 Creation or evolution - 12/31/2009 The Word 'All' - Flood Global - 1/4/2010 Apartheid - 1/5/2010 Children Stolen - Evolution - 1/6/2010 A Colorful Rainbow - Message - 1/7/2010 Humans and Chimps - 1/8/2010 Animals on the Ark - 1/11/2010 E.T. - We're Still Listening! - 1/12/2010 The Creator - 1/13/2010 The Aborigines - Missing Link? - 1/14/2010 Ancient Toothpaste - 1/15/2010 Creation Evangelism - 1/18/2010 Gay Marriage - Answer - 1/19/2010 Dropping Darwin - 1/20/2010 Social Ills - Real Problem - 1/21/2010 Change the Culture - 1/22/2010 The American Way - 1/25/2010 Religion Out of Schools? - 1/26/2010 A Loving God... - 1/27/2010 Believing Evolution... Wrong - 1/28/2010 Evolution - A Modern Idea? - 1/29/2010 Creation Evangelism - 2/1/2010 Creation Evangelism - 2/1/2010 No PhD? - No Problem at all! - 2/2/2010 The Fossil Triangle - 2/3/2010 Evidence - Not Enough for Some - 2/4/2010 Facts - They're all the same! - 2/5/2010 Gospel - According to Fossil - 2/8/2010 Religious Speech - Attack - 2/9/2010 Creation - Plenty of Evidence - 2/10/2010 Creation - In Schools? - 2/11/2010 Valentine's Day - 2/12/2010 Water Babies, Evolution... - 2/15/2010 Mt. Everest - When Formed? - 2/16/2010 Army Ants - 2/17/2010 Living Fossils - 2/18/2010 Ireland's White Chimps - 2/19/2010 Destroy Family, Destroy Nation - 2/22/2010 Evolution in Our Schools - 2/23/2010 The Age of the Earth - Caves - 2/24/2010 Biblical Authority - The Issue - 2/25/2010 Creationism - What's it about? - 2/26/2010 Chemical Evolution... - 3/1/2010 Prayer - The Mortar - 3/2/2010 Dinosaur Cannibals - 3/3/2010 Genesis - Too controversial? - 3/4/2010 Babies - Conceived in sin? - 3/5/2010 Australian Kangaroos - 3/8/2010 Ancient beads - A surprise - 3/9/2010 Animals - No sin then no meat - 3/10/2010 Insects - Actually on the ark? - 3/11/2010 Creatures - Back from dead? - 3/12/2010 Tax Dollars Promote Evolution - 3/15/2010 Evolution - See It In Action? - 3/16/2010 Historical Science - 3/17/2010 Intelligent Design - Creation? - 3/18/2010 Dinosaurs - In Kentucky? - 3/19/2010 Dead Whales - They Tell Tales - 3/22/2010 Horseshoe Crabs - 3/23/2010 Children's Books - 3/24/2010 The Ice Age - 3/25/2010 Museums - Can We Trust Them? - 3/26/2010 Evolution - Hold Science? - 3/29/2010 Many Theologians - Compromise? - 3/30/2010 Test Tubes - 3/31/2010 The Gospel Message - Genesis - 4/1/2010 Jesus's Death - Genesis? - 4/2/2010 Creating Doubt - Tactic - 4/5/2010 Creationists - Anti-science? - 4/5/2010 Grand Canyon - Evidence - 4/5/2010 Grand Canyon Book - Hated - 4/5/2010 The Creation - Only Six Days? - 4/5/2010 Life on Mars - Find It? - 4/12/2010 Spring break... Eternity? - 4/13/2010 The Atmosphere - 4/14/2010 Genesis - Just Faith & Morals? - 4/15/2010 Kangaroo Rats - 4/16/2010 If You Question Evolution... - 4/19/2010 Darwin - Where He's Buried - 4/20/2010 PhD Scientists - Evolutionists - 4/21/2010 Earth Day - A Hidden Agenda? - 4/22/2010 An Ardent Atheist - Saved? - 4/23/2010 Secular Media - Antichristian - 4/26/2010 Day and Night... Without Sun - 4/27/2010 Plants - Die Before Sin? - 4/28/2010 When Christians Read... - 4/29/2010 Genesis - Did Moses Write It? - 4/30/2010 The Book of Genesis - 5/3/2010 Our Digestive System - 5/4/2010 Evolution - Sun Worship - 5/5/2010 Many Pastors - 5/6/2010 Pagan Universities - 5/7/2010 The Moon - Is It Moving Away? - 5/10/2010 Who are We? Can Aliens Answer? - 5/11/2010 The Oort Cloud- Exist? - 5/12/2010 The Outer Planets - Too Hot - 5/13/2010 Sun was Created after Earth - 5/14/2010 The Big Bang - Is it Biblical? - 5/17/2010 The universe... - 5/18/2010 Light travel time - Problem - 5/19/2010 The earth - Just hunk of rock - 5/20/2010 Millions of light years... - 5/21/2010 Neutrality - Public schools? - 5/24/2010 Clay to rock in just minutes - 5/25/2010 Students - Dissecting...? - 5/26/2010 Seventh day of creation - 5/27/2010 An eisegesis virus - Spreading - 5/28/2010 Millions of years - Who cares? - 5/31/2010 The church - Real crisis - 6/1/2010 The church - In a real crisis! - 6/1/2010 Human beings - 6/2/2010 Human beings - Speak! - 6/2/2010 Our pet dog - Evidence? - 6/3/2010 Our pet dog - Evolution? - 6/3/2010 Our public museums - 6/4/2010 Our public museums - 6/4/2010 Life from a rock - Which rock? - 6/7/2010 Life from a rock - Which rock? - 6/7/2010 Suffering - 6/8/2010 Suffering - Why He had to die - 6/8/2010 Pass the apple... and blame? - 6/9/2010 Pass the apple - 6/9/2010 Wisdom teeth - Devolving - 6/10/2010 Wisdom teeth - Devolving - 6/10/2010 The creation message - 6/11/2010 The creation message - 6/11/2010 Nature - What does it teach? - 6/14/2010 Nature - What does it teach? - 6/14/2010 Students - Won't Listen - 6/15/2010 Students - 6/15/2010 Witnessing using creation - 6/16/2010 Witnessing using creation - 6/16/2010 Salmon - More accurate...! - 6/17/2010 Salmon - More accurate... - 6/17/2010 Humans - Related to metaphor? - 6/18/2010 Humans - Related to metaphor? - 6/18/2010 Wild animals - Created? - 6/21/2010 Wild animals - 6/21/2010 Fossil turtles - 6/22/2010 Fossil turtles - 6/22/2010 The giraffe - 6/23/2010 The giraffe - 6/23/2010 The oldest fossils - A problem - 6/24/2010 The oldest fossils - 6/24/2010 A postal worker & creation! - 6/25/2010 Postal worker brought to tears - 6/25/2010 Kinkajous - 6/28/2010 Kinkajous - 6/28/2010 Soft dinosaur tissue - 6/29/2010 Soft dinosaur tissue - 6/29/2010 Dinosaurs - On the Ark? - 6/30/2010 Dinosaurs - Were they on out? - 6/30/2010 Fresh evidence - 7/1/2010 Fresh evidence - Believe? - 7/1/2010 Butterflies - Among dinosaurs? - 7/2/2010 Butterflies - Among dinosaurs? - 7/2/2010 Put to death - needed a bed - 7/5/2010 Put to death... needed a bed! - 7/5/2010 Humanists...\ - 7/6/2010 Humanists say... not a threat! - 7/6/2010 Humans - Displayed in the zoo? - 7/7/2010 Humans - Displayed in the zoo! - 7/7/2010 Humans - Displayed in the zoo! - 7/7/2010 Humans - Displayed in the zoo! - 7/7/2010 The theory of evolution - 7/8/2010 The theory of evolution - 7/8/2010 The tragedy of abortion - 7/9/2010 The tragedy of abortion - 7/9/2010 Homosexual pastors - 7/12/2010 Homosexual pastors - 7/12/2010 Homosexual behavior - 7/13/2010 Homosexual behavior - 7/13/2010 Library tells creationist hush - 7/14/2010 Library tells creationist hush - 7/14/2010 Darwin's house - Why tumbling? - 7/15/2010 Darwin's house - Tumbling down - 7/15/2010 Suicide - Why do people do it? - 7/16/2010 Suicide - Why do people do it? - 7/16/2010 The Universe - Enormous - 7/17/2010 The universe - Why enormous? - 7/19/2010 The Bible - Teach science? - 7/20/2010 The Bible - Teach science? - 7/20/2010 Reinterpreting creation - 7/21/2010 Reinterpreting creation - 7/21/2010 Six creation days - 7/22/2010 Six Creation days - Limiting? - 7/22/2010 'Subduing' the earth - 7/23/2010 Subduing the earth - Meaning? - 7/23/2010 The impossible people - 7/26/2010 The impossible people - 7/26/2010 People - Hiding from God? - 7/27/2010 People - Hiding from God? - 7/27/2010 Old earthers - Christians? - 7/28/2010 Old earthers - Christians? - 7/28/2010 Life in a test tube? - 7/29/2010 Life in a test tube - 7/29/2010 Evolutionary trees - 7/30/2010 Evolutionary trees - 7/30/2010 Grand Canyon - Controversy - 8/2/2010 Grand Canyon - 8/2/2010 Grand Canyon - 8/3/2010 Grand Canyon - Stones - 8/3/2010 Noah's Flood - From fountains? - 8/4/2010 Noah's Flood - 8/4/2010 Elephants - Super swimmers - 8/5/2010 Elephants - Super swimmers! - 8/5/2010 The Apostle Peter - Evolution! - 8/6/2010 The apostle Peter - Warned us - 8/6/2010 A Japanese doctor...Saved - 8/9/2010 A Japanese doctor...saved! - 8/9/2010 Evolution - Info. problem - 8/10/2010 Evolution - 8/10/2010 Cavemen - Were they real? - 8/11/2010 Cavemen - Were they real? - 8/11/2010 A huge flood - OK for Mars - 8/12/2010 A huge flood - OK for Mars - 8/12/2010 The age of the earth - 8/13/2010 The age of the earth - 8/13/2010 The human brain - 8/16/2010 Dinosaurs - In the Bible! - 8/17/2010 The human genome - 8/18/2010 Monkeys...they're speechless! - 8/19/2010 Evolution - Ever-changing? - 8/20/2010 Early man - Less intelligent? - 8/23/2010 The earth - Belongs to who? - 8/24/2010 Africa, China, Indonesia... - 8/25/2010 Spare cats, kids - Difference? - 8/26/2010 Genesis and science - 8/27/2010 Death, battle of two histories - 8/30/2010 Creation evangelism - 8/31/2010 Butterflies - Sun as compass! - 9/1/2010 Genesis - 9/2/2010 Suicide in Australia . . . kil - 9/3/2010 Shock absorbers... and sheep! - 9/6/2010 Blind and deaf... knowing God! - 9/7/2010 Married to secular science? - 9/8/2010 Orderly design - 9/9/2010 Cyanide poison... - 9/10/2010 Evidence - Actually the same! - 9/13/2010 Answers - Sounds radical! - 9/14/2010 Real scientists - 9/15/2010 The Bible - Disconnected! - 9/16/2010 Recognizing design - Enough? - 9/17/2010 Yom - Difference a day makes - 9/20/2010 Cloning - Support evolution? - 9/21/2010 America - One nation, divided? - 9/22/2010 Passing the faith - Dad's key! - 9/23/2010 Creation message - Frees souls - 9/24/2010 Dating aborigines - perplexing - 9/27/2010 Frozen planes - Icy problem! - 9/28/2010 Harvard - To prove no God? - 9/29/2010 Evolutionary scientists - 9/30/2010 Genesis - Spiritual message? - 10/1/2010 Bathtubs - Age of universe! - 10/4/2010 The earth - Hunk of rock! - 10/5/2010 Jonah - Three days? - 10/6/2010 Flowers - Intelligent? - 10/7/2010 Vernix - Ultimate skin cream - 10/8/2010 The dinosaur mystery - Really? - 10/11/2010 Flying dragons - 10/12/2010 Dinosaurs - RE-discovered! - 10/13/2010 Geckos - Missionary lizards! - 10/14/2010 Evolutionists - On the march! - 10/15/2010 Dinosaurs - Taking them back! - 10/18/2010 Theologians - 10/19/2010 Alexander - 10/20/2010 Tiny pterosaur's untimely end! - 10/21/2010 Dinosaurs - 10/22/2010 The Scopes trial - 10/25/2010 Morality - From a penguin? - 10/26/2010 Birth and fossils - 10/27/2010 A flood of biblical proportion - 10/28/2010 Fossils - Form quickly! - 10/29/2010 Living mammoths - 11/1/2010 Adam - A vegetarian! - 11/2/2010 Sea cucumbers - 11/3/2010 Secular humanism - Religion? - 11/4/2010 Grand Canyon-a tale of two wor - 11/5/2010 Immunized against Christianity - 11/8/2010 Deleting Jesus - Neutral? - 11/9/2010 Thorns - First appearance? - 11/10/2010 Dragons - Not just mythology! - 11/11/2010 Fast fossils foil evolution! - 11/12/2010 A pilgrim... - 11/15/2010 The church - New reformation! - 11/16/2010 Cain's wife - 11/17/2010 Genesis - Just a metaphor? - 11/18/2010 Death - God is not to blame! - 11/19/2010 Killer asteroid - 11/22/2010 Cancer - Exist before sin? - 11/23/2010 Six days - Why God took long - 11/24/2010 Creation evangelism - 11/25/2010 Evolutionists - Go ape? - 11/26/2010 Six days - Key to inerrancy! - 11/29/2010 Yom - What can it mean? - 11/30/2010 Name that animal - 12/1/2010 Six days - Authority issue! - 12/2/2010 Creation message - Banned? - 12/3/2010 Harvard - Once Christian! - 12/6/2010 The Scopes Trial - 12/7/2010 Darwin's Impact - 12/8/2010 Evolution - 12/9/2010 Moral decisions - 12/10/2010 Atheist killing kids? - 12/13/2010 Morals - Where they come from - 12/14/2010 Change the culture? Or hearts? - 12/15/2010 Museums - Prove evolution? - 12/16/2010 Moses... in the U.S. Congress? - 12/17/2010 Stars - Younger than earth! - 12/20/2010 Bacterial messages - 12/21/2010 Martian life - 12/22/2010 The Bible - Tragedies! - 12/23/2010 Lost without Genesis? - 12/24/2010 Cosmic theories - changing! - 12/27/2010 Day - when does it mean a day? - 12/28/2010 Jonah - 3,000 years in fish? - 12/29/2010 Exploding stars - 12/30/2010 Millions of years - 12/31/2010 The Garden of Eden - In Iraq? - 1/3/2011 Noah's Ark-was it big enough f - 1/4/2011 Australian fossil - 1/5/2011 Genesis - Why do people die? - 1/6/2011 Insects - 1/7/2011 Skimmers - Beaks that grow! - 1/10/2011 A fossil clock - 1/11/2011 Noah's flood - 1/12/2011 The Giant's Causeway - 1/13/2011 Evolution - Lacks information! - 1/14/2011 Church - Often causes doubt! - 1/17/2011 Darwinism - Supports Satanism! - 1/18/2011 Students - Won't Listen - 1/19/2011 School violence - 1/20/2011 The Jews - creation based! - 1/21/2011 School textbooks - Outdated! - 1/24/2011 Western nations - Like Greeks! - 1/25/2011 Creation in schools - 1/26/2011 Intelligent design - 1/27/2011 An evangelist - 1/28/2011 Living like animals - 1/31/2011 Mammoth genes - Comeback? - 2/1/2011 Genetics and evolution - 2/2/2011 Evolutionists - 2/3/2011 Your ministry - Set me free! - 2/4/2011 Terrific Pterosaurs - 2/7/2011 Dinosaurs - Evolution proof? - 2/8/2011 The dinosaur tree - 2/9/2011 Galapagos iguanas - 2/10/2011 A sad day... - 2/11/2011 Fossils - 2/14/2011 Evolutionists - 2/15/2011 The Stone Age - 2/15/2011 Life on Mars - 2/16/2011 Women - One more rib than men? - 2/17/2011 Noah's Flood - Did it happen? - 2/20/2011 Carnivores - 2/21/2011 Noah's Ark - Found? - 2/22/2011 Noah's Ark - Wasn't a bathtub! - 2/23/2011 Genesis - 2/24/2011 Racial issues - Common problem - 2/27/2011 White people - Aren't any! - 2/28/2011 Interracial marriage - 3/1/2011 The curse of Ham - Is it true? - 3/2/2011 Ancient man - 3/3/2011 A forgotten tribe - In Siberia - 3/6/2011 Cultural diversity! - 3/7/2011 Evolutionists - 3/8/2011 The races - How many? - 3/9/2011 Human life - Beginning? - 3/10/2011 Our brains - 3/13/2011 Education - 3/14/2011 Natural selection - 3/15/2011 Nature - Bible's 67th book? - 3/16/2011 The ID Movement - 3/17/2011 Carbon dating - 3/20/2011 The first atonement - 3/21/2011 Monarchs and milkweed - 3/22/2011 Refuting compromise - 3/23/2011 Visiting a famous...house! - 3/24/2011 Women - One more rib than men? - 3/27/2011 Atheist-thwarted by creation! - 3/28/2011 Evolutionists - Nothing new! - 3/29/2011 Evolution - 3/30/2011 Evolutionists - Not the truth! - 3/31/2011 Evolutionists - 4/3/2011 “Begat” - What does it mean? - 4/4/2011 Are there gaps in the Bible? - 4/5/2011 The beginning of it all - 4/6/2011 The Bible - Science textbook? - 4/7/2011 Good mutations - 4/10/2011 God - Violent and vindictive? - 4/11/2011 Mutations - Evolution's enemy! - 4/12/2011 Committing murder - Wrong? - 4/13/2011 Millions of years - Balaam! - 4/14/2011 Creation - How is it groaning? - 4/17/2011 The earth - Millions of years? - 4/18/2011 What does the Bible mean? - 4/19/2011 The Sabbath day - Still in it? - 4/20/2011 Earth Day - Paganism - 4/21/2011 Noah's Ark - Too full? - 4/24/2011 The continents - Split up? - 4/25/2011 Mammoths - 4/26/2011 Facts - They're all the same! - 4/27/2011 The Bible - Condone abortion? - 4/28/2011 Ham - Now, he wasn't cursed! - 5/1/2011 When is it really a “day - 5/2/2011 Millions of years - 5/3/2011 The water wheel - 5/4/2011 Stalactites - Inches in days! - 5/5/2011 Dragons - In Peru? - 5/8/2011 Dinosaur bones - 5/9/2011 T. rex - Could it be alive? - 5/10/2011 Dinosaurs - Any mystery? - 5/11/2011 Dinosaurs a hoax - No! - 5/12/2011 Dragons and Jurassic Park - 5/15/2011 Mokele-mbembe - What is it? - 5/16/2011 Dinosaur bones - 5/17/2011 Dragons - In Garden of Eden? - 5/18/2011 Feathers and flight - 5/19/2011 Animals - Too many on Ark? - 5/22/2011 Adam - How he named animals - 5/23/2011 Mammoth genes - Still here! - 5/24/2011 Updating Darwin - 5/25/2011 Bible-taken off a billboard! - 5/26/2011 Salmon - Evolution? - 5/29/2011 Enoch - Seventh from Adam! - 5/30/2011 The sixth day of Creation - 5/31/2011 Adam - Have to learn language? - 6/1/2011 Dinosaurs - Recent times? - 6/2/2011 “Extinction events” - 6/5/2011 Animals - Die before sin? - 6/6/2011 Oil in minutes - from sewage! - 6/7/2011 The church fathers - Creation - 6/8/2011 The earth's magnetic field - 6/9/2011 Does “day” always mean day? - 6/12/2011 A “day”- a thousand years? - 6/13/2011 6,000 years - Earth's age? - 6/14/2011 Millions of years-where'd the - 6/15/2011 Rapid rock formation - 6/16/2011 The Siberian salamander - 6/19/2011 Evolution - Best evidence? - 6/20/2011 Speciation - Can occur quickly - 6/21/2011 Dinosaurs - No mystery! - 6/22/2011 Dinosaur extinction - 6/23/2011 Genesis - A metaphor? - 6/26/2011 Rocks - Make them yourself! - 6/27/2011 The week - Where it came from - 6/28/2011 The book of Genesis - Simple? - 6/29/2011 The Ark - Was it big enough? - 6/30/2011 Genesis - It's worth division! - 7/3/2011 Stars - Created on fourth day? - 7/4/2011 Refuting compromise - 7/5/2011 Comets - Disintegrate! - 7/6/2011 Plants - Not “nephesh! - 7/7/2011 Creation - Why six days long? - 7/10/2011 Death - Really ‘very good'? - 7/11/2011 Creation - Two accounts? - 7/12/2011 Humans - Serve bacteria! - 7/13/2011 Original sin - Essential? - 7/14/2011 Adam - A belly button? - 7/17/2011 A missing link - Found! - 7/18/2011 The creation days - 7/19/2011 Creation or evolution - 7/20/2011 Six days - Why so long? - 7/21/2011 Plants - Die before sin? - 7/24/2011 Adam - He didn't evolve! - 7/25/2011 Adam - Could he write? - 7/26/2011 It's a transition - no, bird! - 7/27/2011 Cain - Where did he find wife? - 7/28/2011 Ted Turner - Death & suffering - 7/31/2011 Death and suffering - 8/1/2011 Diseases - 8/2/2011 Death - Really our “ally?” - 8/3/2011 Death - Battle of 2 histories! - 8/4/2011 The world - 8/7/2011 Death before sin? - 8/8/2011 Violence - Why it happens - 8/9/2011 Violence - No answer! - 8/10/2011 Two heads - Not always better - 8/11/2011 James Ussher - Date, creation! - 8/14/2011 Millions of years? Big problem - 8/15/2011 Jesus - Didn't believe in gap! - 8/16/2011 Sin-how do we wash it away? - 8/17/2011 Noah's Flood - Left it's mark! - 8/18/2011 Noah's Flood - On Mars! - 8/21/2011 The ocean floor - Can't be old - 8/22/2011 Worldwide catastrophism - 8/23/2011 Noah's Flood - Cover earth? - 8/24/2011 Uluru - Testimony to Flood! - 8/25/2011 Feathers, fables, dinosaurs - 8/28/2011 Spielberg and dinosaurs - 8/29/2011 Dinosaurs - Key to education! - 8/30/2011 Fossil pliers - 8/31/2011 Creationists - Undercover - 9/1/2011 Biblical glasses - Needed! - 9/4/2011 Cloning sheep, cloning people - 9/5/2011 Creation/evolution - 9/6/2011 Mussels - Evolution in action? - 9/7/2011 Huge sauropods - 9/8/2011 Noah's Ark - Not a bathtub! - 9/11/2011 Creation evangelism - 9/12/2011 Noah's Flood - Global? - 9/13/2011 Noah's Ark - Big enough? - 9/14/2011 Dogs - How many on Noah's Ark? - 9/15/2011 Rid the world of evil? Can we? - 9/18/2011 The creation - Falling apart! - 9/19/2011 Noah's Ark - Why so big? - 9/20/2011 Noah's Ark - Salvation - 9/21/2011 Fencing wire - It's a fossil! - 9/22/2011 Venus - A Surprise! - 9/25/2011 Comets - They disintegrate! - 9/26/2011 Tracts - To win converts! - 9/27/2011 The planet Uranus - A problem - 9/28/2011 Evolutionists - 9/29/2011 “Heaven and earth” - 10/2/2011 “Half-born Christians” - 10/3/2011 The Sun - Younger than earth! - 10/4/2011 Evolution - Changes! - 10/5/2011 Creationists - Narrow-minded! - 10/6/2011 Evolution - Cause abortion? - 10/9/2011 Natural science museums - 10/10/2011 Cloning - What's real issue? - 10/11/2011 Defending the faith - 10/12/2011 Bruce Willis - He understands! - 10/13/2011 Trust the scientists or Bible? - 10/16/2011 “Clothing-optional” beaches - 10/17/2011 Evolution and abortion - 10/18/2011 America - Becoming like Sodom! - 10/19/2011 Bonobos - Permissiveness! - 10/20/2011 Satan - Now when did he fall? - 10/23/2011 Beware the word “creationist! - 10/24/2011 Music - 10/25/2011 Destroying human clones - 10/26/2011 “Train up a child” - 10/27/2011 Noah's Ark - Dinosaurs? - 10/30/2011 Religious leaders - 10/31/2011 Christians - More broadminded? - 11/1/2011 Evolution - 11/2/2011 Evolution - How we define it - 11/3/2011 Legless lizards...not proof! - 11/6/2011 A day in its context - 11/7/2011 Dinosaur fossils - A fraud? - 11/8/2011 Six days - Why so long? - 11/9/2011 Skunks - Brilliantly designed - 11/10/2011 A day - Like a thousand years? - 11/13/2011 Dinosaurs - Rocky diets! - 11/14/2011 Does the word day mean day? - 11/15/2011 T-Rex coprolite - Revealing! - 11/16/2011 Thorny devil - Thorny problem? - 11/17/2011 Six ordinary days - 11/20/2011 Global warming - Is it real? - 11/21/2011 Comets - Disintegrate quickly! - 11/22/2011 Uranus - Problem for evolution - 11/23/2011 Carbon dating - Is earth old? - 11/24/2011 Venus - A surprise! - 11/27/2011 Six ordinary days - Matter? - 11/28/2011 Old earthers - Christians? - 11/29/2011 Low view of Scripture! - 11/30/2011 Dating fossil wood - Wrong! - 12/1/2011 Adam's rib - He got it back! - 12/4/2011 Scientists declare - One race! - 12/5/2011 Racial differences - 12/6/2011 Racism - In school textbook! - 12/7/2011 Interracial marriage - 12/8/2011 The aborigines - Tree of Death - 12/11/2011 Racism - Solution's simple! - 12/12/2011 Fighting racism - 12/13/2011 Genesis - 12/14/2011 Earth's origin? - 12/15/2011 Suffering - Why God allows it - 12/18/2011 Death - Why do people die? - 12/19/2011 Tragedies - 12/20/2011 Medical researchers - 12/21/2011 Evolution - Religion of death! - 12/22/2011 Evolution - 12/25/2011 A perfect world? - 12/26/2011 Death - Battle of 2 histories! - 12/27/2011 Death - Don't blame Creator! - 12/28/2011 God is love, yet death? - 12/29/2011 Noah's Ark - Why so big? - 1/1/2012 Fossil bones - What they teach - 1/2/2012 Australian coal - 1/3/2012 4,300 yrs - Is it enough time? - 1/4/2012 Noah's Ark - Salvation! - 1/5/2012 Noah's Ark - 1/8/2012 Noah's Ark - 1/9/2012 Fish - How'd they survive? - 1/10/2012 Sediment - Not enough in sea! - 1/11/2012 Satan's methods - Nothing new! - 1/12/2012 Genesis - Written as poetry? - 1/15/2012 Christ's first miracle - When? - 1/16/2012 Red-letter Bibles - 1/17/2012 The apostle Paul - Creation! - 1/18/2012 Creation - Secondary doctrine? - 1/19/2012 Missions - Start at beginning! - 1/22/2012 Japan - No Christian basis! - 1/23/2012 Will there be death - 1/24/2012 The future state - 1/25/2012 Man or God? - 1/26/2012 A culture war - What is it? - 1/29/2012 The culture war - Effects! - 1/30/2012 The culture war - Real cause? - 1/31/2012 The culture war - It's culprit - 2/1/2012 The culture war - How fought? - 2/2/2012 Moral absolutes - Missing! - 2/5/2012 Western society - 2/6/2012 From the Jews to like Greeks! - 2/7/2012 “Evolution Sunday” - 2/8/2012 Pastors support evolution! - 2/9/2012 Jesus Christ - 2/12/2012 Six literal days of creation - 2/13/2012 The age of the earth - 2/14/2012 Six “days”- What scholars say - 2/15/2012 Six “days” or six “ages” - 2/16/2012 Fossils - Many out of sequence - 2/19/2012 The book of Genesis - 2/20/2012 Six days of creation - 2/21/2012 Creation - Differing views? - 2/22/2012 Jesus - Believe in six days? - 2/23/2012 Cooperation - Ant and tree! - 2/26/2012 The hummingbird - Tiny miracle - 2/27/2012 Evolution - Is it “science?” - 2/28/2012 Bones... better than bridges! - 2/29/2012 Natural selection - 3/1/2012 Skunks - Pass smell test? - 3/4/2012 Broken bones - No problem - 3/5/2012 Genesis chapters one and two - 3/6/2012 The spleen - An amazing organ! - 3/7/2012 Dinosaurs - Taking them back! - 3/8/2012 Alien life - A matter of faith - 3/11/2012 Life in a rock - Or a womb? - 3/12/2012 Extraterrestrial life - 3/13/2012 Refuting compromise - 3/14/2012 Evolution - Defies chemistry! - 3/15/2012 Life in outer space - 3/18/2012 The Sun - Younger than earth! - 3/19/2012 Atheists - Teaching Christian? - 3/20/2012 Little green men - 3/21/2012 Preach creation - 3/22/2012 The majority - Always right? - 3/25/2012 Days or years - 3/26/2012 There are no gaps - In begats! - 3/27/2012 Needed - More missionaries... - 3/28/2012 Heaven and earth - 3/29/2012 Spring break - Eternity! - 4/1/2012 Easter - Not just a holiday! - 4/2/2012 God - Is He the Last Adam? - 4/3/2012 Easter - God's answer! - 4/4/2012 Christ's sacrifice - 4/5/2012 Lessons on terrorism - Genesis - 4/8/2012 Refuting compromise - 4/9/2012 Could Adam get hurt - 4/10/2012 Original sin - What did it do? - 4/11/2012 The fall - 4/12/2012 Nature - What does it teach? - 4/15/2012 Suffering and death - 4/16/2012 The creation - Falling apart! - 4/17/2012 All things bright and beautifu - 4/18/2012 Earth Day - A hidden agenda? - 4/19/2012 Man's weapons - 4/22/2012 Dinosaurs - 4/23/2012 The Ark - Was it big enough? - 4/24/2012 Fossils - 4/25/2012 Scientists - Why reject flood? - 4/26/2012 Dinosaurs - Were they on Ark? - 4/29/2012 Billions of dead things, Flood - 4/30/2012 A global flood - In the gap? - 5/1/2012 Flood scoffers - sign of times - 5/2/2012 Fossils - Preach a message! - 5/3/2012 True History of Dinosaurs, 1 - 5/6/2012 True History of Dinosaurs, 2 - 5/7/2012 True History of Dinosaurs, 3 - 5/8/2012 True History of Dinosaurs, 4 - 5/9/2012 True History of Dinosaurs, 5 - 5/10/2012 Firm Foundation Quiz - 5/13/2012 Does It Really Matter? - 5/14/2012 An Extra Book of the Bible? - 5/15/2012 An Old Earth is New - 5/16/2012 Should We Reject Science? - 5/17/2012 Top Five Myths about Evolution - 5/20/2012 Top Five Myths about Evolution - 5/21/2012 Top five myths about evolution - 5/22/2012 Top Five Myths about Evolution - 5/23/2012 Top Five Myths about Evolution - 5/24/2012 Over 2,000 Exoplanets, 1 Earth - 5/27/2012 Hawking Atheism - 5/28/2012 We Came from Outer Space? - 5/29/2012 Make a Fossil at Home? - 5/30/2012 Would You Like to Be Caveman? - 5/31/2012 Claimed Contradictions, Part 1 - 6/3/2012 Claimed Contradictions, Part 2 - 6/4/2012 Claimed Contradictions, Part 3 - 6/5/2012 Claimed Contradictions, Part 4 - 6/6/2012 Claimed Contradictions, Part 5 - 6/7/2012 Light Before the Sun - 6/10/2012 God Took a Week - 6/11/2012 Living for 900 Years - 6/12/2012 Dying You Shall Die - 6/13/2012 Adam Was Real - 6/14/2012 Evolution vs Genesis, Part 1 - 6/17/2012 Evolution Vs. Genesis, Part 2 - 6/18/2012 Evolution Vs. Genesis, Part 3 - 6/19/2012 Evolution Vs Genesis, Part 4 - 6/20/2012 Evolution Vs. Genesis, Part 5 - 6/21/2012 Share the Gospel, Beginning - 6/24/2012 Gospel and the Age of Earth - 6/25/2012 Behind the Debate - 6/26/2012 Jesus Taught a Young Earth - 6/27/2012 The Last Enemy - 6/28/2012 A Real Ark, Part 1 (Intro.) - 7/1/2012 A Real Ark, Part 2 - 7/2/2012 A Real Ark, Part 3 - 7/3/2012 A Real Ark, Part 4 - 7/4/2012 A Real Ark, Part 5 (Conclusion - 7/5/2012 What is a Biblical Worldview? - 7/8/2012 What is a Biblical Worldview? - 7/9/2012 What is a Biblical Worldview? - 7/10/2012 What is a Biblical Worldview? - 7/11/2012 What is a Biblical Worldview? - 7/12/2012 Interracial Marriage - 7/15/2012 Evolution and Racism - 7/16/2012 Adam, Eve, and Skin Tones - 7/17/2012 Curse of Ham - 7/18/2012 The Bible, Solution to Racism - 7/19/2012 “Interpretations” of Genesis 1 - 7/22/2012 “Interpretations” of Genesis 2 - 7/23/2012 “Interpretations” of Genesis 3 - 7/24/2012 “Interpretations” of Genesis 4 - 7/25/2012 “Interpretations” of Genesis 5 - 7/26/2012 Apologetics? - 7/29/2012 Does the Bible Need Defending? - 7/30/2012 Dawkins - Destroy Christianity - 7/31/2012 Sin to Blame - Not Evolution - 8/1/2012 Does Christianity Evolve? - 8/2/2012 What Depends on Genesis? Pt 1 - 8/5/2012 What Depends on Genesis? Pt 2 - 8/6/2012 What Depends on Genesis? Pt 3 - 8/7/2012 What Depends on Genesis? Pt 4 - 8/8/2012 What Depends on Genesis? Pt 5 - 8/9/2012 More Soft Tissue in Fossils - 8/12/2012 Are Some Pastors Missing Point - 8/13/2012 Shark GPS - 8/14/2012 Baptizing an Alien - 8/15/2012 Did Moses Write Genesis? - 8/16/2012 Why Should We Trust the Bible? - 8/19/2012 Why Should We Trust the Bible - 8/20/2012 Why Should We Trust the Bible? - 8/21/2012 Why Should We Trust the Bible? - 8/22/2012 Why Should We Trust the Bible? - 8/23/2012 Are Dogs Smarter than Chimps? - 8/26/2012 Forming a Valley In Just a Day - 8/27/2012 Why Reading Bible's Important - 8/28/2012 Great Designs - Outside Window - 8/29/2012 Does the World Look Old? - 8/30/2012 Creation Scientists, Part 1 - 9/2/2012 Creation Scientists, Part 2 - 9/3/2012 Creation Scientists, Part 3 - 9/4/2012 Creation Scientists, Part 4 - 9/5/2012 Creation Scientists, Part 5 - 9/6/2012 The Impact of the Curse, Pt 1 - 9/9/2012 The Impact of the Curse, Pt 2 - 9/10/2012 The Impact of the Curse, Pt 3 - 9/11/2012 The Impact of the Curse, Pt 4 - 9/12/2012 The Impact of the Curse, Pt 5 - 9/13/2012 Why are Apes Similar? - 9/16/2012 Neptune - 9/17/2012 Did Adam Have a Bellybutton? - 9/18/2012 After-Birth Abortions - 9/19/2012 Do Plants Die? - 9/20/2012 The Debate is Over? - 9/23/2012 Don't Tell Bible Stories? - 9/24/2012 Chicken or the Egg? - 9/25/2012 Gone Before College - 9/26/2012 Safe Christian Colleges? - 9/27/2012 Best Evidences, Young Earth #1 - 9/30/2012 Best Evidences, Young Earth #2 - 10/1/2012 Best Evidences, Young Earth #3 - 10/2/2012 Best Evidences, Young Earth #4 - 10/3/2012 Best Evidences of Young Earth - 10/4/2012 Best Evidences of Young Earth - 10/7/2012 Best Evidences of Young Earth - 10/8/2012 Best Evidences of Young Earth - 10/9/2012 Best Evidences of Young Earth - 10/10/2012 Best Evidences of Young Earth - 10/11/2012 Compromise - Leaving Door Open - 10/14/2012 It's All about Time? - 10/15/2012 Does Science Disprove Bible? - 10/16/2012 Did Adam Eat Filet Mignon? - 10/17/2012 Who Made God? - 10/18/2012 Caves formed quickly? - 10/21/2012 Dino-birds? - 10/22/2012 Millions of Light Years - 10/23/2012 Adam Named the Animals - 10/24/2012 Battle over Children - 10/25/2012 Kids Need More than Just Info? - 10/28/2012 Don't Ban Evolution - 10/29/2012 Moon Moving Away - 10/30/2012 Where Are All the People? - 10/31/2012 All Creationists Go to Heaven? - 11/1/2012 Arguments to Avoid, Part 1 - 11/4/2012 Arguments to Avoid, Part 2 - 11/5/2012 Arguments to Avoid, Part 3 - 11/6/2012 Arguments to Avoid, Part 4 - 11/7/2012 Arguments to Avoid, Part 5 - 11/8/2012 Who were the Cavemen? Part 1 - 11/11/2012 Who were the Cavemen? Part 2 - 11/12/2012 Who were the Cavemen? Part 3 - 11/13/2012 Who were the Cavemen? Part 4 ( - 11/14/2012 Who were the Cavemen? Part 5 - 11/15/2012 So Many Scientists Wrong? - 11/18/2012 Is Evolution a Religion? - 11/19/2012 Take Genesis Literally? - 11/20/2012 Hebrew Scholars Agree - 11/21/2012 Creation Museum a Real Museum? - 11/22/2012 Evidence for a Worldwide Flood - 11/25/2012 Evidence for a Worldwide Flood - 11/26/2012 Evidence for a Worldwide Flood - 11/27/2012 Evidence for a Worldwide Flood - 11/28/2012 Evidence for Worldwide Flood 5 - 11/29/2012 Do All Paths Lead to God? - 12/2/2012 Can Creation Science Be Wrong? - 12/3/2012 Genesis and Ancient Myths - 12/4/2012 Why Build an Ark? - 12/5/2012 Is the Bible Perfect? - 12/6/2012 Creation Astronomy, Part 1 - 12/9/2012 Creation Astronomy, Part 2 - 12/10/2012 Creation Astronomy, Part 3 - 12/11/2012 Creation Astronomy, Part 4 - 12/12/2012 Creation Astronomy, Part 5 - 12/13/2012 Cosmic Super-Mom - 12/16/2012 Cain and His Sister - 12/17/2012 Misconceptions about Christmas - 12/18/2012 Misconceptions about Christmas - 12/19/2012 Misconceptions about Christmas - 12/20/2012 Misconceptions about Christmas - 12/23/2012 Misconceptions about Christmas - 12/24/2012 Mars, Curiosity, and Life - 12/25/2012 Is Tiktaalik the Missing Link? - 12/26/2012 Focus on the Gospel - 12/27/2012 Don't Even Mention Creation - 12/30/2012 The Creationist Threat - 12/31/2012 Creationists Keep from Jesus? - 1/1/2013 Biblical Marriage - 1/2/2013 Biblical Marriage... - 1/2/2013 Why Won't They Listen? Part 1 - 1/6/2013 Why Won't They Listen? Part 2 - 1/7/2013 Why Won't They Listen? Part 3 - 1/8/2013 Why Won't They Listen? Part 4 - 1/9/2013 Why Won't They Listen? Part 5 - 1/10/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 1 - 1/13/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 2 - 1/14/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 3 - 1/15/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 4 - 1/16/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 5 - 1/17/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 6 - 1/20/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 7 - 1/21/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 8 - 1/22/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 9 - 1/23/2013 Reclaiming Youth for Truth, 10 - 1/24/2013 The Ark, Picture of Salvation - 1/27/2013 The Cross at Ground Zero - 1/28/2013 No Sun, No Day? - 1/29/2013 Were Adam and Eve Ape-People? - 1/30/2013 66 No Room for Evolution - 1/31/2013 Was Jesus Married? Part 1 - 2/3/2013 Did Jesus Have a Wife? Part 2 - 2/4/2013 Poison Dart Frogs - 2/5/2013 Death in the New Creation? - 2/6/2013 The Future State - 2/7/2013 Are Dating Methods Reliable? 1 - 2/10/2013 Are Dating Methods Reliable? 2 - 2/11/2013 Are Dating Methods Reliable? 3 - 2/12/2013 Are Dating Methods Reliable? 4 - 2/13/2013 Are Dating Methods Reliable? 5 - 2/14/2013 Does the Bible Teach Trinity? - 2/17/2013 God - Three and One? - 2/18/2013 Is Jesus Really God? - 2/19/2013 The Holy Spirit - A Person? - 2/20/2013 How Did Tabby Get Its Blotches - 2/21/2013 The Truth about Darwin, Part 1 - 2/24/2013 The Truth about Darwin, Part 2 - 2/25/2013 The Truth about Darwin, Part 3 - 2/26/2013 The Truth about Darwin, Part 4 - 2/27/2013 The Truth about Darwin, Part 5 - 2/28/2013 It's Not About the Evidence? - 3/3/2013 There's No Magic Proof... - 3/4/2013 It's Easy to Miss Main Thing - 3/5/2013 There's No Neutral Position - 3/6/2013 Not About Winning Arguments - 3/7/2013 Was There an Ice Age? - 3/10/2013 Flood Legends - They Abound - 3/11/2013 Noah's Flood - 3/12/2013 Noah - Was He a Caveman? - 3/13/2013 Noah - Was He a Primitive Man? - 3/14/2013 Rampant Violence - Problem? - 3/17/2013 Biology Depend on Evolution? - 3/18/2013 Can Creationists Be Scientists - 3/19/2013 Conflict of Bible & Science? - 3/20/2013 Hope for Our Children - 3/21/2013 Doctrine, Part 1 (Intro.) - 3/24/2013 Doctrine, Part 2 (The Bible) - 3/25/2013 Doctrine, Part 3 (The Trinity) - 3/26/2013 Doctrine, Part 4 (Jesus) - 3/27/2013 Doctrine, Part 5 - 3/28/2013 Biblical Geology, Part 1 - 3/31/2013 Biblical Geology, Part 2 - 4/1/2013 Biblical Geology, Part 3 - 4/2/2013 Biblical Geology, Part 4 - 4/3/2013 Biblical Geology, Part 5 - 4/4/2013 What's in Deserted Caves? - 4/7/2013 Why Did God Create Cockroaches - 4/8/2013 Before Creation Pt 1 - 4/9/2013 Before Creation? Pt 2 - 4/10/2013 Before Creation? Pt 3 - 4/11/2013 Your Tax Dollars at Work! - 4/14/2013 Get Off the Bench! - 4/15/2013 Do Atheists Own the Dinosaurs? - 4/16/2013 The Peregrine Falcon - 4/17/2013 Meerkat Clans - 4/18/2013 Sufficiency of Scripture Pt 1 - 4/21/2013 Sufficiency of Scripture, Pt 2 - 4/22/2013 Sufficiency of Scripture... 3 - 4/23/2013 Sufficiency of Scripture, 4 - 4/24/2013 Sufficiency of Scripture, Pt 5 - 4/25/2013 Parasites, Part 1 (Intro) - 4/28/2013 Parasites, Part 2 (Malaria) - 4/29/2013 Parasites, Part 3 - 4/30/2013 Parasites, Part 4 - 5/1/2013 Parasites, Part 5 - 5/2/2013 New Species - Evolution? - 5/5/2013 Genesis 1 and 2 - 5/6/2013 Moon - A Testimony of Creation - 5/7/2013 Modern-Day Ark of Salvation - 5/8/2013 Remembering Our Mothers - 5/9/2013 How Many Animals Were on Ark? - 5/12/2013 How Many Animals Were on the A - 5/13/2013 How Many Animals Were on Ark? - 5/14/2013 How Many Animals Were on Ark? - 5/15/2013 Changing Evolutionary Ideas - 5/16/2013 Defending the Faith Part 1 - 5/19/2013 Defending the Faith Part 2 - 5/20/2013 Defending the Faith Part 3 - 5/21/2013 Defending the Faith Part 4 - 5/22/2013 Defending the Faith Part 5 - 5/23/2013 Remembering on Memorial Day - 5/26/2013 Scorpions - Armed and Dangerou - 5/27/2013 Scorpions - Armed and Dangerou - 5/28/2013 The Pituitary Gland - 5/29/2013 Snail Armor - Tough as Nails - 5/30/2013 Gone in Only One Generation 1 - 6/2/2013 Gone in Only One Generation 2 - 6/3/2013 Gone in Only One Generation 3 - 6/4/2013 Gone in Only One Generation - 6/5/2013 Gone in Only One Generation 5 - 6/6/2013 Water Striders - 6/9/2013 What carved the Grand Canyon? - 6/10/2013 It's a War of Words - 6/11/2013 Did God Write the Bible? - 6/12/2013 In Memory of a Godly Father - 6/13/2013 Arguments We Shouldn't Use - 1 - 6/16/2013 Arguments We Shouldn't Use - 2 - 6/17/2013 Arguments We Shouldn't Use 3 - 6/18/2013 Arguments We Shouldn't Use - 4 - 6/19/2013 Arguments We Shouldn't Use - 5 - 6/20/2013 Are Demons Active Today? Pt 1 - 6/23/2013 Are Demons Active Today? Pt 2 - 6/24/2013 Leaving Home . . . and God - 6/25/2013 Proverbs - Part 1 - 6/26/2013 Proverbs - Part 2 - 6/27/2013 Why Couldn't God Use Evolution - 6/30/2013 Is Debate Settled on Evolution - 7/1/2013 Dogs - Some Are Disasters! - 7/2/2013 Reminder for Independence Day - 7/3/2013 Bees' Attraction to Flowers - 7/4/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 1 - 7/7/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 2 - 7/8/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 3 - 7/9/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 4 - 7/10/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 5 - 7/11/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 6 - 7/14/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 7 - 7/15/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 8 - 7/16/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 9 - 7/17/2013 Resurrection of Jesus Christ - 7/18/2013 Secular Resurrection Denials 1 - 7/21/2013 Secular Resurrection Denials 2 - 7/22/2013 Secular Resurrection Denials 3 - 7/23/2013 Secular Resurrection Denials 4 - 7/24/2013 Secular Resurrection Denials 5 - 7/25/2013 Crocodiles - 7/28/2013 Was Noah's Flood Local Event? - 7/29/2013 Discovering Dinosaur DNA - 7/30/2013 Snake Medicine - 7/31/2013 Should Plants Have Rights? - 8/1/2013 What Really Happened? Pt 1 - 8/4/2013 What Really Happened? Pt 2 - 8/5/2013 What Happened to Dinosaurs? 3 - 8/6/2013 What Happened to Dinosaurs? 4 - 8/7/2013 What Happened to the Dinosaurs - 8/8/2013 Megalonyx - The Gentle Giant 1 - 8/11/2013 Megalonyx - The Gentle Giant 2 - 8/12/2013 Slime Mold - Mindless Mapmaker - 8/13/2013 Final Nail, Evolution's Coffin - 8/14/2013 Tragic Reminders of the Fall - 8/15/2013 Genesis - Original Myth Buster - 8/18/2013 Genesis - Original Myth Buster - 8/19/2013 Genesis - Original Myth Buster - 8/20/2013 Genesis - Original Myth Buster - 8/21/2013 The Original Myth Buster, 5 - 8/22/2013 Is “Gay” Marriage Civil Right? - 8/25/2013 Is “Gay” Marriage Civil Right? - 8/26/2013 “Gay” Marriage a Civil Right? - 8/27/2013 “Gay” Marriage a Civil Right? - 8/28/2013 “Gay” Marriage a Civil Right? - 8/29/2013 Beetles - Go Anywhere... Pt 1 - 9/1/2013 Go Anywhere, Do Anything, 2 - 9/2/2013 Go Anywhere, Do Anything, 3 - 9/3/2013 Go Anywhere, Do Anything, 4 - 9/4/2013 Go Anywhere, Do Anything, Pt 5 - 9/5/2013 Iron - Toxin on the Table, 1 - 9/8/2013 Iron - Toxin on the Table, 2 - 9/9/2013 Remembering September 11th - 9/10/2013 Bacteria... That Eat Oil? - 9/11/2013 The Appendix - Not Useless - 9/12/2013 The Fossil Record, Part 1 - 9/15/2013 The Fossil Record, Part 2 - 9/16/2013 The Fossil Record, Part 3 - 9/17/2013 The Fossil Record, Part 4 - 9/18/2013 The Fossil Record, Part 5 - 9/19/2013 Did Humans Evolve from Ape? 1 - 9/22/2013 Did Humans Evolve...? Pt 2 - 9/23/2013 Did Humans Evolve from Ape? 3 - 9/24/2013 Did Humans Evolve from Ape? 4 - 9/25/2013 Did Humans Evolve from Ape? 5 - 9/26/2013 Seven C's & Biblical Worldview - 9/29/2013 Seven C's & Biblical Worldview - 9/30/2013 Seven C's & Biblical Worldview - 10/1/2013 Seven C's & Biblical Worldview - 10/2/2013 7 C's and Biblical Worldview - 10/3/2013 Seven C's & Biblical Worldview - 10/6/2013 Seven C's & Biblical Worldview - 10/7/2013 Seven C's & Biblical Worldview - 10/8/2013 Dragons - Fact or Fable? Pt 1 - 10/9/2013 Dragons - Fact or Fable? Pt 2 - 10/10/2013 Did Darwin Promote Racism? 1 - 10/13/2013 Did Darwin Promote Racism? 2 - 10/14/2013 Did Darwin Promote Racism? 3 - 10/15/2013 Did Darwin Promote Racism? 4 - 10/16/2013 Did Darwin Promote Racism? 5 - 10/17/2013 Genesis - Foundational 1 - 10/20/2013 Genesis - Foundational - 10/21/2013 Genesis - Foundational Pt 3 - 10/22/2013 Genesis - Foundational Pt 4 - 10/23/2013 Genesis - Foundational - 10/24/2013 The Gap Theory, Part 1 (Intro) - 10/27/2013 The Gap Theory, Part 2 - 10/28/2013 Halloween - 10/29/2013 Halloween Pt 2 - 10/30/2013 Is Christianity a “Virus”? - 10/31/2013 Whom Should We Vote For? Pt 1 - 11/3/2013 Whom Should We Vote For? 2 - 11/4/2013 The Mysterious Blue Whale, 1 - 11/5/2013 The Mysterious Blue Whale, 2 - 11/6/2013 The Mysterious Blue Whale, 3 - 11/7/2013 A Day to Honor Our Veterans - 11/10/2013 The Sun-Grazing Comets, Part 1 - 11/11/2013 The Sun-Grazing Comets, Part 2 - 11/12/2013 The Sun-Grazing Comets, Part 3 - 11/13/2013 The Sun-Grazing Comets, Part 4 - 11/14/2013 Genesis - Teaching History, 1 - 11/17/2013 Genesis - History & More, Pt 2 - 11/18/2013 Eastern Box Turtles - 11/19/2013 Put a Little Muscle into It - 11/20/2013 Is Scripture Silent on Geology - 11/21/2013 Christianity - “Blind Faith"? - 11/24/2013 Is the Bible Inerrant? - 11/25/2013 Thanksgiving - A Reminder... 1 - 11/26/2013 Thanksgiving - God's Goodness - 11/27/2013 The Church, Endangered Species - 11/28/2013 When Does Life Begin? Part 1 ( - 12/1/2013 When Does Life Begin? Part 2 - 12/2/2013 When Does Life Begin? Part 3 - 12/3/2013 When Does Life Begin? Part 4 - 12/4/2013 When Does Life Begin? Part 5 - 12/5/2013 The Bible in English, Part 1 - 12/8/2013 The Bible in English, Part 2 - 12/9/2013 The Bible in English, Part 3 - 12/10/2013 The Bible in English, Part 4 - 12/11/2013 The Bible in English, Part 5 - 12/12/2013 Dinosaurs - Living Large, Pt 1 - 12/15/2013 Dinosaurs - Living Large, Pt 2 - 12/16/2013 Dinosaurs - Living Large, Pt 3 - 12/17/2013 From Genesis to Bethlehem, 1 - 12/18/2013 From Genesis to Bethlehem, 2 - 12/19/2013 The Christmas Star, Part 1 - 12/22/2013 The Christmas Star, Part 2 - 12/23/2013 Christmas and Gospel Message - 12/24/2013 Asian Tsunami and Suffering - 12/25/2013 Remembering 20 Years - 12/26/2013 Ethiopia - They Love Lucy! - 12/29/2013 Christ's View of Scripture, 1 - 12/30/2013 Christ's View of Scripture, 2 - 12/31/2013 Christ's View of Scripture, 3 - 1/1/2014 Christ's View of Scripture, 4 - 1/2/2014 Bacteria Remain, Bacteria - 6/28/2018 What About Homology? - 7/2/2018 Formed to Be Inhabited - 7/3/2018 Happy Independence Day! - 7/4/2018 Cell Evolution? - 7/5/2018 How Did People Get to America - 7/6/2018 Read God's Word - 7/9/2018 Hide God's Word in Your Heart - 7/10/2018 Let God's Word Be on Your Lips - 7/11/2018 Rejoice in God's Word - 7/12/2018 God's Word—the Final Authority - 7/13/2018 Diamonds—They're Not Forever! - 7/16/2018 Young Diamonds - 7/17/2018 Judgment and Mercy - 7/18/2018 Emeralds—Evolutionary Puzzle - 7/19/2018 Beauties from Catastrophe - 7/20/2018 Every, All, and Everything! - 7/23/2018 Noah's Flood—It Was Global! - 7/24/2018 A Massive, Massive Ship - 7/25/2018 As in the Days of Noah - 7/26/2018 The Rainbow Covenant - 7/27/2018 Appendix and Tonsils—Who Need? - 7/30/2018 Useless Organ?Useless Argument - 7/31/2018 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - 8/1/2018 The Tailbone Is Not a Tail! - 8/2/2018 Getting Goosebumps - 8/3/2018 Creation—It's Young! - 8/6/2018 A Perfect Creation - 8/7/2018 According to Their Kinds - 8/8/2018 A Global Flood - 8/9/2018 Only One Race - 8/10/2018 A One-of-a-Kind Planet - 8/13/2018 Delicate Beauty - 8/14/2018 Saturn's Rings—They're Young! - 8/15/2018 Saturn—a Young Planet! - 8/16/2018 Titan—a Young Moon! - 8/17/2018 For All Have Sinned - 8/20/2018 Creation—It's Broken! - 8/21/2018 Humans—We're Special - 8/22/2018 The Gospel—Our Only Hope - 8/23/2018 God's Judgment—It's Sure - 8/24/2018 The Rocks Cry Out - 8/27/2018 Billions of Dead Things - 8/28/2018 Catastrophic Plate Tectonics - 8/29/2018 Earthquakes, Volcanoes - 8/30/2018 Continental . . . Sprint? - 8/31/2018 How Many Languages? - 9/3/2018 Around the World from Babel - 9/4/2018 Who Were Cavemen? - 9/5/2018 One Race, One Blood - 9/6/2018 Same Problem, Same Hope - 9/7/2018 Is Gender on a Spectrum? - 9/10/2018 Why Is there Death & Suffering - 9/11/2018 Only One Way - 9/12/2018 More than One Word of God? - 9/13/2018 It's About God—Not Us! - 9/14/2018 A Bird—or a Flying Dinosaur? - 9/17/2018 Professing to be Wise - 9/18/2018 A Culture Unhinged - 9/19/2018 Did Chimps Make Us Evil? - 9/20/2018 Photosynthesis Before Earth? - 9/21/2018 Are Ravens...Evolving? - 9/24/2018 Was the Moon From a Donut? - 9/25/2018 New Find Supports the Bible - 9/26/2018 Aliens—Are They Already Dead? - 9/27/2018 Should We Clone Humans? - 9/28/2018 The Flood Explains the Ice Age - 10/1/2018 How Did Flood Cause Ice Age? - 10/2/2018 What Happened to the Mammoths? - 10/3/2018 Glacial Lake Missoula - 10/4/2018 How Old are the Ice Cores? - 10/5/2018 Test the Spirits - 10/8/2018 False Teaching causes Division - 10/9/2018 Teaching According to Christ - 10/10/2018 The Heart of False Teaching - 10/11/2018 The Heart of False Teaching - 10/11/2018 False Teachers - 10/12/2018 A Supersized Lanslide - 10/15/2018 Which God? - 10/16/2018 Were Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 10/17/2018 Atheism—it's a Religion! - 10/18/2018 How Old Is the Earth? - 10/19/2018 Is Natural Selection Evolution - 10/22/2018 It's Here Because It Evolved - 10/23/2018 Is Evolution like Gravity? - 10/24/2018 Does Evidence Support? - 10/25/2018 Do Only Uneducated Reject Evo - 10/26/2018 Thorns/Thistles Before Sin? - 10/29/2018 No Carnivory Before Sin! - 10/30/2018 Who's Your Authority? - 10/31/2018 Cancer—Very Good? - 11/1/2018 Millions of Years & the Gospel - 11/2/2018 Who were the Neanderthals? - 11/5/2018 Who were the "Ancient" Humans? - 11/6/2018 When Did Cavemen Live? - 11/7/2018 How to Make an Ape-man - 11/8/2018 Pre-Humans and the Gospel - 11/9/2018 Remembering Our Veterans - 11/12/2018 Why are Apes Still Here? - 11/13/2018 Did Darwin Convert? - 11/14/2018 Did it Rain before the flood? - 11/15/2018 A Plesiosaur Discovered? - 11/15/2018 Has Plesiosaur been Discovered - 11/16/2018 Stomata—the Designer! - 11/19/2018 Plants according to "Kinds" - 11/20/2018 When Does Life Begin? - 11/21/2018 Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/22/2018 Our Young Moon - 11/23/2018 C-14 in Diamonds! - 11/26/2018 Sediment—Across Continents! - 11/27/2018 Soft tissue in Old Bones? - 11/28/2018 Not Enough Salt! - 11/29/2018 Not Enough Sediment in the Sea - 11/30/2018 Will We Find Aliens? - 12/3/2018 The God-Klingon? - 12/4/2018 Willfully Ignorant - 12/5/2018 What was Behemoth? - 12/6/2018 A Frozen Earth - 12/7/2018 Sea Creatures on Mountains! - 12/10/2018 Fossil Jellyfish? - 12/11/2018 Alligators, Mammals, Palm Tree - 12/12/2018 Sand from 1,000 miles away! - 12/13/2018 No Erosion between Layers - 12/14/2018 Layers of Assumptions - 12/17/2018 How Many Parent Atoms? - 12/18/2018 No Contamination? - 12/19/2018 A Constant Decay Rate? - 12/20/2018 Wrong Assumptions, Wrong Dates - 12/21/2018 Christ, the Eternal God - 12/24/2018 Jesus, Our Hope - 12/25/2018 Scripture is clear! - 12/26/2018 Confusing context? - 12/27/2018 Day—it means day! - 12/28/2018 Is Gender on a Spectrum? - 12/31/2018 Gender—A Social Construct? - 1/1/2019 Gender—Based on Feelings? - 1/2/2019 Gender in a Sin-Cursed World - 1/3/2019 Jesus—the Hope for All - 1/4/2019 Your Starting Point Matters - 1/7/2019 Climate Change—it's Real! - 1/8/2019 Is the Science Really Settled? - 1/9/2019 Time to look for a New Home? - 1/10/2019 Responding to climate change - 1/11/2019 Coal—it forms quickly - 1/14/2019 Carbon-14—in coal? - 1/15/2019 Where Did Coal Come From? - 1/16/2019 Stewards of Creation - 1/17/2019 Darwin's Finches Evidence - 1/18/2019 The Heavens Declare - 1/21/2019 Bright Blue Stars - 1/22/2019 Short-Lived Comets - 1/23/2019 Beautiful Spiral Galaxies - 1/24/2019 Stellar Evolution Happening? - 1/25/2019 In the Days of Peleg? - 1/28/2019 Continental Sprint! - 1/29/2019 A Whole New World - 1/30/2019 Where Did Mountains Come From - 1/30/2019 A Migration - from Ararat - 1/31/2019 Rafting across the ocean - 2/1/2019 A Local Flood? - 2/4/2019 Was the Flood Local? - 2/5/2019 Was Noah's Ark a Box? - 2/6/2019 The Ark—would it float? - 2/7/2019 Would all the animals fit? - 2/8/2019 Was there enough water? - 2/11/2019 A Global Flood … on Mars? - 2/12/2019 Dinosaurs -- on Noah's Ark? - 2/13/2019 The Flood—an Ancient Myth? - 2/14/2019 Was Noah's Ark found? - 2/15/2019 According to their Kinds - 2/18/2019 Finches Evidence-Evolution? - 2/19/2019 Two of every Kind - 2/20/2019 Fearfully and wonderfully made - 2/21/2019 Speak Life! - 2/22/2019 How Many Years? - 2/25/2019 A Five Thousand Year Old Tree? - 2/26/2019 Ice core dating—Reliable? - 2/27/2019 1 plus 1 equals Seven Billion? - 2/28/2019 Bible & "interracial" marriage - 3/1/2019 God's Word—it's our Authority - 3/4/2019 Stem Cells for Research? - 3/5/2019 Where are the Floodwaters? - 3/6/2019 Orchids—Beautiful Variety - 3/7/2019 Ecosystems-God's Design - 3/8/2019 Was Lucy a Missing Link? - 3/11/2019 What Happened to Giant Sharks? - 3/12/2019 A Bird with Teeth? - 3/13/2019 Why Six Thousand Years? - 3/14/2019 The Gospel-Begins in Genesis! - 3/15/2019 The Gospel-Begins in Genesis! - 3/15/2019 A Day is a Day - 3/18/2019 How Old is the Earth? - 3/19/2019 Death Before Sin? - 3/20/2019 Noah's Flood—it Was Global! - 3/21/2019 What about Dinosaurs? - 3/22/2019 We're All One Race - 3/25/2019 It's Not about a Young Earth! - 3/26/2019 Marriage—God's Institution - 3/27/2019 We're Created Male and Female - 3/28/2019 Billions of Dead Things - 3/29/2019 Was There a Big Bang? - 4/1/2019 Battle over Starting Points - 4/2/2019 Two kinds of Science - 4/3/2019 How Noah Fit Animals on Ark? - 4/4/2019 The Gospel Begins in Genesis - 4/5/2019 What Decides Truth? - 4/8/2019 Suppress Scientific Research? - 4/9/2019 Are Plants Evolving? - 4/10/2019 Evolution- Holds Back Science! - 4/11/2019 A Shark that Eats Grass? - 4/12/2019 The Resurrection—our Hope - 4/15/2019 Many Infallible Proofs - 4/16/2019 Jesus—He's Alive! - 4/17/2019 Can We Believe NT Authors? - 4/18/2019 Humanity's Unbelieving Heart - 4/19/2019 Science Confirms God's Word - 4/22/2019 Archaeologists Find King - 4/23/2019 One Consistent Message - 4/24/2019 Euthanasia…for Children? - 4/25/2019 Hospitals—Helping People Die? - 4/26/2019 Millions Years, No Evolution? - 4/29/2019 An Eternal 7th Day? - 4/30/2019 Plants Before the Sun? - 5/1/2019 A Day of Prayer for our Nation - 5/2/2019 Do Mutations Drive Evolution? - 5/3/2019 How Many Races? - 5/6/2019 Why We all Look so Different? - 5/7/2019 Evolution and Racism - 5/8/2019 Gospel—Answer to Racism - 5/9/2019 Mother's—Faithful in Small - 5/10/2019 Same World, Worldviews - 5/13/2019 Fossils and an Old Earth - 5/14/2019 Fast-Forming Fossils - 5/15/2019 Why Do We Have Fossils? - 5/16/2019 Order in the Fossil Record? - 5/17/2019 How Should We View Dinosaurs? - 5/20/2019 T-rex…With Humans? - 5/21/2019 Dinosaurs—Buried in the Flood - 5/22/2019 Dinosaurs in the Bible? - 5/23/2019 Dragon Legends - 5/24/2019 Thanking Those Who Served - 5/27/2019 Why are Young People Leaving? - 5/28/2019 From Jews to Greeks - 5/29/2019 Reaching "Greeks" with Gospel - 5/30/2019 Metamorphosis - 5/31/2019 Mountain-Sized Reminders - 6/3/2019 Scars From The Flood - 6/4/2019 A Frozen Past - 6/5/2019 From Lush to … a Desert? - 6/6/2019 Miles of Rock - 6/7/2019 Out-of-Place Pollen - 6/10/2019 Dinosaur… in Mammal's Stomach? - 6/11/2019 If it Looks Like a Duck… - 6/12/2019 A Fossil Graveyard - 6/13/2019 Celebrating Our Nation - 6/14/2019 Teaching Kids in Chaos - 6/17/2019 Filtering Everything - 6/18/2019 What's the Key? - 6/19/2019 Gender—A Social Construct? - 6/20/2019 God's Word on Marriage - 6/21/2019 What's a "Biblical" Kind? - 6/24/2019 Two of Every Kind - 6/25/2019 From Kinds to Species - 6/26/2019 Variety Within Kinds - 6/27/2019 How Much Variety? - 6/28/2019 Young Earth—It's Not The Issue - 7/1/2019 Keeping Gospel the Main Thing - 7/2/2019 Origin of Life—Is It Possible? - 7/3/2019 The Land of the Free - 7/4/2019 A Day is a … Day - 7/5/2019 Without Excuse - 7/8/2019 Sweet Testimony To Creator - 7/9/2019 The King of the Beasts - 7/10/2019 Did Bats Evolve Twice? - 7/11/2019 A "Sticky" Problem - 7/12/2019 Evidence of Intelligence? - 7/15/2019 Does Evolution Require Aliens? - 7/16/2019 Signs of Life? - 7/17/2019 Earth-Like Planets Found? - 7/18/2019 It's Not a Matter of Evidence - 7/19/2019 No Change in Millions of Years - 7/22/2019 A Spider's a Spider - 7/23/2019 No Evidence of Evolution - 7/24/2019 Cretaceous Complexity - 7/25/2019 A Feathered Dinosaur Tail? - 7/26/2019 Did God Use Millions Of Years? - 7/29/2019 Death Before Sin? - 7/30/2019 An Attack on God's Character! - 7/31/2019 Undermining Doctrine - 8/1/2019 An Attack on the Gospel - 8/2/2019 How You Fit Dinosaurs in Bible - 8/5/2019 Vegetarian … Dinosaur? - 8/6/2019 Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark? - 8/7/2019 What Happened to Dinosaurs? - 8/8/2019 Legends of Dinosaurs…? - 8/9/2019 What About "Prehistory"? - 8/12/2019 Prehistoric People? - 8/13/2019 "Prehistoric" Cavemen? - 8/14/2019 Ancient Intelligence? - 8/15/2019 Flood Legends? - 8/16/2019 When Does Life Begin? - 8/19/2019 Experimentation … on Children? - 8/20/2019 Stem Cell Research? - 8/21/2019 Abortion—when is it wrong? - 8/22/2019 Created in God's Image - 8/23/2019 Is Abortion a Woman's Right? - 8/26/2019 Beyond Anti-Death - 8/27/2019 Pure and Undefiled Religion - 8/28/2019 Choosing Our Words - 8/29/2019 Why Does Life Have Value? - 8/30/2019 Why Does Life Have Value? - 8/30/2019 Is Work Bad? - 9/2/2019 What's "Dominion"? - 9/3/2019 Why Care for Creation? - 9/4/2019 Climate Change, Alarming? - 9/5/2019 Worshipping Creation? - 9/6/2019 But Hasn't Science Proved …? - 9/9/2019 Red in Tooth and Claw - 9/10/2019 Where's the Evidence? - 9/11/2019 Brand-New Information? - 9/12/2019 Why Start With Creation? - 9/13/2019 Rapid Ice Age Cooling - 9/16/2019 Fossil Trees? - 9/17/2019 A Fossil Forest? - 9/18/2019 Does Coal Form Slowly? - 9/19/2019 Rapid Rock Layers - 9/20/2019 Little Grand Canyon - 9/23/2019 Dating Methods-Accurate? - 9/24/2019 Dating Methods—Accurate? - 9/24/2019 Rapid Recovery - 9/25/2019 Slow and Gradual - 9/26/2019 Lessons From Catastrophe - 9/27/2019 The Evolution of Flight - 9/30/2019 Echolocation Evolution - 10/1/2019 Simple to Complex - 10/2/2019 The Evolution of Toxins? - 10/3/2019 Evolving More Than Once? - 10/4/2019 A Global Flood - 10/7/2019 The Bible is Clear - 10/8/2019 A Massive Ship - 10/9/2019 Let Every Man Be a Liar - 10/10/2019 Our Ark of Salvation - 10/11/2019 One Continent - 10/14/2019 The "Paths of the Seas" - 10/15/2019 The Great Isaac Newton - 10/16/2019 Discovered Natural Selection? - 10/17/2019 Can Creationists Be Scientists - 10/18/2019 A Creationist Invention - 10/21/2019 An Accurate Prediction - 10/22/2019 Slippery Helium - 10/23/2019 Starting With God's Word - 10/24/2019 Rapid Plate Movement - 10/25/2019 The Not-So-Simple Anemone - 10/28/2019 Think Foundationally - 10/29/2019 Can Men Have Babies? - 10/30/2019 Death and the Gospel - 10/31/2019 Euthanasia…for Children? - 11/1/2019 Was There Really a Census? - 11/4/2019 Was Caiaphas A Real Person - 11/5/2019 Was Pilate a Real Person? - 11/6/2019 Can We Trust NT? - 11/7/2019 Overwhelming Evidence - 11/8/2019 Honoring Our Veterans - 11/11/2019 Our Goldilocks Earth - 11/12/2019 Laws of Nature - 11/13/2019 Who's Your Authority? - 11/14/2019 When Does Life Begin? - 11/15/2019 Unexpected Brilliance - 11/18/2019 Spiral Galaxies - 11/19/2019 Stellar Evolution? - 11/21/2019 Distant Starlight - 11/22/2019 God Can Be Trusted - 11/25/2019 A Firm Foundation - 11/26/2019 Living in Troubling Times - 11/27/2019 Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/28/2019 Attacking God's Character - 11/29/2019 From The Beginning - 12/2/2019 As In the Days of Noah - 12/3/2019 The First and Last Adams - 12/4/2019 All Things Continue - 12/5/2019 God-Our Authority - 12/6/2019 The Origin of Coal - 12/9/2019 The Origin of Oil - 12/10/2019 A Glittery Reminder - 12/11/2019 Fast-forming Chalk Beds - 12/12/2019 The Greatest Gift - 12/13/2019 Doom and Gloom … or Maybe Not? - 12/16/2019 Are Dire Warnings Too Over.. - 12/17/2019 Should We Be "Birth Strikers"? - 12/18/2019 Why is "Climate Anxiety".. - 12/19/2019 Being a Good Steward - 12/20/2019 So, What Was the Christmas.. - 12/23/2019 What Was the Purpose of the.. - 12/24/2019 Merry Christmas! - 12/25/2019 The Bible—It's All.. - 12/26/2019 Why Do We Celebrate? - 12/27/2019 The "Consensus Of The Tribe"? - 12/30/2019 What Is Truth? - 12/31/2019 Happy New Year! - 1/1/2020 What is "Rapid Evolution"? - 1/2/2020 Is Genesis Important? - 1/3/2020 A Bird and a Lizard - 1/6/2020 A Lily … That's, Well, A Lily! - 1/7/2020 A Great Mystery Solved! - 1/8/2020 A Bird with an Unlaid Egg - 1/9/2020 Spiders' Eyes and Leg Hairs - 1/10/2020 One Race—The Human Race - 1/13/2020 Where Did Cain Get His Wife? - 1/14/2020 Where Did the People Groups.. - 1/15/2020 Is It Really Skin Color? - 1/16/2020 The Gospel—It's For All! - 1/17/2020 The Answer To Racism - 1/20/2020 A Heartbeat—It's Not The.. - 1/21/2020 Standing Up For Life! - 1/22/2020 "Pro-choice"—It's Anti-Science - 1/23/2020 Are Embryos People? - 1/24/2020 Borrowing From a Christian.. - 1/27/2020 Where Does Logic Come From? - 1/28/2020 An Orderly Universe? - 1/29/2020 Where Does Morality Come From? - 1/30/2020 Hope, Meaning, and Purpose? - 1/31/2020 Created Male and Female - 2/3/2020 A Culture War! - 2/4/2020 Is The Holy Spirit a She? - 2/5/2020 Is Marriage Really For Two? - 2/6/2020 Love … It Has No Age? - 2/7/2020 Is It Wrong To Share The.. - 2/10/2020 Do Good People Get to Heaven? - 2/11/2020 Reaching a Secular Culture - 2/12/2020 The Gospel, Grounded in.. - 2/13/2020 Yes, Use Your Bible! - 2/14/2020 The Two Become One - 2/17/2020 What's It All About? - 2/18/2020 Marriage—Grounded In Creation - 2/19/2020 What Did Jesus Say? - 2/20/2020 God's Word—It's Our Authority - 2/21/2020 Beauty … and Ugliness - 2/24/2020 An Orderly Universe - 2/25/2020 Orderly Universe - 2/25/2020 They're Willingly Ignorant - 2/26/2020 The Heavens Declare - 2/27/2020 Are Other Planets the Best.. - 2/28/2020 The Lily That Forgot To.. - 3/2/2020 Now, Where Is The Evidence? - 3/3/2020 A Living Fossil - 3/4/2020 A Not-So-Regular Day of.. - 3/5/2020 A Death March - 3/6/2020 So, What Is A "Kind"? - 3/9/2020 Is Change Evolution? - 3/10/2020 Ligers and Wholphins? - 3/11/2020 How Many Animals Were On.. - 3/12/2020 Is Natural Selection.. - 3/13/2020 When Is a Day a Day? - 3/16/2020 And Everything Was "Very Good" - 3/17/2020 A Local Noah's Flood? - 3/18/2020 Jesus Believed in a Young.. - 3/19/2020 Just a Difference of.. - 3/20/2020 Was Life Seeded on Earth? - 3/23/2020 Alien Life—There's No.. - 3/24/2020 Formed to Be Inhabited - 3/25/2020 Jesus Didn't Die for Aliens - 3/26/2020 Why Do Evolutionists Search.. - 3/27/2020 Genetics—Do they Determine.. - 3/30/2020 Right and Wrong—So Who.. - 3/31/2020 Where do Meaning and.. - 4/1/2020 Laws of Nature—Where Do.. - 4/2/2020 Why Do We have Hope? - 4/3/2020 What Is the Gospel? - 4/6/2020 Confessing Sin . . . to.. - 4/7/2020 A Gospel of Social Justice? - 4/8/2020 Should We Make Judgments? - 4/9/2020 The Gospel—Hope for Eternity! - 4/10/2020 How Should We Understand.. - 4/13/2020 Dinosaurs . . . on the Ark? - 4/14/2020 Where Did the Dinosaurs Go? - 4/15/2020 Dinosaurs . . . and Man? - 4/16/2020 Are Birds Actually Dinosaurs? - 4/17/2020 Resting in God's Promises - 4/20/2020 Beliefs Have Consequences - 4/21/2020 It's Earth Day - 4/22/2020 Should We Jump on the.. - 4/23/2020 Failed Apocalyptic.. - 4/24/2020 The Absolute Standard - 4/27/2020 Male and Female He Created.. - 4/28/2020 Who's Your Authority? - 4/29/2020 Our Feet, Firmly Planted in.. - 4/30/2020 The Gospel—Hope for All - 5/1/2020 When Is a Day a Day? - 5/4/2020 "For in Six Days" - 5/5/2020 Death . . . Before Sin? - 5/6/2020 Lifting Up Our Nation.. - 5/7/2020 It's Almost Mother's Day! - 5/8/2020 Genesis—A Foundational Issue! - 5/11/2020 Genesis—Foundational for.. - 5/12/2020 The Answer to Racism - 5/13/2020 Created in God's Image - 5/14/2020 The Gospel, Grounded in.. - 5/15/2020 The Peppered Moth Fraud - 5/18/2020 Did Darwin's Finches Evolve? - 5/19/2020 Do We Go Through a Lizard.. - 5/20/2020 Jesus, the Eternal God - 5/21/2020 Is Radiometric Dating.. - 5/22/2020 Thankful for Freedom - 5/25/2020 Billions of Dead Things - 5/26/2020 Slow and Gradual . . ... - 5/27/2020 Slow and Gradual or Rapid.. - 5/27/2020 Rock Layers . . . Across.. - 5/28/2020 Rapidly Deposited Sand Waves - 5/29/2020 How Old Is the Universe.. - 6/1/2020 Blue Stars Still Shine! - 6/2/2020 Carbon . . . in Diamonds? - 6/3/2020 Short-Lived Comets! - 6/4/2020 Magnetic Fields and a Young.. - 6/5/2020 Are There Contradictions in.. - 6/8/2020 Do Miracles Show the.. - 6/9/2020 Context Is Key! - 6/10/2020 Reading the Whole Bible - 6/11/2020 Reading the Whole Bible - 6/11/2020 God . . . and the Coronavirus - 6/12/2020 Logic—Possible Because God.. - 6/12/2020 The Bible and the Coronavirus - 6/16/2020 Evolutionists—They Missed It! - 6/17/2020 Beetles—Designed by God - 6/18/2020 Happy Father's Day! - 6/19/2020 A Gap in Genesis? - 6/22/2020 For in Six Days . . - 6/23/2020 Death Before Sin? - 6/24/2020 Was or Became? - 6/25/2020 No Need to Add Millions of.. - 6/26/2020 Who Wrote Genesis? - 6/29/2020 A Vapor Canopy? - 6/30/2020 Disagreement Among.. - 6/30/2020 A Vapor Canopy? - 7/1/2020 Vapor Canopy? - 7/1/2020 Was There a Canopy? - 7/2/2020 Happy Independence Day! - 7/3/2020 Noah's Ark—Just a Story? - 7/6/2020 It Was How Big? - 7/7/2020 Millions of Animals on the.. - 7/8/2020 The Rocks Cry Out - 7/9/2020 Flood Legends - 7/10/2020 Just a Small Catastrophe! - 7/13/2020 Causing an Ice Age - 7/14/2020 A Forest Lake - 7/15/2020 Making Coal - 7/16/2020 Rock Layers in Just Hours? - 7/17/2020 Fast-Forming Canyons - 7/20/2020 Should We Trust the Dates? - 7/21/2020 A Slow Recovery? - 7/22/2020 Centuries or Just Decades? - 7/23/2020 Why Was This Volcano.. - 7/24/2020 What Does "Dominion" Mean? - 7/27/2020 What Does "Dominion" Mean? - 7/27/2020 Humans—Made in God's Image - 7/28/2020 Stewards over God's Creation - 7/29/2020 Stewarding with Wisdom - 7/30/2020 A Balanced Approach - 7/31/2020 Not Enough Sediment on the.. - 8/3/2020 Bent Rock Layers - 8/4/2020 A Freezing Earth? - 8/5/2020 Soft Tissue in Fossils - 8/5/2020 Our Magnetic Field - 8/7/2020 Helium in Rocks - 8/10/2020 Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds - 8/11/2020 A Melting Snowball - 8/12/2020 Not Enough Salt in the Sea - 8/13/2020 Lazarus Bacteria? - 8/14/2020 Just a Different.. - 8/17/2020 Traditional . . . or Biblical? - 8/18/2020 Just a Local Flood? - 8/19/2020 Only Noah Was Left - 8/20/2020 Millions of Years? We Don't.. - 8/21/2020 A Natural Consequence - 8/24/2020 When Does Life Begin? - 8/25/2020 The Testimony of Scripture - 8/26/2020 Pro-life Beyond Abortion - 8/27/2020 Speaking Life - 8/28/2020 Same Evidence, but Two.. - 8/31/2020 Two Kinds of Science - 9/1/2020 It's Faith Vs. Faith - 9/2/2020 A Lot of Time . . . or a.. - 9/3/2020 God's Word Vs. Man's Word - 9/4/2020 A Promise from God - 9/7/2020 A Limited Understanding - 9/8/2020 What's Really Causing.. - 9/9/2020 Do We Cause Hurricanes? - 9/10/2020 People First! - 9/11/2020 No Time to Eat Dinner - 9/14/2020 Fossil … Jellyfish? - 9/15/2020 Fossil Footprints? - 9/16/2020 No Evolution in Millions of.. - 9/17/2020 Incredible Fossil Spiders - 9/18/2020 Why Not Three … or More? - 9/21/2020 Who Determines Right and.. - 9/22/2020 And The Two Shall Become One! - 9/23/2020 Polygamy In The Old Testament? - 9/24/2020 Marriage—a Symbol of Christ.. - 9/25/2020 Should We Pray to "Mother.. - 9/28/2020 Who is God? - 9/29/2020 Pointing People to the One.. - 9/30/2020 "Dinosaur Trees" - 10/1/2020 Light-Detecting Panels on.. - 10/1/2020 Neanderthals Made String - 10/5/2020 Neanderthals—Swimmers and.. - 10/6/2020 Neanderthals, our Relatives - 10/7/2020 Who Were Cavemen? - 10/8/2020 Worldview matters - 10/9/2020 Soft Tissue in Old Fossils? - 10/12/2020 Soft Tissue—a Big Problem - 10/13/2020 The Big Takeaway - 10/14/2020 DNA that's Millions of.. - 10/15/2020 Science Confirms the Bible - 10/16/2020 Animals Over People? - 10/19/2020 Where Did Viruses Come From? - 10/20/2020 The Bible Got it Right! - 10/21/2020 Archaeology Confirms the Bible - 10/22/2020 The Bible Can Be Trusted - 10/23/2020 A Sixth Sense? - 10/26/2020 This Didn't Evolve! - 10/27/2020 Finding a Way Home - 10/28/2020 Finding Food in the Open Ocean - 10/29/2020 Seeing in Infrared - 10/30/2020 So, How Do We Decide How to.. - 11/2/2020 Two Reminders for Election Day - 11/3/2020 Dancing Stars - 11/4/2020 Pluto—Did it Have an Ocean? - 11/5/2020 Brilliant Blue Stars - 11/6/2020 Aliens—Do They Exist? - 11/9/2020 Jesus Is The God-Man - 11/10/2020 Thanking Our Veterans - 11/11/2020 Assumptions On Top of.. - 11/12/2020 Wrong Dates, Wrong Assumptions - 11/13/2020 We're Not God! - 11/16/2020 We Don't Decide Right from.. - 11/17/2020 Equal In His Image - 11/18/2020 How Green Should We Go? - 11/19/2020 How to Read the News - 11/20/2020 Speaking Without Words - 11/23/2020 Not-So-Nutty Squirrels - 11/24/2020 It's All … Or Nothing - 11/25/2020 Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/26/2020 Behemoth: a Dinosaur! - 11/27/2020 The Bible Tells Me So - 11/30/2020 Legends of a Flood? - 12/1/2020 Billions of Dead Things - 12/2/2020 Rapid Burial - 12/3/2020 Fossil Graveyards - 12/4/2020 Rootless Trees - 12/7/2020 Coal Across Continents - 12/8/2020 A Giant "Red" Testimony of.. - 12/9/2020 Millions of Years Missing? - 12/10/2020 Folded, Not Fractured - 12/11/2020 We're All One Race! - 12/14/2020 Different Races? No! - 12/15/2020 Red and Yellow, Black and.. - 12/16/2020 God—He Looks At The Heart - 12/17/2020 What's The Answer To Racism? - 12/18/2020 No Room In The Inn? - 12/21/2020 Born In A Barn? - 12/22/2020 Happy Birthday Jesus? - 12/23/2020 Should We Celebrate Christmas? - 12/24/2020 Good News For Every Day Of.. - 12/25/2020 When Were The Angels Created? - 12/28/2020 Satan—When Did He Fall? - 12/29/2020 Light Before The Sun? - 12/30/2020 "Adam Lived 930 Years . . ... - 12/31/2020 Where Was Eden? - 1/1/2021 How Long Ago Was Creation? - 1/4/2021 Six Days . . . Or Six Long.. - 1/5/2021 The Punishment Before The.. - 1/6/2021 Why's Our World Such A Mess? - 1/7/2021 Adam and Eve—Were They Real.. - 1/8/2021 A Local Or Global Flood? - 1/11/2021 A Global Graveyard - 1/12/2021 Did Babel Really Happen? - 1/13/2021 The Gospel—it's Grounded In.. - 1/14/2021 It Won't Always Be Like This! - 1/15/2021 Made In God's Image - 1/18/2021 Pro-Life . . . All The Time? - 1/19/2021 What Determines Our Worth? - 1/19/2021 The God Of Life . . . And.. - 1/21/2021 Remembering A Tragic Day - 1/22/2021 The New Testament Confirms.. - 1/25/2021 Jesus Confirms Genesis - 1/26/2021 When Were Adam and Eve.. - 1/27/2021 Adam and Eve—Real People? - 1/28/2021 Jesus Believed in a Global.. - 1/29/2021 What Is Marriage? - 2/1/2021 Marriage—Is It Just Two? - 2/2/2021 What Defines a Family? - 2/3/2021 Are Our Bodies Ours? - 2/4/2021 Looking to God's Word - 2/5/2021 Building a Biblical Worldview - 2/8/2021 What Goes to Heaven With You? - 2/9/2021 What Are Vegemite Kids? - 2/10/2021 Building From the.. - 2/11/2021 Dads—Lead Your Family! - 2/12/2021 In the Beginning, God Created - 2/15/2021 A Broken Creation - 2/16/2021 There Really Was a.. - 2/17/2021 Only One Race - 2/18/2021 Christ, Cross, and.. - 2/19/2021 A Horse Is a Horse, of Course! - 2/22/2021 What Is a "Kind"? - 2/23/2021 How Many Animals Were on.. - 2/24/2021 Post-Flood Adaptation - 2/25/2021 Kinds—A Challenge to.. - 2/26/2021 Fast-Formed Fossils - 3/1/2021 Where's All the Erosion? - 3/2/2021 Billions of Dead Things - 3/3/2021 A Monument to Catastrophe! - 3/4/2021 Rapid Plate Tectonics - 3/5/2021 Who's Your Authority? - 3/8/2021 Always Ready? - 3/9/2021 Effectively Engage the Culture - 3/10/2021 An Acts 17 Culture - 3/11/2021 The Gospel—Always the Main.. - 3/12/2021 Will the Universe Remember Us? - 3/15/2021 Why Do They Attack Us? - 3/16/2021 Where Does Morality Come From? - 3/17/2021 Is There Really a God? - 3/18/2021 The Gospel—The Only Hope.. - 3/19/2021 Only Two Types of Humans - 3/22/2021 Changing Definitions! - 3/23/2021 Helping or Hurting People? - 3/24/2021 Gender—Just a Construct? - 3/25/2021 Standing for Truth - 3/26/2021 Did Jesus Actually Live? - 3/29/2021 Scripture Testifies - 3/30/2021 Secular Evidence Jesus Lived? - 3/31/2021 Would You Die for a Lie? - 4/1/2021 Jesus Changes Lives! - 4/2/2021 Compromise Kills - 4/5/2021 Rejecting Mainstream Science? - 4/6/2021 Is Genesis "Mytho-History"? - 4/7/2021 A Salvation Issue? - 4/8/2021 Is Genesis Just a Side Issue? - 4/9/2021 Gems In Just Minutes? - 4/12/2021 Fossils In Only Twenty-Four.. - 4/13/2021 Fossils—They Formed Very Fast! - 4/14/2021 Fossil Animal Tracks? - 4/15/2021 A Fossil . . . Hat? - 4/16/2021 Fossil Footprints? - 4/19/2021 What's Right in Their Own.. - 4/20/2021 Killing Newborns? - 4/21/2021 A Chemical Big Bang? - 4/22/2021 How Old Is the Universe? - 4/23/2021 A Massive Failure - 4/26/2021 Don't Just Assume! - 4/27/2021 You Shall Not Murder! - 4/28/2021 Relative Morality? - 4/29/2021 Abortion Is Murder—But.. - 4/30/2021 Going "Childfree"? - 5/3/2021 Life on Venus? Yes? No? - 5/4/2021 Fossil Fish Feces? - 5/5/2021 Praying for America! - 5/6/2021 Celebrating Mums This Weekend - 5/7/2021 Is Jesus God? - 5/10/2021 Is the Holy Spirit God? - 5/11/2021 Does It Matter Who We Worship? - 5/12/2021 Christianity: Is It.. - 5/13/2021 Are We Sinners? - 5/14/2021 Is It Just About Genesis? - 5/17/2021 Marriage: Grounded in Genesis! - 5/18/2021 Jesus: The Son of Adam? - 5/19/2021 From the Foundation of the.. - 5/20/2021 As In the Days of Noah - 5/21/2021 The Lord of Heaven and Earth - 5/24/2021 Since the Creation of the.. - 5/25/2021 Death Through Sin - 5/26/2021 A Groaning Creation - 5/27/2021 Without Hope? - 5/28/2021 Remembering on Memorial Day - 5/31/2021 What Does the Evidence Say? - 6/1/2021 Homology—Evidence of Common.. - 6/2/2021 Transitional.. - 6/3/2021 Do We Share an Ancestor.. - 6/4/2021 Dinosaurs—Where'd They Come.. - 6/7/2021 Dinosaurs—Originally.. - 6/8/2021 Dinosaurs … on Noah's ark? - 6/9/2021 What Happened to the.. - 6/10/2021 A Sad Anniversary - 6/11/2021 Dinosaurs and Man? - 6/11/2021 A Sad Anniversary - 6/14/2021 Darwin—He Was Dead Wrong - 6/15/2021 Descent of Man Replaced? - 6/16/2021 Did God Use Evolution to.. - 6/17/2021 From the Beginning of Creation - 6/18/2021 Moral Relativism—the.. - 6/21/2021 A Famine in the Land - 6/22/2021 We Need Apologetics! - 6/23/2021 Losing the Younger Generations - 6/24/2021 God's Word, the Authority! - 6/25/2021 Life Discovered on Venus? - 6/28/2021 Insulting Animals? - 6/29/2021 Are Animals Persons? - 6/30/2021 Giving Kids the Right.. - 7/1/2021 The Biblical.. - 7/2/2021 The Flood—a Real Event - 7/5/2021 Why Build a Huge Ark? - 7/6/2021 A Special Anniversary - 7/7/2021 Secular Confirmations of.. - 7/8/2021 The Rocks Cry out - 7/9/2021 Genesis—Is It Actual History? - 7/12/2021 The New Testament on Genesis - 7/13/2021 Genesis—It's Historical.. - 7/14/2021 Genesis Isn't Myth! - 7/15/2021 The Key Issue - 7/16/2021 The Apostles on Genesis - 7/19/2021 Start with the Bible - 7/20/2021 Long Ages Don't Come from.. - 7/21/2021 A Global Flood - 7/22/2021 Short Chronologies - 7/23/2021 What Will the Mars Mission.. - 7/26/2021 Why Do They Want to Find Life? - 7/27/2021 Are We Alone? - 7/28/2021 Is It Okay to Offend People? - 7/29/2021 Judge Not? - 7/30/2021 God—Did He Use Millions of.. - 8/2/2021 Death—Before Sin? - 8/3/2021 An Attack on God's Character - 8/4/2021 Genesis—It's Important! - 8/5/2021 An Attack on the Gospel - 8/6/2021 Contradictions in the Bible? - 8/9/2021 Contradictions—Only.. - 8/10/2021 Human Errors in the Bible? - 8/11/2021 Could Jesus Be in Error? - 8/12/2021 Genesis 1 and 2—a.. - 8/13/2021 One Consistent Message - 8/16/2021 The Bible Is Scientifically.. - 8/17/2021 Archaeological Evidence - 8/18/2021 The Bible—Divinely Inspired - 8/19/2021 The Ultimate Reason - 8/20/2021 Unprovable Assumptions - 8/23/2021 Now, Should We Assume . . . ? - 8/24/2021 The Dates Can't Be Trusted! - 8/25/2021 Faster Rates? - 8/26/2021 Can We Know the Earth's Age? - 8/27/2021 One Race: The Human Race - 8/30/2021 Where Did the People Groups.. - 8/31/2021 Is It Really Skin Color? - 9/1/2021 Will Segregation Help.. - 9/2/2021 The Gospel—It's for All! - 9/3/2021 Legends of Babel? - 9/6/2021 How Many Languages? - 9/7/2021 We're All One Race - 9/8/2021 Go into All the World - 9/9/2021 A Sad Anniversary - 9/10/2021 There's No Neutrality - 9/13/2021 Everyone Has a Religion - 9/14/2021 Only Two Religions - 9/15/2021 Always Be Ready - 9/16/2021 God's Word—Our Foundation - 9/17/2021 Dinosaurs—Created by God? - 9/20/2021 Red in Tooth and Claw? - 9/21/2021 Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 9/22/2021 Dinosaurs—Where'd They Go? - 9/23/2021 Dinosaur Legends? - 9/24/2021 Marriage—Grounded in Genesis! - 9/27/2021 A Lack of Hospitality? - 9/28/2021 The Old Testament . . ... - 9/29/2021 The Church—Wrong for Two.. - 9/30/2021 A Mistranslation? - 10/1/2021 Just the Facts! - 10/4/2021 Go Back to the Bible! - 10/5/2021 Observational vs. Historical - 10/6/2021 Check the Logic - 10/7/2021 Do You Still Have Questions? - 10/8/2021 Buried Yesterday? - 10/11/2021 Soft Tissue—Millions of.. - 10/12/2021 Fossil Footprints? - 10/13/2021 The World's a Graveyard! - 10/14/2021 Why Do We Find "Living.. - 10/15/2021 A Generational Shift - 10/18/2021 They Don't Care If God Exists? - 10/19/2021 A Little of This, and a.. - 10/20/2021 A Very Distant God? - 10/21/2021 A Religion of Sand - 10/22/2021 A Body of "Bad" Design? - 10/25/2021 Useless Appendix? - 10/26/2021 A Smarter Eye? - 10/27/2021 A Cursed Design? - 10/28/2021 The Windpipe—a Poor Design? - 10/29/2021 A Nod of Approval - 11/1/2021 It's All About Love? - 11/2/2021 Jesus Ate with Sinners? - 11/3/2021 Jesus—the First "Social.. - 11/4/2021 The Gospel—"Cosmic Child.. - 11/5/2021 Only One Race! - 11/8/2021 We All Have the Same Problem! - 11/9/2021 We Need the Gospel - 11/10/2021 Thanking Our Veterans - 11/11/2021 Where'd the Floodwaters Go? - 11/12/2021 Human Fossils? - 11/15/2021 A Fused Chromosome? - 11/16/2021 Missing Telomeres - 11/17/2021 More Evolutionary Problems - 11/18/2021 Long Ages? - 11/19/2021 The Bible Isn't the Word of.. - 11/22/2021 The Bible—a Science Textbook? - 11/23/2021 The Bible—Not.. - 11/24/2021 Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/25/2021 The Foundational History - 11/26/2021 The Wrong Order of Events - 11/29/2021 Two Different Futures - 11/30/2021 Days, Not Long Ages - 12/1/2021 Big Problems with the Big.. - 12/2/2021 It's an Authority Issue - 12/3/2021 Convergent Evolution? - 12/6/2021 Why Is There Death and.. - 12/7/2021 A Planet That's One-of-a-Kind - 12/8/2021 One-of-a-Kind Rings - 12/9/2021 Young Rings? - 12/10/2021 Who Owns the Children? - 12/13/2021 Parents, Take Your Job.. - 12/14/2021 Vegemite Kids? - 12/15/2021 It's a War! - 12/16/2021 "And There Arose Another.. - 12/17/2021 We Three Kings? - 12/20/2021 Following Yonder Star? - 12/21/2021 Star of Wonder - 12/22/2021 Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh - 12/23/2021 Gifts at Christmas? - 12/24/2021 What Are We on About? - 12/27/2021 Death Before Sin? - 12/28/2021 God's Word or Man's Ideas? - 12/29/2021 Only Two Foundations - 12/30/2021 The Gospel Begins in Genesis - 12/31/2021 "Thou Shalt Not Steal." - 1/3/2022 Does God Exist? Does It.. - 1/4/2022 Born This Way? - 1/5/2022 The Forbidden Fruit—an Apple? - 1/6/2022 Where Was the Garden of Eden? - 1/7/2022 Rocks That Confirm Genesis - 1/10/2022 A Better Explanation - 1/11/2022 The Bible Gets It Right! - 1/12/2022 Shocking Creationist Findings - 1/13/2022 It's Only Because of God's.. - 1/14/2022 Too Little Sediment - 1/17/2022 Bent Rock Layers? - 1/18/2022 Soft Tissue in Fossils? - 1/19/2022 A Faint Sun? - 1/20/2022 A Young Magnetic Field? - 1/21/2022 Helium in Rock Crystals? - 1/24/2022 Carbon-14 in Diamonds? - 1/25/2022 Comets—Evidence for a Young.. - 1/26/2022 A Salty Sea? - 1/27/2022 250 Million Years of No.. - 1/28/2022 A God of Love? - 1/31/2022 Death—Don't Blame God! - 2/1/2022 The Bible's History—Wrong? - 2/2/2022 Violence and Evolution? - 2/3/2022 Two Views of Death - 2/4/2022 Creation—a Salvation Issue? - 2/7/2022 Am I Anti-Science? - 2/8/2022 Climate Change Deniers? - 2/9/2022 Creationists Can't Do Science? - 2/10/2022 Evolution—a Conspiracy? - 2/11/2022 God Is in Control - 2/14/2022 Contend for the Faith - 2/15/2022 Preach the Gospel! - 2/16/2022 Refuse to Compromise - 2/17/2022 Do the King's Business - 2/18/2022 Natural Selection—It's Not.. - 2/21/2022 Mutations—Evolution's Engine? - 2/22/2022 Missing the Missing Links - 2/23/2022 Does Similarity Mean.. - 2/24/2022 Evolution in the Womb? - 2/25/2022 We Can't Trust Ourselves! - 2/28/2022 The Bible—Our Foundation - 3/1/2022 Upside-Down Thinking - 3/2/2022 We All Have an Authority! - 3/3/2022 Jesus Is the Truth - 3/4/2022 Is the Ark on Mount Ararat? - 3/7/2022 Is That a Rock or the Ark? - 3/8/2022 Have Pieces of the Ark Been.. - 3/9/2022 Will We Ever Find Noah's Ark? - 3/10/2022 Do We Need to Find Noah's Ark? - 3/11/2022 Made in the Image of God - 3/14/2022 All Human Life Has Value - 3/15/2022 We're Fearfully and.. - 3/16/2022 We're a Person Before We're.. - 3/17/2022 The Heart Behind Abortion - 3/18/2022 Genesis—What Genre Is It? - 3/21/2022 God Spoke Plainly - 3/22/2022 The Old Testament and Genesis - 3/23/2022 The Genealogy of Jesus Christ - 3/24/2022 The New Testament and Genesis - 3/25/2022 So, Who Owns Kids? - 3/28/2022 Our Universe—Created in a Lab? - 3/29/2022 "Junk DNA"—It Doesn't Exist! - 3/30/2022 No Evolution in Millions of.. - 3/31/2022 A Male "Sportswoman of the.. - 4/1/2022 Life from Nonlife? - 4/4/2022 Information of Life - 4/5/2022 Does Information Evolve? - 4/6/2022 Life—Irreducibly Complex - 4/7/2022 It's a Heart Issue - 4/8/2022 Easter—It Begins in Genesis - 4/11/2022 Can We Know Jesus Rose? - 4/12/2022 Jesus' Death—a Fulfillment.. - 4/13/2022 It Does Not End with Death - 4/14/2022 Jesus Is Coming Again - 4/15/2022 So, Vegetarian Crocodiles? - 4/18/2022 When Were Clothes Invented? - 4/19/2022 How Many Languages? - 4/20/2022 Noah in Your Genealogy? - 4/21/2022 Ziggurats Around the World? - 4/22/2022 Does the Evidence Support.. - 4/25/2022 Doubting Gravity? - 4/26/2022 It's Here, So It Must've.. - 4/27/2022 Natural Selection Is.. - 4/28/2022 Does Common Design Mean.. - 4/29/2022 Light Before the Sun? - 5/2/2022 When Were Angels Created? - 5/3/2022 When Did Satan Fall? - 5/4/2022 A Contradiction in Genesis? - 5/5/2022 Do Women Have an Extra Rib? - 5/6/2022 When Is a Day a Day? - 5/9/2022 When Was Creation? - 5/10/2022 What Was the "Firmament"? - 5/11/2022 Eight Billion People from.. - 5/12/2022 So, Where Was the Garden of.. - 5/13/2022 Soft Tissue in Old Fossils? - 5/16/2022 Earth's Rapidly Decaying.. - 5/17/2022 Carbon 14 … in Diamonds? - 5/18/2022 Comets—Evidence for the Bible? - 5/19/2022 The Sea—Not Salty Enough? - 5/20/2022 Genetics and the Age of the.. - 5/23/2022 Mutations Don't Support.. - 5/24/2022 Three Groups, Three Women - 5/25/2022 Our.. - 5/26/2022 Mutations—a Challenge for.. - 5/27/2022 Truth in Love - 5/30/2022 And "Such Were Some of You" - 5/31/2022 We Need the Right Foundation - 6/1/2022 No One Is Righteous—No Not One - 6/2/2022 Should We Embrace Sin? - 6/3/2022 Same Evidence, Different.. - 6/6/2022 It's a Spiritual Problem - 6/7/2022 Creation Research? - 6/8/2022 Science—Founded on the Bible! - 6/9/2022 Creationists Make Great.. - 6/10/2022 Fossil Kangaroos? - 6/13/2022 Evidence of Absence? - 6/14/2022 Island-Hopping Kangaroos? - 6/15/2022 Why Only Australia? - 6/16/2022 Kangaroos—Designed by God - 6/17/2022 Our Universe—In Its Final Era? - 6/20/2022 How Do Planets Form? - 6/21/2022 Is the Multiverse Real? - 6/22/2022 A T-Rex with Bone Disease? - 6/23/2022 Short Sermons? - 6/24/2022 What's Your Authority? - 6/27/2022 What's Your Starting Point? - 6/28/2022 Can You Confirm That? - 6/29/2022 Squishy Words - 6/30/2022 Wisdom from Above - 7/1/2022 Happy Independence Day! - 7/4/2022 Was the Ark Just a Myth? - 7/5/2022 Just How Big Was the Ark? - 7/6/2022 Just How Many Animals Did.. - 7/7/2022 A Familiar Story? - 7/8/2022 A Low View of Scripture - 7/11/2022 Death Before Sin? - 7/12/2022 How'd It Happen? - 7/13/2022 Was Jesus Wrong? - 7/14/2022 Genesis and the Gospel? - 7/15/2022 Science—Where'd It Come from? - 7/18/2022 Why Is Science Possible? - 7/19/2022 An Interpretation of the.. - 7/20/2022 There's No Neutral Ground! - 7/21/2022 Our Hope Isn't in Science! - 7/22/2022 The Generations of … - 7/25/2022 Adam—He Was a Historical.. - 7/26/2022 Jesus Descended from a.. - 7/27/2022 Adam the Ape-Man and Eve.. - 7/28/2022 A Mythical Hope? - 7/29/2022 When Does Life Begin? - 8/1/2022 A Tiny Heartbeat - 8/2/2022 "Layers" of Development - 8/3/2022 Forty Days of Life - 8/4/2022 A "Fetus" or a Baby? - 8/5/2022 What Gives Us Value? - 8/8/2022 It's the Same Baby! - 8/9/2022 Does Viability Matter? - 8/10/2022 One-Pound Wonder - 8/11/2022 How Could Evolution Do This? - 8/12/2022 Prenatal Tests—They Aren't.. - 8/15/2022 Adoption Trauma? - 8/16/2022 A Woman's Choice? - 8/17/2022 But What About … ? - 8/18/2022 Hope for All - 8/19/2022 CRT—What Is It? - 8/22/2022 Racism—It's Rooted in Sin,.. - 8/23/2022 A Tool for Christians? - 8/24/2022 The Biblical Solution - 8/25/2022 The Same Problem, the Same.. - 8/26/2022 Dinosaurs—A Great Mystery? - 8/29/2022 Dinosaurs—Created on Day Six! - 8/30/2022 Dinosaurs—Gentle Herbivores? - 8/31/2022 What Happened to the.. - 9/1/2022 Dragons or Dinosaurs? - 9/2/2022 Monopoles—They're Missing! - 9/5/2022 Not Enough Antimatter? - 9/6/2022 So Many Stars but Not the.. - 9/7/2022 A Failed "Rescuing Device" - 9/8/2022 The Big Bang—It's Bad Science! - 9/9/2022 Radiometric Dating—Proof of.. - 9/12/2022 How Many Parents and.. - 9/13/2022 No Contamination? - 9/14/2022 A Constant Decay Rate? - 9/15/2022 Can We Know Earth's Age? - 9/16/2022 Are We Just Animals? - 9/19/2022 Does Family Makeup Matter? - 9/20/2022 Should We "Judge Not"? - 9/21/2022 Should We "Offend Not"? - 9/22/2022 Where Did Cain Get His Wife? - 9/23/2022 Folded, Not Fractured - 9/26/2022 Mudrocks in Just Minutes! - 9/27/2022 Chalk It up to the Flood - 9/28/2022 Rock Layers Across Continents? - 9/29/2022 Global Reminders - 9/30/2022 A Brute or Intelligent? - 10/3/2022 Ancient Telescopes? - 10/4/2022 Societal Evolution? - 10/5/2022 Ancient Shipbuilding? - 10/6/2022 Ancient Technology - 10/7/2022 A Complete Canon - 10/10/2022 Are We Missing Part of the O.. - 10/11/2022 Hidden Knowledge in Missing.. - 10/12/2022 The Sixty-Seventh Book of th.. - 10/13/2022 God's Word—It's Enough - 10/14/2022 Who Was Charles Darwin? - 10/17/2022 Darwin—Still Making an Impact - 10/18/2022 Darwin and Death - 10/19/2022 Darwin—Adding Story to Science - 10/20/2022 Darwin and Foundations - 10/21/2022 Death—an Intruder - 10/24/2022 Adam—Not a Puppet! - 10/25/2022 Why Do Tragedies Happen? - 10/26/2022 A God of Love? - 10/27/2022 Our Biggest Problem Solved! - 10/28/2022 The Earth Is Round - 10/31/2022 The Earth—Floating in Space! - 11/1/2022 The Universe—Is It Expanding? - 11/2/2022 How Many Stars? - 11/3/2022 Can We Trust the Bible? - 11/4/2022 Good Without God? - 11/7/2022 By What Standard? - 11/8/2022 A Material World? - 11/9/2022 Not Perfectly Good - 11/10/2022 The Hope of Christ - 11/11/2022 Scratching "Itching Ears" - 11/14/2022 Ignoring the Plain Meaning - 11/15/2022 What's Your Authority? - 11/16/2022 God's Word Hasn't Changed - 11/17/2022 Did God Say? - 11/18/2022 Without Excuse - 11/21/2022 Is the Creator an Alien? - 11/22/2022 Is the Creator an Alien? - 11/22/2022 Who Is the Creator? - 11/23/2022 Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/24/2022 Still Thankful? - 11/25/2022 What a Word Means - 11/28/2022 To the Man - 11/29/2022 Just a Strawman - 11/30/2022 The Bible Can't Be True Beca.. - 12/1/2022 Only Two Options? - 12/2/2022 The Ice Age—Did It Happen? - 12/5/2022 When Was the Ice Age? - 12/6/2022 Cavemen or Men Who Lived in.. - 12/7/2022 A Massive Migration? - 12/8/2022 Are Ice Cores Old? - 12/9/2022 Joy to the World! - 12/12/2022 A Silent Night? - 12/13/2022 Come Let Us Adore Him - 12/14/2022 Naughty or Nice? - 12/15/2022 God with Us! - 12/16/2022 Jesus Christ Is Born! - 12/19/2022 We Three Kings? - 12/20/2022 Tidings of Comfort and Joy - 12/21/2022 Jesus … Born Midwinter? - 12/22/2022 Hark! The Herald Angels … Sa.. - 12/23/2022 Just the Right Balance - 12/26/2022 Living Bone - 12/27/2022 A Finely Tuned System - 12/28/2022 Men and Women—Different? - 12/29/2022 God's Gift of Sleep - 12/30/2022 More Than Meets the Eye - 1/2/2023 It's a Mouth Full! - 1/3/2023 The Hearing Ear, the Lord Ha.. - 1/4/2023 A Multiple System Defense! - 1/5/2023 The Organ You Don't Have Any.. - 1/6/2023 There Is No Neutrality - 1/9/2023 Religious Teaching in Public.. - 1/10/2023 A Total Worldview - 1/11/2023 A Godless Worldview - 1/12/2023 Equipping the Children! - 1/13/2023 Underwater Pollinators? - 1/16/2023 The End Is Nigh! Or Maybe Not - 1/17/2023 Coral Reefs Are Thriving! - 1/18/2023 Why Won't They Listen? - 1/19/2023 The Big Bang Never Happened - 1/20/2023 Is It a Woman's Choice? - 1/23/2023 What About the "Hard" Cases? - 1/24/2023 Abortion—An Issue of Opinions? - 1/25/2023 But What About Disabilities? - 1/26/2023 There's Hope! - 1/27/2023 Fossils … in 24 Hours? - 1/30/2023 Why Are Fossil Leaves So Flat? - 1/31/2023 Buried Alive? - 2/1/2023 Rock-Hard Clams - 2/2/2023 Fossils Through Layers - 2/3/2023 Creation over Millions of Ye.. - 2/6/2023 God—the Creator of Death? - 2/7/2023 According to Their "Kind" - 2/8/2023 Humans—Made Uniquely! - 2/9/2023 Why Does It Matter? - 2/10/2023 Information from Information! - 2/13/2023 DNA—Evidence of Ape Ancestry? - 2/14/2023 DNA—Filled with Evolutionary.. - 2/15/2023 Three Women—the Mothers of U.. - 2/16/2023 Natural Selection Evolution.. - 2/17/2023 The Amazing Sea Star - 2/20/2023 Hedgehogs of the Sea - 2/21/2023 A Living Fossil - 2/22/2023 The Colorful Sea Slug - 2/23/2023 Fast-Growing Coral? - 2/24/2023 Why Are We Sinners? - 2/27/2023 The Gospel from Genesis! - 2/28/2023 What Is Marriage? - 3/1/2023 Gender—A Social Construct? - 3/2/2023 Only One Race - 3/3/2023 Start with the Bible - 3/6/2023 My, What Big Teeth You Have! - 3/7/2023 Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 3/8/2023 Dinosaurs—Why'd They Disappe.. - 3/9/2023 Fiction or Legend? - 3/10/2023 Fact or Interpretation? - 3/13/2023 Feathered Dinosaurs? - 3/14/2023 Fuzzy Dinosaurs? - 3/15/2023 Folds to Feathers? - 3/16/2023 They Aren't Related! - 3/17/2023 Can Creationists Be Scientis.. - 3/20/2023 Folded, Not Fractured! - 3/21/2023 Fast-Forming Species? - 3/22/2023 Helium or No Helium? - 3/23/2023 Can't and Won't - 3/24/2023 Climate Change—the Biggest T.. - 3/27/2023 So, Why the Hysteria? - 3/28/2023 A Lack of Data - 3/29/2023 Climate Change Has Changed! - 3/30/2023 Climate Change—Should We Care? - 3/31/2023 The Bad News First - 4/3/2023 Why Do We Sin? - 4/4/2023 Our Passover Lamb - 4/5/2023 Why the Sacrifices? - 4/6/2023 Risen, Reigning, Returning - 4/7/2023 Scripture—It's from God! - 4/10/2023 God Has Preserved His Word - 4/11/2023 Lots and Lots of Manuscripts - 4/12/2023 So, Who Decided? 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- 5/23/2023 Jesus—Was He Really God? - 5/24/2023 Can God Contradict the Bible? - 5/25/2023 Religion—Just Personal Opini.. - 5/26/2023 Remembering Sacrifice - 5/29/2023 Good or Bad? - 5/30/2023 The Dominion Mandate - 5/31/2023 A Population Problem - 6/1/2023 A Population Problem - 6/1/2023 A Problem for Evolution! - 6/2/2023 God Hates Pride - 6/5/2023 Pride—the First Sin - 6/6/2023 Pride—the Root of All Sin? - 6/7/2023 A Battle of Pride - 6/8/2023 Heaven Rules - 6/9/2023 Theology—Dependent on Feelin.. - 6/12/2023 Does God Use They/Them Prono.. - 6/13/2023 Who's Your Authority? - 6/14/2023 Where Did Life Come from? - 6/15/2023 Life—It Couldn't Have Evolved! - 6/16/2023 Cavemen—Leaving Clues of The.. - 6/19/2023 Are Cavemen a Big Mystery? - 6/20/2023 Don't Trust the TV Depictions! - 6/21/2023 Adam—Made from an Ape-Man? - 6/22/2023 Creationists—We Were Right! - 6/23/2023 A Global Flood … on Mars? - 6/26/2023 Rewriting Evolution … Again - 6/27/2023 The Dinosaurs—Wiped out by a.. - 6/28/2023 Do I Believe in UFOs? - 6/29/2023 Mother Earth and Father Space? - 6/30/2023 It's "Ark Week"! - 7/3/2023 The Ark Was a Massive Ship - 7/4/2023 Kinds Not Species! - 7/5/2023 Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark? - 7/6/2023 Jesus, Our Ark of Salvation - 7/7/2023 An “Extinction Activist”? - 7/10/2023 Children—They’re a Blessing! - 7/11/2023 Do Kids Actually Need to Thi.. - 7/12/2023 Every Life Has Value! - 7/13/2023 We’re in a War But We Have W.. - 7/14/2023 A Round Earth? - 7/17/2023 Earth—Hanging on Nothing? - 7/18/2023 Is It Really an Expanding Un.. - 7/19/2023 The Pathfinder of the Seas - 7/20/2023 The Bible—Is it a Science Te.. - 7/21/2023 Is Natural Selection Evoluti.. - 7/24/2023 Natural Selection—the Opposi.. - 7/25/2023 Mutations—Driving Evolution? - 7/26/2023 Evolution … It’s Impossible! - 7/27/2023 Let’s Start with the Bible! - 7/28/2023 Test the Spirits! - 7/31/2023 False Teaching—It Causes Div.. - 8/1/2023 Teaching According to Christ - 8/2/2023 The Heart of False Teaching - 8/3/2023 False Teachers and Sound Tea.. - 8/4/2023 The Cambrian Explosion—a Big.. - 8/7/2023 Dinosaur Soft Tissue? - 8/8/2023 Birds—Are They Dinosaurs? - 8/9/2023 Fossil Leaves—They’re a Prob.. - 8/10/2023 Tracks—But No Trilobites? - 8/11/2023 Public Schools Aren’t Neutral! - 8/14/2023 Is Your Child a Missionary? - 8/15/2023 Is One Day Enough? - 8/16/2023 Temples of Atheism? - 8/17/2023 Only Two Foundations! - 8/18/2023 Puberty Blockers—Life-Saving? - 8/21/2023 Protect Your Children! - 8/22/2023 Who Owns the Children? - 8/23/2023 Can Boys Really Become Girls? - 8/24/2023 What Is a Woman? - 8/25/2023 When Were Dinosaurs Created? - 8/28/2023 Dinosaurs—Living with People? - 8/29/2023 Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 8/30/2023 What Happened to the Dinosau.. - 8/31/2023 Did Humans Live with Dinosau.. - 9/1/2023 Did Humans Live with Dinosau.. - 9/1/2023 Practice Biblical Dominion - 9/4/2023 Don’t Panic! - 9/5/2023 Don’t Panic! - 9/5/2023 God Keeps His Promises! - 9/6/2023 Good Stewardship Matters! - 9/7/2023 Our Good and God’s Glory? - 9/8/2023 Where’s God in This? - 9/11/2023 Mixing God’s Word with Man’s.. - 9/12/2023 What Do You Put Your Hope in? - 9/13/2023 Archaeology—It Confirms God’.. - 9/14/2023 The Big Bang: Proven Science? - 9/15/2023 Morality Without God? - 9/18/2023 When Should We Talk About Ev.. - 9/19/2023 Start with God’s Word - 9/20/2023 Why Do We Look Different? - 9/21/2023 Canada—a Nation of Death! - 9/22/2023 Technologically Savvy Noah? - 9/25/2023 Was the Ark Big Enough? - 9/26/2023 How Did Noah Care for the An.. - 9/27/2023 Noah—Did He Build It Alone? - 9/28/2023 Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 9/29/2023 The Same Old Story? - 10/2/2023 Sound Familiar? - 10/3/2023 Flood Legends—They’re Similar! - 10/4/2023 Neanderthals—Fully Human! - 10/5/2023 Should We Explore Outer Space? - 10/6/2023 A Reminder of Salvation - 10/9/2023 The God of Evolution? - 10/10/2023 More Evidence? - 10/11/2023 Why Does Creation Matter? - 10/12/2023 Homology—Evidence for Evolut.. - 10/13/2023 Ancient Man: Brute or Brilli.. - 10/16/2023 Ancient Man—a Genius? - 10/17/2023 Astounding Ancient Architect.. - 10/18/2023 Ancient Globetrotters? - 10/19/2023 Ancient Math and Technology - 10/20/2023 It’s the Foundation! - 10/23/2023 Our Sin and Our Savior - 10/24/2023 The Genesis of Marriage! - 10/25/2023 Male and Female? - 10/26/2023 Genesis—Foundational to Scie.. - 10/27/2023 Everyone Worships Something! - 10/30/2023 Searching in All the Wrong P.. - 10/31/2023 Do Atheists Really Mean It? - 11/1/2023 Lazarus—Come Forth! - 11/2/2023 We Can’t Raise the Dead! - 11/3/2023 God’s Design Is Good - 11/6/2023 Male and Female He Created T.. - 11/7/2023 God Created Marriage! - 11/8/2023 Who Owns Children? - 11/9/2023 God Will Restore All Things! - 11/10/2023 The UN Wants to Do What? - 11/13/2023 A Seventh Kingdom? - 11/14/2023 It’s Nothing New! - 11/15/2023 So, Who Made God? - 11/16/2023 Can We Be Dogmatic? - 11/17/2023 The Seventh C of History - 11/20/2023 Are We Living in the End Tim.. - 11/21/2023 Why Does Jesus Need to Come.. - 11/22/2023 Giving Thanks to God - 11/23/2023 Thankful All Year! - 11/24/2023 It’s a Language System! - 11/27/2023 Order in the Cosmos - 11/28/2023 Finely Tuned - 11/29/2023 Thinking God’s Thoughts - 11/30/2023 Why Don’t They Believe? - 12/1/2023 Did Jesus Really Live? - 12/4/2023 The Testimony of Scripture - 12/5/2023 Evidence from Outside the Bi.. - 12/6/2023 Dying for a Lie? - 12/7/2023 Radically Changed Lives! - 12/8/2023 Radically Changed Lives! - 12/8/2023 God and Suffering - 12/11/2023 Wonderful Worms? - 12/12/2023 Wonderful Worms? - 12/12/2023 Koalas—Living on Poison? - 12/13/2023 Opals in the Outback - 12/14/2023 Fast-Forming Fossils - 12/15/2023 Worldview and Climate Change - 12/18/2023 Climate Change Is Real - 12/19/2023 Are All Scientists Convinced? - 12/20/2023 Man-Made Climate Change? - 12/21/2023 How Should We Respond to Cli.. - 12/22/2023 Merry Christmas! - 12/25/2023 God’s Eternal Plan - 12/26/2023 Sin Brought Death - 12/27/2023 Catastrophe and Confusion - 12/28/2023 The Last Three of the Seven.. - 12/29/2023 Should We Interpret the Bibl.. - 1/1/2024 Context Is Key! - 1/2/2024 Scripture Is Clear - 1/3/2024 Compare Scripture with Scrip.. - 1/4/2024 Beware False Teachers! - 1/5/2024 It Doesn’t Take Millions of.. - 1/8/2024 Fossils—Rapidly Buried - 1/9/2024 Slow, Gradual Processes? - 1/10/2024 Massive Fossil Graveyards - 1/11/2024 The Flood Explains Fossils - 1/12/2024 Carbon-14 in Fossils - 1/15/2024 The God of Evolution - 1/16/2024 The Gospel Begins in Genesis - 1/17/2024 Evolution and the Law of Bio.. - 1/18/2024 What About Plant Death? - 1/19/2024 Quick-Forming Coal - 1/22/2024 Carbon-14 in Coal - 1/23/2024 Coal and the Flood - 1/24/2024 Information from Information - 1/25/2024 Zonkeys, Ligers, and Wholphins - 1/26/2024 When Was the Ice Age? - 1/29/2024 The Flood and the Ice Age - 1/30/2024 Man and the Ice Age - 1/31/2024 The Ice Age and Ice Cores - 2/1/2024 Are the Ice Sheets Old? - 2/2/2024 How Did Noah Fit the Animals.. - 2/5/2024 How Did Noah Care for the An.. - 2/6/2024 Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 2/7/2024 How Many People Built the Ark? - 2/8/2024 Would the Ark Have Floated? - 2/9/2024 Two Different Religions - 2/12/2024 The Order of Events Is Wrong! - 2/13/2024 Death for Millions of Years? - 2/14/2024 Animal Carnivory? - 2/15/2024 It’s Compromise! - 2/16/2024 Are Humans Animals? - 2/19/2024 Dust to Dust - 2/20/2024 From the Beginning of Creation - 2/21/2024 The First and Last Adam - 2/22/2024 It’s an Authority Issue! - 2/23/2024 Evidence for Evolution? - 2/26/2024 Three Ways to Make an Ape-Man - 2/27/2024 An Ape Is Just an Ape - 2/28/2024 Ape-Men or Humans? - 2/29/2024 Always Start with God’s Word - 3/1/2024 A Digital God? - 3/4/2024 A Puny God! - 3/5/2024 Do I Agree with Richard Dawk.. - 3/6/2024 How Can We Agree? - 3/7/2024 Cosmic Origins—a Mystery? - 3/8/2024 Bible Contradictions? - 3/11/2024 Contradictions in Genesis? - 3/12/2024 A Solid Sky? - 3/13/2024 Abel—an Eater of Sheep? - 3/14/2024 We Can Trust God’s Word - 3/15/2024 Neanderthals—Our Siblings? - 3/18/2024 Neanderthal Chemists? - 3/19/2024 Human Variation - 3/20/2024 Living in a Harsh World - 3/21/2024 The Right Foundation - 3/22/2024 God of an Old Earth - 3/25/2024 Is Death “Very Good”? - 3/26/2024 Who Made God? - 3/27/2024 Many Infallible Proofs - 3/28/2024 Jesus Is Alive! - 3/29/2024 A Degree in Magic? - 4/1/2024 Why So Much Interest in Magic? - 4/2/2024 AI and Aliens? - 4/3/2024 What Is Male and Female? - 4/4/2024 Are Creationists Holding Bac.. - 4/5/2024 Order from Chaos? - 4/8/2024 The Laws of Nature - 4/9/2024 The New Face of Eugenics - 4/10/2024 Only the “Fit” Survive - 4/11/2024 The Difference of a Biblical.. - 4/12/2024 Don’t Call Me a Young-Earth.. - 4/15/2024 I’m a Biblical Creationist - 4/16/2024 God and the Big Bang? - 4/17/2024 Eternal God or Eternal Matter? - 4/18/2024 A Big Assumption - 4/19/2024 Worshipping Creation? - 4/22/2024 Wise Stewardship - 4/23/2024 We’re Not God! - 4/24/2024 Failed Predictions - 4/25/2024 Settled Science? - 4/26/2024 Is the Bible Enough? - 4/29/2024 What’s the Role of Science? - 4/30/2024 Do We Need the Apocrypha? - 5/1/2024 Are We Missing Hidden Knowle.. - 5/2/2024 The Bible Is Enough - 5/3/2024 God Created Marriage! - 5/6/2024 The God of Self? - 5/7/2024 Male and Female, He Created.. - 5/8/2024 Answers for Life - 5/9/2024 Who Controls the Future? - 5/10/2024 A Dino-Bird? - 5/13/2024 A Very Fishy Fossil - 5/14/2024 Our Great-Grandma Lucy? - 5/15/2024 Another One Bites the Dust - 5/16/2024 Why Do They Keep Looking? - 5/17/2024 Same Universe, Different Views - 5/20/2024 The Same Plants and the Same.. - 5/21/2024 Same Time, Different Places - 5/22/2024 Ape-Men or Ape Varieties? - 5/23/2024 A Little Water and a Lot of.. - 5/24/2024 Answering Life’s Questions - 5/27/2024 So, Who Am I? - 5/28/2024 Why Am I Here? - 5/29/2024 What’s Wrong With Everything? - 5/30/2024 Is There Any Hope? - 5/31/2024 Genesis Is the Key - 6/3/2024 Years and Years of Nothing? - 6/4/2024 An Explosion of Civilization? - 6/5/2024 Language from Nowhere? - 6/6/2024 Noah, Our Great-Great-Granddad - 6/7/2024 A Study No One Needed! - 6/10/2024 A New Creation in Christ Jesus - 6/11/2024 Eat Less Meat? - 6/12/2024 Biblical Promises for Today - 6/13/2024 Who Was Cain’s Wife? - 6/14/2024 What Did T. rex Eat? - 6/17/2024 Fossilized Drumsticks? - 6/18/2024 Fossils—Where’d They Come fr.. - 6/19/2024 Fossils Before Sin? - 6/20/2024 So What Was T. rex Eating? - 6/21/2024 Finches Stay … Finches - 6/24/2024 Natural Selection—Is It Evol.. - 6/25/2024 Do Mutations Drive Evolution? - 6/26/2024 Peppered Moths—Evolution in.. - 6/27/2024 A Fraud Still Used in Textbo.. - 6/28/2024 Does Day Mean Day? - 7/1/2024 “For in Six Days” - 7/2/2024 The Order Matters! - 7/3/2024 Am I Limiting God? - 7/4/2024 Is a Day a Thousand Years? - 7/5/2024 It’s Ark Week! - 7/8/2024 Could Noah Really Build an A.. - 7/9/2024 How Did Animals Get to the A.. - 7/10/2024 How Could the Animals Fit on.. - 7/11/2024 Yes, the Flood Really Did Ha.. - 7/12/2024 Is There a Gap in Genesis? - 7/15/2024 A Gap Filled with Death - 7/16/2024 Two Global Floods? - 7/17/2024 Replenish the Earth? - 7/18/2024 Let’s Start with God’s Word - 7/19/2024 Dinosaurs and Humans Together? - 7/22/2024 What’s in the Fossil Record? - 7/23/2024 Where Are All the Human Foss.. - 7/24/2024 Out of Place Fossils? - 7/25/2024 Who Would Be Shocked? - 7/26/2024 Spiritual But Not Religious? - 7/29/2024 Broken Cisterns - 7/30/2024 Aliens in Kentucky? - 7/31/2024 Aliens and Evolution - 8/1/2024 Aliens and Evolution - 8/1/2024 Adam and Aliens? - 8/2/2024 There’s Only One Race - 8/5/2024 I Don’t Say “Race”! - 8/6/2024 Red and Yellow, Black and Wh.. - 8/7/2024 Interracial Marriage? - 8/8/2024 Why Are We So Different? - 8/9/2024 Religion in the Classroom? - 8/12/2024 God or a Spaghetti Monster? - 8/13/2024 What Kind of Creator? - 8/14/2024 A Magic Bullet? - 8/15/2024 Arguing Against the Bible wi.. - 8/16/2024 Who Is the Great I AM? - 8/19/2024 What Does Jesus Say About Hi.. - 8/20/2024 Jesus—Just a Prophet? - 8/21/2024 Should We Worship Jesus? - 8/22/2024 Jesus, the God-Man - 8/23/2024 Exhibit A for Evolution? - 8/26/2024 Fossils Before Sin? - 8/27/2024 Mass Extinctions? - 8/28/2024 Living Fossils? - 8/29/2024 Same Evidence, Different Wor.. - 8/30/2024 Where Was the Garden of Eden? - 9/2/2024 Reusing Names? - 9/3/2024 Jesus Believed Genesis! - 9/4/2024 Paul Believed Genesis! - 9/5/2024 Peter Believed Genesis! - 9/6/2024 Why Not a Global Flood? - 9/9/2024 All and Every - 9/10/2024 All and Every - 9/10/2024 Why Was the Ark So Big? - 9/11/2024 The Rainbow Covenant - 9/12/2024 Only Eight Survived! - 9/13/2024 They Rejected the Flood - 9/16/2024 Compromise on God’s Word - 9/17/2024 Disastrous Compromise - 9/18/2024 Two Kinds of Science - 9/19/2024 Yes, It’s a Young Earth! - 9/20/2024 Death—Our Fault? - 9/23/2024 A Choice We All Have - 9/24/2024 Worse Sinners Than Others? - 9/25/2024 What Every Student Needs - 9/26/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 What’s Your Biggest Problem? - 9/27/2024 Apemen to Apemen? - 9/30/2024 From the Beginning - 10/1/2024 A Literal Adam Is Essential - 10/2/2024 What About Apemen? - 10/3/2024 The Crown of Creation - 10/4/2024 Fossils—the Result of Millio.. - 10/7/2024 Fossil Jellyfish? - 10/8/2024 The World’s a Graveyard! - 10/9/2024 A Weird Fish and a Tree - 10/10/2024 How Fast? - 10/11/2024 From the Beginning - 10/14/2024 Creation to Abel? - 10/15/2024 If You Believed Moses - 10/16/2024 For in Six Days - 10/17/2024 It’s All the Word of Christ - 10/18/2024 When Does Life Begin? - 10/21/2024 What Makes Us a Person? - 10/22/2024 You’re a Marvel of Design - 10/23/2024 It’s a Fallen World - 10/24/2024 There’s Mercy for All - 10/25/2024 There Really Was a Worldwide.. - 10/28/2024 Freshwater Fish in the Ocean? - 10/29/2024 Freshwater Fish in the Ocean? - 10/29/2024 Fishy Adaptations - 10/30/2024 A Lesson from a Volcano - 10/31/2024 Yes, There Really Was a Flood - 11/1/2024 A Harsh God? - 11/4/2024 Genocide Park? - 11/5/2024 Why Am I Judged for Adam’s S.. - 11/6/2024 A Testament to Catastrophe - 11/7/2024 A Lot of Water Over a Little.. - 11/8/2024 What Do You Mean by That? - 11/11/2024 What Is Science? - 11/12/2024 How Do You Know That’s True? - 11/13/2024 Death Before Sin? - 11/14/2024 Do Plants Die? - 11/15/2024 Death Before Sin? - 11/18/2024 An Attack on God’s Character - 11/19/2024 It’s All Mixed up! - 11/20/2024 You Just Can’t Do It! - 11/21/2024 It’s an Authority Issue! - 11/22/2024 What Is Archaeology? - 11/25/2024 The Missing King - 11/26/2024 A Mysterious People - 11/27/2024 Was the Bible Wrong? - 11/28/2024 Just a Simple Society? - 11/29/2024 Were Dragons Real? - 12/2/2024 Dinosaur Artwork? - 12/3/2024 Let Me Tell You a Story - 12/4/2024 It Was a Different World - 12/5/2024 Speciation After the Flood - 12/6/2024 The Big Bang—Proven Science? - 12/9/2024 Morality Without Religion? - 12/10/2024 A Right to Die? - 12/11/2024 Has the Ark Been Found? - 12/12/2024 Why Do We Wear Clothes? - 12/13/2024 When Should We Talk About Ev.. - 12/16/2024 Start Teaching Kids Now! - 12/17/2024 Should We Explore Outer Space? - 12/18/2024 Why Are We So Different? - 12/19/2024 God and Suffering - 12/20/2024 From Adam to Christ - 12/23/2024 The History Behind Christmas - 12/24/2024 The Old Testament—It Really.. - 12/25/2024 The First and Last Adams - 12/26/2024 We Can’t Save Ourselves! - 12/27/2024 Memories of a Real Event - 12/30/2024 Flood Legends—They Confirm t.. - 12/31/2024 Flood Legends—They’re Very S.. - 1/1/2025 Neanderthals—Fully Human - 1/2/2025 Gender—a Social Construct? - 1/3/2025 The Ark of Salvation - 1/6/2025 The God of Evolution? - 1/7/2025 Do Skeptics Need More Eviden.. - 1/8/2025 Why Does Creation Matter? - 1/9/2025 Is Homology Evidence for Evo.. - 1/10/2025 Ancient Man: Brute or Brilli.. - 1/13/2025 Was Ancient Man a Genius? - 1/14/2025 Astounding Ancient Architect.. - 1/15/2025 Ancient Globetrotters? - 1/16/2025 Ancient Math and Technology - 1/17/2025 Evolution and Climate Change? - 1/20/2025 Climate Change Is Real? - 1/21/2025 Are All Scientists Convinced? - 1/22/2025 Man-Made Climate Change? - 1/23/2025 Be a Wise Steward! - 1/24/2025 Is the Bible Literally True? - 1/27/2025 Context Is Key! - 1/28/2025 Scripture Is Clear - 1/29/2025 Compare Scripture with Scrip.. - 1/30/2025 Beware of False Teachers! - 1/31/2025 Fast-Forming Fossils - 2/3/2025 Fossils—Rapidly Buried - 2/4/2025 Slow, Gradual Processes? - 2/5/2025 Massive Fossil Graveyards - 2/6/2025 The Flood Explains Fossils - 2/7/2025 Carbon-14 in Fossils - 2/10/2025 The God of Evolution - 2/11/2025 The Gospel—It Begins in Gene.. - 2/12/2025 Life from Non-life? - 2/13/2025 What About Plant Death? - 2/14/2025 Fast-Forming Coal - 2/17/2025 Carbon-14 in Coal - 2/18/2025 Coal and the Flood - 2/19/2025 Information from Information - 2/20/2025 Zonkeys, Ligers, and Wholphins - 2/21/2025 When Was the Ice Age? - 2/24/2025 The Flood and the Ice Age - 2/25/2025 Man and the Ice Age - 2/26/2025 The Ice Age and Ice Cores - 2/27/2025 Wonderful Worms? - 2/28/2025 How Did Noah Fit the Animals.. - 3/3/2025 How Did Noah Care for the An.. - 3/4/2025 Dinosaurs on the Ark? - 3/5/2025
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