Ken Wimer | Shreveport, Louisiana
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Speaker: Ken Wimer
6,164 sermons
The Righteousness that Brings True Peace
What is instruction in righteousness? How is there only one work of righteousness? What does a legal peace mean? Why is salvation by representation? Was Adam a righteous man? How did Adam die as soon as he disobeyed the LORD? Why do we sin? Is a sinners belief a condition for salvation? What is the quiet that true righteousness brings?
>It Is Finished - 4/16/2008 The Death of the Cross - 8/6/2008 A Faithful Saying - 1/7/2009 Four Vital Questions - 5/13/2009 Justification by Christ - 6/5/2009 Gospel Concerning God's Son - 9/6/2009 Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 9/13/2009 Look to Christ - 10/11/2009 Contradiction of Sinners - 10/25/2009 What is it to be Lost? - 4/18/2010 Tower of Babel - 5/30/2010 Interceding For Men - 6/6/2010 Christ The Mediator - 9/19/2010 Christ Exalted - 9/26/2010 Love of God - 1/30/2011 A Three-Fold Benediction - 4/6/2011 Old Things Are Passed Away - 9/4/2011 The Chief of Sinners - 9/11/2011 The Lamb Slain - 9/11/2011 The Fear of God - 10/9/2011 The Mystery of Christ - 12/25/2011 True Godliness - 1/29/2012 Christ Exalted - 2/26/2012 Ye Are Not Your Own - 4/8/2012 God's Forbearance - 6/3/2012 God's Prophet - 7/15/2012 Great Grace For Great Sin - 7/22/2012 Absolute Substitution - 7/29/2012 Begotten Sons - 8/5/2012 Christ Came to Minister - 9/9/2012 The Last Time - 9/16/2012 The Gospel of Faith - 10/21/2012 The Church United - 10/28/2012 Word of God Cannot be Bound - 11/25/2012 Christ the True Husband - 1/20/2013 Walking After the Spirit - 1/27/2013 How God Loves Sinners - 3/3/2013 Church Of Lord Jesus Christ - 3/17/2013 Whiter Than Snow - 3/31/2013 Power to Save - 5/19/2013 A Pattern of Mercy - 6/23/2013 Jonah In The Whale - 7/7/2013 Justified By Christ - 8/11/2013 The Preeminence of the LORD - 8/18/2013 Listening With Discernment - 9/14/2013 A God Who Hides Himself - 11/10/2013 God's Mercy - 11/17/2013 The Gospel of God - 11/24/2013 Hope and Resurrection - 11/30/2013 The Flesh - 12/22/2013 The Crossing of the Red Sea - 12/25/2013 The Brazen Serpent - 12/29/2013 The Excellency of Christ - 1/26/2014 No Condemnation In Christ - 2/2/2014 Holy and Happy Sons of God - 2/9/2014 Sufferings of Present Time - 2/16/2014 God's Purpose - 2/19/2014 The Believer's Security - 2/24/2014 How God Saves Sinners - 3/2/2014 God's Eternal Purpose - 3/16/2014 Spiritual Blessings in Christ - 3/23/2014 Christ The Mediator - 3/30/2014 Christ The Surety - 4/6/2014 Three Basic Questions - 5/4/2014 True Deliverance - 5/11/2014 The Preeminent Christ - 5/18/2014 God's Appointed Mediator - 5/25/2014 Blessed Assurance - 6/1/2014 Tried and True Faith - 6/22/2014 Coming to Christ - 6/29/2014 The Life of a Child of God - 7/6/2014 When the Righteous Die - 7/12/2014 Chosen To Salvation - 8/3/2014 No Room For Boasting - 8/21/2014 Adam and Christ - 9/7/2014 Christ is All in Salvation - 9/7/2014 Samson and Christ - 9/7/2014 Word of God Cannot Be Bound - 10/12/2014 What is True Worship - 11/2/2014 Who Decides the Matter? - 11/9/2014 A Message of Comfort and Hope - 12/7/2014 The Everlasting God - 12/14/2014 Immanuel, God With Us - 12/21/2014 The One Perfect Sacrifice - 12/28/2014 Preaching Christ - 1/18/2015 Message of Christ Crucified - 1/25/2015 A Grace that Saves - 3/1/2015 God's Unconditional Grace - 3/8/2015 Eyes to See - 3/15/2015 The Gospel That Saves - 3/22/2015 Hated Without a Cause - 3/29/2015 Why Christ Came Into the World - 3/29/2015 Salvation By Grace Alone - 4/5/2015 Gospel According to Scriptures - 4/12/2015 The Electing Grace of God - 4/19/2015 Christ - Whose Son is He? - 4/21/2015 The Saving Grace of God - 4/26/2015 True Riches - 5/10/2015 The Deceitfulness of the Heart - 5/17/2015 The Holiness of God - 5/17/2015 What is a Righteous Nation? - 5/24/2015 How Christ Died - 6/7/2015 What the Law Foreshadowed - 6/14/2015 So Great Salvation - 7/5/2015 Plenteous Redemption - 7/12/2015 The Suffering Savior (Radio) - 7/19/2015 What is it to See God's Son? - 7/26/2015 A Picture of Saving Grace - 8/2/2015 Jesus Christ the Redeemer - 8/9/2015 The Importance of Imputation - 8/16/2015 A Man Sent From God - 8/23/2015 The City of Refuge - 8/27/2015 Who is a Christian? - 8/27/2015 Resurrection Of Jesus Christ - 9/13/2015 Faith Delivered Unto Saints - 9/20/2015 Noah Found Grace - 9/27/2015 Noah's Ark, Type of Salvation - 10/4/2015 A Ransom Found - 10/6/2015 Who Are Christ's Friends - 10/18/2015 The Death Christ Accomplished - 11/8/2015 The Brazen Serpent - 11/15/2015 God Bless America - 11/21/2015 The Prayer of Jabez - 11/29/2015 A God Ready to Pardon - 12/6/2015 Freedom In Christ - 12/13/2015 What The Bible Teaches - 12/20/2015 God's Good Pleasure - 12/27/2015 Christ the Wisdom of God - 1/3/2016 God is King - 1/10/2016 The Precious Blood of Christ - 1/10/2016 What We Know - 1/17/2016 The Believer's Testimony - 1/24/2016 The Law of God - 1/31/2016 Justified by Christ - 2/7/2016 Bought and Brought to Christ - 2/14/2016 Christ the Way - 2/14/2016 God is Greater than Man - 2/21/2016 A Faithful Saying - 2/28/2016 Go Thy Way in Peace - 3/6/2016 He Shall Not Fail - 3/13/2016 The Dying Thief - 3/20/2016 The Last Days - 3/27/2016 Glorifying God - 4/3/2016 The Cross of Christ - 5/1/2016 Particular Redemption - 5/8/2016 Partakers of God's Nature - 5/15/2016 The Work of Christ Depicted - 5/22/2016 God Blesses His Word - 6/4/2016 What Christians Believe - 6/5/2016 The Death of Christ - 6/7/2016 God's Sovereign Mercy - 6/12/2016 Christ Our Life - 6/18/2016 Do You Love God's Salvation? - 6/19/2016 False Piety - 6/19/2016 The Secret of a Happy Life - 6/19/2016 Plenteous Redemption - 6/30/2016 The Church that Christ Built - 7/5/2016 All That the Father Gives - 7/17/2016 The Spirit's Work - 7/21/2016 Rejoicing in the LORD - 7/22/2016 Repentance - 7/25/2016 God's Purpose - 8/11/2016 A Successful Savior - 8/19/2016 Do You Belong To God? - 8/21/2016 The Kingdom of God - 9/5/2016 Resting in God's Sovereignty - 9/6/2016 Calling & Election - 9/9/2016 Righteousness Brings Peace - 9/24/2016 Faith When No Assurance - 10/4/2016 Patient Enduring - 5/25/2017 Consider Him Who Endured - 5/29/2017 By Grace are ye Saved - 6/8/2017 A Song of Salvation - 6/16/2017 How God Justifies Sinners - 6/23/2017 God's Faithfulness For Christ - 7/7/2017 The Whole Armour of God - 8/4/2017 The LORD's Prayer - 8/29/2017 An Advocate With the Father - 9/3/2017 Sanctified By Jesus Christ - 9/14/2017 Oneness in Christ Jesus - 10/6/2017 God's Kingdom Come - 10/24/2017 Behold the Lamb of God - 10/29/2017 Three Days and Three Nights - 11/8/2017 A God Who Pardons - 11/16/2017 Free From the Law - 11/22/2017 The Self-Sufficient God - 12/4/2017 The Decree of God - 1/16/2018 God's Foreknowledge - 2/7/2018 The Supremacy of God - 2/14/2018 The Sovereignty of God - 3/7/2018 The Two Israels - 7/25/2019 The Power of God's Gospel - 8/18/2019 One Place One Offering - 10/9/2019 Cloud of Witnesses - 10/20/2019 Saving Covenant Relationship - 11/9/2019 Radio Broadcast Romans 2 - 11/26/2019 False Preachers - 12/10/2019 God's Perfect Sovereignty - 12/17/2019 The God of All Grace - 1/3/2020 The Kingdom - 1/9/2020 When Others Think It Strange - 1/16/2020 The Grace of God's Salvation - 1/22/2020 Radio Broadcast 01/30/20 - 1/31/2020 Abiding In Him - 2/21/2020 The Only Way - 3/16/2020 The Law and the Grace of God - 4/2/2020 Surety - 4/16/2020 Accomplished at the Cross - 5/8/2020 Prayer From an Upright Heart - 5/28/2020 Ordained by the LORD - 7/16/2020 Inheriting Eternal Life - 7/30/2020 The Work of a Gospel Minister - 8/14/2020 Scripture Commentary Ezekiel 1 - 8/28/2020 Hope of Christ's Resurrection - 10/22/2020 The Redemptive Work of Christ - 11/4/2020 Purchased With His Own Blood - 11/5/2020 Meeting Together - 11/8/2020 Scripture Commentary James 5 - 11/25/2020 Glory of Christ' Finished Work - 12/3/2020 Fishers of Men - 12/8/2020 Dividing Because of Christ - 12/14/2020 God's Appointed Servant - 12/16/2020 Christ the Man of War - 12/17/2020 Promises Fulfilled - 12/22/2020 Light of the Righteous Ones - 1/5/2021 God's Longsuffering - 1/21/2021 Justification By Christ - 1/26/2021 What About Unbelief? - 2/13/2021 Christ Formed In You - 2/17/2021 God Ordains All - 3/8/2021 Particular Redemption - 3/25/2021 Love In Justice - 4/1/2021 Spared Again - 4/15/2021 Those Who Die in the LORD - 4/28/2021 God's Witnesses - 6/3/2021 The Offense of the Gospel - 6/18/2021 One Time, One Place - 6/24/2021 True Praise to God - 7/14/2021 The Reigning King - 8/3/2021 The Surety - 8/17/2021 The Friends of the King - 8/28/2021 Questions and Answers - 8/31/2021 Victim or Victor? - 9/8/2021 Afflictions - 9/21/2021 Stolen Hearts - 10/11/2021 God of Justice and Truth - 10/14/2021 Disorderly Conduct - 10/18/2021 Work of the Spirit - 10/21/2021 The Providence of Grace - 11/1/2021 Holding Faith - 11/16/2021 Vessels of Mercy - 11/25/2021 Continual Burnt Offerings - 12/7/2021 Holy, Just and Longsuffering - 12/25/2021 The LORD's Kindness - 1/2/2022 Eyes Opened - 1/6/2022 The Opposition of Men - 1/14/2022 The Wounds of the Wicked - 1/20/2022 Christ Coming Again - 1/21/2022 Spiritual Prayer - 2/1/2022 Familiar Friend - 2/7/2022 Discerning God's Will - 2/18/2022 AntiChrist - 2/24/2022 Being Deceived - 3/4/2022 Peace and Good Courage - 3/15/2022 Election - 4/9/2022 Life After Death - 5/25/2022 Christ's Coming - 6/2/2022 Despising the King - 6/21/2022 Mordecai- A Portrait of Christ - 7/6/2022 Unbelief and God's Purpose - 7/14/2022 Believers in Unbelief - 7/29/2022 Fools - 8/22/2022 An Eye For An Eye - 9/2/2022 Presumption's Effect - 9/22/2022 Without Spot - 10/18/2022 Following the Heart - 11/21/2022 Particular Redemption - 11/29/2022 God's Purpose - 12/6/2022 The Law and Justice and Mercy - 12/16/2022 Salvation to Our God - 12/27/2022 Wrath From God - 1/2/2023 Ransom - 1/14/2023 Without Works - 1/25/2023 Faith Full - 2/7/2023 Our Soul Suffering Savior - 2/14/2023 An Evil Report - 3/1/2023 Spiritual Warfare - 3/8/2023 The Body Prepared - 3/15/2023 No Other Foundation - 3/23/2023 The Great Day of Wrath - 3/28/2023 Call to Holiness - 4/14/2023 Dying in the LORD - 4/27/2023 Our Spiritual Walk - 5/3/2023 God So Loved the World - 5/17/2023 The Book - 6/2/2023 Wholly Sanctified to the LORD - 6/13/2023 Lamented & Derided-Luke 23:27 - 7/4/2023 Praise Him!-Psalm 150 - 7/12/2023 Cloaked Rebellion-2 Samuel 2.. - 7/18/2023 The Healing-Luke 13:11-17 - 8/8/2023 Grace Without Works - 8/16/2023 A Righteous Hope-Galatians 5 - 9/11/2023 Fruit of the Spirit - 9/19/2023 Standing Fast in the LORD - 9/29/2023 Effectual Grace-Isaiah 27:1 - 10/10/2023 Our Compassionate Savior - 10/23/2023 Seeing Christ-Revelation 1:1.. - 11/2/2023 Praise Ye the LORD-Psalm 150 - 12/11/2023 Justifying/Condemning Yourself - 12/21/2023 A New Heaven and Earth-Rev - 12/29/2023 Cleanse, Sanctify & Purify - 1/3/2024 Perseverance and Preservation - 1/16/2024 Apostasy Warnings - 2/1/2024 Affection Above-Col. 3:1 - 2/5/2024 Ordered of the LORD-Deuter. 2 - 2/14/2024 Complete In Christ-Col. 2:8-12 - 2/22/2024 Agony-Matthew 27:46 - 2/29/2024 Law and Grace - 3/5/2024 The Word of Patience-Rev. 13 - 3/12/2024 The Unjust Steward-Luke 16:8-9 - 3/18/2024 God's Son Forsaken - 3/27/2024 Praying for the Brethren - 4/18/2024 Christ Jesus the Firstborn - 4/26/2024 Where is the Lamb?-Gen. 22:7-8 - 5/4/2024 The Ransom Found-Job 33 - 5/9/2024 Our Standing -Revelation 3:11 - 5/14/2024 Conspiring, Cheating, Cursing - 6/5/2024 In the Face of Unbelief - 6/18/2024 Hard of Hearing - Isaiah 28 - 7/6/2024 Everlasting Love - Song 8:6-10 - 7/10/2024 Submission to God's Will-2 Sam - 7/18/2024 The Longsuffering Holy One - 7/23/2024 All Things in Christ's Hands.. - 7/30/2024 Gospel Warfare - 8/6/2024 Made Straight - Luke 13:11-17 - 8/21/2024 An Evil Heart - Hebrews 3:7-19 - 9/5/2024 Fruit of the Spirit - 9/16/2024 The Gift of Grace - 9/30/2024 The Red Heifer-Numbers 19:1-10 - 10/11/2024 Grace Abounding Radio-Matt. 7 - 10/28/2024 Scripture Commentary Luke 1 - 11/6/2024 Christ the Door - John 10:6-.. - 11/14/2024 The LORD's Kindness - 11/22/2024 The Incense of Prayer - 11/25/2024 Justified by Christ Alone.. - 12/4/2024 The Merchant and the Treasure - 2/6/2025 The Mystery of Godliness - 3/12/2025 God Ordained Trials - 3/24/2025
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