Be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed. Rejoice in hope. I didn't write. I didn't make a list, but we. Could go on. We don't really need a dictionary to figure. Out what this? Thing what he's talking about practical teaching. Very practical. But sometimes it's. About as difficult as it is practical to leave it out right. Well, I soon discovered in starting to study on this chapter that. We will not cover everything. But what I want to look at today is. Being a witness for God. The the Book of Romans up to this point is loaded with doctrine or teaching heavy doctrine. We we might say. And the word therefore here in verse one links that teaching to practical application of that teaching to our life. I beseech you therefore. I beseech you, therefore, I beg of you or earnestly beg of you. First of all, witness what is a witness. It means that we have. Personal knowledge of something. To provide or serve as evidence of to testify or to make known. So we have experienced or I hope we have trust we have. Experience the love and mercy of God in our own lives. And that. Behooves or it? It somehow behooves us too. Let others know. About it, whether it is by word or. Action or hopefully both. And notice here in verse one also that he is not talking to some ungodly sinners. It says, I beseech. You, therefore, brethren. Brethren, make application of this teaching that I've been giving you in the last 11 chapters. And then he Goes on and makes it very practical. On how to do that. Be practical, be intentional. Live your life with purpose. Be a blessing. How it's by the? Mercies of God, it says here I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God. |