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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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Prescription for a Safe Christian Pilgrimage
9/21/2014 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Proverbs 3:1-8
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
A Safe Christian Pilgrimage

Proverbs 3:1-8
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
A Safe Christian Pilgrimage

Providence Reformed Baptist
Sunday - AM
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Ian Migala (9/22/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
2. BY WISE COUNSEL FROM GODLY CHRISTIANS. Experienced Christians are guided by the word and guide with their own experiences. 3. BY CLEAR, PROVIDENTIAL DIRECTION. He guides the meek in judgment and shows them His covenant. The Christian may plan his way, but the Lord will guide his steps. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS [50:00]: 1. This command is encouraging as well as reproving. God guides those who trust Him every step of the way. We stagger when our trust sputters. 2. The prohibition does not forbid us from using our own understanding, but instead from trusting it. Christians who claim to be led by the spirit without consulting the word are often misled. The spirit is the spirit of truth. 3. Those who obey are not promised immunity from trials, but are promised God’s safekeeping. In fact, obedience often leads to trials in this fallen world. What are you having a hard time trusting God with in your life right now, and what makes you think you can handle it better than He can?

Ian Migala (9/22/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
b. BECAUSE WE FOOLISHLY TRUST THE INCLINATIONS OF OUR HEARTS [37:13]. So often, the world tells us to trust our hearts, but where has that gotten us? Many carry deep scars heeding that advice. Trust in the Lord brings deliverance. Look back to Henry’s outline regarding this passage. c. BECAUSE WE TRUST OTHERS RATHER THAN GOD [39:29]. Christians fall into grievous error and sin trusting false teachers rather than trusting the Lord. When we follow men, we will turn away from the Lord. The Bereans didn’t trust Paul until they first measured his words with the Lord’s word. 2. WHAT MAY WE EXPECT WHEN WE VIOLATE THIS PROHIBITION? [41:56] a. ALL MANNER OF TRIAL AND TROUBLE. The way of the transgressor is hard. b. THE LORD’S CURSE. It is a life of impotency and judgment. c. ETERNITY IN HELL. The path is straight and victorious for the believer, but dark and calamitous for the unbeliever. C. THE PRECIOUS PROMISE [45:35]. The one we trust is the one who makes our paths straight. Straight is translated as agreeable, pleasing, right, safe, secure, peaceful, and happy. How does He do this? 1. BY HIS SPIRIT THROUGH HIS WORD: not just His spirit. The word of God is the only way we know that the spirit is leading us.

Ian Migala (9/22/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
2. THE EXTENT OF THIS COMMAND [19:40]. a. WITH ALL YOUR HEART: with all our thinking, meditating, feeling, and reasoning. i. Trust Him implicitly. He is our first trust; it should be the default of every Christian. ii. Trust Him entirely: He has never failed us when we trusted Him. iii. Trust Him exclusively: let no other trust intrude. iv. Trust Him enduringly: always and without interruption. God does not promise to guide half-hearted trust. b. IN ALL YOUR WAYS [24:15]: in all our planning, actions, experiences, trials, triumphs, successes, failures, in small and big decisions, use of resources, preferences, influences, and circumstances. B. THE PERTINENT PROHIBITION [32:10]. Our default is to lean on our own understanding, and so this exhortation needs this negative counterpart. Where has this folly led us? Understanding is a gift from God given to us to help us understand Him. We’re not commanded to not use understanding, but rather to not lean on our own vain understanding disconnected from God. 1. WHY IS THIS PROHIBITION GIVEN? [35:27] a. WE TEND TO BE PROUD AND REBELLIOUS. This is a native tendency. Our first parents defied God for wisdom, and what did it get them?

Ian Migala (9/22/2014)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
Matthew Henry outlines the source text as follows: constance in duty keeps us happy (vv. 1-4), dependence on God keeps us safe (vv. 5-6), and fear of God keeps us healthful (vv. 7-8). In this message, we will focus on the second point. In those verses, we see a comprehensive command, a pertinent prohibition, and a precious promise. A. THE COMPREHENSIVE COMMAND [starting at 4:12 of the audio]. 1. THE ESSENCE OF THIS COMMAND [4:35]. It is expressed in three synonymous words. a. TRUST, which here means reliance. Its other Old Testament translations connote boldness, confidence, security, reliance, carelessness (as in “without a care”), and complacency. The Christian life is essentially one of faith. Without faith, we cannot please God. b. ACKNOWLEDGE [9:20], which connotes an intimate knowledge, such as a man’s knowledge of his wife. It is not an abstract head-knowledge of God, but a spiritual, experimental knowledge of Him in all our ways. c. LEANING [12:00]. Though we are not to lean on our own understanding, we are to lean upon Him. It is also translated as ‘rest’. The idea is to prop ourselves on Him to carry our weight: to trust Him and rely on Him. It is our only safe, lit passage. Our own wisdom and feelings lead us astray.

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