Jesus the Lord, upon completing perfectly God's redemptive work as a substitute for sin, on behalf fallen humanity; He dies, as the righteous, for the unrighteous. Right at the precipice of His death, Jesus, in agony, uttered the very last words, addressing God, a) with filial affinity, b) affirming that His atoning death came at the right time divinely appointed, as He volunteered by laying down His life for the sake of His friends (Jn. 15v13 – 17) as He drew… c) His last breath. Our Lord's death brought about d) varied reactions from the Centurion, who acknowledge trueness of Christ (v47), the crows, filled with woe (v48) and, c) the Lord's followers, who grievingly, yet patiently watched in amazement (v49). Hallelujah! What a Savior. |