These words contain both the rise and ruin of Antichrist, his revelation and destruction.
1. As to his revelation, there are two things:—
[1.] The title given to Antichrist: the wicked.
[2.] His appearing in the world upon the taking away the impediment: shall be revealed.
2. As to his ruin, three things are observable:—
[1.] The progress of his destruction, which is here considered as begun, or as consummated.
(1.) A diminishing of antichristianism: whom the Lord shall consume
(2.) The finishing thereof, in the word destroy.
[2.] The author, the Lord.
[3.] The means.
(1.) God's word, called his breath, or the Spirit of his mouth.
(2.) The brightness of his coming, namely, when he shall come to judge the world in the glory of the Father.
1. The title given to Antichrist that lawless one, or son of Belial. It is the property of Antichrist to boast himself to be above all laws, and to be judged by no power upon earth; for therein he resembleth Antiochus, of whom it is said, ‘He shall do according to his own will,' Dan. xi. 36....
Five hundred years before Luther, Peter Bruis began, and Henry his scholar succeeded him, and both of them succeeded by the Waldenses and Albigenses; then Wicliffe, the Bohemians, who have all pleaded and proved that the Pope was the very Antichrist; then Savonarola in Italy preached this boldly.
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