Speaker: Bill Behrens
39 sermons
Recognizing the Presence of God in Your Life
>Delegate Authority - 1/19/2001 Doing God's Work - 2/18/2001 Will We Serve the Lord? - 2/18/2001 Goals and Purposes - 2/18/2001 Goals and Purposes - 2/18/2001 Be Ye Steadfast - 2/21/2001 Appointed Once To Die - 2/25/2001 Goals of a Christian - 2/25/2001 Office of a Bishop - 2/25/2001 The Wayward Son - 3/4/2001 Jesus is Coming for Us - 3/7/2001 Things That God Will Not Do - 3/11/2001 Bible Versions - 3/11/2001 A Balanced Christian Life - 3/14/2001 We Are All Like Worms - 3/18/2001 Knowledge and Wisdom - 3/18/2001 Learn to Obey - 3/21/2001 The Patience of Job - 3/25/2001 Patience of Joseph - 3/25/2001 Persecution - 3/28/2001 Life - 4/1/2001 Tongues; Untrue Holiness - 4/1/2001 To Preach - 4/4/2001 Beware of Covetousness - 4/8/2001 Are There Few That Be Saved? - 4/8/2001 Why Don't You Love Me Like Y.. - 4/11/2001 Just Kiss My Feet - 4/15/2001 Preach, Preach, Preach! - 4/15/2001 No Need to Doubt Him Now - 4/16/2001 Where is the Elisha of GOD? - 4/17/2001 Danger of Delay - 4/18/2001 Will Thou Not Revive Us Again? - 4/19/2001 I Just Can't Let Go - 4/20/2001 Making a Covenant - 4/22/2001 Faith: The Only Thing That P.. - 4/22/2001 Order of Being Converted - 4/25/2001 Things Above - 4/29/2001 The Call of the Master - 4/29/2001 Life - 5/2/2001 The Preeminence of Prayer - 5/6/2001 Great is Thy Faith - 5/6/2001 Rooftop Experience - 5/13/2001 The Battlements - 5/13/2001 Looking Out for Spiritual He.. - 5/16/2001 Nashon a Hero of the Faith - 5/20/2001 Following JESUS - 5/20/2001 If We Suffer - 5/23/2001 The Importance of Sunday - 5/27/2001 Revival of Honesty - 5/27/2001 Shame or Glory - 7/8/2001 Godliness With Contentment - 7/8/2001 Accountability - 7/11/2001 The Greatness of the Early C.. - 7/15/2001 Church Polity - 7/16/2001 Church Polity, Divorce - 7/16/2001 Hinderance to Prayer Part 2 - 7/16/2001 Hindrances to Prayer Part 1 - 7/16/2001 Power of Prayer - 7/16/2001 A High View of GOD - 7/17/2001 Bible Principles for Deputat.. - 7/17/2001 God's Harvest - 7/17/2001 There Must Be a Hell - 7/17/2001 Are the Heathen Lost? - 7/18/2001 Ecclesiastical Separation - 7/18/2001 The Crucified Man - 7/18/2001 A Living Sacrifice - 7/19/2001 Have Faith in God - 7/19/2001 Hinderance to Prayer- Evange.. - 7/19/2001 Hinderance to Prayer- Evange.. - 7/19/2001 Practical Missions and Bapti.. - 7/19/2001 8 Steps for Consistent Chris.. - 7/20/2001 A Spiritual Man - 7/20/2001 Ministry of the Evangelist - 7/20/2001 Natural Family Relationships - 7/20/2001 For Your Sakes He Became Poor - 7/22/2001 The Tongue - 7/22/2001 Back to the Basics - 7/25/2001 The Pure Gospel - 7/29/2001 The Scarlet Sins - 7/29/2001 More - 8/1/2001 Matter of Faith - 8/5/2001 Remember - 8/8/2001 Remember Lot's Wife - 8/12/2001 The Fringe and the Blue Ribbon - 8/12/2001 Awesomeness of GOD - 8/15/2001 All Glorious Blood of Christ - 8/19/2001 Yearning for Holiness - 8/19/2001 Don't Be a Fault Finder - 8/22/2001 Charity Edifieth - 8/26/2001 In the Midst - 8/26/2001 Walk in Love Without Comprom.. - 8/29/2001 Without Faith it is Impossib.. - 9/2/2001 Where are the Men? - 9/12/2001 The Wrath and Judgement of GOD - 9/16/2001 Behold Your King - 9/30/2001 Put on the Whole Armor of God - 9/30/2001 Are You Blessed or Are You C.. - 10/7/2001 Purity Blessed - 10/7/2001 The Lord's 2nd Coming - 11/4/2001 Touch Not, Taste Not - 11/4/2001 Nahshon - 11/7/2001 Most Destructive Sin - 11/11/2001 Make No Mention of Other Gods - 11/11/2001 Be Thankful - 11/14/2001 How to Be Happy - 11/16/2001 There's Blood On Your Hands - 11/18/2001 Little Foxes that Destroy th.. - 11/18/2001 A Change in Your Life - 11/21/2001 A Zeal for the House of GOD - 11/25/2001 It is Your Life - 11/25/2001 God of Great Grace - 11/28/2001 Is it Worth Going to Moab? - 12/2/2001 Who Will Pick Up the Stretch.. - 12/2/2001 What To Do When You Smell th.. - 12/3/2001 The Glory of GOD - 12/4/2001 Building the Ark to Save the.. - 12/5/2001 The Tragedy of Going to Hell - 12/6/2001 What to Do When You Don't Kn.. - 12/7/2001 Don't You Want to Be Great f.. - 12/9/2001 After He Saves Us, He Protec.. - 12/16/2001 God's Revenge for the Gibeon.. - 12/16/2001 Taking Inventory as a Christ.. - 12/19/2001 The Birth of Christ - 12/23/2001 Lying Prophets - 12/23/2001 Having Some Goals - 12/26/2001 His Compassion Fail Not - 12/30/2001 3 Things You Need in Your Ch.. - 12/31/2001 Be Thankful - 12/31/2001 Is God Pleased With You? - 12/31/2001 Pride - 12/31/2001 Serving God with the Right H.. - 12/31/2001 War Between God and the Devil - 12/31/2001 What Would Jesus Do? - 12/31/2001 You Must Have Salvation - 12/31/2001 Your Sin Will Find You Out - 12/31/2001 A Country's Judgement - 1/2/2002 Amazing Grace to the Hivites - 1/6/2002 Honour - 1/6/2002 Over and Above - 1/9/2002 How Are You Going to Finish? - 1/13/2002 Separate or Sin Will Take.. - 1/13/2002 Covetousness Which is Idolatry - 1/16/2002 Will of God - 1/20/2002 Will You Trust Him - 1/20/2002 Meat to Eat That Ye Know Not - 1/23/2002 Weapons of God - 1/27/2002 Three Things to Do - 1/27/2002 Foolishness is Sin - 1/30/2002 Infilling of the Holy Spirit - 2/3/2002 Our Fathers Have Told Us - 2/3/2002 In the Days of Thy Youth - 2/6/2002 Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus - 2/10/2002 Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus - 2/10/2002 Love the LORD - 2/13/2002 The Devil's At the Door - 2/17/2002 Idol Worship - 2/17/2002 Acceptable in Thy Site - 2/20/2002 Vengeance of Eternal Fire - 2/24/2002 The Word of the Lord Came - 2/24/2002 The Lord is My Shepard - 2/27/2002 Testimony/God's Last Laugh - 3/3/2002 Temperance - 3/3/2002 Jesus Sent the 12 - 3/6/2002 Indifference - 3/10/2002 God's Direction - 3/10/2002 What is Your Life? - 3/13/2002 Have You Lost Your Song? - 3/17/2002 Fill Your Life with Prayer - 3/17/2002 What is Your Life? Soulwinning - 3/20/2002 Is Your Life a Life of Love? - 3/24/2002 Your Life a Life of Holiness? - 3/24/2002 Is Your Life Following Jesus? - 3/27/2002 Life or Damnation - 3/31/2002 Add Thou Not Unto His Words - 3/31/2002 A Call to Action - 4/3/2002 Build Your Life w Jesus Christ - 4/7/2002 3 Choices in Christian Walk - 4/7/2002 Great Commission (Soulwinning) - 4/10/2002 The Power of God is Jesus - 4/14/2002 The Watchman Must Warn - 4/14/2002 The KJV is Inspired of God - 4/17/2002 Jesus is Life - 4/21/2002 Do You Have Rebellious Heart? - 4/21/2002 What Do You Trust? - 4/24/2002 GOD's Mercy on Nineveh - 4/28/2002 The Fall of Nineveh - 4/28/2002 Renew Your Covenant - 5/1/2002 Humility is the Greatest - 5/5/2002 One Thing is Needful - 5/8/2002 A Virtuous Woman - 5/12/2002 JESUS, Our Sacrifice - 5/12/2002 Forsaking Everything - 5/15/2002 Our Heart Should be.. - 5/19/2002 Sadness to Gladness - 5/19/2002 How Do We Go? - 5/22/2002 So Great Salvation - 5/26/2002 The Lord of Harvest - 5/26/2002 What We Must Preach - 5/29/2002 Love Thy Neighbor - 6/2/2002 The Passover - 6/2/2002 Zeal - 6/5/2002 The Devil - 6/9/2002 Do You Have Great Zeal? - 6/12/2002 Strong Fathers - 6/16/2002 The Armor of God - 6/16/2002 The WORD of GOD - 6/19/2002 Joseph of the Old Testament - 6/23/2002 The Greatest Things - 6/23/2002 Present Your Body a Living.. - 6/26/2002 The Last Thing the Lord Said - 6/30/2002 Lean Not unto Thine Own.. - 6/30/2002 Without Faith it is.. - 7/7/2002 Works - 7/7/2002 Can You Be Commended? - 7/10/2002 Christ Died for All - 7/14/2002 Giving Your All - 7/21/2002 Uttermost Part of the Earth - 7/24/2002 Faith Promise "God is Able" - 7/28/2002 Greatness of Christ - 8/4/2002 Christian - 8/4/2002 Abram - 8/7/2002 How to Have Spiritual.. - 8/11/2002 The Foolishness of God and.. - 8/11/2002 The Power of Prayer - 8/14/2002 The Gospel - 8/18/2002 8 Things for Balanced.. - 8/19/2002 8 Things for Balanced.. - 8/20/2002 The Rearing of Children - 8/22/2002 The Rearing of Children 2 - 8/23/2002 Having Greater Charity - 8/25/2002 Strange Fire - 8/25/2002 Bear Witness of the Light - 8/28/2002 Compassion - 9/1/2002 Great Faith - 9/1/2002 20 Things That Will/Will.. - 9/4/2002 The Great Commission - 9/8/2002 God Hates and Detests These.. - 9/11/2002 We Need the Power of GOD - 9/15/2002 Do Not Drink - 9/15/2002 Go, Grow, Glow - 9/18/2002 Holy, Holy, Holy (Leadership) - 9/22/2002 Holy, Holy, Holy - 9/22/2002 The Leadership of Nahshon - 9/25/2002 To Put Off and Stay Off - 9/29/2002 The Christlike Attitude of.. - 9/29/2002 Nazarites - 10/2/2002 Gideon - 10/6/2002 Zeal of GOD - 10/6/2002 Not Being Double Minded - 10/9/2002 Compassion - 10/13/2002 Results of Covetousness - 10/16/2002 Ye Must Be Born Again - 10/20/2002 Remember This Day - 10/20/2002 Hear, Learn, Keep, and Do - 10/23/2002 Put On The Whole Armour of God - 10/27/2002 What is Your Testimony? - 10/27/2002 What Do You Value the Lord.. - 11/3/2002 The Matter of Prayer - 11/3/2002 Flee Covetousness - 11/6/2002 Wonderful Grace - 11/10/2002 In Obedience to God - 11/10/2002 Kiss the Sun Through the Day - 11/17/2002 Where are We Going to Bury.. - 11/17/2002 The Last Judges, Sampson - 11/24/2002 Most Important Relationship.. - 11/24/2002 Seven Years of Death - 11/27/2002 Clothes, Clothes, and More.. - 12/1/2002 Boaz, The Type of Christ - 12/1/2002 Proper View of the Birth of.. - 12/4/2002 Single Mindedness - 12/8/2002 Is There Not a Cause? - 12/8/2002 The Kindness of GOD - 12/11/2002 Heed the Revelation - 12/15/2002 Thanksliving - 12/15/2002 For Mine Eyes Have Seen Thy.. - 12/18/2002 I Have Somewhat Against Thee - 12/22/2002 The Compassion and Reproof.. - 12/22/2002 5 Great Women in the Bible - 12/29/2002 Remember and Repent - 12/29/2002 3 Things to Have Joy In - 12/31/2002 Nuggets - 12/31/2002 The Second Adam - 12/31/2002 It's Time to Get Excited - 1/1/2003 Thankfulness - 1/1/2003 Jeroboam Made Israel to Sin - 1/5/2003 We Need Not Be a Fickle Group - 1/5/2003 Church of Laodicea - 1/8/2003 Preach the Word - 1/12/2003 Preach the Word (Cont) - 1/12/2003 How Do We View GOD? - 1/12/2003 Stealing - 1/15/2003 Is It Holy and Good? - 1/19/2003 Blessed is He that Readeth - 1/22/2003 Practical Christian Living - 1/26/2003 Exceeding Magnifical - 1/26/2003 Revelation - 1/29/2003 Being Precious - 2/2/2003 Supernatural Tongues - 2/2/2003 Matter of Prayer - 2/5/2003 Solomon's Temple - 2/9/2003 The Holy House - 2/9/2003 Specific Instructions - 2/12/2003 Justification - 2/16/2003 The Glory of the Lord.. - 2/16/2003 We Are the Lord's - 2/19/2003 The Importance of Revival - 2/23/2003 Quench Not The Spirit - 2/23/2003 Do You Want a Blessing from.. - 2/26/2003 The Bible is So Inspired! - 2/26/2003 The Bible Contains the Mind.. - 3/2/2003 The Men of David - 3/2/2003 Declaring the Glories of God! - 3/5/2003 Endure Hardness as a Good.. - 3/5/2003 Follow After Charity - 3/9/2003 Soul Winning - 3/9/2003 Misunderstood - 3/12/2003 It Doesn't Rain in the.. - 4/2/2003 Becoming Beautiful to God - 4/6/2003 The Three Hebrew Children - 4/6/2003 What You Sow, You Reap! - 4/9/2003 Yielding Our Body - 4/13/2003 Got Wisdom? - 4/13/2003 Be a Faithful Witness - 4/16/2003 Earthquakes - 4/20/2003 Go After the Wisdom of God - 4/20/2003 Oh, Look and See What God.. - 4/23/2003 When It Becomes Hell on Earth - 4/24/2003 Don't Throw Away That Which.. - 4/25/2003 Thou Art The Christ - 4/27/2003 We Are the Lord's Beautiful.. - 4/27/2003 The Great Deceiver-The Devil - 5/4/2003 Love One Another - 5/7/2003 The Beauty of Mary - 5/11/2003 Woes - 5/11/2003 Are You Willing to Suffer? - 5/14/2003 What a Fool - 6/1/2003 Your Reasonable Service for.. - 6/1/2003 Recognizing the Presence of.. - 6/2/2003 How to Stay Stable in an.. - 6/3/2003 America, What Has Happened? - 6/4/2003 Stay Away From Vanity - 6/8/2003 Exercising Faith - 6/15/2003 What are You Plugged Into? - 6/15/2003 Hidden Dangers - 6/18/2003 The Portion to the Unbelievers - 6/22/2003 The Son Shall Not Bear the.. - 6/22/2003 With All Thine Heart - 6/25/2003 Covering of the Eyes - 6/29/2003 The Love of Christ Constrain.. - 6/30/2003 The Strength of Samson - 7/6/2003 The Blessed Man and the Curs.. - 7/6/2003 We Need to Pray - 7/7/2003 Be Against Some Things - 7/10/2003 Having the Vision of God - 7/10/2003 Wilt Thou Be Made Whole - 7/10/2003 Faith Promise Mission - 7/11/2003 God is the Author of Music.. - 7/11/2003 Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing - 7/11/2003 God is the Author of Music.. - 7/12/2003 Terrible Place Called Hell - 7/13/2003 God Provides - 7/13/2003 Give - 7/16/2003 It is More Blessed to Give.. - 7/20/2003 Woe to Them That Are At.. - 7/20/2003 Without the Love of GOD,.. - 7/23/2003 John the Baptist - 7/27/2003 The "Good" Life - 7/27/2003 Prayer - 7/30/2003 Meditation - 8/3/2003 The Primacy of Preaching - 8/3/2003 The Road to Berachah - 8/6/2003 Martyrs for Christ - 8/10/2003 Who is my Neighbor? - 8/10/2003 What Truth Produces - 8/13/2003 Sacrifice and Repentance - 8/17/2003 The False Shepherds - 8/20/2003 Being Clean for the LORD - 8/24/2003 Who Is Your Best Friend - 8/24/2003 Great Commission - 8/27/2003 Doing What Pleases the Lord.. - 8/31/2003 Rain - 9/3/2003 The Holy Place - 9/7/2003 Folly of the Hypocrite - 9/7/2003 Power - 9/10/2003 Stand for the Lord - 9/14/2003 The Bloody City - 9/14/2003 The Deliverers in the Bible - 9/21/2003 Church Covenant - 9/21/2003 Let's Go Soul Winning - 10/1/2003 Holiest of All - 10/12/2003 The Royal Law - 10/12/2003 Women in the Lineage of Christ - 10/15/2003 Being a Hypocrite - 10/19/2003 Do You Have These 3 D's in.. - 10/19/2003 Especially Loved by God - 10/22/2003 Could You Be Called Charity.. - 10/26/2003 Could You Be Called Charity.. - 10/26/2003 Sing Unto the Lord - 10/29/2003 Tested of God - 11/2/2003 Sacrifice - 11/2/2003 We Must Learn to Refuse.. - 11/5/2003 The 3:16's of the Bible - 11/9/2003 Christian Reminders - 11/9/2003 Heavenly Heartburn - 11/12/2003 Remember - 11/16/2003 Admonitions of the Wicked - 11/16/2003 Perfect Peace - 11/19/2003 Nobody Cares for Them - 11/23/2003 Pressing Toward The Mark - 11/23/2003 My Devotions - 11/24/2003 Another Plan of Evangelism - 11/25/2003 Biblical Separation - 11/25/2003 Strife and Vain Glory - 11/25/2003 The Lord is Faithful - 11/25/2003 God Uses Nobodies - 11/26/2003 Mark of Holiness - 11/26/2003 I Have a Dream - 11/27/2003 Everyone Starts Out as a Child - 11/28/2003 I'm A Soldier - 11/28/2003 Is Our Music Approved by God? - 11/28/2003 The New Birth - 11/30/2003 Jesus is the Only Way - 11/30/2003 Let Us Be Impartial - 12/3/2003 The Law is Our Schoolmaster I - 12/7/2003 The Law is Our Schoolmaster II - 12/7/2003 Beauty of the LORD/Glory of.. - 12/10/2003 The Greatness of God - 12/14/2003 Four Walls - 12/14/2003 Purity - 12/17/2003 Holiness to The LORD - 12/21/2003 Learning to Walk with GOD - 12/21/2003 Things to Remember - 12/24/2003 The Peculiarity of John the.. - 12/28/2003 The Gospel Was Preached Unto.. - 12/28/2003 He Caused Trouble - 12/31/2003 John the Baptist - 12/31/2003 Names to Live Up To - 12/31/2003 This is the Holy Bible - 12/31/2003 A Time - 1/4/2004 How's Your Heart? - 1/4/2004 What We As Believers Should Do - 1/7/2004 This Terrible Thing Called P.. - 1/11/2004 Foolishness of Being a Fool - 1/11/2004 This Matter of Anointing - 1/14/2004 Curses and Blessings - 1/18/2004 Forsaking the Lord - 1/18/2004 Lord Teach Us to Pray - 1/21/2004 Compassion - 1/25/2004 Wisdom and Faith - 1/25/2004 Our Merciful God - 1/28/2004 Samson The Great - 2/1/2004 Samson - A Type of Christ - 2/1/2004 Remember and Repent - 2/4/2004 The Value of Rubies - 2/8/2004 Love Excelleth Them All - 2/8/2004 David-A Man After GOD's Own.. - 2/11/2004 Wisdom-Knowledge Properly Ap.. - 2/15/2004 Your Eyes Affect Your Heart - 2/18/2004 Renewing of Your Mind - 2/22/2004 Men Should Lead - 2/22/2004 How Christ Preached the Gospel - 2/25/2004 The Touch of the Master's Ha.. - 2/29/2004 Sir, We Would See Jesus (Par.. - 3/3/2004 This Place Called Hell - 3/7/2004 Counseling - 3/7/2004 Saved to a Life of Suffering - 3/10/2004 GOD is a Giving God - 3/14/2004 Are You Giving Your Whole He.. - 3/14/2004 Diligence - 3/17/2004 An Unchanging God in a Chang.. - 3/21/2004 Sir, We Would See Jesus-Part 2 - 3/21/2004 The Lord Cares - 3/24/2004 Some of God's Laborers Are C.. - 3/28/2004 Faith Promise Giving - 3/29/2004 Taking Up the Mantle - 4/4/2004 Then Hear Thou From Heaven - 4/4/2004 God Can Sustain His People - 4/7/2004 Why Some People Will Not Get.. - 4/11/2004 You Can't Get Right Running.. - 4/11/2004 The Faith of Others - 4/12/2004 Pure Love -or- Pretend Love - 4/13/2004 The Forgotten Commandment - 4/14/2004 God Is - 4/18/2004 God is Looking for a Man - 4/18/2004 Suffering - 4/21/2004 Preaching the Cross of Christ - 4/25/2004 The Significance of Walls - 4/25/2004 What Would Jesus Do? - 4/28/2004 Christ - 5/2/2004 All Have Sinned - 5/2/2004 The Last Days - 5/5/2004 Get Serious About Prayer - 5/9/2004 Jesus Christ the Creator - 5/9/2004 Living for Jesus - 5/9/2004 Presumptuous Sin - 5/10/2004 Your Adversary, the Devil - 5/11/2004 The Proclamation of God's Son - 5/12/2004 Showers of Blessings - 5/16/2004 How's Our Thought Life? - 5/16/2004 Are You Known for Your Humil.. - 5/19/2004 Compel Them to Come In - 5/23/2004 We Will Drink No Wine - 5/23/2004 Job-A Type of Christ (Part 1) - 5/30/2004 Job- A Type of Christ (Part 2) - 5/30/2004 Thanksgiving - 6/6/2004 Faithfulness of Job - 6/6/2004 We Must Be Obedient - 6/7/2004 Putting Off the Old Man - 6/8/2004 We Must Think Right to Be Ri.. - 6/9/2004 Run for Their Lives - 6/10/2004 What Satan Did in the Garden - 6/10/2004 Because of His Lovingkindness - 6/11/2004 The Gospel of GOD - 6/11/2004 Job-A Type of Christ (Part 3) - 6/13/2004 Job- A Type of Christ (Part 4) - 6/13/2004 Born High, Live High, and Fl.. - 6/16/2004 Our Devotional Life - 6/20/2004 Singing Prayers to God - 6/20/2004 Teach Me - 6/23/2004 Having the Love of God - 6/27/2004 Lead Me, Try Me, Bless Me - 6/27/2004 We Must Be Busy About God's.. - 6/30/2004 Freedom - 7/4/2004 Laboring for the Lord - 7/4/2004 You Have to Believe & Work Not - 7/4/2004 Church Covenant - 7/5/2004 The Fruit of the Womb is His.. - 7/5/2004 The Need for HIS Baptist Chu.. - 7/5/2004 Is There a Remedy? - 7/6/2004 Separation - 7/6/2004 The Sabbath Day - 7/6/2004 Holiness - 7/7/2004 Repentance - 7/7/2004 We Ought Not Have a Television - 7/7/2004 Reach the Lost - 7/8/2004 The Doctrine of Salvation - 7/8/2004 The Eagle Christian - 7/8/2004 The Old Landmark - 7/8/2004 When Somebody's Wrong it Nee.. - 7/8/2004 Why We Need Holiness - 7/8/2004 Christians Must Be Right wit.. - 7/9/2004 Holiness Must Be in Your Heart - 7/9/2004 The Anointing Oil - 7/9/2004 The Trials of Faith Teach Pa.. - 7/9/2004 Having Happiness and Staying.. - 7/11/2004 Be Thou My Helper - 7/11/2004 God Assumes that His Childre.. - 7/14/2004 4 Things David Understood Ab.. - 7/18/2004 Prayer - 7/18/2004 3 Things We Can Do to Know T.. - 7/21/2004 A Virtuous Woman - 7/25/2004 Sin Not - 7/25/2004 God's Holiness in Us - 9/1/2004 Spiritual Conversions in the.. - 9/5/2004 The Spirit of the LORD Moved.. - 9/5/2004 Open Rebuke is Better Than L.. - 9/8/2004 God's Great Mercy - 9/12/2004 Young Men Used of God - 9/12/2004 The Art of Worship - 9/15/2004 Wise Men Still Seek Him - 9/19/2004 Let's Go Fishing - 9/19/2004 Envy and It's Remedy - 9/22/2004 Sowing Seed - 9/26/2004 Are You in the Right Place? - 9/26/2004 Jesus Christ is The SON OF GOD - 9/29/2004 God Delighted To Bless Us - 10/3/2004 Know Ye Not - 10/3/2004 Is It Worth It? - 10/6/2004 Things We Withhold - 10/6/2004 The Holiness of Joseph - 10/10/2004 What is Your Passion? - 10/10/2004 Deal Not Treacherously - 10/13/2004 3 Things That Will Abide For.. - 10/17/2004 3 Things That Will Abide For.. - 10/17/2004 Speak to Thy Neighbor - 10/20/2004 Love is the First, Greatest.. - 10/24/2004 Boasting - 10/24/2004 Conceit and Deceiving - 10/27/2004 Greatest Attribute of God-Ho.. - 10/31/2004 A Contentious Man Will Kindl.. - 10/31/2004 Unclean Spirits - 11/3/2004 Compassion - 11/7/2004 Fret Not Thyself - 11/7/2004 What is Faith Promise Giving? - 11/10/2004 Don't Remove The Old Landmarks - 11/14/2004 Discipline Has a Connection.. - 11/14/2004 How Did Jesus Do It? - 11/17/2004 Don't Mess with God's Silver.. - 11/21/2004 Lost in the Congregation - 11/21/2004 Holiness - 11/22/2004 Seek Him with the Whole Heart - 11/22/2004 Birth Control - 11/23/2004 Church Planting (Part 1) - 11/23/2004 Fishing on the Other Side of.. - 11/23/2004 How Jesus Addressed Church P.. - 11/23/2004 Who's In Your Church House? - 11/23/2004 Storms in Life - 11/24/2004 Thorniest Issues in Christen.. - 11/24/2004 Thorniest Issues in Christen.. - 11/24/2004 Why Are You So Soon Removed? - 11/24/2004 Church Planting (Part II) - 11/25/2004 Way of the Heathen Courtship.. - 11/25/2004 You Must Have the Right Atti.. - 11/25/2004 Do Not Harbor Sin in Your He.. - 11/26/2004 God's Holiness Requires Judg.. - 11/26/2004 Holy is the Lord of Hosts - 11/26/2004 Is There Not a Cause? - 11/26/2004 Righteousness and Holiness o.. - 11/26/2004 Take The Holy Stand of God - 11/26/2004 The Christian Testimony - 11/26/2004 The Doctrines of Sin and of.. - 11/26/2004 The Lost - 11/26/2004 The Mantle - 11/28/2004 Take Time To Be Holy - 11/28/2004 How the Lord Sends Out Labor.. - 12/1/2004 The Importance How We Treat.. - 12/5/2004 The Monstrous Sin of Murmuring - 12/5/2004 Obedience - 12/8/2004 What Do We Need? Revival! - 12/12/2004 Traits of a Sinner and of a.. - 12/12/2004 Santa-The UnChrist - 12/15/2004 Few in Days and Full of Trou.. - 12/19/2004 Who Shall Ascend into the Hi.. - 12/19/2004 The Love of God - 12/22/2004 Consider Christ - 12/26/2004 I Shall Not Want - 12/26/2004 Trust in the Lord - 12/29/2004 Be Thankful! - 12/31/2004 Courtship - 12/31/2004 Love - 12/31/2004 The Great Commission - 12/31/2004 Three Goals - 12/31/2004 God Wants Us to Study His Word - 1/2/2005 Advice for Domestic Living - 1/2/2005 My Compassion Fail Not - 1/5/2005 Meddle Not with the Talebearer - 1/9/2005 Spiritual Suffering - 1/9/2005 Obedience and Discipline 1 - 1/9/2005 A Pastoral Epistle- Titus - 1/12/2005 The Second Coming - 1/16/2005 The Qualifications of a Bishop - 1/19/2005 The Blood of Jesus Christ - 1/23/2005 Psalm 119 Aleph - 1/23/2005 Holy Attributes of Man and W.. - 1/26/2005 Fasting: Purpose, Methods, a.. - 1/30/2005 Heaven - 1/30/2005 Geocentricity - 1/30/2005 Psalm 119- Beth - 2/2/2005 The Blood of Jesus Christ - 2/6/2005 Young Men Be Sober Minded - 2/6/2005 Leaning on Faith - 2/9/2005 How Do We See GOD? - 2/13/2005 Servants - 2/13/2005 Rapture - 2/16/2005 Scriptural Obligations - 2/20/2005 Teachers of the Law - 2/20/2005 Instructions for Worship - 2/23/2005 Elijah the Tishbite - 2/27/2005 Saints and Sinners - 2/27/2005 Love and Charity - 3/2/2005 Blind Bartimaeus - 3/6/2005 Sacrifice - 3/6/2005 Desiring the Sincere Milk of.. - 3/9/2005 Are You a Sanctified Servant? - 3/13/2005 The Revelation of GOD - 3/16/2005 Being Spiritually Minded - 3/20/2005 Honoring Elders, Respect for.. - 3/20/2005 Peace, Be Still - 3/23/2005 All Must Be Born Again-Rich.. - 3/27/2005 He Shall Be Like a Tree - 3/27/2005 Some Things We Need To Remem.. - 3/30/2005 Suffering - 4/3/2005 Psalm 119 Caph - 4/3/2005 The Danger of Misguided Faith - 4/6/2005 Looking - 4/10/2005 When He Called My Name - 4/13/2005 Lean Not unto Thine Own Unde.. - 4/17/2005 Whatsoever Things Are Pure - 4/17/2005 These Are the Last Days - 4/18/2005 Some Mouths that Need to be.. - 4/19/2005 Digging a Pit to the Bottoml.. - 4/20/2005 Where Are You Going to Hide? - 4/21/2005 The Need for God to Search Us - 4/22/2005 Nahshon the First - 4/24/2005 Things We Must Remember - 4/24/2005 Setting Your Affections - 4/27/2005
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Henry Knox (9/10/2022)from Lenoir, NC
Great Sermon! Thank you, I needed to hear this today.
Bill Behrens, 66, died Thursday, May 2, 2013 at Hospital University of Pennsylvania. He grew up in Carlisle and was the son of William Behrens and Marie Mommen Behrens. Bill graduated from Carlisle High School in 1965.
Bill is a veteran of the Vietnam War, where he earned...
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