Ken Wimer | Shreveport, Louisiana
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Speaker: Ken Wimer
6,134 sermons
Parable of the Budding Fig Tree [Fanizo la Mkuyu Osabala Chipatso]
Did Christ Jesus' second coming occur at the destruction of Jerusalem? How does one persevere to the end? Is this passage describing events to happen in the first century and the end of the world?
>International Worship 03/11/17 - 3/11/2017 International Worship 03/18/17 - 3/18/2017 International Worship 03/25/17 - 3/25/2017 International Worship 04/01/17 - 4/2/2017 International 04/08/17 Full - 4/9/2017 Int'l Worship 04/15/17 Full - 4/15/2017 International Worship 04/22/17 - 4/22/2017 International Worship 04/29/17 - 4/29/2017 International Worship 05/06/17 - 5/7/2017 International Worship 05/20/17 - 5/20/2017 International Worship 05/27/17 - 5/28/2017 International Worship 06/03/17 - 6/3/2017 International Worship 06/10/17 - 6/10/2017 International Worship 06/24/17 - 6/24/2017 International Worship 07/01/17 - 7/1/2017 International Worship 07/08/17 - 7/8/2017 International Worship 07/15/17 - 7/16/2017 International Worship 07/29/17 - 7/30/2017 International Worship 08/05/17 - 8/5/2017 International Worship 08/12/17 - 8/12/2017 International Worship 08/19/17 - 8/19/2017 International Worship 08/26/17 - 8/26/2017 International Worship 09/09/17 - 9/9/2017 International Worship 09/23/17 - 9/23/2017 International Worship 09/30/17 - 9/30/2017 International Worship 10/07/17 - 10/7/2017 International Worship 10/21/17 - 10/21/2017 International Worship 10/28/17 - 10/28/2017 International Worship 11/11/17 - 11/11/2017 International Worship 11/25/17 - 11/25/2017 International Worship 12/02/17 - 12/2/2017 International Worship 12/09/17 - 12/9/2017 International Worship 12/16/17 - 12/16/2017 International Worship 12/30/17 - 1/5/2018 The Temple of the Living God - 12/30/2018 Free in Christ - 1/4/2019 The City of God - 1/6/2019 Redeemed by Christ - 1/11/2019 The River of Life - 1/13/2019 Christ is All - 1/18/2019 Christian Grace and Conduct - 1/25/2019 Born of God - 1/27/2019 All Things in Jesus Name - 2/4/2019 The Importance of Prayer - 2/8/2019 Believing On Christ - 2/10/2019 Walking in Wisdom - 2/16/2019 What it is to Believe on Jesus - 2/17/2019 Fellow Brethren in Christ - 3/3/2019 The Eternal God - 3/8/2019 Fellow Workers - 3/11/2019 Greeting the Brethren - 3/15/2019 The God of Glory - 3/17/2019 God Has Spoken - 3/22/2019 Salvation of Lost Sinner - 3/24/2019 Conversion of a Lost Sinner - 3/29/2019 God Who Is Light - 4/12/2019 Prayers for the Church - 4/14/2019 The Light of the World - 4/19/2019 Beloved and Chosen of God - 4/21/2019 The First Man Adam - 4/26/2019 Preaching the Gospel of God - 4/28/2019 Death Burial and Resurrection - 5/3/2019 Fellowship in Christ - 5/5/2019 The End Times - 5/10/2019 Comforting in Faith - 5/12/2019 The Reigning Christ - 5/17/2019 A Walk Pleasing to God - 5/19/2019 God's Righteous Judgements - 5/24/2019 Sanctified Unto the LORD - 5/26/2019 A Life of Sanctification - 6/2/2019 Not One Righteous - 6/7/2019 God's Righteousness Fulfilled - 6/14/2019 The Believer's Hope - 6/16/2019 Boasting Excluded - 6/21/2019 Faith of Abraham and David - 6/28/2019 The Day of the LORD - 6/30/2019 How God Justifies Sinners - 7/5/2019 Sudden Destruction - 7/7/2019 The Righteousness of Faith - 7/12/2019 Christ Our Hope and Comfort - 7/14/2019 Believing God - 7/26/2019 Words of Exhortation - 7/28/2019 The Fruits of Justification - 8/2/2019 Living Under God's Grace - 8/4/2019 Christ' Care for His Church - 8/11/2019 Death in Adam, Life in Christ - 8/16/2019 Patience and Faith - 8/18/2019 Grace Reigns in Righteousness - 8/23/2019 God's Vengeance on His Enemies - 8/25/2019 The Spirit of Anti-Christ - 9/1/2019 Christ the Chief Cornerstone - 9/6/2019 The Falling Away [Chipatuko] - 9/8/2019 Chosen to Salvation - 9/15/2019 A Chosen Generation - 9/20/2019 The LORD is Faithful - 9/22/2019 Strangers and Pilgrims - 9/27/2019 Living by Grace - 9/29/2019 A Song of Praise - 10/6/2019 Christ Our Great Example - 10/11/2019 Wells of Salvation - 10/13/2019 Husbands & Wives Instruction - 10/18/2019 Worshipping God in Truth - 10/20/2019 True Beauty Before the LORD - 10/25/2019 Jesus Christ the Son of God - 10/27/2019 Christ the Light and Life - 11/10/2019 The Word Made Flesh - 11/17/2019 Followers of Christ - 11/23/2019 Grace & Truth By Jesus Christ - 11/24/2019 The Only Begotten Son - 12/1/2019 Living For Christ - 12/6/2019 A Good Conscience Before God - 12/21/2019 Testimony of John the Baptist - 12/22/2019 The Sufferings of Christ - 12/27/2019 Christ the Lamb of God - 12/29/2019 This Is The Son Of God - 1/5/2020 Sons of God by Grace - 1/10/2020 Seeking Christ - 1/12/2020 The End is Near - 1/17/2020 Rejoicing in Christ Sufferings - 1/24/2020 Suffering According God's Will - 1/31/2020 Feeding the Flock of God - 2/7/2020 Be Sober and Vigilant - 2/14/2020 Unity in the Gospel - 2/21/2020 Manna Typifies Christ - 2/23/2020 Unleavened Typifies Christ - 3/1/2020 Faith, Grace and Peace - 3/7/2020 All Things Needful in Christ - 3/13/2020 Calling & Election Sure - 3/20/2020 Necessary Reminders - 3/27/2020 A Sure Word of Prophecy - 4/3/2020 Warning False Preachers - 4/10/2020 Beware of False Teachers - 5/8/2020 False Teaching Described - 5/29/2020 The Reward of Unrighteousness - 6/5/2020 Those Who Turn Back - 6/19/2020 Scoffers and Mockers - 6/26/2020 The Longsuffering of God - 7/3/2020 As a Thief in the Night - 7/10/2020 Growing in Grace - 7/17/2020 A Savior is Born - 7/24/2020 Glory to God in the Highest - 7/31/2020 Made Under the Law - 8/7/2020 A Testimony to the Redeemer - 8/21/2020 The Child Jesus [Mwana Yesu] - 9/4/2020 The Revelation of God's Son - 9/11/2020 Jesus Superior to Angels - 9/25/2020 Jesus Son of Righteousness - 10/2/2020 The Son of God Reigns - 10/9/2020 So Great a Salvation - 10/16/2020 Christ the Son of Man - 10/23/2020 Christ the Seeking Merchant - 1/8/2021 Grace Upon the Elected Sinner - 5/21/2021 The Elect Will Hear My Voice - 5/28/2021 Full of Grace and Truth - 5/30/2021 Hope In the LORD - 7/9/2021 Sealed by the Spirit - 7/11/2021 Moses' Prayer to God - 7/16/2021 Christ the Rock - 7/18/2021 Fishers of Men - 7/23/2021 Following Christ - 7/25/2021 Enemies of Christ - 8/1/2021 Understanding God's Judgments - 8/6/2021 The God Who Reigns - 8/8/2021 Waiting On God - 8/15/2021 The Just Shall Live By Faith - 8/20/2021 Four Woes [Matsoka anai] - 8/23/2021 A Prayer for Revival - 8/27/2021 The Power of God - 9/3/2021 Afflictions of the Righteous - 9/12/2021 Election of God - 9/26/2021 Spirit Helps Our Infirmities - 10/10/2021 The Work of the Spirit - 10/24/2021 Christ the Rock - 10/29/2021 The Lion of Judah - 10/31/2021 Gathering the People Unto Him - 11/7/2021 The Faith [Chikhulupiliro] - 11/15/2021 The Mystery of The Faith - 11/21/2021 Suffering For Christ - 11/28/2021 Fear Not [Usaopa] - 12/5/2021 Dry bones [Mafupa ouma] - 12/10/2021 The Work of an Evangelist - 12/19/2021 Preaching God's Whole Counsel - 12/26/2021 The Church of the LORD.. - 12/31/2021 Watchfulness - 1/9/2022 The Parable of Two Builders - 1/16/2022 Intro to Things Old & New - 1/21/2022 Parable Old Things Made New - 1/23/2022 Parable of the Sower and Seed - 2/6/2022 The Parable of the Soils - 2/13/2022 Parable of the Fig Tree - 2/20/2022 Parable of Wheat and Tares - 2/27/2022 Parable of the Good Samaritan - 3/4/2022 Who Is My Neighbor? - 3/6/2022 The Parable of the Rich Fool - 3/13/2022 Parable of the Growing Seed - 3/22/2022 Parable of the Mustard Seed - 3/25/2022 Parable of the Hidden Leaven - 3/27/2022 Parable of the Hidden Treasure - 4/3/2022 Parable of the Net - 4/12/2022 Christ Revealed in the Heart - 4/15/2022 Parable of the Householder - 4/17/2022 The Seeking Shepherd Parable - 4/24/2022 Parable of Finding A Lost Coin - 5/1/2022 Christ the Peace of His People - 5/6/2022 Parable of the Lost Son - 5/13/2022 Free from the Law - 5/18/2022 Law Kills Christ Makes Alive - 5/20/2022 Parable of the Lost Son - 5/22/2022 Preach the Only Sent Message - 6/3/2022 Parable of the Elder Brother - 6/5/2022 Life is the Gift from God - 6/11/2022 Parable of the Unjust Steward - 6/12/2022 Thomas' Absence - 6/18/2022 The Faithful Steward - 6/19/2022 Parable of Two Sons - 6/26/2022 I Have Reserved for Myself - 7/1/2022 Parable of the Wicked Servants - 7/3/2022 Grace Saves But Law Kills - 7/8/2022 Parable of the Cornerstone - 7/10/2022 Parable of the Wedding Feast - 7/17/2022 Parable of the Budding Tree - 8/8/2022 Knowing the Mystery of God P2 - 8/12/2022 Parable of the Porter - 8/14/2022 Parable of the Master - 8/21/2022 Parable of the Bridegroom - 8/28/2022 Parable of the Ten Virgins - 9/4/2022 My Covenant [Pangano Langa] - 9/12/2022 My Salvation - 9/16/2022 Parable of the Talents - 9/18/2022 Parable of the Wicked Servant - 9/25/2022 Importance of Holy Scriptures - 10/7/2022 Rich Man in Torment Parable - 10/9/2022 The God of Time - 10/21/2022 Parable of Persevering Prayer - 10/23/2022 The Patience of God is Real - 10/28/2022 Parable of Two Men Praying_.. - 11/6/2022 Weakest Clan in Manaseh - 11/11/2022 Who Makes Us to Differ - 11/13/2022 Fire from the Rock - 11/18/2022 Parable of the Landowner [Fani - 11/20/2022 Christ Jesus our Hope of Glory - 11/25/2022 Parable of Complaining Workers - 11/29/2022 New Wine and Old Wineskins - 12/4/2022 The Finished Work - 12/9/2022 Wise Serpents & Gentle Doves - 12/11/2022 Christ is the Way - 12/30/2022 Salvation A Free Gift - 1/13/2023 Freely Given - 2/3/2023 Jesus The True Vine (Yesu Mp.. - 2/5/2023 Hearing [Kumva] - 2/17/2023 Joseph the picture of Jesus - 2/24/2023 The Healing Savior [Mpulumut.. - 8/11/2024 Faith, the Gift from God - 8/16/2024 The Shepherd Seeking His Sheep - 8/18/2024 LORD of the Harvest - 8/25/2024 Complete in Christ - 8/30/2024 Messengers of Christ - 9/1/2024 Confessing Christ - 10/27/2024 The Day the LORD Hath Made - 11/10/2024 At His Feet [Kumapazi Ake] - 11/15/2024 The LORD of the Sabbath - 12/8/2024 The Unpardonable Sin - 12/29/2024 The Good Tree [Mtengo Wabwino] - 1/5/2025 Christ the Only Foundation - 1/10/2025 Saved Only by the Grace of God - 2/21/2025 Highly Favored - 2/28/2025 Parable of the Fish Net.. - 3/2/2025 Do you understand? - 3/9/2025
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