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Stephen Nutter | Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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Why we should welcome warnings against apostate false teachers
Series:  Series on Jude  · 11 of 14
7/12/2015 (SUN)
  |  Bible: Jude 17-19
        SUNDAY - AM
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Stephen Nutter
Why we should welcome warnings

Series on Jude
Sunday - AM
Providence Reformed Baptist
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Stephen Nutter
Why we should welcome warnings

Series on Jude
Providence Reformed...
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Ian Migala (9/2/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
B. APOSTATES ARE DIVISIVE (v. 19) [48:00]. The devil knows the tactic of divide and conquer better than men do (cf. Jn 10:12). LESSON: Beware those who rise up in the church and attempt to draw disciples away with their novel ideas. C. APOSTATES ARE SENSUAL (v. 19) [49:45]. “Sensual” is a more accurate translation of ‘psuchekoi’. Some versions translate it as “worldly”, and it is true that sensual people are so focused on worldly things that they cannot perceive the spiritual. But “sensual” strikes closer to the root (cf. 1 Cor 2:14). LESSON: It is to be expected that sensual men will teach sensual doctrine; it’s all they understand. And sensual people will consume it. D. APOSTATES ARE UNSAVED (v. 19) [51:45]. This is the basic problem with them. The spirit that possesses them is not the holy one (cf. Rom 8:9). Is it any wonder that they lead unholy lives? LESSON: We are to test all teachers by their teaching and, if possible, by their living. CLOSING QUESTION: What of us who are not teachers? Do we live and believe what we expect from our teachers?

Ian Migala (9/2/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
c. To the Corinthians (2 Cor 11:13-15). These fallings away sear the conscience to truth, and it lives to this day. It is frightening to know that some of these teachers weren’t always false ones. 2. PETER’S WARNINGS (2 Peter 2-3) [37:27]. He warned of sensuality, contempt for truth, and mocking of the Second Coming. 3. JOHN’S WARNINGS. John warned of the antichrist spirit of false teachers and their proliferation already in his day (1 Jn 2:18, 4:1). III. THEY ARE TIMELY (v. 18) [40:43]. When is the last time? We don’t need to wait for its arrival: it has been here since the days of the apostles. When did the last time begin? With Christ’s first coming (Heb 1:2). LESSON: Warnings about apostate teachers are always relevant, since they are ever in the church seeking to undermine the Gospel and to destroy Christ’s church. IV. THEY ARE NECESSARY [42:29]. Jude offers four reasons: A. APOSTATES ARE UNGODLY MOCKERS. The Greek word for ‘mockers’ here implies playing a trick on someone to deceive them. It only appears elsewhere in 2 Pet 3:3, where Peter warns about them deceiving believers out of the second coming. Note how lusting is stated as a rationale for mocking (cf. Rom 1:18). LESSON: Those who mock God and follow their own lusts are attracted to false teachers (cf. 2 Tim 4:3).

Ian Migala (9/2/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
False teachers find both to be ripe for the picking. It is not legalism to preach commandments, nor is it judgmentalism to warn of false teachers. Biblical warning is loving because it spares Christians from disaster. Christians don’t withhold truth, but speak truth in love. II. THEY ARE AUTHORITATIVE (v. 17) [23:58]. Jude’s teaching is authoritative because it comes from the Lord Jesus Christ through his inspired apostles. We need truth to spot and avoid error. Know the genuine so well that you can spot the counterfeit instantly. This not only helps in identifying error, but in knowing truth; detecting error without knowing truth doesn’t help us in avoiding other error. A. REMEMBER OUR LORD JESUS’ WARNINGS ABOUT FALSE TEACHERS [26:15]. 1.THAT THE CHURCH WILL BE MENACED BY THEM. Some will have great power and will deceive multitudes (Mt 24:11, 24, 12-13). This deception will coincide with lawlessness and decreasing love. B. REMEMBER THE APOSTLES’ WARNINGS ABOUT APOSTATE FALSE TEACHERS [30:35]. They said much more about this than even Jesus did. 1. PAUL’S WARNINGS. a. To the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:29-30). His dreadful prophecy was true then and it happens to churches all the time to this day. b. To Timothy (1 Tim 4:1-3).

Ian Migala (9/2/2015)
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
In Jude 17-19, we are again urged to heed warnings about false teachers. There are four reasons why we should take these warnings very seriously. I. THEY ARE LOVING [starting at 6:06 of the audio]. Note the word ‘beloved’ in verse 17. It is an expression of sincere, fervent affection, and here Jude uses it for his own audience. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS [9:59]: 1. All Christians should possess and intense, dear, fervent affection for their brothers and sisters in Christ (cf. Jn 13:35). 2. Christians should also love pastors who warn them against false teachers. Though he is included in the previous point, many believers struggle with the pastors’ teaching, and that will often dampen their love. But like children growing to accept good parental warnings, such believers may need to grow into those teachings. 3. Pastors who love their congregation will warn them about false teachers. Some may reject these warnings on the misunderstanding that all Christian teaching is legitimate. Titus 1:10-11 – unlike many pastors today, Paul didn’t think that all preaching needed to be positive. Phil 1:9-10 – love is discerning and discriminating, and our eternal destiny depends on it. Others may reject it because they reject God’s word (cf. 1 Jn 2:19).

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