M'Leod, a Reformed Presbyterian, here defends classic historicist Reformation eschatology from the book of Revelation.
David Steele writes, "the best works to be obtained as helps to understand the prophetic parts of scripture, will be found in the labors of those who, from age to age, have obeyed the gracious call of Christ – who have 'come out from mystic Babylon,' from the Romish communion, from the mother and her harlot daughters, and who have associated more or less intimately with the witnesses. Among these may be consulted with profit the works of Durham, Mason and M'Leod (p. 312)... The late Rev. Alexander M'Leod, D.D., who had the works of learned predecessors before him, has successfully corrected many of their misinterpretations in his valuable publication, entitled Lectures upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation. At the time when he wrote that work, he possessed several advantages in aid of his own expositions. He had access to the most valuable works which had been issued before that date (1814). He was then in the vigor of youthful manhood; and he was also comparatively free from the trammels which in attempts to expound the Apocalypse, have cramped the energies of many a well disciplined mind, political partialities. At the time of these profound studies, he occupied a position 'in the wilderness,' from which as a stand point, like John in Patmos, he could most advantageously survey the passing scenes of providence."
"If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself." - Pastor Greg Price (Author, Theologian, Covenanter) http://ow.ly/gAu3F.
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