Speaker: Alistair Begg
1,433 sermons
August 7, 2017: An Exposition of Psalm 19, Part One
>Amazing Love, Part 1 - 7/1/2010 Amazing Love, Part 2 - 7/2/2010 Amazing Love, Part 3 - 7/3/2010 Amazing Love, Part 4 - 7/4/2010 Authority in the Church, 1 - 7/5/2010 Authority in the Church, 2 - 7/6/2010 Role of Elders in the Church - 7/7/2010 Role of Elders in the Church 2 - 7/8/2010 Role of Elders in the Church 3 - 7/9/2010 The Role of Deacons - 7/10/2010 Role of the Congregation, Pt 1 - 7/11/2010 Role of the Congregation, Pt 2 - 7/12/2010 Role of Women in Church, Pt 1 - 7/13/2010 Role of Women in Church, Pt 2 - 7/14/2010 Faith, Hope, Love - 7/15/2010 The Impact of the Gospel, Pt 1 - 7/16/2010 The Impact of the Gospel, Pt 2 - 7/17/2010 No Clever Tricks - 7/18/2010 Truth and Love - 7/19/2010 July 20, 2010: Word of God - 7/20/2010 Our Glory and Joy - 7/21/2010 July 22, 2010: Pastoral Care - 7/22/2010 Now We Really Live! - 7/23/2010 Pleasing God - 7/24/2010 Sexual Purity Pt 1 - 7/25/2010 Sexual Purity Part 2 - 7/26/2010 Brotherly Love - 7/27/2010 Christians Grieve, Too - 7/28/2010 The Coming of the Lord Part 1 - 7/29/2010 The Coming of the Lord 2 - 7/30/2010 The Coming of the Lord, Pt 3 - 7/31/2010 Learning How to Worship - 8/6/2010 August 7, 2010: Give Thanks - 8/7/2010 Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit - 8/8/2010 Listening to the Word of God - 8/9/2010 Sanctification - 8/10/2010 The Faithfulness of God - 8/11/2010 Praying Properly - 8/12/2010 The Priority of God's Word - 8/13/2010 A Word to the Wise - 8/14/2010 The Search for Satisfaction - 8/15/2010 Eternity on My Mind - 8/16/2010 All Those Lonely People - 8/17/2010 Dead Flies and Little Birds - 8/21/2010 August 22, 2010: Celebrate! - 8/22/2010 Remember Your Creator - 8/23/2010 A Surprising Punch Line - 8/24/2010 August 25, 2010: Becoming A Ch - 8/25/2010 August 26, 2010: Believing - 8/26/2010 August 27, 2010: Behaving - 8/27/2010 Belonging, Part 1 - 8/28/2010 Belonging, Part 2 - 8/29/2010 Wives - 8/30/2010 Husbands - 8/31/2010 September 1, 2010: Children - 9/1/2010 September 2, 2010: Fathers - 9/2/2010 The Law of Love - 9/5/2010 The Golden Rule - 9/6/2010 Measure for Measure, Pt 1 - 9/7/2010 Measure for Measure, Pt 2 - 9/8/2010 Pictures that Tell a Story - 9/9/2010 Obedience: Evidence/Strong - 9/10/2010 The Identity of God - 9/11/2010 The Necessity of Hope - 9/12/2010 The Discovery of Strength - 9/13/2010 The Victory of Faith - 9/14/2010 What is Evangelism? - 9/15/2010 Evangelism, God's Pt - Our Pt - 9/16/2010 Understanding Our Message - 9/17/2010 Examining Our Motives - 9/18/2010 Master's Plan for Evangelism - 9/19/2010 How to Share Christ Pt 1 - 9/20/2010 How to Share Christ Pt 2 - 9/21/2010 How to Share Christ Pt 3 - 9/22/2010 Evangelism - Part 1 - 9/23/2010 Evangelism, Pt 2 - 9/24/2010 Evangelism: Reaching the City - 9/25/2010 Evangelism & God's Sovereignty - 9/26/2010 FRANgelism - 9/27/2010 September 28, 2010: FRANgelism - 9/28/2010 FRANgelism - 3 - 9/29/2010 FRANgelism - 4 - 9/30/2010 Cooperation w/o Compromise - 10/1/2010 Ultimate Questions - 10/2/2010 Take Me to Your King - 10/3/2010 The Blazing Furnace - 10/4/2010 Heaven Rules, Pt 1 - 10/5/2010 Heaven Rules, Pt 2 - 10/6/2010 Belshazzar's Feast - 10/7/2010 Daniel in the Den of Lions - 10/9/2010 Truth That Leads to Godliness - 10/10/2010 Nature and Necessity of Elders - 10/11/2010 Qualification of Elders - 10/12/2010 Curriculum for Seniors - 10/13/2010 October 14, 2010: Family Focus - 10/14/2010 The Biblical Role of Women - 10/15/2010 Foundations, Pt 1 - 10/16/2010 Foundations, Part 2 - 10/17/2010 Living in Society - 10/18/2010 What do you mean saved? - 10/19/2010 Danger, Keep Out! - 10/20/2010 People are Important - 10/21/2010 Can This Be Naomi? - 10/22/2010 God of the Ordinary - 10/23/2010 Grace and Favor - 10/24/2010 Favor To The Humble - 10/25/2010 Family Ties - 10/26/2010 In All Things God Works - 10/27/2010 Ruth Proposes To Boaz - 10/28/2010 So Boaz Took Ruth - 10/29/2010 Ruth Has A Baby - 10/30/2010 The Mystery Of History - 10/31/2010 God's Basic Design - 11/1/2010 Learning from the Past - 11/2/2010 From Failure to Success - 11/3/2010 Nehemiah Goes Into Action - 11/4/2010 November 5, 2010: Planting the - 11/5/2010 Hard Pressed but not Crushed 1 - 11/6/2010 Hard Pressed but not Crushed 2 - 11/7/2010 An Internal Threat - 11/8/2010 The Power of Negative Thinking - 11/9/2010 Consolidation, Preparation... - 11/10/2010 Bring Out the Book - 11/11/2010 Exposition, Application... - 11/12/2010 The Great Confession - 11/13/2010 The Goodness of God, Pt 1 - 11/14/2010 The Goodness of God, Pt 2 - 11/15/2010 The Goodness of God, Pt 3 - 11/16/2010 Saying No to Neglect Pt 1 - 11/17/2010 Saying No to Neglect, Pt 2 - 11/18/2010 Redirecting Our Families - 11/19/2010 Restructuring Our Finances - 11/20/2010 Remember 'What's His Name?' - 11/21/2010 Great Sacrifice, Great Joy - 11/22/2010 A Lesson in Leadership - 11/23/2010 Threats to Spiritual Wholeness - 11/24/2010 Prelude to Giving - 11/25/2010 Pattern For Giving - 11/26/2010 Principles in Giving - Mom - 11/27/2010 Grace and Peace - 11/28/2010 The Great Escape - 11/29/2010 An Eyewitness Account - 11/30/2010 False Teachers Among You, Pt 1 - 12/1/2010 False Teachers Among You, Pt 2 - 12/2/2010 The Day of the Lord - 12/3/2010 Grow In Grace - 12/4/2010 Son of Encouragement - 12/5/2010 Good News in a Bad News World - 12/6/2010 The Gehazi Syndrome - 12/7/2010 The Friendship Factor - 12/8/2010 Down in the Valley - 12/9/2010 Climbing On Track - 12/10/2010 December 11, 2010: Used Of God - 12/11/2010 That's What Friends Are - 12/12/2010 When? What? Why?, Pt 1 - 12/13/2010 When? What? Why?, Pt 2 - 12/14/2010 The Pre-Existent Word - 12/15/2010 To All Who Received Him - 12/16/2010 He Humbled Himself - 12/17/2010 Christmas According To Christ - 12/18/2010 December 19, 2010: Christmas A - 12/19/2010 Wonderful Counselor, Pt 1 - 12/20/2010 Wonderful Counselor, Pt 2 - 12/21/2010 Mighty God - 12/22/2010 Everlasting Father - 12/23/2010 Prince of Peace - 12/24/2010 He Will Reign Forever - 12/25/2010 The Zeal of the Lord - 12/26/2010 Gideon: Seeing God's Stregth - 12/27/2010 Gideon: God's Choice - 12/28/2010 Stay the Course - 12/29/2010 The Cry of a Fallen Leader - 12/30/2010 An Encounter with Christ - 12/31/2010 Testimony of a Preacher - 1/1/2011 What Is Your Legacy? - 1/2/2011 Can God Use Me? - 1/3/2011 January 4, 2011: Jesus the Wor - 1/4/2011 Jesus the God-Man - 1/5/2011 Jesus our Substitute - 1/6/2011 Jesus our Prophet - 1/7/2011 Jesus our King - 1/8/2011 Jesus our Priest - 1/8/2011 January 10, 2011: See, Your Ki - 1/10/2011 January 11, 2011: The Arrest - 1/11/2011 The Interrogation - 1/12/2011 Pilate's Dilemma - 1/13/2011 From Fear to Faith - 1/15/2011 Good News of the Resurrection - 1/16/2011 Held and Holding Firmly - 1/17/2011 The Resurrection - 1/18/2011 Testimony of Apostle Paul - 1/19/2011 If Christ Has Not Been Raised - 1/20/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 1 - 1/21/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 2 - 1/22/2011 Our God Reigns - 1/23/2011 How Are the Dead Raised? - 1/24/2011 If There Is No Resurrection - 1/25/2011 Total Transformation - 1/26/2011 Standing Firm - 1/27/2011 Why Study 1 John? - 1/28/2011 The Word of Life - 1/29/2011 Three Spurious Claims - 1/30/2011 Keeping His Commands - 1/31/2011 Description and Direction - 2/1/2011 A Word of Warning - 2/2/2011 The Children of God - 2/3/2011 Sinlessness: Fact or Fiction 1 - 2/4/2011 Sinlessness: Fact or Fiction 2 - 2/5/2011 Loving One Another - 2/6/2011 Salvation - Can We Know? - 2/7/2011 Testing The Spirits - 2/9/2011 Grounds of Assurance - 2/10/2011 Perfect Love - 2/11/2011 Faith Is The Victory - 2/12/2011 Call The Witness - 2/13/2011 Christian Certainties - 2/14/2011 When Trials Come, Pt 1 - 2/15/2011 Asking God for Wisdom - 2/16/2011 When Trials Come Pt 2 - 2/17/2011 Rich Man, Poor Man - 2/18/2011 The Genuine Article - 2/19/2011 When Tempted... - 2/20/2011 The Word of Truth - 2/21/2011 Don't Kid Yourselves! - 2/22/2011 Do What It Says - 2/23/2011 Religion, Part 2 - 2/25/2011 Favoritism, Pt 1 - 2/26/2011 Favoritism, Pt 2 - 2/27/2011 Favoritism, Pt 3 - 2/28/2011 March 1, 2011: False Faith - 3/1/2011 Faith: True or False? - 3/2/2011 Abraham & Rahab - 3/3/2011 A Warning to Would-Be Teachers - 3/4/2011 Power and Danger of the Tongue - 3/5/2011 Who is Wise? - 3/6/2011 The Wisdom from Heaven - 3/7/2011 Such Wisdom - 3/8/2011 Fights and Quarrels - 3/9/2011 Submitting to God, Pt 1 - 3/10/2011 Submitting to God, Pt 2 - 3/11/2011 Saying No to Slander - 3/12/2011 Only One Judge - 3/13/2011 Planning Properly, Pt 1 - 3/14/2011 Planning Properly, Pt 2 - 3/15/2011 Listen, You Rich Men - 3/16/2011 Ill-Gotten Gain, Pt 1 - 3/17/2011 Ill-Gotten Gain, Pt 2 - 3/18/2011 Be Patient, The Lord is Coming - 3/19/2011 Be Patient, The Lord is Coming - 3/20/2011 Telling the Truth - 3/21/2011 Prayer and Praise - 3/22/2011 If Anyone is Sick..., Pt 1 - 3/23/2011 If Anyone is Sick..., Pt 2 - 3/24/2011 Confession and Prayer - 3/25/2011 Bringing Back the Wanderers - 3/26/2011 The Church in Corinth - 3/27/2011 God is Faithful - 3/28/2011 Dealing with Division, Pt 1 - 3/29/2011 Dealing with Division, Pt 2 - 3/30/2011 Wisdom vs. Wisdom - 3/31/2011 April 1, 2011: Power of God - 4/1/2011 Testimony of a Preacher - 4/2/2011 Understanding God's Wisdom - 4/3/2011 A Matter of Spiritual Maturity - 4/4/2011 Paradox of Christian Freedom - 4/5/2011 Building with Care Pt 1 - 4/6/2011 Building with Care Pt 2 - 4/7/2011 One True Judge - 4/8/2011 Biblical Self-Image - 4/9/2011 A Warning to the Church, Pt 1 - 4/10/2011 A Warning to the Church, Pt 2 - 4/11/2011 Immorality in the Church, Pt 1 - 4/12/2011 Immorality in the Church, Pt 2 - 4/13/2011 Forbidden Lawsuits - 4/14/2011 New Life - New Lifestyle 1 - 4/15/2011 New Life - New Lifestyle, Pt 2 - 4/16/2011 Bought At A Price - 4/17/2011 Freedom With Limits - 4/18/2011 We Two Are One - 4/19/2011 Marriage & Divorce - 4/20/2011 Bloom Where You're Planted - 4/21/2011 To Marry or Not, Pt 1 - 4/22/2011 To Marry or Not, Pt 2 - 4/23/2011 Nature of Christian Freedom 1 - 4/24/2011 Nature of Christian Freedom 2 - 4/25/2011 April 26, 2011: Rights & R - 4/26/2011 A Sacred Responsibility - 4/27/2011 A Lesson in Adaptability - 4/28/2011 Running to Win - 4/29/2011 Examples & Warnings, Pt 1 - 4/30/2011 Examples & Warnings, Pt 2 - 5/1/2011 Can't Have It Both Ways 1 - 5/2/2011 Can't Have It Both Ways 2 - 5/3/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 1 - 5/4/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 2 - 5/5/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 3 - 5/6/2011 Rules - Christian Freedom - 4 - 5/7/2011 Man & Woman in Biblical Pers 1 - 5/8/2011 Man & Woman, 2 - 5/9/2011 Divisions & Differences - 5/10/2011 Observing Communion - 5/11/2011 Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts - 5/12/2011 Concerning Spiritual Gifts, 2 - 5/13/2011 Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts - 5/14/2011 Unity in Diversity, Pt 1 - 5/15/2011 Unity in Diversity, Pt 1 - 5/16/2011 The Church in the Mirror - 5/17/2011 Characters of Christian Love 1 - 5/18/2011 Characters of Christian Love 2 - 5/19/2011 Characters of Christian Love 3 - 5/20/2011 May 21, 2011: Love is Forever - 5/21/2011 Building Up The Church, Pt 1 - 5/22/2011 Building Up The Church, Pt 2 - 5/23/2011 Building Up The Church, Pt 3 - 5/24/2011 This is What We Preach - 5/25/2011 Good News of the Resurrection - 5/26/2011 Held and Holding Firmly - 5/27/2011 The Resurrection: Eyewitness - 5/28/2011 Testimony of the Apostle Paul - 5/29/2011 If Christ Has Not Been Raised - 5/30/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 1 - 5/31/2011 A Matter of Death & Life, Pt 2 - 6/1/2011 About Times and Dates, Pt 1 - 6/2/2011 Essential Christianity, Pt 1 - 6/2/2011 Essential Christianity, Pt 2 - 6/2/2011 June 2, 2011: Our God Reigns - 6/2/2011 How Are the Dead Raised? - 6/3/2011 If There Is No Resurrection... - 6/4/2011 Total Transformation - 6/5/2011 A Neglected Essential, Pt 1 - 6/6/2011 A Neglected Essential, Pt 2 - 6/6/2011 June 6, 2011: Standing Firm - 6/6/2011 Giving - A Matter of the Heart - 6/7/2011 A Call to Service - 6/8/2011 He Giveth More Grace - 6/9/2011 Stability, Maturity, & Charity - 6/9/2011 Family Ministry - 6/10/2011 June 11, 2011: Final Greetings - 6/11/2011 Heed These Warnings - 6/12/2011 The Superiority of Christ - 6/13/2011 The Danger of Drifting - 6/14/2011 Holding Firmly to the End, 1 - 6/15/2011 DC Listener Event - 6/16/2011 Holding Firmly to the End, 2 - 6/16/2011 Nashville Listener Event - 6/17/2011 Rest For Your Soul - 6/17/2011 Jesus, The Great High Priest - 6/18/2011 Much to Learn - 6/19/2011 Slowing, or Growing - 6/20/2011 Peril of Spiritual Apostasy - 6/21/2011 Confident of Better Things - 6/22/2011 Mystery of Melchizedek, Pt 1 - 6/23/2011 The Mystery of Melchizedek, 2 - 6/24/2011 And When I Come to Die - 6/27/2011 God's Enduring Faithfulness - 6/27/2011 Preaching Gospel, Revelation - 6/28/2011 If Any Would Could Come After - 7/11/2011 Practice What You Hear - 7/18/2011 If Anyone Would Come After Me - 7/21/2011 Faith That is Taught - 7/25/2011 Faith That is Tested, Pt 1 - 7/25/2011 Faith That is Tested, Pt 2 - 7/25/2011 Faith That is Triumphant - 7/25/2011 He Must...Learn to Pray - 7/25/2011 He Must...Love His Neighbor - 7/25/2011 He Must...Seek His Kingdom - 7/25/2011 He Must...Take Up His Cross - 7/25/2011 A Call to Worship - 8/1/2011 A New Year Resolution - 8/1/2011 Add to Your Faith - 8/1/2011 Do You Love the Lord Jesus? - 8/1/2011 Facing the Future with God - 8/1/2011 Facing the Future with God - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 1 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 1 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 3 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 3 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 2 - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 2 - 8/1/2011 Introduction and Greeting - 8/1/2011 Let a Man Examine Himself - 8/1/2011 Preaching the Gospel from Ruth - 8/1/2011 Reasons for Thanksgiving - 8/1/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 5 - 8/6/2011 Love and Marriage - 8/6/2011 The Apostle's Prayer 2 - 8/6/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 4 - 8/7/2011 The Apostle's Prayer 1 - 8/7/2011 Divorce, Part 1 - 8/8/2011 Divorce, Part 2 - 8/9/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 8 - 8/15/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 7 - 8/15/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 6 - 8/15/2011 Like a Little Child - 8/15/2011 Who is Jesus Christ? Pt 1 - 8/15/2011 Who is Jesus Christ? Pt 2 - 8/15/2011 Established and Firm - 8/22/2011 Forgiveness - 8/22/2011 Marks of a God Given Ministry - 8/22/2011 Marks of a God Given Ministry - 8/22/2011 Christ the Lord is Risen Today - 8/29/2011 Getting Holy Spirit in Focus 9 - 8/29/2011 Marks of a God Given Ministry - 8/29/2011 One Thing You Lack - 8/29/2011 Paul Shares His Heart - 8/29/2011 The Best is Yet to Come - 8/29/2011 A Call to Continue - 9/7/2011 A Call to Continue - 9/7/2011 Friendship - 9/7/2011 Fullness in Christ - 9/7/2011 Levi's Song - 9/7/2011 Sir Oliver's Song - 9/7/2011 The Rich Young Ruler - 9/7/2011 The Source of Wisdom - 9/7/2011 A Ransom For Many - 9/12/2011 Not So With You - 9/12/2011 Fatherly Advice from a Friend - 9/19/2011 Fellowship and Freedom - 9/19/2011 Fellowship and Freedom - 9/19/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 1 - 9/19/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 2 - 9/19/2011 I Want to See - 9/19/2011 The Problem of Pride - 9/19/2011 Orlando Listener Event - 9/26/2011 Naaman's Cure - 9/30/2011 A Scheming Heart - 10/3/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 4 - 10/3/2011 Guard Your Freedom, Pt 3 - 10/3/2011 Living the Risen Life - 10/3/2011 Mark My Words - 10/3/2011 The Coming Kingdom - 10/3/2011 In the Temple - 10/5/2011 WTLN Pastors Apprec. Brunch - 10/6/2011 Lessons From the Fig Tree Pt 1 - 10/10/2011 Lessons From the Fig Tree Pt 2 - 10/11/2011 True Living - 10/11/2011 Dealing with Sin, Pt 1 - 10/17/2011 Dealing with Sin, Pt 2 - 10/17/2011 Looking at Life - 10/17/2011 Looking at Life - 10/17/2011 Portrait of a Fool - 10/17/2011 There's a Lion Outside - 10/17/2011 The Authority of Jesus - 10/24/2011 Keep On! - 10/25/2011 After Darkness, Light - 10/31/2011 Life in the Local Church, Pt 1 - 10/31/2011 Life in the Local Church, Pt 3 - 10/31/2011 Life in the Local Church, Pt 2 - 10/31/2011 Wearing the Correct Clothes - 10/31/2011 This is About Us! - 11/7/2011 Render to Caesar... - 11/14/2011 Worth-ship - 11/14/2011 Exclusivity of Jesus Christ - 11/16/2011 The Sadducees Question, Pt 1 - 11/21/2011 The Sadducees Question, Pt 2 - 11/21/2011 Costa Mesa Listener Event - 11/25/2011 Murrieta Listener Event - 11/25/2011 Not Far From Kingdom - 11/28/2011 Day in the Life of Jesus, Pt 1 - 11/29/2011 Day in the Life of Jesus, Pt 2 - 11/29/2011 A Man with a Message - 11/29/2011 Jesus: Baptized, Tempted - 11/29/2011 Jesus: His Message & Mission - 11/29/2011 David's Son - David's Lord - 12/5/2011 Sons Not Slaves - 12/5/2011 What's The Word? - 12/5/2011 Beware and Be Aware! - 12/12/2011 Christ the Controversialist - 12/13/2011 Grace and Forgiveness - 12/13/2011 Restored and Forgiven - 12/13/2011 Supper with the Savior - 12/13/2011 Grace - a Christmas Message - 12/15/2011 Future Hope - 12/16/2011 Preaching of the Word of God - 12/16/2011 What a Mystery - 12/19/2011 A Canticle - 12/26/2011 She Will Bear a Son - 12/26/2011 Prophet, Priest, King - 1/4/2012 Encounter with Christ - 1/10/2012 Focus on Faith, Pt 1 - 1/10/2012 Focus on Faith, Pt 2 - 1/10/2012 God's Pattern for Marriage, 1 - 1/10/2012 Spiritual Decline & Recovery - 1/10/2012 God's Pattern for Marriage, 2 - 1/16/2012 Homosexuality - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Children - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Fathers - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Husbands - 1/16/2012 Biblical Pattern for Husbands - 1/16/2012 The Apostle's Prayer, Pt 1 - 1/19/2012 A Lesson in Delegation - 1/23/2012 Conversing with God and Men, 1 - 1/23/2012 Conversing with God and Men, 2 - 1/23/2012 How Does God's Kingdom Grow? - 1/23/2012 How Does God's Kingdom Grow? - 1/23/2012 How to Know Your Bible - 1/23/2012 Jesus Picks His Team - 1/23/2012 Jesus' True Family - 1/23/2012 Kingdoms in Conflict - 1/23/2012 Sabbath Controversy - 1/23/2012 The Authority of the Bible - 1/23/2012 The Christian at Work - 1/23/2012 The Christian at Work - 1/23/2012 We Need to See the Lord - 1/23/2012 Who is Jesus Christ? - 1/23/2012 Will God Really Dwell on Earth - 1/23/2012 Transforming Power of Christ - 1/27/2012 A Call to Faithfulness - 1/31/2012 Keys to Spiritual Fitness, 1 - 1/31/2012 The Friendship Factor, 2 - 1/31/2012 The Work of Christ - 1/31/2012 The Work of the Holy Spirit - 1/31/2012 Who is Jesus Christ?, Pt 1 - 1/31/2012 Careful Listening - 2/6/2012 Do Not Fear, Only Believe - 2/6/2012 Get Up, Little Girl - 2/6/2012 Jesus Calms the Storm - 2/6/2012 One Woman's Faith - 2/6/2012 The Beginning of the Gospel - 2/6/2012 The Kingdom of God - 2/6/2012 The Seed and the Soils - 2/6/2012 Confession and Forgiveness - 2/14/2012 Confession and Forgiveness - 2/14/2012 God's Holy People - 2/14/2012 Prayer - Learning By Example - 2/14/2012 The Attributes of God - 2/14/2012 The Church, God's Family - 2/14/2012 To Give Away Your Faith, 1 - 2/23/2012 To Give Away Your Faith, 2 - 2/23/2012 The Building of God - 2/23/2012 The Church - Body of Christ - 2/23/2012 The Church - Bride of Christ - 2/23/2012 The Power of the Gospel - 2/24/2012 Marks of God Given Ministry, 1 - 2/27/2012 Call to the Potential Drifter - 2/29/2012 A Warning Against Laziness - 2/29/2012 Approved By God - 2/29/2012 Casting All Your Cares - 2/29/2012 Casting All Your Cares - 2/29/2012 Make the Most of Opportunity - 2/29/2012 Make the Most of Opportunity - 2/29/2012 Standing For Your Faith - 2/29/2012 Standing For Your Faith - 2/29/2012 Temptation - 2/29/2012 The Brevity of Life - 2/29/2012 The Brevity of Life - 2/29/2012 The Dangers of Jealousy - 2/29/2012 True Friendship - 2/29/2012 True Friendship - 2/29/2012 Acceptable Worship, Pt 4 - 3/14/2012 Acceptable Worship, Pt 3 - 3/14/2012 Our Money Matters, Pt 2 - 3/14/2012 Our Money Matters, Pt 1 - 3/14/2012 Stewardship, Pt 1 - 3/14/2012 A Surprising Secret - 3/29/2012 An Idle Tale? - 4/9/2012 In This is Love - 4/9/2012 Titus - An Introduction - 4/17/2012 Doers of the Word - 4/24/2012 The Pastor's Duty - 4/27/2012 Truth Tightly Packed, Pt 1 - 5/1/2012 Truth Tightly Packed, Pt 2 - 5/1/2012 May 8, 2012: Elders, Part One - 5/8/2012 May 8, 2012: Elders, Part Two - 5/8/2012 9 Marks of a Healthy Church - 5/15/2012 An Exposition for Expositors 1 - 5/15/2012 Family Shepherds - 5/15/2012 Pastoral Priorities, Pt 1 - 5/15/2012 The God Who Speaks - 5/15/2012 The Shepherd Who Prays - 5/15/2012 The Shepherd Who Preaches - 5/15/2012 The God Who Prays - 5/16/2012 A Religious Problem - 5/17/2012 As For You, Titus - 5/17/2012 Panel Question Time - 5/17/2012 Pastoral Priorities, Pt 2 - 5/17/2012 A Cameo of Compassion - 5/21/2012 Always Abounding - 5/21/2012 Dealing with Depression - 5/21/2012 Discipline in the Fellowship 1 - 5/21/2012 Discipline in the Fellowship 1 - 5/21/2012 How to Foster Fellowship - 5/21/2012 Just a Private Affair - 5/21/2012 Once Saved, Always Saved? - 5/21/2012 Once Saved, Always Saved? - 5/21/2012 Syracuse Listener Event - 6/4/2012 Syracuse Pastor's Luncheon - 6/4/2012 Teaching Sound Doctrine, 2 - 6/5/2012 The Way We Were - 6/11/2012 Discipline in the Fellowship 3 - 6/18/2012 The Church and It's Witness, 1 - 6/18/2012 The Lord's Table - 6/18/2012 Jesus Christ Our Saviour - 6/25/2012 God Has Done What Law Couldn't - 6/29/2012 Insist on This! - 7/10/2012 July 10, 2012: Insist on This! - 7/10/2012 Steer Clear! - 7/16/2012 Jesus - Servant King - 7/23/2012 Ordinary People... - 7/23/2012 Grace Be With You All - 7/31/2012 An Ordination Address - 8/6/2012 Convenient Christianity - 8/20/2012 Let Us Love One Another - 8/20/2012 The Christian Soldier - 8/20/2012 The Christian Soldier - 8/20/2012 The Church and It's Witness, 3 - 8/20/2012 The Church and It's Witness, 2 - 8/20/2012 Mark 13 - An Introduction - 8/27/2012 A Vital Experience of God - 8/28/2012 Ruining Church's Effectiveness - 8/28/2012 Ruining Church's Effectiveness - 8/28/2012 Ruining Church Effectiveness - 8/28/2012 Introduction to John's Gospel - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 1 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 1 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 2 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 2 - 8/28/2012 Keeping the Vision, Pt 2 - 8/28/2012 Prone to Wander - 8/28/2012 Prone to Wander - 8/28/2012 The Ascension of Jesus Christ - 8/28/2012 The House That Rock Built - 8/28/2012 The House That Rock Built - 8/28/2012 The House That Rock Built - 8/28/2012 Interview - The Kingdom of God - 9/3/2012 A Question For Jesus - 9/4/2012 Portland Listener Event - 9/13/2012 Signs of the End - 9/17/2012 The Patience of God - 9/17/2012 Be On Guard! - 9/24/2012 The Coming of the Son of Man - 10/1/2012 A Wake-Up Call! - 10/8/2012 The Faithfulness of God - 10/8/2012 Whole-Hearted Devotion - 10/15/2012 Deep-Seated Corruption - 10/22/2012 Footsteps in the Sea - 10/29/2012 Woe to That Man - 11/5/2012 He Will Judge the World - 11/12/2012 The Judgment - 11/12/2012 The Danger of Self Reliance - 11/20/2012 The Keeping Power of God - 11/20/2012 How Is Your Thanksgiving? - 11/26/2012 It is HIStory! - 12/3/2012 Behold Your King is Coming - 12/4/2012 Light in the Darkness - 12/10/2012 A Child is Born - 12/26/2012 Name Above All Names - 12/31/2012 He Shall Reign Forever - 1/7/2013 The Danger of Disqualification - 1/7/2013 Jesus in 3-D, Pt 1 - 1/14/2013 Jesus in 3-D, Pt 2 - 1/14/2013 They All Left Him - 1/21/2013 They All Left Him - 1/21/2013 The Pulpit: Powers & Pitfalls - 1/25/2013 January 25, 2013: The Pulpit - 1/25/2013 A Heart of Compassion - 2/11/2013 A Question of Division - 2/11/2013 Jesus Condemned to Death, 1 - 2/11/2013 Jesus Condemned to Death, 2 - 2/11/2013 Jesus: Example of Compassion - 2/11/2013 Not My Will But Yours - 2/11/2013 The Foolishness of God - 2/11/2013 Peter Denies Jesus - 2/18/2013 The Centrality of the Cross - 2/19/2013 The Preaching of the Cross - 2/19/2013 Jesus Delivered to Pilate - 2/25/2013 Have Mercy - 2/26/2013 Preach the Word - 2/26/2013 Pilate's Dilemma - 3/4/2013 They Crucified Him - 3/18/2013 Limitations: Key to Usefulness - 3/20/2013 A Torn Curtain - 3/25/2013 The Death of Jesus - 3/25/2013 The Witnesses - 3/26/2013 Jesus Was Buried - 3/29/2013 He Has Risen! - 4/1/2013 John the Baptist's Testimony - 4/2/2013 The God of the Second Chance - 4/2/2013 An Unusual Ending - 4/15/2013 A Biblical Perspective - 4/16/2013 Born Again, What Do You Mean? - 4/16/2013 The First Miraculous Sign - 4/16/2013 A Happy Man - 4/23/2013 Not Hearers Only - 4/23/2013 Tackling Temptation - 4/23/2013 Secret of Spiritual Prosperity - 4/23/2013 A Faith That Works - 4/30/2013 Christian Ministry - 5/7/2013 Self-Image - 5/7/2013 A Basic Prayer Life - 5/13/2013 Matter of Life or Death - 5/13/2013 Christmas Eve Service - 5/13/2013 Contending for the Faith, Pt 1 - 5/13/2013 Praying Publicly - 5/13/2013 We Trust You, Lord, Pt 1 - 5/13/2013 We Trust You, Lord, Pt 2 - 5/13/2013 We Trust You, Lord, Pt 2 - 5/13/2013 When He Ascended... - 5/13/2013 Fairness, or Grace? - 5/14/2013 Fairness, or Grace? - 5/14/2013 Starting Over Without Leaving - 5/14/2013 Long Term Ministry, One Place - 5/14/2013 Now to Him - 5/15/2013 Panel Question Time - 5/15/2013 A Memorial Forever - 5/28/2013 May 28, 2013: Pay Attention! - 5/28/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 1 - 6/3/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 1 - 6/3/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 2 - 6/3/2013 Introducing Esther, Pt 2 - 6/3/2013 Wine, Women and Self - 6/10/2013 My Times Are In Your Hands - 6/13/2013 June 17, 2013: Providence - 6/17/2013 Mordecai and Esther - 6/24/2013 Lesson In Personal Evangelism - 7/1/2013 God is in Charge - 7/1/2013 Giving God's Way, Pt 2 - 7/9/2013 The Authority of Jesus, Pt 2 - 7/10/2013 Plight of Man, Power of Christ - 7/10/2013 An Illustration of Faith - 7/11/2013 The Authority of Jesus, Pt 1 - 7/11/2013 The Claims of Christ - 7/11/2013 Lesson in Personal Evangelism - 7/12/2013 Another Miraculous Sign - 7/15/2013 Reactions to the Resurrection - 7/15/2013 A Temporary Triumph - 7/16/2013 Christian Joy - 7/16/2013 The Essence of Easter - 7/16/2013 Giving God's Way, Pt 3 - 7/17/2013 Giving God's Way, Pt 1 - 7/18/2013 The Priority of Peace - 7/30/2013 Straining at the Oars - 7/31/2013 Fasting, Weeping, Lamenting - 8/1/2013 Patience - 8/1/2013 Jesus the Bread of Life, Pt 1 - 8/2/2013 August 2, 2013: Jesus the Brea - 8/2/2013 Jesus the Bread of Life, Pt 3 - 8/6/2013 Will You Also Go Away? - 8/7/2013 A Call to Clear Thinking - 8/8/2013 Kindness - 8/8/2013 Treasure in Jars of Clay - 8/8/2013 A Call to Commitment - 8/9/2013 Growing Opposition to Jesus - 8/10/2013 Is This the Christ? - 8/13/2013 To Me To Live is Christ - 8/13/2013 Living Water - 8/14/2013 Compassion of Christ - 8/15/2013 August 26, 2013: True Living - 8/26/2013 What's Going On? - 9/3/2013 Communion - 9/9/2013 O Father, You are Sovereign! - 9/9/2013 The Unseen Hand of God - 9/16/2013 Our Heavenly Dwelling - 9/20/2013 Haman is Hanged! - 9/23/2013 Celebration Time - 10/2/2013 I Found It Necessary - 10/8/2013 A Call For Thankfulness - 10/16/2013 The Tables Are Turned - 10/21/2013 Remember, Remember! - 10/28/2013 Mordecai was Great - 11/4/2013 The Message and the Multitude - 11/18/2013 A Thanksgiving Meditation - 11/25/2013 The Birth of Jesus Christ, 1 - 12/9/2013 A Savior, Christ the Lord - 12/16/2013 The Sign and the Song - 12/23/2013 Just The Facts - 12/30/2013 Nunc Dimittis - 1/13/2014 Learning From the Wise Men - 1/14/2014 The Lord God Made Them All - 1/14/2014 The Rescue Mission, Pt 1 - 1/14/2014 The Rescue Mission, Pt 2 - 1/14/2014 An Introduction to 2 Timothy - 1/20/2014 A Prayer for Pastors - 1/23/2014 A Question of Faith - 1/23/2014 Before Communion... - 1/23/2014 Christian Responsibilities, 1 - 1/23/2014 Christmas? So What? - 1/23/2014 Compelled to the Cross - 1/23/2014 For the Gospel - 1/23/2014 Growing in Grace - 1/23/2014 How Can They Hear? - 1/23/2014 How Now Shall We Live? - 1/23/2014 Jesus is King - 1/23/2014 Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King - 1/23/2014 Lasting Love Radio Interview - 1/23/2014 Run to Win - 1/23/2014 Staying on Track - 1/23/2014 The Incarnation - 1/23/2014 The Message of the Cross - 1/23/2014 Resurrection: Fact or Fancy? - 1/23/2014 What Do These Stones Mean? - 1/23/2014 You Prepare a Table - 1/23/2014 Paul & Timothy - 1/27/2014 Seeing, Caring, Thinking... - 1/27/2014 Across the Street - 1/31/2014 Edified - Multiplied - 1/31/2014 Fresh Start, Familiar Path - 1/31/2014 He Saved Us - 1/31/2014 Pastors and People - 1/31/2014 Refresh My Heart - 1/31/2014 Ruth Revisited - 1/31/2014 Standing Firm for Gospel - 1/31/2014 The Moral Mandate - 1/31/2014 Necessary Reminders, Pt One - 2/10/2014 A Grip on the Gospel - 2/11/2014 A Life of Holy Devotion - 2/11/2014 A Surprising Encounter - 2/11/2014 First Love: The Original Plan - 2/11/2014 Mercy, Blessings & Character - 2/11/2014 Strange Ideas, Part One - 2/11/2014 Strange Ideas, Part Two - 2/11/2014 The Fusing of Two Horizons - 2/11/2014 The Great Exchange - 2/11/2014 We Have This Ministry - 2/11/2014 A Charge to Pastors - 2/12/2014 A Charge to Pastors - 2/12/2014 Crucifixion - 2/12/2014 One Savior - 2/12/2014 Responsible Leadership - 2/12/2014 Responsible Leadership - 2/12/2014 10 Year Anniversary Interview - 2/13/2014 Alistair Begg on The Beatles - 2/13/2014 Ascension - 2/13/2014 Holy Devotion - 2/13/2014 Resurrection - 2/13/2014 Ministry, Brings Righteousness - 2/13/2014 Ministry, Brings Righteousness - 2/13/2014 The Ultimate Priority - 2/13/2014 The Ultimate Priority - 2/13/2014 Where Do I Come From? - 2/13/2014 Salvation - 2/17/2014 Suffering For the Gospel - 2/17/2014 The God of All Grace - 2/19/2014 The God of All Grace - 2/19/2014 Nature & Necessity, Repentance - 2/19/2014 The Power of Weakness - 2/19/2014 Wealth: Its Use and Abuse - 2/19/2014 What is Grace? - 2/19/2014 Preacher, Apostle, Teacher - 2/24/2014 Christ's Atoning Work - 3/3/2014 Follow the Pattern - 3/17/2014 The Good Deposit - 3/31/2014 Passing on the Truth - 4/7/2014 Passing on the Truth, 1 - 4/7/2014 Palm Sunday - 4/14/2014 The Resurrection - 4/21/2014 Passing on the Truth, 2 - 4/28/2014 Basics 14 Session 1 - 5/12/2014 Ecclesiastes Speaks Today, 1 - 5/12/2014 Seven Vital Truths - 5/12/2014 Basics 14 Session 2 - 5/13/2014 Preaching Simply - 5/13/2014 Discipleship in 3-D, Pt 1 - 6/2/2014 Discipleship in 3-D, Pt 2 - 6/5/2014 Think, Focus, Learn - 6/23/2014 Life, Liberty, Happiness - 7/8/2014 A Trustworthy Saying - 7/21/2014 Pastor and People - 7/28/2014 An Unashamed Worker - 7/29/2014 Useful to the Master - 8/4/2014 A Consecrated Life - 8/5/2014 The Lord's Servant - 8/11/2014 Times of Difficulty - 9/16/2014 Bad Men, Weak Women - 9/22/2014 The Persecuted Church - 9/29/2014 October 14, 2014: Keep On! - 10/14/2014 October 27, 2014: Scripture - 10/27/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 1 - 11/4/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 2 - 11/10/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 3 - 11/11/2014 Providence Defined - 11/12/2014 Providence Defined - 11/12/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 4 - 11/18/2014 The Work of the Word, Pt 4 - 11/18/2014 Providence in Christ's Death - 11/20/2014 Providence in Christ's Death - 11/20/2014 Thanksgiving 101 - 12/1/2014 Thanksgiving 101 - 12/1/2014 Elizabeth and Zechariah - 12/8/2014 Elizabeth and Zechariah - 12/8/2014 Having Gifts that Differ - 12/11/2014 Having Gifts that Differ - 12/11/2014 The Annunciation - 12/15/2014 The Annunciation - 12/15/2014 The Magnificat - 12/22/2014 The Magnificat, Pt 1 - 12/22/2014 Preach the Word - 1/6/2015 Preach the Word - 1/6/2015 Fulfill Your Ministry - 1/19/2015 Fulfill Your Ministry - 1/19/2015 No Place For Truth - 3/2/2015 Christ Has Been Raised - 4/7/2015 Christ's Sacrifice of Himself - 4/8/2015 Back to Basics, Again - 5/12/2015 Back to the Basics Again, Pt 1 - 5/12/2015 Comfort My People - 5/12/2015 Keeping Watch - 5/12/2015 Persuasive Preaching - 5/12/2015 The Healing of Forgiveness - 5/12/2015 Running on the Gas of Gospel - 5/13/2015 Back to the Basics Again, Pt 2 - 5/15/2015 The Pastor's Role in Praising - 5/16/2015 Basics 2015 Panel - 5/18/2015 Only Basis for Boasting - 5/19/2015 Mission Accomplished - 5/27/2015 Purity in Pastoral Ministry - 5/29/2015 The Crown of Righteousness - 6/1/2015 June 8, 2015: Mr. Temporary? - 6/8/2015 Friendship Matters - 6/16/2015 Some Thoughts on Providence - 6/17/2015 The Fatherhood of God - 6/22/2015 A Shining Cameo - 6/24/2015 The Lion's Mouth - 6/29/2015 July 13, 2015: The Postscript - 7/13/2015 God of the Exiles - 7/20/2015 His Kingdom is Forever - 7/27/2015 No God Like Yahweh - 7/30/2015 The King of Heaven, Pt 1 - 8/3/2015 The King of Heaven, Pt 2 - 8/4/2015 Membership Matters - 9/8/2015 Getting the Picture - 9/15/2015 Your Kingdom Come, Pt 1 - 9/21/2015 Your Kingdom Come, Pt 2 - 9/22/2015 Your Will Be Done, Pt 1 - 9/28/2015 Your Will Be Done, Pt 2 - 9/29/2015 An Encouraging Word - 10/6/2015 October 19, 2015: I Take You - 10/19/2015 October 21, 2015: Loved By God - 10/21/2015 Spiritual Forces of Evil, Pt 1 - 11/24/2015 I Will Give Thanks - 11/30/2015 Kingdoms Rise and Wane - 12/7/2015 The Time of the End - 12/9/2015 December 14, 2015: The Climax - 12/14/2015 How Long 'Til The End? - 12/21/2015 A Verse for the Year - 1/5/2016 Introducing Ephesians - 1/18/2016 Chosen in Him - 1/20/2016 The Riches of His Grace, 1 - 1/25/2016 The Riches of His Grace, 2 - 1/27/2016 To the Praise of His Glory - 2/1/2016 The Eyes of Your Heart, Pt 1 - 2/9/2016 The Eyes of Your Heart, Part 2 - 2/10/2016 Till All His Foes Submit - 3/2/2016 The Curtain Torn in Two - 3/28/2016 What If It's All True! - 3/29/2016 Your Faithfulness Endures - 4/12/2016 The Way We Were - 4/18/2016 A Baptismal Sermon - 4/26/2016 April 27, 2016: But God... - 4/27/2016 May 2, 2016: Saved By Grace - 5/2/2016 Basics Session 1 - 5/9/2016 Ways to Abandon Scripture - 5/9/2016 A Peculiar Prayer for Power - 5/10/2016 Learning to Think Brilliantly - 5/10/2016 Rejoicing in the Hope of Glory - 5/10/2016 Rejoicing in the Hope - 5/10/2016 Ascension Sunday Address - 5/11/2016 Basics Closing Session - 5/11/2016 Frail As Summer's Flower - 5/23/2016 Remember, Remember - 6/1/2016 June 6, 2016: In Christ Jesus - 6/6/2016 Peace in a Hostile World - 6/13/2016 June 21, 2016: Where God Lives - 6/21/2016 July 11, 2016: Love - 7/11/2016 July 20, 2016: Joy - 7/20/2016 A Workshop on Baptism - 7/28/2016 Peace, Part One - 8/1/2016 Peace, Part 2 - 8/2/2016 August 8, 2016: Patience - 8/8/2016 Kindness & Goodness - 8/23/2016 August 29, 2016: Faithfulness - 8/29/2016 August 30, 2016: Gentleness - 8/30/2016 Self-Control - 9/12/2016 Prisoner and Steward - 10/11/2016 What a Mystery! - 10/12/2016 A Gospel Minister - 10/17/2016 The Plan of the Mystery - 10/18/2016 God's Manifold Wisdom - 10/25/2016 The Best is Yet to Be! - 10/31/2016 I Bow My Knees, Pt 1 - 11/14/2016 I Bow My Knees, Pt 2 - 11/21/2016 I Bow My Knees, Pt 3 - 11/28/2016 A Doxology - 11/29/2016 Let It Be - 12/5/2016 Joseph, Do Not Fear - 12/6/2016 The Genealogy of Jesus - 12/13/2016 Then Sings My Soul - 12/19/2016 The Lord is My Salvation - 12/23/2016 The Reconciling of God - 12/28/2016 Therefore... - 1/4/2017 Humility and Unity - 1/9/2017 One Body, One Spirit, One Hope - 1/24/2017 One Body, One Spirit, One Hope - 1/25/2017 One Lord - 2/1/2017 One Faith - 2/20/2017 My Help Comes From the Lord - 2/21/2017 The Beginning of Wisdom - 2/22/2017 March 6, 2017: One Baptism - 3/6/2017 March 21, 2017: One God and Fa - 3/21/2017 March 21, 2017: Over, Through - 3/21/2017 April 4, 2017: To Each One of - 4/4/2017 April 17, 2017: Make Me Unders - 4/17/2017 April 18, 2017: It Is I Myself - 4/18/2017 May 2, 2017: Gifts of the Asce - 5/2/2017 May 9, 2017: A Good Servant of - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Basics 2017 Panel - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: First General Ses - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Fourth General Se - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Second General Se - 5/9/2017 May 9, 2017: Third General Ses - 5/9/2017 May 10, 2017: Christ-Centered - 5/10/2017 May 10, 2017: Fifth General Se - 5/10/2017 May 10, 2017: Sixth General Se - 5/10/2017 May 10, 2017: The Lord's S - 5/10/2017 May 12, 2017: A Good Servant o - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Addiction: Illne - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Basics 2017 Pane - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Dealing with Tem - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: Making the Most - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: What We Are Lear - 5/12/2017 May 12, 2017: What We Know (an - 5/12/2017 May 22, 2017: Pastors and Teac - 5/22/2017 May 23, 2017: Time to Grow Up - 5/23/2017 May 31, 2017: Saying 'No - 5/31/2017 June 5, 2017: In Christ Alone - 6/5/2017 June 6, 2017: I Who Speak To Y - 6/6/2017 June 12, 2017: Do Not Give the - 6/12/2017 June 13, 2017: Do Not Grieve t - 6/13/2017 Exposition of Psalm 19, P1 - 8/7/2017 Exposition of Psalm 19, P2 - 8/9/2017 Exposition of Psalm 1, P1 - 8/14/2017 Exposition of Psalm 1, P2 - 8/16/2017 Exposition of Psalm 130, P1 - 8/21/2017 Exposition of Psalm 119, P1 - 8/22/2017 Exposition of Psalm 130, P2 - 8/22/2017 Exposition of Psalm 119, P2 - 8/23/2017 8/30/17:Exposition Psalm 100 1 - 8/30/2017 8/30/17:Exposition Psalm 100 2 - 8/30/2017 August 30, 2017: Walk in Love - 8/30/2017 8/30/17: Walk in Love, Part 1 - 8/30/2017 9/13/17: Walk in Love, Part 2 - 9/13/2017 9/14/17: We Want to See Jesus - 9/14/2017 Let No One Deceive You - 9/27/2017 10/4/17: Walk in Light, Part 1 - 10/4/2017 Walk in Light, Part Two - 10/11/2017 Walking in Wisdom - 10/25/2017 Integrity, Humility, Frailty - 11/8/2017 Filled With the Spirit, Part 1 - 11/22/2017 Filled With the Spirit, Part 2 - 11/24/2017 11/29/17: Giving Thanks - 11/29/2017 Submitting to One Another - 12/6/2017 Shepherd King - 12/14/2017 12/21/17: The Wise Men - 12/21/2017 12/21/17: Ready For Christmas? - 12/27/2017 December 27, 2017: Jesus Saves - 12/27/2017 2/2/18: Prayer to End Year - 1/2/2018 1/2/18 Lord In Your Mercy - 1/2/2018 Marriage - An Introduction - 1/10/2018 A Word to Wives - 1/17/2018 02/07/18 A Word to Husbands #1 - 2/7/2018 A Word to Husbands, Part Two - 2/8/2018 A Word to Husbands, Part Three - 2/15/2018 2/15/18:Word to Husbands Pt.3 - 2/15/2018 Billy Graham: Life Well Lived - 2/27/2018 2/28/18: Marriage-God's Deisgn - 2/28/2018 March 14, 2018: Children - 3/14/2018 March 15, 2018: The Law of God - 3/15/2018 The Duty of Children - 3/21/2018 3/28/28: Refuge in the King - 3/28/2018 4/3/18: Christ's Atoning Work - 4/3/2018 April 4, 2018: Jesus in 3D - 4/4/2018 4/18/18: A Word to Fathers - 4/18/2018 A Word to Fathers, Pt 1 - 4/18/2018 4/19/18: Discipline of Father - 4/19/2018 A Word to Fathers 2 - 4/25/2018 May 1, 2018: Good Grief - 5/1/2018 5/7/18: Criticism & Conflict - 5/7/2018 5/7/18: Jars of Clay, Part One - 5/7/2018 5/8/18:Treasuring the Treasure - 5/8/2018 May 9, 2018: Jars of Clay Pt.2 - 5/9/2018 5/16/18:Slaves & Masters Pt. 2 - 5/16/2018 5/17/16: Slaves & Masters Pt.3 - 5/17/2018 Spiritual Warfare, Part One - 5/23/2018 5/24/18: Spiritual Warfare, 2 - 5/24/2018 May 30, 2018: Remember! - 5/30/2018 June 13,2018: A Call to Battle - 6/13/2018 6/19/18: Be Strong, Stand Firm - 6/19/2018 July 1, 2018: Citizenship, 1 - 7/1/2018 July 5, 2018: Citizenship, 2 - 7/5/2018 7/18/2018: The Belt of Truth - 7/18/2018 July 25, 2018: The Breastplate - 7/25/2018 Aug 2, 2018: Made His Pleasure - 8/2/2018 August 23, 2018: Gospel Shoes - 8/23/2018 Sep 5, 2018: Leaders in Church - 9/5/2018 9/19/18: The Shield of Faith - 9/19/2018 September 26, 2018: Helmet, 2 - 9/26/2018 September 26, 2018: Helmet, 2 - 9/26/2018 10/3/18: Sword of Spirit, Pt 1 - 10/3/2018 October 4, 2018: The Sword, 2 - 10/4/2018 October 10, 2018: Praying - 10/10/2018 October 17, 2018: All Prayer - 10/17/2018 October 24, 2018: God and Man - 10/24/2018 Oct 31, 2018: Pray For Me, 1 - 10/31/2018 Nov 1, 2018: Pray For Me, 2 - 11/1/2018 11/21/18: Tychicus Will Tell - 11/21/2018 11/22/18: Unexpected Encounter - 11/22/2018 11/28/18: Peace, Love, Grace - 11/28/2018 12/28/18 See What God Has Done - 12/28/2018 1/2/19: Journey to Jesus - 1/2/2019 January 16, 2019: Intro 1 Sam - 1/16/2019 January 23, 2019: Trusting God - 1/23/2019 2/6/19: Only Her Lips Moved - 2/6/2019 May Lord Establish His Word - 2/19/2019 02/26/2019: Hannah's Prayer - 2/26/2019 Consecration vs. Corruption - 3/5/2019 March 5, 2019: Mercy/Judgement - 3/5/2019 03/12/19 The Word of the Lord - 3/12/2019 March 13, 2019: Speak Lord! - 3/13/2019 3/19/2019: Misplaced Faith - 3/19/2019 8/13/19: The Lord Saved Israel - 8/13/2019 Living on a Prayer — Part Two - 10/10/2021 You May Not Want to Look! - 5/22/2022 "There Was War Again" - 5/29/2022 David's Song of Salvation - 6/19/2022 Refuge in Him - 6/26/2022 "Sojourners and Exiles" - 7/3/2022 "This God - His Way Is.. - 7/31/2022 David's last Words - 8/7/2022 Lessons from the List - 8/7/2022 August 8, 2022: David's Last.. - 8/8/2022 Paul's Last Words - 8/14/2022 Paul's Last Words — Part One - 8/14/2022 August 15, 2022: Paul's Last.. - 8/15/2022 August 15, 2022: Paul's Last.. - 8/15/2022 The Main Things Are the.. - 9/4/2022 September 6, 2022: The Main.. - 9/6/2022 September 9, 2022: 'Seasons.. - 9/9/2022 September 12, 2022: Death of.. - 9/12/2022 September 12, 2022: Death of.. - 9/12/2022 Death of the King — Part One - 9/15/2022 Death of the King — Part Two - 9/15/2022 The Great Commission - 9/18/2022 September 19, 2022: The Grea.. - 9/19/2022 September 26, 2022: The Grea.. - 9/26/2022 September 26, 2022: The Grea.. - 9/26/2022 The Great Commandment —.. - 9/28/2022 The Great Commandment —.. - 9/29/2022 The Gospel Is the Power of God - 10/31/2022 Why We Need the Gospel - 11/7/2022 "Without Excuse" - 11/14/2022 "God Gave Them Up" — Part One - 11/20/2022 A Meal to Remember - 11/27/2022 "God Gave Them Up" — Part Two - 12/5/2022 Christmas in the Words of Ch.. - 12/12/2022 "God Gave Them Up" — Part Th.. - 12/12/2022 Christmas in the Words of Ch.. - 12/12/2022 Thinking Christianly All Year - 1/3/2023 What's in a Name? - 1/4/2023 God Knows All about Me - 1/9/2023 The God Who Keeps Me from Fa.. - 1/9/2023 God Is Everywhere - 1/16/2023 God Made Me - 1/23/2023 God Judges Righteously - 2/19/2023 God Judges Righteously - 2/20/2023 The Letter of Jude - 2/26/2023 Reason for Writing - 3/5/2023 Don't Forget This! - 3/13/2023 Who Are "These People"? - 4/3/2023 Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem - 4/3/2023 Jesus Betrayed and Arrested - 4/10/2023 Christ Is Risen - 4/10/2023 Our Basic Calling as a Sheph.. - 5/9/2023 Peter: The Fall and Rise of.. - 5/9/2023 Our Basic Conviction as a Pr.. - 5/10/2023 Pursuing Gospel Clarity - 5/10/2023 Our Basic Conduct as a Disci.. - 5/11/2023 Christ-Centered Culture (Bas.. - 5/12/2023 Marriage and Ministry - 5/12/2023 Preparing (Yourself) to Preach - 5/12/2023 Preparing Yourself to Preach - 5/12/2023 Serving and Leading as Elder.. - 5/12/2023 A Lesson from Jude — Part One - 5/15/2023 Another Kind Word - 5/15/2023 Lessons from Jude — Part One - 5/15/2023 Ministering in a Culture of.. - 5/15/2023 A Lesson from Jude — Part Two - 5/16/2023 A Roundtable with Alistair B.. - 5/16/2023 Panel Question Time (Basics.. - 5/16/2023 Q and A with Alistair Begg (.. - 5/16/2023 Lessons from the Past - 5/22/2023 The Great Day - 6/12/2023 A Word to High School Gradua.. - 6/12/2023 "You Must Remember" - 6/25/2023 "Keep Yourselves" - 7/3/2023 "Why Has This Happened to Me?" - 7/6/2023 A Word Before Communion - 7/10/2023 Mercy - 7/10/2023 Biblical Worldview - 7/17/2023 Amazing Grace - 7/24/2023 “The Only God” - 7/31/2023 “Now to Him” - 8/14/2023 ‘The Christian Manifesto’ Inte - 9/1/2023 What Does Jesus Say? - 9/18/2023 Born Again - 9/24/2023 “Truly, Truly” - 10/1/2023 A Matter of Death and Life - 10/8/2023 “They Saw the Signs” - 10/22/2023 Jesus Walks on Water - 10/22/2023 The Bread of Life — Part One - 10/29/2023 The Bread of Life — Part Two - 11/5/2023 The Bread of Life — Part Three - 11/12/2023 “And Be Thankful” - 11/27/2023 Bread of Heaven - 12/3/2023 Who Is on the Throne? - 12/9/2023 Staying or Going? - 12/10/2023 Benedictus - 12/17/2023 Ready for Christmas? - 12/24/2023 Thinking Christianly All Yea.. - 12/31/2023 Free Indeed! 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