Christianity refers to our belief that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, which means “Messiah”. “Christ” is not just another part of Jesus' name; it is a title. It refers to the office and person of Israel's God-appointed prophets, priests, and kings, and above all to the Messiah.
Christianity is the belief that Jesus is the Messiah. That is what the word “Christianity” means. It is the religion of the Messiah, those who follow one they call Christ, and that one is Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified and risen one.
The theme of Matthew's Gospel is the awesome news that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. “Messiah” has to do with the fulfillment of a promise – specifically the promise of God –the promised greater heir of King David, the one of whom Jacob and Moses spoke. He is the fulfillment of the promises of God to Abraham.
Messiah is the supreme Prophet promised by Moses and He is the true and final great High Priest, who comes to provide the true atonement that will cover all the sins of the chosen people of God. Above all the idea of the Messiah referred to the promised King, from the line of David son of Jesse of Bethlehem, David's true heir, his greater son, who would come to conquer the enemies of God and of His people and to establish righteousness.
But the God of Israel is not God of the Jews only, and the Messiah of Israel is God's appointed King and Savior not of Israel only, but of the whole world. |