God's Moral Manual On Greediness1 Tim. 6:6-10, Ecc. 5:8-15In ancient times, and even in some primitive cultures now, people worshipped statues of birds and animals and deities. In America we don't do that today because we're far too sophisticated, but we do have idols of our own and they receive all our love, attention, and devotion. When we put these things ahead of God, they become our idols. That's what an idol is: anything that you worship instead of worshipping God, or anything you serve instead of serving God. It can be a possession or a relationship or an attitude or even an ideology if it takes God's place, it becomes an idol. We are a materialistic culture, and if we don't hold our materialistic attitudes in check, we'll experience all kinds of problems. Now, there's another word that can be substituted for materialism. It's a harsh word, one we don't like to use. The word is greed. In the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, the wealthiest as well as the wisest man in the Bible points out some problems that a greedy, materialistic mindset leads to. We all have problems with Greed. Materialism causes you to think that you never have enough.Materialism causes you to make bad. decisions.Materialism causes you to think primarily of yourself.Materialism causes a lot of pain. Materialism, or greed, is an idol in the American culture. No doubt about it. And so, many wonder: How do I destroy this idol? How do I get it out of my life? Through mastering the spiritual power of contentment.I can live without more.I can live on less. How to Practice Contentment Decide to be content.Seek out simpler ways to enjoy your life.Increase your giving. |