Speaker: Wayne Conrad
516 sermons
A 5 minute examination of the meaning of the Bible and the necessity of God granting us insight into its meaning and application.
>Bible Insights Purpose - 7/31/2020 The Purpose of It All - 8/3/2020 What Is God Like? - 8/6/2020 Whose Image? - 8/7/2020 Jesus Is Lord - 8/11/2020 The Christian and the Mind - 8/14/2020 Facing Death - 8/19/2020 Pilgrims Progress - 8/19/2020 The Claims of Christ - 8/26/2020 Our Shepherd Lord - 8/30/2020 What Kind of Faith Saves? - 9/6/2020 Watch! - 9/7/2020 Left Behind on Purpose - 9/11/2020 When Things Go Wrong - 9/11/2020 What Christ Does for the.. - 9/19/2020 God of All Days - 9/21/2020 Confessing Christ - 9/25/2020 Christian Solution to Worry - 10/2/2020 Me, a Pharisee? - 10/4/2020 Christian Fellowship - 10/14/2020 Finding Our Roots - 10/14/2020 Discovering Baptism - 10/23/2020 Meaning of Jesus for Believers - 10/23/2020 Reformation Hammer Blows - 10/31/2020 Who's a Saint? - 10/31/2020 Entrance Requirements of.. - 11/7/2020 What Came First? - 11/13/2020 The Evangelistic Mandate - 11/19/2020 God's. Jews - 11/23/2020 Be Thankful - 11/26/2020 Theology in Unexpected Places - 12/2/2020 Contrasting the Advents - 12/7/2020 Preparing for His Coming - 12/11/2020 A Christ Focused Christmas - 12/19/2020 The Virgin Conception - 12/24/2020 Mountain Tops of the Future - 12/31/2020 Rightly Responding to.. - 1/6/2021 The Christian and Death - 1/16/2021 Personal Covenant Renewal - 1/22/2021 How Many Deaths Will You Die? - 1/27/2021 Praising God- An Exhortation - 2/4/2021 Praising God- Some Incentives - 2/9/2021 Bible Reading with Profit - 2/20/2021 Attending Church- What's.. - 3/2/2021 A Positive Lifestyle - 3/13/2021 The Curse of Legalism - 3/26/2021 Jesus' Two Processions - 3/31/2021 The Gospel of the Rent Veil - 4/2/2021 Good News of Jesus' Burial - 4/3/2021 First Encounters with the.. - 4/13/2021 Evidence for the.. - 4/21/2021 Peter and His Lord - 4/27/2021 The Significance of Jesus'.. - 5/7/2021 The Meaning of the Death of.. - 5/12/2021 Where Is Jesus Now? - 5/19/2021 Jesus- Our Ascended High.. - 5/28/2021 How Can a Person Be Right.. - 6/8/2021 Revelations on Revelation - 6/11/2021 The Last Chapter - 6/18/2021 Prophecy Ponderings - 6/28/2021 Declaration of Dependence - 7/6/2021 God Is Holy - 7/16/2021 The Christian and Leisure - 7/26/2021 You in the Ministry - 8/5/2021 God Is a Spirit - 8/14/2021 The Single I - 8/23/2021 Marriage Takes 3 - 9/3/2021 Loving Oneself - 9/11/2021 Showing Our Love To One.. - 9/17/2021 He Who Loves Much - 9/20/2021 Work: a Sphere of Ministry - 10/7/2021 Weapons for Spiritual Warfare - 10/21/2021 All Hallows Eve - 10/30/2021 Our Spiritual Weapons - 11/7/2021 Put On the Whole Armor of God - 11/15/2021 What Is There to Give.. - 11/21/2021 The Christian Armed for Battle - 11/30/2021 The End before the Beginning! - 12/7/2021 The Virgin Born Son - 12/14/2021 The Manger Sign - 12/23/2021 Christmas Gift Assessment - 12/31/2021 Telling the Story -1.. - 1/5/2022 A Personal Word to Jesus - 1/12/2022 Christmas Hymns Theology - 1/16/2022 Telling the Story -2 Luke - 1/20/2022 The Eighth Day- Jesus'.. - 1/28/2022 Telling the Story 3- John.. - 2/4/2022 The Listener - 2/14/2022 Jesus Gets His Name - 2/22/2022 Bird's Eye View of the Gospel - 2/25/2022 The Impossible Convert - 2/25/2022 His Infernal Majesty- the.. - 3/8/2022 Listening- What Kind of.. - 3/17/2022 Kingdom Secrets - 3/22/2022 The Christian's Armor - 3/29/2022 The Fixed Eyes of Jesus - 4/5/2022 Why Jesus Went to the Cross - 4/15/2022 Thoughts on the Lord's Supper - 5/4/2022 Jesus, Firstborn from the Dead - 5/13/2022 Who is the Holy Spirit? - 5/20/2022 Great Sorrow Then Joy! - 5/25/2022 Taken up in a Cloud! - 5/26/2022 The Ministry of the Holy.. - 6/5/2022 Why Christians Believe God.. - 6/15/2022 The Four Horsemen and the.. - 6/23/2022 Have You Prayed Today? - 6/28/2022 Resurrection Day Commission - 7/5/2022 The Slain Lamb in Three.. - 7/9/2022 Singing Our Prayers to God.. - 7/17/2022 Singing Prayers of.. - 7/23/2022 Understanding Our Need of.. - 7/29/2022 Go! Preach the Gospel - 8/5/2022 Singing Prayers with.. - 8/9/2022 The Gospel, the Kingdom and.. - 8/16/2022 Using Hymns in the Lord's.. - 8/21/2022 The Gospel in the Old.. - 8/28/2022 Jesus Christ's Identity Claim - 8/31/2022 Jesus: The Eternal Word - 9/6/2022 Jesus Christ: The Incarnate.. - 9/13/2022 Receiving the Son - 9/20/2022 My Dwelling Place and.. - 9/26/2022 Jesus- God's True Tabernacle - 10/2/2022 The Majesty of God and Mankind - 10/9/2022 Psalm 8 and the Man Christ J.. - 10/13/2022 How Can the Holy God Accept.. - 10/20/2022 How You Can Be Righteous bef.. - 10/27/2022 The Righteous Live by Faith-.. - 11/3/2022 The Gospel Context of John 3.. - 11/9/2022 Faith on Trial - Psalm 73 - 11/16/2022 Holy Spirit and Jesus Presence - 11/22/2022 Can the Law Save? - 11/28/2022 Are You an Advent Christian? - 12/7/2022 Faith in the Christian Life - 12/16/2022 Women in the Tree - 12/23/2022 Lessons from Women in Jesus'.. - 12/24/2022 The Christmas Mystery - 12/28/2022 Jesus' 8th Day- The Cutting - 1/2/2023 Jesus 8th Day- The Naming - 1/5/2023 Jesus' Three Baptisms - 1/12/2023 Belief in Christ - 1/17/2023 Who Does Jesus Think He Is? - 1/22/2023 Taking Up Your Cross - 1/28/2023 God's Cloud in the Wilderness - 2/2/2023 Jesus Transfigured before Them - 2/6/2023 Jesus- The Vanquisher of Dem.. - 2/12/2023 When Did Jesus Know - his tr.. - 2/19/2023 God's Glory Cloud- Presence.. - 2/25/2023 Blind Bartimaeus- the Story - 3/4/2023 Contextual Bible Study - 3/10/2023 Mustard Seed, Mulberry Tree.. - 3/10/2023 Mountain Moving Faith - 3/16/2023 Cursing the Fig Tree - 3/20/2023 When Will These Things Be? - 3/24/2023 Backstory of the Crucifixion.. - 3/28/2023 Jesus' Prophetic Provocative.. - 3/30/2023 The Authority Question - 4/1/2023 Jesus on the Way to the Cross - 4/3/2023 Voices Around Jesus' Crucifi.. - 4/4/2023 Putting Jesus to the Politic.. - 4/5/2023 Jesus' Last Passover Supper - 4/7/2023 Ridiculing the Resurrection.. - 4/7/2023 Christian Faith and the Resu.. - 4/9/2023 The Intense Suffering of Chr.. - 4/9/2023 First Words of the Risen Jesus - 4/14/2023 Resurrection by the Book - 4/18/2023 The Easter Confession - 4/24/2023 The Sunday Question - 4/24/2023 Our Living Hope - 5/3/2023 Joy in the Trials of Life - 5/6/2023 Pictures of Peter - 5/10/2023 The Resurrection Mandate - 5/16/2023 Up, Up, Up and Away! - 5/18/2023 God's Seal - 5/26/2023 Loving God - 5/30/2023 Three- Personed God - 6/5/2023 The Life-giving Spirit - 6/12/2023 Seeking the Glory - 6/16/2023 Encountering the Glory of God - 6/20/2023 Important! Read the Bible - 6/26/2023 God's People Described - 7/3/2023 Holy Assembly - 7/9/2023 That Old Serpent, the Devil - 7/17/2023 Jesus and the Serpent - 7/22/2023 God's Rainbow Covenant Sign - 7/28/2023 In Times Like These - 8/1/2023 Christians and Trials - 8/7/2023 Why Christians Suffer - 8/12/2023 A Biblical Worship Philosophy - 8/20/2023 Our Approach to God in Worship - 8/21/2023 Reading Scripture in Worship - 8/28/2023 Consolation after Judgment - 9/4/2023 Prophet for Hire - 9/11/2023 God Has a Question for You! - 9/18/2023 A Called Preacher - 9/23/2023 The Call of Isaiah the Prophet - 9/24/2023 Isaiah's God Encounter: Isai.. - 9/26/2023 What's the Big Deal About Hi.. - 10/5/2023 The Furniture Speaks - 10/13/2023 Worship in the People's Lang.. - 10/20/2023 Reformers Converted by the S.. - 10/25/2023 Necessity of the Reformation - 10/27/2023 God's Key Reformation Agents - 11/2/2023 Reformers and Congregation S.. - 11/9/2023 Gospel Recovery! - 11/16/2023 God's Word Recovered! - 11/21/2023 Living in Light of the End - 11/24/2023 Thanksgiving Musings - 11/24/2023 Reformation Issues - 12/1/2023 Taking Up the Full Armor of.. - 12/5/2023 The Christian's Body Armor - 12/7/2023 Christian's Defensive Armor - 12/12/2023 The Whereabouts of Jesus - 12/16/2023 The Backstory of Jesus' Birth - 12/22/2023 The Tabernacled Word - 12/28/2023 First Sign, First Witness - 1/3/2024 Second Sign, Second Confession - 1/5/2024 Water into Wine - 1/10/2024 Miracle at 1 PM - 1/16/2024 How is Jesus God’s Temple? - 1/22/2024 Waiting for the Third Temple - 1/28/2024 You Are God's Temple - 1/28/2024 The Uplifted Serpent Sign - 2/7/2024 Healing of the Paraplegic - 2/13/2024 What are They Among So Many? - 2/19/2024 Questioning Jesus - 2/26/2024 The Uplifted Christ - 3/4/2024 Jesus Arrested! - 3/11/2024 The Cup Jesus Drank - 3/14/2024 Jesus Crucified and Psalm 22 - 3/21/2024 God the Immortal - 4/3/2024 Jesus Gives the Spirit - 4/10/2024 Jesus Bringer of Immortality - 4/17/2024 Jesus and the Early Peter - 4/24/2024 Peter the Confessor of Jesus - 5/1/2024 Peter the Denier - 5/8/2024 Jesus Restores Peter - 5/13/2024 The Trinity is Essential! - 5/27/2024 Christian Doctrine is Neces.. - 6/4/2024 The Pattern of Sound Words - 6/11/2024 Be Devil Alert! - 6/14/2024 Why Pentecost? - 6/20/2024 Assurance of Eternal Life - 6/26/2024 The Christian and Truth - 7/9/2024 A Letter from Jesus' Brother.. - 7/16/2024 Opening Jude's Letter - 7/16/2024 Full Alert! Hidden Deceivers - 7/24/2024 How to Contend for the Faith - 7/30/2024 Our Singing God - 8/8/2024 Verses in Context Please! - 8/14/2024 An Impotent God - 8/21/2024 What Makes God, God? - 8/29/2024 God Is Holy - 9/6/2024 Holiness and God's Worship - 9/13/2024 What is God's Grace? - 9/28/2024 Our Desperate Need - 10/5/2024 Gateways Into the Jesus Story - 10/9/2024 Prepare the Way for Yahweh - 10/17/2024 Agony of Scripture Misinterp.. - 10/23/2024 Thanks to God for True Conve.. - 11/20/2024 Thanking God for His Grace i.. - 11/26/2024 Giving Thanks to God for You - 11/29/2024 Birth Celebrations and the B.. - 12/6/2024 Learning Prayer from Psalm 3 - 12/12/2024 Praying Psalm 4 and 5 with D.. - 12/12/2024 Blessing God? - 12/24/2024 My Prayer with Paul for You - 1/4/2025 Jesus on Prayer - 1/10/2025 When You Pray Say... - 1/15/2025 The Prayer Jesus Gave Us - 1/22/2025 Your Kingdom Come - 1/29/2025 Book Beginnings - 2/12/2025 The Eternal Gospel - 2/20/2025 Remember You Are Dust - 3/5/2025
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