Today's Gospel installment: 08/26/24
Text: Romans 9 vs 14-24
Sermon Titles: 1..The Potter's freedom, 2..For this very PURPOSE I raised you, 3..Is there any unrighteousness with God?
1..Many who profess Christ have NOT yet bowed down as to agree with God about how He determined to do things..
2.And this is the MOST EVIDENT when it comes to His sovereignty, especially in salvation..
3..They have objections to God's way.. And through the rejection of the gospel by the Jews God set to declare WHY ultimately a person is saved or why they reject the gospel..
4..Many in our day, unfortunately even in the professed reformed and sovereign grace circles exert effort to blame the sinner in this matter... But to stop there is clearly to remove the offense of Romans 9 teaching, and ultimately to preach another God, Jesus and gospel..
5..In Romans 9, God sets Himself as the ONLY ULTIMATE CAUSE of whether one is saved or not saved..
6..And He puts forth the naked offense that the reprobate is not so because of their behavior, poor or bad upbringing.. It is NOT EVEN A FACTOR IN HIS DETERMINATION..
7..THIS in the language of Romans 9, happened before they had done neither good nor evil that His purpose in election would stand..
8..And the objections that were raised implied the presumed hearer had understood the points of argument..
9..And the questions to be raised in objection are: If God reprobates and condemns for ultimately nothing wrong that a person did and had no power to change, also seeing that God had the ability to save all, why then does He still find fault?
10..And if He does that, does that mean He is unrighteous as some will conclude?
11..Well, God answer |