William Wales Horne was born at Gissing, in Norfolk, England, in 1773. He commenced preaching when he was about twenty years old, and shortly afterwards he settled over a Baptist church at Yarmouth in his native county, where he remained for about five years, before he went to Leicester. Subsequently, about 1806, he removed to London. He was no slouch: his practice was to give a lecture at seven in the morning at Limehouse; another at Trinity Hall, Aldersgate Street, at eleven; another at Limehouse at three; and again at Aldersgate Street in the evening – walking about seventeen miles to carry out these duties. The two churches (Limehouse and Aldersgate Street) were united a short time before his life drew to its close, and assembled at Ebenezer Chapel, Commercial Road, where he preached until his death. Horne was afflicted with gout, dropsy, and finally consumption. He died on July 27th, 1826. |