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Pastor Paul Michael Raymond | Appomattox, Virginia
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222 Harrell Street
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Reformed Bible Church In Central VA
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Jonathan Edwards
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Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Series:  As read by: David Bruce Sonner  · 1 of 7
1/15/2002 (TUE)
  |  Bible: Deuteronomy 32:35
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Considered to be one of the most famous sermons in American history, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" was first delivered in Enfield, Connecticut on July 8, 1741. Timely yet timeless, Edwards shows us our true nature, that nature which we see so very clearly even today.

(Please note: while we do offer professional-quality CDs of this sermon for a fee, we are not able to offer CD's or cassettes for free, sorry. downloads are the only free copies of this sermon available. -Thank you)
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Jonathan Edwards
Sinners in the Hands of God

As read by: David Bruce Sonner
Sunday Service
Reformed Bible Church, VA
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Jonathan Edwards
Sinners in the Hands of God

As read by: David Bruce Sonner
Reformed Bible Church, VA
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  If you were blessed by this message, please add your comment ...
Wes W HazlettContact via email (10/9/2022)
from Minnesota
“ Speechless ”
"Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him." -Psalm 33:8 There are no words to describe what a sermon like this does to the pride of a mortal man. This ground me to dust and ashes. Lord, your mercy is unfathomable.

Rodrick Wilson (2/2/2022)
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a great message! Many believers underestimate God. Fall to your knees and praise him.

ladybugContact via email (1/7/2019)
“ Timeless sermon ”
This is the message that needs to be preached today, even many believers underestimate the wrath of God. If you are elected unto life, fall down and praise Him

Micah Thomas (1/23/2016)
from Alabama
“ A Lovely Exaltation of Christ ”
My 10th grade year, my English/History class had to read it just to scoff at it.

Kevin (12/1/2015)
“ Great Sermon! ”

Gail drakeContact via email (8/23/2015)
from Connecticut
“ Great Sermon! ”
This should be preached by Paul Washer. He could deliver this with full impact.

Matthew Maxwell-CarrContact via email (7/10/2015)
from Wales
“ Incredible ”
I'm just amazed that a sermon this old and not even preached by the man who originally preached it is still so popular and being used so much by God. Behold the power of God! And the influence of prayer! It's said that Jonathan Edwards spent all week praying for this sermon before he preached it - he would say, 'Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs!' I bet Edwards never imagined the Lord would still be using this sermon hundreds of years later!! What an encouragement!

H Hudson (4/9/2015)
from Deerfield Beach, Florida
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
This sermon points out how evil and corruptible man's nature is. When the presentation of the ultimate suffering there awaits the person who works against God, yet man will become his own "god" and live for himself. God is love, but He also is fierce judgment for any and all sins. I am thankful that God has saved my soul by Grace through the blood of Jesus Christ that I been redeemed by Faith in our Lord and Savior. How utterly lost are those who reject God's merciful gift.

David Ramseur (1/23/2014)
from Mobile, AL
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow, there is no greater reason to witness to the lost than this. Be not afraid of those who can destroy the body but after that can do nothing. Oh how much concern we as God's blood bought children should have on those who are lost! The thought of their fate apart from saving faith in the Lamb of God moves me to concern for even those who would at any moment be torturing me to death. Because I know Jesus has saved me from the pit of everlasting despair.

yang yeon HwangContact via email (4/9/2013)
from korea
“ Great Sermon! ”
I loves him

John McCullough (9/12/2012)
from Cypress, Texas
“ Great Sermon! ”
Based on some of the comments out sounds like many people have set low expectations four the church they attend and their pastors. This was an epic sermon indeed, and we get a good dose of this weekly at Harvest Bible Church in Cypress Texas.

Brenda Miller (8/24/2012)
“ The truth shall make you free ”
If we preach like this today, America wouldn't be the moral sewer it has become. It's now easy, but we must contend for the faith as the scripture tells us to do. Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:28 "Fear them not which kill the body, but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Christopher Kelly (8/11/2012)
from Charlotte N.C.
“ Great convicting Sermon! ”
This sermon makes me thankful I made a decision for Christ in 1973.I want to witness to some lost person!

Donald (6/17/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”

RONNIE DOUGLASContact via email (4/21/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
It would appear that the speaker enjoyes speaking about HELL,however REV 20:13-14-15 speaks about the second death and the lake of fire.and death and HELL are cast into the lake of fire.It is the lake of fire,not HELL, THAT AWAITS every Christ rejector..HELL was never mentioned in the OLD TESTAMENT,nor was it mentioned by PAUL and many other writers in the NEW TESTAMENT,May we rightly divide the word of truth.Hoping to hear your comments.RON DOUGLAS..

Michael, Nigeria (1/18/2012)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have not read this but practically this is the type of messages i always like to listen to.God Help me to make Heaven. Amen

Florin MotiuContact via email (10/13/2010)
from Oradea, Romania
“ Translation into Romanian. ”
I translated this sermon into Romanian and we published it here. Also we posted on our website in Romanian and it has several hundred downloads. It was a blessing for me and I said unto myself: the people here must read this. I hope God will make it a blessing in Romania!

Wayne (10/13/2010)
from Canada
“ Conviction ”
If only our pastors these days had the same conviction about the scriptures that Jonathan Edwards obviously had. The wrath of God if mentioned at all, is heavily sugar-coated to appeal to the culture. In my own church you are guaranteed to hear at least 4 or 5 jokes during the sermon. It is time we took scripture seriously and believe wholeheartedly what it says!!

shelly (6/9/2010)
from east coast
“ Great Sermon! ”
wow! this is one of the most powerful sermons i have ever heard! i had read the sermon previously, but the audio is the icing on the cake! they sure don't (normally) preach like this anymore! i wonder what would happen to the church today if preachers/pastors began to give sermons like this? i think WE ALL need sound preaching like this...

Steven J DaviesContact via email (5/22/2010)
from London
“ Great Sermon! ”
When I first read it, I was appalled. I hadn't known. Every idea I had about God was completely blown away and I was left with the truth. I thank God that He wanted me to hear this message. Now when I see the lost, I fear for them and it drives me onwards to share the Gospel and to pray for them much more earnestly. But most of all, I seek God's face that He will deal with me so that He can complete His work through me. Just imagine if God did not "SO love the world"...but He did and He does.

Robert CastContact via email (1/17/2010)
from Long Island, NY
“ Great Sermon! ”
The fearfulness of the awesome wrath of God. Such eloquent words expressing such horrifying reality.

nrlcharlieContact via email (2/7/2008)
“ Great Sermon! ”
WOW, Crazy Stuff... I agree with Mark Fitzpatrick, this has to be among the greatest of all time. If your keen on more of htis kind of preaching today check out this ministry:

Mark FitzpatrickContact via email (1/6/2008)
from Dublin, Ireland
“ The Great Sermon! ”
This has to be, outside of the Bible, the Greatest sermon of all time! rann

Mrs. Jake (8/2/2007)
“ Everyone needs to hear this ”
They just don't preach it like this anymore.

Marissa (5/8/2007)
“ "i fear god even more" ”
Wow! this is nothing but the truth! its scary to think that one day we will either go to heaven or hell.

TimContact via email (1/23/2007)
from Australia
“ Fear God! ”
Even as a Christian, I felt scared a lot by this sermon - but I urge you, listen to all of it. This sermon describes how powerful God is and exactly why we need to fear him. I must admit, I did not have a true fear for God before I listened to this sermon, and now I can understand exactly why. I tell you the truth, I am shaking and crying now, but rightfully so, because God has revealed to me, how powerful he is. We all need to fear God. The time to act is NOW! Dont miss the opportunity that God is giving you. Everyone, Christian or Non-Christian should listen to this sermon. I highly recommend it.

LeeContact via email (1/7/2007)
from Iowa
“ 48 minutes of pure truth ”
If this man speaks the truth, which I sincerely believe, our modern day Christian ministers are not telling us the whole truth. The problem lyes not in what is told, but what is not told. Ministers should not fear to offend their listeners when it is the truth they are speaking. The Bible says that the truth cuts like a sword. That means people will be offended to hear the truth unless God blesses it to their hearts. I wish the Lord's blessing on those ministers who labor only to the honor and glory of the Lord...and not to their own honor. Woe unto those ministers who lead their whole flock astray! Read this sermon again and again and pray that the Lord will give true insight, and that we shall not decieve ourselves for the great and never-ending eternity.

jon (1/6/2007)
from nj
“ If you like this one... ”
If you liked this sermon I encourage everyone here to listen to Paul Washer, founder of Heartcry Missionary Society. His slap-in-the-face style is refreshing and his teaching will change your perspective on todays compacient, watered down "Christianity." not to us - jon

Vicky G. (9/14/2006)
from Ohio
“ Great Sermon! ”
This Sermon needs to be heard by everyone especially those Unsaved of course! That is why he was inspired to write it. But as he said in the end, it is also a warning to all of us that are saved----"Let us examine ourselves" to see if we are truly in the FAITH.

Anthony (6/5/2006)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the Lord, an excellent exposition of the precarious position of the enemies of God!

albert soContact via email (6/4/2006)
from chicago, il
“ Hit me right where it hurts ”
This message hit me right where I needed it as a nominal Christian. It underscores the seriousness of sin, the wrath of God, the nature of God and our salvation, and the utter decrepitude of our morality. I feel its greatness lies not so much in how he manages to extrapolate on multiple points where the New and Old Testaments speak of Hell, but the reaction that someone like me would have in response to God - repentance and humility.

Eric John SawyerContact via email (5/13/2006)
from South Africa
“ Great Sermon! ”
When I first heard this we had just had a hectic down pour in the night and the entire bedroom was flooded. There I stood with my jeans rolled up and two buckets scooping water for about 2 hours. What struck me was the way that Edwards combined Scripture from both the old and the new testament; weaving them together in a tapestry. I must admit that it needed a second and a third lesson to come to the heart of the message. Eventually when I worked through the written form; I have to admit: 'Of some 30 or more sermons by various theologians, this one emerges as the most authoritive and issues forth a clear message of what awaits one in the afterlife; and the details, yes! the details. I would not say it is the final word on the matter; for no human writing can ever supercede or place itself above the firm authority of the Holy Scriptures. I am positive it was not Edwards' intent to do so either. Thanks to the Editor for including the neat collection of this true child of God's sermons.

Steven G.Contact via email (3/19/2006)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon should be studied in opposition to Thomas Chalmers' 'No Fury in God'. Do they agree or disagree? Are they reconcilable? If not, which conforms to Scripture?

Nigel HollandContact via email (12/15/2005)
from British Columbia
“ Great Sermon! ”
Christians today need to wake up to the truth and see the wretched condition of sinners as people God is infinitely offended at and not just "poor, misguided souls". THE best sermon I have ever heard.

AaronContact via email (9/10/2005)
from Michigan, Howell
“ God is Great ”
Gods judgement ist terrible, his wrath is great. We need to know just how much God hates the sinner, to understand the majesty of his grace in sending Christ. This sermon gives a clear undertanding of Gods hatred for both Sin and Sinner, rather than the 'Hate the Sin, love the Sinner' mentality preached from all too many pulpits today.

Joseph (4/25/2005)
from Oklahoma
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is a must read! This was one of the sermons God used to change my life. The first time I ever read it I was in awe. I pleased when I found it in an audio version here. God used this sermon to instill the fear and reverence of Him in me. I never realized how terrible Hell and the wrath of God was until I read this sermon. I had a mental conviction of what it was like before I read it but when I look back I didn't really have a clue. I knew hell was a bad place because I heard it all of my life. Unfortunately when I did hear preachers would only talk it about in the abstract or quickly pass over talking about it. I fell like the reason I had no fear of God before and not as much of a knowledge of the terribleness of Hell is because of the neglect of teaching on it. We have been pampered to much with a feel good gospel. I hope God sends more preachers like Edwards to preach today. This type of preaching is greatly needed today.

Tommy MooreContact via email (12/31/2004)
from Ohio
“ Great Sermon! ”
Edwards delivered a sermon that so many so called "Feel Good Christians" need to hear in their heart. Hell is a real place and Edwards points that out firmly

larry mcgrew (10/10/2004)
from Newburgh NY
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! This sermon is famous most probably because it is clearly one of the greatest. The prosperity gospel compared to this is an alarming deception.

Jeff RoedigerContact via email (8/13/2004)
from Colorado Springs
“ Great Sermon! ”
Jason, Heaven. Mr. Edwards is with the Lord. That does not, however prevent us from conveying the spirit of his meesage to the lost today. In His Grace Jeff

Jim CorneyContact via email (7/30/2004)
from Cardiff Great Britain
“ Great Sermon! ”
Edward's sermons on Sinners and the excellency of Christ prove him to be a superlative thinker and preacher with the incisive insight of a man supremely gifted with the Holy Spirit. I thank God for giving such a precious gift to the church. Edwards makes us all look like spiritual pigmies, we grovel when he soars. May God give us again this anointed ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ, so that we all come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,that we be no more children of the 21st century.

Colleen BondesonContact via email (6/18/2004)
from Australia
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have never heard a sermon like this.The impact was very sobering.Australian christians have been pamperd by a feel good,God loves you no matter what teaching.We need more men like Edwards in the pulpit to bring revival to our land.Pray for us PLEASE.How urgent is it to pass this message to the lost and christians who need to be reminded of this truth.

Bobby (3/24/2004)
from California
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message was amazing! Does anyone know who to get ahold of Jonathan Edwards for speaking engagements?

JasonContact via email (3/18/2004)
from Grand Rapids, MI
“ Good Job, Edwards! ”
I've never heard a sermon that so vividly expressed the truth!

Steve SpragueContact via email (11/28/2003)
“ Great Sermon! ”
After studying the NT concept of Propitiation and Reconciliation, one would wonder if the title "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" is a biblical reflection of the true attitude of God towards mankind. Consider studying the OT texts that show God as being ANGRY at humanity in the sense of His attitude towards them. Then do the same study in the NT and see what you find. Thank you, Steve

PaulContact via email (11/19/2003)
from Covington, LA
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a very sobering message.

Dane BundyContact via email (11/19/2003)
from Costa Mesa
“ How frightening is the truth! ”
Has the church not fallen asleep? How much controversy would this sermon stir in the church today, in the time when His great love is only preached! They mock God. How great is God's mercy,yes ! But How great is God's justice!

Jim Ned (11/11/2003)
from TX
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have spent the last five weeks watching the top downloaded sermons for the last 48 hours and this one is always there. I hope that it truly is that popular of a sermon and not just someone clicking to keep at the top. This is a great sermon that everyone should hear but lets keep it that way and not try to deceive people by just clicking.

New England Native (5/26/2003)
“ Historical Note ”
It has been reported that Jonathan Edwards first preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" at his own church in Northhampton, Massachusetts. Later, he preached the same message at Enfield, Connecticut. Perhaps others have seen the same situation: the same sermon given on different occasions can have a different impact on its hearers. This varying impact is evidence that it is the Holy Spirit that brings spiritual discernment and applies the truth to human hearts (1 Corinthians 2:14; John 16:8). While it is true that God "now commandeth all men every where to repent (Acts 17:30)" and men ought to repent, true conversion and true revivals are God-sent.

A Listener (4/7/2003)
from USA
“ Much-Needed Sermon! ”
A sermon that absolutely must be heard by sinner and Christian alike. It is little wonder that a revival followed in the wake of such preaching.

More user comments by  this speaker | this broadcaster
   Sinners in the Hands of God • 1/15/2002 | 49 posts
   Edwards: The Way of Holiness • 9/5/2002 | 15 posts
   Pecadores en Manos de Dios • 10/31/1948 | 6 posts
   Sinners ... Angry God • 1/1/1990 | 6 posts
  Jonathan Edwards
JONATHAN EDWARDS was born on October 5, 1703, in East Windsor, Connecticut, into a Puritan evangelical household. His childhood education as well as his undergraduate years (1716-1720) and graduate studies (1721-1722) at Yale College immersed him not only in the most current...

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   Sinners in the Hands of God • 1/15/2002 | 222,700+ downloads
   Edwards: The Way of Holiness • 9/5/2002 | 37,000+ downloads
   Persons Ought Not to Rest #1 • 3/7/2014 | 16,500+ downloads


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