Speaker: C. H. Spurgeon
8,734 sermons
Where Spiritual Life Begins
Spurgeon suggests that spiritual life begins with communion with God. From Free Grace Broadcaster, Summer 2019, free quarterly of excellent articles, available upon request to chapel@mountzion.org.
>God blots out transgressions - 6/5/2015 God blots out transgression, 2 - 6/6/2015 Desiring God at Night, 1 - 6/23/2015 Desiring God at Night, 2 - 6/24/2015 Desiring God at Night, 3 - 6/25/2015 Our future hope! 1 - 6/30/2015 Our Future Hope! 2 - 7/1/2015 Our Future Hope! 3 (final) - 7/2/2015 Jesus manifests Himself, 1 - 7/11/2015 Jesus manifests Himself, 2 - 7/11/2015 A Day to Remember - 8/29/2015 Daily Blessings from God! - 9/5/2015 Daniel's Band - 9/19/2015 A Pattern For Pleaders - 9/26/2015 Bring Me a Minstrel - 11/24/2015 Bring Me a Minstrel, 2 - 11/24/2015 There go the ships, 1 - 12/31/2015 There go the ships, 2 - 1/1/2016 Jesus Knew What He Would Do - 1/19/2016 Jesus Knew What He Would Do, 2 - 1/19/2016 Among Lions - 2/12/2016 Among Lions, 2 - 2/15/2016 The Talking Book, part 1 - 3/10/2016 The Talking Book, concluded - 3/11/2016 Prodigal Love for the Son - 6/13/2016 Prodigal Love for Prodigal, 2 - 6/14/2016 Jesus at Bethesda - 7/20/2016 Jesus at Bethesda, 2 - 7/21/2016 Jesus at Bethesda, 3 - 7/22/2016 Spurgeon: Saying no to God? 1 - 10/21/2016 Spurgeon: Saying no to God? 2 - 10/24/2016 Saying no to God? final - 10/25/2016 Cheer Up, My Dear Friends! - 3/7/2017 Cheer Up, My Dear Friends!2 - 3/8/2017 Beloved and Yet Afflicted - 3/13/2017 Spurgeon and Warfield on.. - 5/19/2017 Jesus Christ Himself - 6/2/2017 The Dream of Pilate's Wife - 6/18/2017 Unknown Depths of Human Sin - 7/6/2017 Silver Sockets, the.. - 7/16/2017 God in the Face of Jesus - 7/30/2017 High Doctrine - 8/12/2017 Crucified Jesus Conquers, 1 - 9/10/2017 Crucified Jesus Conquers, 2 - 9/11/2017 The Master's Example - 10/12/2017 The Unconquerable King (1) - 11/6/2017 The Unconquerable King (2) - 11/7/2017 Human Inability - 11/22/2017 Human Inability 2 (final) - 11/23/2017 Jesus Will Never Fail! - 12/19/2017 Christ and Him Crucified - 12/28/2017 Free Grace Doesn't Produce Sin - 1/21/2018 Free Grace (2) Final - 1/22/2018 Scene of Christ's Ascension - 3/28/2018 Christ's Triumphant Ascension - 4/5/2018 Satan Hindered Us - 4/18/2018 Satan Hindered Us, 2 - 4/19/2018 Meditation, Profitable - 9/22/2018 Sweet Meditations on Christ - 11/24/2018 Lukewarmness, a Warning - 12/16/2018 An Act of Pure Grace - 1/3/2019 To the False Prophets - 1/19/2019 The Two Seeds - 1/29/2019 The Two Lives - 2/10/2019 Spurgeon: Differing Hopes - 2/13/2019 Flesh's Persecution of Spirit - 2/18/2019 Spurgeon, The Parting - 2/22/2019 Whose Are The Promises? - 2/27/2019 The Promise a Free Gift - 3/4/2019 The Promise a Reality - 3/7/2019 Peculiar Treasure of Believers - 3/13/2019 The Valuation of the Promises - 3/19/2019 The Rule of God's Giving - 3/22/2019 A Rule Without Exceptions - 3/27/2019 Taking Possession of a Promise - 4/1/2019 Endorsing the Promise - 4/4/2019 The Promise Used for This Life - 4/9/2019 Searching Out the Promises - 4/12/2019 The Time of the Promise - 4/17/2019 Promises Through Spirit - 4/22/2019 Jesus and the Promises - 4/26/2019 Dead in Every Way - 5/16/2019 The Trial of Your Faith - 6/5/2019 The Trial of Your Faith, 2 - 6/9/2019 Impotence and Omnipotence - 6/12/2019 Impotence and Omnipotence, 2 - 6/17/2019 Christ cure for troubled heart - 6/20/2019 Christ the Cure, 2 - 6/24/2019 Advice for Troublous Times - 6/27/2019 Advice for troublous Times, 2 - 7/1/2019 Where Spiritual Life Begins - 7/3/2019 Light Walking in Darkness - 7/5/2019 Light Walking in Darkness, 2 - 7/9/2019 Earthquake But Not Heartquake - 7/12/2019 Earthquake, Not Heartquake, 2 - 7/16/2019 Two Immutable Things, 1 - 7/19/2019 Two Immutable Things, 2 - 7/23/2019 A Paradox - 10/28/2019 A Paradox, Conclusion - 10/30/2019 As Heard, So Seen - 11/1/2019 Cause, Cure, of Wounded Spirit - 11/5/2019 Cure of Wounded Spirit, 2 - 11/8/2019 The Sweet Uses of Adversity - 11/11/2019 The Sweet Uses of Adversity, 2 - 11/14/2019 Examine Yourselves - 12/29/2019 Does Christ Dwell in You? - 1/2/2020 One Antidote for Many Ills, 1 - 1/25/2020 One Antidote for Many Ills, 2 - 1/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 1 - 1/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 2 - 1/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography 3 - 1/29/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 4 - 1/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 5 - 1/31/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 6 - 2/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 7 - 2/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 8 - 2/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 9 - 2/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 10 - 2/6/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 11 - 2/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 12 - 2/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 13 - 2/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 14 - 2/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 15 - 2/13/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 16 - 2/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 17 - 2/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 18 - 2/18/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 19 - 2/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 20 - 2/20/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 21 - 2/23/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 22 - 2/24/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 23 - 2/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 24 - 2/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 25 - 2/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 26 - 3/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 27 - 3/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 28 - 3/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 29 - 3/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 30 - 3/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 31 - 3/8/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 32 - 3/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 34 - 3/11/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 35 - 3/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 36 - 3/15/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 37 - 3/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 38 - 3/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 39 - 3/18/2020 Now Is the Day of Salvation - 3/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 40 - 3/29/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 41 - 3/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 42 - 3/31/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 43 - 4/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 44 - 4/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 45 - 4/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 46 - 4/6/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 47 - 4/7/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 48 - 4/8/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 49 - 4/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 50 - 4/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 51 - 4/14/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 52 - 4/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 53 - 4/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 54 - 4/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 55 - 4/23/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 56 - 4/26/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 57 - 4/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 58 - 4/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 59 - 5/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 60 - 5/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 61 - 5/7/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 62 - 5/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 63 - 5/12/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 64 - 5/14/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 65 - 5/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 66 - 5/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 67 - 5/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 68 - 5/24/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 70 - 5/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 71 - 5/31/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 72 - 6/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 73 - 6/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 75 - 6/14/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 76 - 6/16/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 77 - 6/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 78 - 6/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 79 - 6/23/2020 Spurgeon's autobiography, 80 - 6/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 81 - 6/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 82 - 6/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 83 - 7/2/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 84 - 7/5/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 85 - 7/7/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 86 - 7/9/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 87 - 7/11/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 88 - 7/14/2020 The One You Love Is Sick - 7/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 90 - 7/19/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 91 - 7/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 92 - 7/23/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 93 - 7/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 94 - 7/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 95 - 7/30/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 96 - 8/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 97 - 8/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 98 - 8/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 99 - 8/15/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 101 - 8/20/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 102 - 8/21/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 103 - 8/25/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 104 - 8/27/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 105 - 8/28/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 106 - 9/1/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 107 - 9/3/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 108 - 9/4/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 109 - 9/8/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 110 - 9/10/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 111 - 9/11/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 112 - 9/15/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 113 - 9/17/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 114 - 9/18/2020 Spurgeon's Autobiography, 115 - 9/22/2020 Spurgeon Autobiography (FINAL) - 9/24/2020 Death Is an Enemy - 10/16/2020 All Comers to Christ Welcome - 11/23/2020 Misrepresenting True Calvinism - 11/24/2020 Divine Sovereignty - 11/26/2020 Infallibility of God's Purpose - 11/30/2020 Election, 1 - 12/1/2020 Election, 2 (final) - 12/2/2020 Election defense and evidence - 12/3/2020 Particular Redemption, 2 - 12/8/2020 Plenteous Redemption - 12/9/2020 Prevenient Grace - 12/10/2020 Prevenient Grace, 2 (final) - 12/11/2020 Human Inability - 12/14/2020 Human Inability, 2 (final) - 12/15/2020 Effectual Calling, 1 - 12/16/2020 Effectual Calling 2 (Final) - 12/17/2020 The Beatific Vision - 12/21/2020 Resurrection With Christ - 1/18/2021 Free Grace, part 1 - 2/15/2021 Free Grace (2, Final) - 2/17/2021 Distinguishing Grace, 1 - 3/10/2021 Distinguishing Grace, 2.. - 3/11/2021 Salvation Altogether by Grace - 3/24/2021 Saved Altogether by Grace, 2 - 3/25/2021 Perseverance of the Saints, 1 - 4/7/2021 Perseverance of the Saints, 2 - 4/8/2021 Providence, 1 - 5/16/2021 Providence, 2 - 5/17/2021 Providence in Esther, 1 - 5/18/2021 Providence in Esther, 2 - 5/19/2021 Love At Its Utmost - 7/26/2021 Law written on the Heart, 1 - 8/12/2021 Law Written on Heart, 2 - 8/15/2021 The Bible - 9/14/2021 The Bible, 2 - 9/16/2021 Christ is Able to Help - 10/18/2021 The Immutability of God - 10/21/2021 The Remembrance of Christ - 10/25/2021 The Sin of Unbelief - 10/27/2021 Personality of Spirit - 10/31/2021 The Comforter - 11/1/2021 Comfort for feeble saints - 11/4/2021 Christ Crucified, 1 - 11/8/2021 Christ Crucified, 2 - 11/10/2021 Spiritual Liberty - 11/13/2021 The Kingly Priesthood - 11/16/2021 The People's Christ - 11/18/2021 Consolation for Suffering - 11/24/2021 The Victory of Faith - 11/26/2021 The Bible - 11/30/2021 Joseph Attacked by the Archers - 12/6/2021 The Tomb of Jesus - 12/7/2021 Carnal Mind Enmity Against God - 12/14/2021 Christ's People Imitate Him - 12/16/2021 A Caution to the Presumptuous - 12/20/2021 Thoughts on the Last Battle - 12/22/2021 Forgiveness - 12/26/2021 The Hope of Future Bliss - 12/28/2021 The Two Effects of the Gospel - 12/30/2021 The Eternal Name - 1/3/2022 Christ Manifesting Himself.. - 1/5/2022 The Power of the Holy Ghost - 1/8/2022 I Know My Redeemer Liveth, 1 - 3/18/2022 I Know My Redeemer Lives (2) - 3/21/2022 The Stone Rolled Away, 1 - 3/22/2022 The Stone Rolled Away, 2 - 3/23/2022 Gospel of the Serpent's Doom - 3/28/2022 Christ the Faithful Amen - 6/22/2022 The Coming Resurrection - 7/13/2022 Coming Resurrection, 2 (final) - 7/14/2022 Jesus' power in resurrection,1 - 7/15/2022 Resurrection Power of Christ - 7/18/2022 The Resurrection Credible - 7/19/2022 The Resurrection Credible, 2 - 7/20/2022 The Lord Is Risen Indeed - 7/21/2022 The Lord is Risen Indeed, 2 - 7/22/2022 Following the Risen Christ, 1 - 8/22/2022 Following the Risen Christ, 2 - 8/23/2022 Resurrection of Lord Jesus, 1 - 8/29/2022 Resurrection of Lord Jesus, 2 - 8/30/2022 Religion for Conscience's Sake - 9/28/2022 Struggles of Conscience, 1 - 10/3/2022 Struggles of Conscience, 2 - 10/5/2022 Struggles of Conscience - 11/29/2022 Struggles of conscience, 2 - 11/30/2022 What Are the Clouds? - 12/1/2022 What Are the Clouds, 2 - 12/2/2022 The Heart of the Gospel, 1 - 1/2/2023 The Heart of the Gospel,2 - 1/4/2023 True Prayer, True Power - 1/6/2023 True Prayer, True Power, 2 - 1/9/2023 Law and Grace - 1/11/2023 Law and Grace, part 2 - 1/13/2023 Storming the Battlements, 1 - 1/16/2023 Storming the Battlements, 2 - 1/18/2023 Heaven - 1/20/2023 Hell - 1/23/2023 Unconditional Election - 1/25/2023 Unconditional Election, 2 - 1/27/2023 The Death of a Christian - 1/31/2023 The Death of a Christian, 2 - 2/1/2023 Repentance Unto Life - 2/7/2023 Repentance Unto Life, 2 - 2/8/2023 Conversion - 2/14/2023 Conversion, 2 - 2/15/2023 The Glorious Habitation, 2 - 2/22/2023 Christ's Prayer for Us, 1 - 2/28/2023 Christ's Prayer for Us, 2 - 3/1/2023 Chastisement, 1 - 3/7/2023 Chastisement, 2 - 3/8/2023 The God of Peace - 3/14/2023 The God of Peace, 2 - 3/15/2023 Holy Ghost, Great Teacher,1 - 4/4/2023 Holy Ghost, Great Teacher,c2 - 4/5/2023 Comfort for the Desponding - 4/11/2023 Comfort for the Desponding, 2 - 4/12/2023 Free-Will, a Slave - 4/18/2023 Free-will, a Slave, 2 - 4/19/2023 Healing for the Wounded, 1 - 4/25/2023 Healing for the Wounded, 2 - 4/26/2023 Christ Our Passover, 1 - 5/2/2023 Christ Our Passover, 2 - 5/3/2023 The Exodus - 5/9/2023 The Exodus, 2 - 5/10/2023 Sanctified by Christ's Blood - 7/14/2023 This My Blood, Shed for Many - 7/20/2023 No Peace to the Wicked - 10/17/2023 The Lord of Peace Himself - 10/24/2023 Incarnation and Birth of Jesus - 10/31/2023 Canaan on Earth - 11/7/2023 Sovereignty and Salvation - 11/14/2023 The Beatific Vision - 11/21/2023 The Enchanted Ground - 11/28/2023 Lions lack, but not children - 12/5/2023 The Resurrection of the Just - 12/12/2023 The Resurrection of the Wicked - 12/19/2023 Watch-night Service - 12/25/2023 A Solemn Warning to the Church - 1/2/2024 Allegories of Sarah and Hagar - 1/8/2024 Good Works - 1/16/2024 A Bottle in the Smoke - 1/23/2024 Israel at the Red Sea - 1/30/2024 Effectual Calling - 2/6/2024 Final Perseverance - 2/13/2024 Gospel Missions - 2/20/2024 Divine Sovereignty - 2/27/2024 Character of Christ's People - 3/5/2024 The Form of Sound Words - 3/12/2024 God Alone Our Salvation - 3/20/2024 Indwelling Sin - 3/26/2024 Satan Considers You - 3/26/2024 Overcoming Satan by the Blood - 4/1/2024 Salvation to the Uttermost - 4/2/2024 Omniscience - 4/9/2024 Unimpeachable Justice - 4/16/2024 The Majestic Voice - 4/23/2024 The Plea of Faith - 4/30/2024 Hatred Without Cause - 5/6/2024 Men Chosen-Angels Rejected - 5/13/2024 Christ Exalted - 5/20/2024 The Unity Christ Prayed For - 6/20/2024 The Work to Be Done - 7/2/2024 Profit and Loss - 9/3/2024 The Great Test of Sonship - 9/5/2024 God in the Covenant - 9/6/2024 Tomorrow - 9/10/2024 Without love to Christ - 9/12/2024 The day of atonement - 9/13/2024 We are debtors - 9/17/2024 Pride and Humility - 9/20/2024 Assurance of our salvation! - 9/27/2024 Coming Against Our Defenses - 10/4/2024 A Blow to Self-Righteousness - 10/8/2024 Daniel Facing the Lion's Den - 10/11/2024 A Message to Neglecters - 10/15/2024 Making Light of Christ - 10/18/2024 Comer's Conflict with Satan - 10/22/2024 The Exaltation of Christ - 10/25/2024 False Professors... Warned - 10/29/2024 Christ in the Covenant - 11/5/2024 Spurgeon: Love's Commendation - 11/12/2024 Manasseh - 11/19/2024 Spurgeon: "Turn or Burn" - 11/26/2024 Faith - 12/3/2024 Spurgeon. Fear and faith - 12/10/2024 Spurgeon: Going Home - 12/11/2024 A Mighty Savior - 12/12/2024 Spurgeon: The War of Truth - 12/13/2024 Confession of Sin in 7 Texts - 12/16/2024 Spurgeon: Preaching for poor - 12/17/2024 Spurgeon: Why Are Men Saved? - 12/18/2024 Spurgeon: Secret Sins - 12/19/2024 Spurgeon: Lovest Thou Me? - 12/20/2024 Spurgeon: The Blood-shedding - 12/23/2024 Spurgeon: Rahab's Faith - 12/24/2024 Condescension of Christ - 12/25/2024 Spurgeon: A Faithful Friend - 12/26/2024 His Father's Business - 12/27/2024 Spurgeon: Particular Election - 12/30/2024 The Snare of the Fowler - 12/31/2024 Spurgeon: The Fruitless Vine - 1/1/2025 Justification by Grace - 1/2/2025 Spiritual Resurrection - 1/3/2025 The Uses of the Law - 1/6/2025 David's Dying Prayer - 1/7/2025 Regeneration - 1/8/2025 Salvation is of the Lord - 1/9/2025 Christ is power, wisdom of God - 1/10/2025 Heavenly Rest - 1/13/2025 Elijah to the Undecided - 1/14/2025 Presumptuous Sins - 1/14/2025 Israel in Egypt - 1/16/2025 Mercy,Omnipotence, Justice - 1/17/2025 Prayer-The Forerunner of Mercy - 1/20/2025 Search the Scriptures - 2/7/2025
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