Listen to this as well Another excellent warning, very powerfully done. John Flavel wrote, "This sin is not as a single bullet that kills but one, but as a chain-shot, it kills many two at least, unless God give repentance.""t this sin is a dreadful gulf, a quick-sand that hath sucked in, and destroyed thousands.."though many other sins lie hid, and possibly shall never come to light until that day of manifestation of all hidden things, yet this is a sin that is most usually discovered." I shall lay two very terrible scriptures before you to this purpose,
either of them enough to drive thee speedily "to Christ, or to
drive thee out of thy wits ; the one is that,ECC 7:26 " And I find more bitter than death, the woman whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands : Whoso pleaseth God shall escape
from her, but the sinner shall be taken by her." The argument which the Spirit
of God uses here to dissuade from this sin, is taken from the subject;
they that fall into it , for the most part, are persons in whom God has no delight, and so in judgment are delivered up to it,and never recovered by grace from it. The other is that in Prov. 22:14 The mouth of a strange woman is a deep pit;he that is abhorred o f the Lord shall fall therein." (The Harlot's Face in Scripture Glass.) |