Speaker: Jon Cardwell
2,191 sermons
WGRW 90.7 FM Radio Broadcast, Gadsden/Anniston Aired every Saturday at 12 noon
>They Forsook All - 5/20/2007 Glorifying God - 1/28/2009 The Spirit of Holiness - 2/1/2009 The Eternal Word - 2/1/2009 Enjoying God - 2/4/2009 The Awesome Love of God - 2/8/2009 Plow, Prepare, Proclaim - 2/8/2009 Divine Direction - 2/11/2009 The Word of the Cross - 2/15/2009 The Essence of the Gospel - 2/15/2009 What the Scriptures Teach - 2/18/2009 One Mediator - 2/22/2009 The Word Became Flesh - 2/22/2009 God is Spirit - 2/25/2009 True Biblical Christianity - 3/1/2009 The Preeminent Christ - 3/1/2009 God is Infinite - 3/4/2009 The Substitutionary Sacrifice - 3/8/2009 The Spirit & Power of Elijah - 3/8/2009 God is Eternal - 3/11/2009 Christ Must Increase - 3/15/2009 John the Baptist: OT Prophet - 3/15/2009 God is Unchangeable - 3/18/2009 The Crucified Flesh - 3/22/2009 Come and See - 3/22/2009 God is Self-Existent - 3/25/2009 Conformable To Christ's Death - 3/29/2009 Water to Wine - 3/29/2009 God is Self-Sufficient - 4/1/2009 It is Finished! - 4/5/2009 The Sign of His Resurrection - 4/5/2009 The Lord's Table - 4/12/2009 Committed to His Father - 4/12/2009 God's Wisdom and Power - 4/15/2009 The Day of Atonement - 4/19/2009 Ye Must Be Born Again - 4/19/2009 A Pastor's Prayer - 4/22/2009 God's Unchangeable Holiness - 4/22/2009 Delighting in the LORD - 4/26/2009 The Wind of the Spirit - 4/26/2009 Gospel Unto Believers - 5/3/2009 Son of Man Lifted Up - 5/3/2009 Who are the Giants? - 5/4/2009 God's Unchangeable Justice - 5/6/2009 Separated Unto the Gospel - 5/10/2009 God's Love, Man's Love - 5/10/2009 God is Good - 5/13/2009 God's Unchangeable Goodness - 5/20/2009 Beloved of God - 5/24/2009 Baptism and Belief - 5/24/2009 Death, Life, the Gospel - 6/6/2009 Passionate For God's People - 6/7/2009 The True Testimony... Again - 6/7/2009 The Unchangeable Truth of God - 6/10/2009 Indebted to All - 6/14/2009 I That Speak Unto Thee Am He - 6/14/2009 The One True and Living God - 6/17/2009 A Puritan Catechism - 6/21/2009 Unashamed of the Gospel - 6/21/2009 The Son's Authority - 6/21/2009 The Trinity - 6/24/2009 God's Righteousness Revealed - 6/28/2009 Made Whole by Sovereign Grace - 6/28/2009 God's Sovereignty Revealed - 7/5/2009 Vindication of Christ - 7/5/2009 The Triunity of God - 7/8/2009 Drinking from His Cup - 7/12/2009 The Testimonies of Christ Pt 1 - 7/12/2009 The Triunity of God Pt 2 - 7/15/2009 The Just Shall Live by Faith - 7/19/2009 The Testimonies of Christ Pt 2 - 7/19/2009 The Triunity of God Pt 3 - 7/22/2009 Without Excuse - 7/26/2009 Indictment Against the Jews - 7/26/2009 Catechism Review 1-6 - 7/29/2009 Feeding the Multitude - 8/2/2009 The Decrees of God - 8/5/2009 Jesus Walking on the Sea - 8/9/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 2 - 8/12/2009 No Partiality With God - 8/16/2009 The Bread of Life Pt 1 - 8/16/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 3 - 8/19/2009 The Just Judgment of God - 8/23/2009 The Bread of Life Pt 2 - 8/23/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 4 - 8/26/2009 Essence & Benefit of the Law - 8/30/2009 To Whom Shall We Go? - 8/30/2009 The Decrees of God Pt 5 - 9/2/2009 For All Have Sinned - 9/6/2009 Bread of Life Pt 3 - 9/6/2009 The Propitiation Through Faith - 9/13/2009 The Bread of Life - Pt 4 - 9/13/2009 The Fall of Man - 9/16/2009 The Law of Faith - 9/20/2009 The Bread of Life - Pt 5 - 9/20/2009 A Brief Look at Sin - 9/23/2009 Justification by Grace - 9/27/2009 My Time is Not Yet Come - 9/27/2009 Man's Fallen State - 9/30/2009 Faith Alone - 10/4/2009 Teaching at the Temple - 10/4/2009 Misery & Hope of Fallen Man - 10/7/2009 Strong in Faith - 10/11/2009 None Other Name - 10/14/2009 Is This That Very Christ? - 10/18/2009 Lord, Teach Us to Pray - 10/21/2009 Therefore Being Justified - 10/25/2009 Rivers of Living Water - 10/25/2009 Our Heavenly Father - 10/28/2009 The Reign of Grace - 11/1/2009 Go and Sin No More - 11/1/2009 His Name is Holy - 11/4/2009 The Newness of Life - 11/8/2009 The Light of the World - 11/8/2009 Thy Kingdom Come & Will Done - 11/11/2009 Being Made Free From Sin - 11/15/2009 The Truth Shall Make You Free - 11/15/2009 Our Daily Bread 1 - 11/18/2009 Blessedness of the Bond Slave - 11/22/2009 In Truth or Deception? - 11/23/2009 Our Daily Bread 2 - 11/25/2009 Freed from the Bondage of Law - 11/29/2009 Before Abraham Was, I AM - 11/29/2009 Forgive Us For - 12/2/2009 O Wretched Man! - 12/6/2009 Lead Us Not into Temptation - 12/9/2009 I Thank God! - 12/13/2009 A Sighted Man and Blind Men - 12/13/2009 Deliver Us from Evil - 12/16/2009 Walking After the Spirit - 12/20/2009 Are We Blind Also? - 12/20/2009 The Redeemer of God's Elect - 12/23/2009 Walking After the Spirit Pt 2 - 12/27/2009 God Became a Man - 12/30/2009 Surrendering to the Spirit - 1/3/2010 I AM the Good Shepherd - 1/3/2010 Christ's Office as Prophet - 1/6/2010 Hoping in the Spirit - 1/10/2010 I and My Father are One - 1/10/2010 Paul Snider Testimony - 1/14/2010 Trusting Upon the Spirit - 1/17/2010 Gospel According to Scripture - 1/24/2010 Why Baptism and Communion? - 1/27/2010 Victory by the Spirit - 1/31/2010 Do We Glorify the Son? - 1/31/2010 Prophet, Priest, and King - 2/3/2010 God's Sovereign Perspective - 2/7/2010 Jesus Wept - 2/7/2010 Christ's Humiliation - 2/10/2010 That One Man Should Die - 2/14/2010 Christ's Exaltation - 2/17/2010 God's Sovereign Purpose - 2/21/2010 The Odour of the Ointment - 2/21/2010 Partakers of the Redemption - 2/24/2010 A Brother Loved, Other Hated - 2/28/2010 The Triumphal Entry - 2/28/2010 Application of the Redemption - 3/3/2010 Is God Unrighteous? - 3/7/2010 And I, If I Be LIfted Up - 3/7/2010 What is Effectual Calling? 1 - 3/10/2010 Riches of His Glory - Pt 1 - 3/14/2010 Now is the Judgment - 3/14/2010 What is Effectual Calling? 2 - 3/17/2010 Riches of His Glory - Pt 2 - 3/21/2010 Commandment, Life Everlasting - 3/21/2010 One Mind for God's Glory - 3/24/2010 Rock of Foundation & Stumbling - 3/28/2010 Christ's Exalted Humility - 3/28/2010 What Justification Is - 3/31/2010 He is Not Here, But is Risen - 4/4/2010 Lord, Who is It? - 4/4/2010 What Adoption Is - 4/8/2010 Ignorance Toward the Gospel - 4/11/2010 A Greater Than Solomon is Here - 4/14/2010 Who is Jesus? - 4/18/2010 Glory of the Father and Son - 4/18/2010 What Sanctification Is - 4/21/2010 Understanding the Gospel - 4/25/2010 Responsibility to the Gospel - 5/2/2010 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - 5/2/2010 Flowing, Accompanying Benefits - 5/5/2010 Responsibility to the Gospel 2 - 5/9/2010 Already, Not Yet Truths - 5/9/2010 I Am Feeble - 5/12/2010 Christ, the End of the Law - 5/16/2010 I Am the True Vine - 5/16/2010 The Gospel of God - 5/23/2010 The World Hateth You - 5/23/2010 The Glory of God's Grace - 5/30/2010 Expedient that Christ Go Away - 5/30/2010 Kneeling Before the Cross - 6/2/2010 He Shall Glorify Me - 6/6/2010 The Remnant - 6/13/2010 I Have Overcome the World - 6/13/2010 Israelite Failure - 6/20/2010 Christ's High Priestly Prayer - 6/20/2010 Israel Future for God's Glory - 6/27/2010 Christ's High Priestly Prayer - 6/27/2010 Except the Lord Build - 6/30/2010 A Living Sacrifice - 7/4/2010 Christ's Betrayal and Arrest - 7/4/2010 A Living Service - 7/11/2010 Trials and Denials - 7/11/2010 A Loving Sacrifice - 7/18/2010 He Came to Die - 7/18/2010 Divine Remission - 7/25/2010 Behold the Man, Your King! - 7/25/2010 Dutiful Submission - 8/1/2010 Despising the Shame - 8/1/2010 Consequences of Unforgiveness - 8/4/2010 Love's Authority - 8/8/2010 Excellent, Precious Christ - 8/8/2010 Love's Supremacy - 8/15/2010 Woman, Behold Thy Son - 8/15/2010 My Lord, My Shepherd - 8/18/2010 Love's Expectancy - 8/22/2010 I Thirst - 8/22/2010 Love's Liberty - 8/29/2010 It is Finished! - 8/30/2010 Love's Liberty Part 2 - 9/5/2010 Christ, Our Passover - 9/5/2010 By the Mercies of God - 9/8/2010 The Son and Throne of David - 9/12/2010 The Burial of Christ - 9/12/2010 God's Self-Sufficient Goodness - 9/15/2010 Testimony of Dwayna Litz - 9/15/2010 Love's Responsibility - 9/19/2010 Run to the Resurrection - 9/19/2010 Love's Certainty - 9/26/2010 Touch Me Not - 9/26/2010 The Essence of Revival - 9/29/2010 Love's Unity - 10/3/2010 Receive Ye the Holy Ghost - 10/3/2010 A Beautiful Perspective - 10/6/2010 My Lord and My God - 10/10/2010 Rejoicing in God's Reign - 10/13/2010 Love's Utility 1 - 10/17/2010 It is the Lord - 10/17/2010 The Beginning of Wisdom - 10/20/2010 Love's Utility 2 - 10/24/2010 Come and Dine - 10/24/2010 Remember God's Word - 10/27/2010 Love's Utility 3 - 10/31/2010 Lovest Thou Me? - 10/31/2010 Songs of Ascent - 11/3/2010 You Follow Me - 11/7/2010 A Shelter in the Time of Storm - 11/10/2010 In the Beginning God - 11/14/2010 Author & Finisher of Faith - 11/17/2010 Jesus Christ, Eternal Light - 11/21/2010 Meditations on God's Mercy - 11/24/2010 A Holy Creation - 11/28/2010 Walking Humbly with Thy God - 12/1/2010 First and Last - 12/5/2010 Psalm of the Redeemed - 12/5/2010 Acts Introduction - 12/11/2010 Adam Filled with God - 12/12/2010 Apostles Filled with God - 12/12/2010 Ye Shall Receive Power - 12/18/2010 Luke 1:16-33 - 12/19/2010 The Fall of Man in the Garden - 12/19/2010 Call of Men through the Gospel - 12/19/2010 This Same Jesus - 12/25/2010 The Call to Fallen Man - 12/26/2010 The Great White Throne - 12/29/2010 A Covering for Fallen Man - 1/2/2011 Such as I Have Give I Thee - 1/2/2011 Actively Awaiting - 1/8/2011 The Steadfast and the Furious - 1/9/2011 Grief and Gladness of Heart - 1/9/2011 The Holy Ghost and Fire - 1/15/2011 Creation: Impacting Culture - 1/16/2011 Dinosaurs and the Bible - 1/16/2011 Powerful Preaching - 1/22/2011 Adam: a Character Study - 1/23/2011 And Enoch Walked with God - 1/30/2011 Grief, Grace & Guidelines - 2/6/2011 Preparing Church for Growth - 2/6/2011 Luke 2:8-20 - 2/13/2011 Results of the Gospel - 2/19/2011 Luke 2:21-24 - 2/20/2011 Go Forth - 2/20/2011 Peter and John Went to Pray - 2/26/2011 Luke 2:25-35 - 2/27/2011 Covenant After the Flood - 2/27/2011 Healing of the Lame Man - 3/5/2011 Luke 2:36-40 - 3/6/2011 Noah: a Character Study - 3/6/2011 Father, Into Thy Hands - 3/9/2011 The Name of Jesus - 3/12/2011 Babylon's Ancient History - 3/13/2011 Luke 2:41-52 - 3/14/2011 Luke 3:1-6 - 3/20/2011 Faltering Faith, Full of Faith - 3/20/2011 Now Shall We Pray - 3/23/2011 Unlearned and Ignorant Men - 3/26/2011 Luke 3:7-14 - 3/27/2011 Faith: Twixt Heaven and Hell - 3/27/2011 Consecration - 3/30/2011 Luke 3:15-20 - 4/3/2011 The King of Righteousness - 4/3/2011 Luke 3:21-38 - 4/10/2011 Look Now Toward Heaven - 4/10/2011 Conversion of Saul - 2 - 4/10/2011 Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman? - 4/13/2011 Luke 4:1-15 - 4/17/2011 Only Son Whom Thou Lovest - 4/17/2011 Aeneas and Dorcas - 4/17/2011 Greed Amidst the Gospel - 4/23/2011 It Shall Be Seen - 4/24/2011 Go, Stand and Speak - 4/30/2011 Luke 4:22-32 - 5/1/2011 B'twixt Backsliding and Belief - 5/1/2011 Suffer Shame for His Name - 5/7/2011 Luke 4:33-44 - 5/8/2011 The Arrival of Revival - 5/8/2011 The Rock was Christ - 5/11/2011 Appointing Deacons - 5/14/2011 Luke 5a - 5/15/2011 Of Christian Character in Lot - 5/15/2011 Luke 5b - 5/22/2011 Abraham, My Prophet - 5/22/2011 The Spirit of Antichrist - 5/25/2011 Cast Out This Bondwoman - 5/29/2011 Unto the Churches - 6/1/2011 Luke 5c - 6/5/2011 Faith: Prophecy to Practice - 6/5/2011 Luke 5d - 6/12/2011 The Death of Sarah - 6/12/2011 The Law of the Intercessor - 6/15/2011 Honest Report and Holy Ghost - 6/18/2011 Luke 5e - 6/19/2011 A Bride for Isaac - 6/19/2011 The Defense of Stephen - 6/25/2011 Luke 6a - 6/26/2011 Man of Faith, Prophet of God - 6/26/2011 Preaching Christ in Philippi - 6/26/2011 Devotional Thoughts - 6/29/2011 Doctrine & Denunciation - 7/2/2011 Luke 6b - 7/3/2011 Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - 7/3/2011 Notable Noble Bereans - 7/3/2011 Keys of the Kingdom - 7/6/2011 The Death and Life of Stephen - 7/9/2011 Luke 6c - 7/10/2011 To the Unkown God - 7/10/2011 All's Well That Ends Well - 7/10/2011 Revival in Samaria - 7/16/2011 Luke 6d - 7/17/2011 2 Kids & Blessing of the Cross - 7/17/2011 Paul at Corinth - 7/17/2011 Luke 6e - 7/24/2011 2 Kids & Blessing of Cross -2 - 7/24/2011 Paul's 2nd Journey Ends - 7/24/2011 A Devotion from Judges - 7/27/2011 Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch - 7/30/2011 Luke 6f - 7/31/2011 Then Shall the Lord Be My God - 7/31/2011 Fulfill All Righteousness - 7/31/2011 The Coversion of Saul - Pt 1 - 8/6/2011 Luke 6f - 8/7/2011 Jacob Lifted His Feet - 8/7/2011 Have Ye Received? - 8/7/2011 The Conversion of Saul - Pt 2 - 8/13/2011 Luke 6g - 8/14/2011 And God Remembered Rachel - 8/14/2011 Deep Mission Work at Ephesus - 8/14/2011 Psalm of the Cross - 8/17/2011 Saul's Conversion - Pt 3 - 8/20/2011 Luke 7a - 8/21/2011 Spotted, Speckled, Striped - 8/21/2011 A Riot in Ephesus - 8/21/2011 Psalm of the Gospel - 8/24/2011 Saul's Conversion Pt 4 - 8/27/2011 Luke 7b - 8/28/2011 The God of Bethel - 8/28/2011 Embracing Eutychus at Troas - 8/28/2011 Luke 7c Go Tell John - 9/4/2011 Face to Face with God - 9/4/2011 Exhorting Ephesian Elders - 9/4/2011 One Spirit and One Body - 9/7/2011 Greater than John the Baptist - 9/11/2011 I Have Enough - 9/11/2011 God's Sufficient Word -1 - 9/18/2011 Paul's Journey to Jerusalem - 9/18/2011 Weapons of Our Warfare - 9/21/2011 Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee - 9/25/2011 Son of the Right Hand - 9/25/2011 Paul's Sacrifice at Jerusalem - 9/25/2011 God Moved and Satan Provoked - 9/28/2011 Every City & Village Preaching - 10/2/2011 Isaac: a Character Study - 10/2/2011 Paul's Witness unto Jerusalem - 10/2/2011 I Will Sing of God's Christ - 10/5/2011 Parable of the Soils - 10/9/2011 The Dukes of Hazard - 10/9/2011 Paul Moved to Caesarea - 10/9/2011 To the Perishing, Foolishness - 10/12/2011 Light of Christ & His People - 10/16/2011 O Brother, Where Art Thou? - 10/16/2011 Paul's Witness Before Felix - 10/16/2011 The First Jew - 10/23/2011 The Loss of the Cross - 10/26/2011 Where is Your Faith? - 10/30/2011 The Doctrines of Grace - 10/30/2011 Unto Thee Lift Up I Mine Eyes - 11/2/2011 An Obedient Servant - 11/6/2011 The Gadarene Demoniac - 11/13/2011 A Gospel Messenger & Message - 11/13/2011 A Ruling King - 11/20/2011 Christ, Our Surety - 11/27/2011 As Many As - 11/27/2011 Healing of Jairus' Daughter - 12/4/2011 Joseph: Burial & Resurrection - 12/4/2011 Christ, Our Sufficiency - 12/4/2011 Christ, Our Eternal Reward - 12/7/2011 Beheading of John/Feeding 5000 - 12/11/2011 I Will Go Down with Thee - 12/11/2011 Revelation of St. John - 12/11/2011 The Sea of Glass - 12/14/2011 Prophetic Blessings from Jacob - 12/18/2011 Lamb Will Wipe Away All Tears - 12/21/2011 Whom Say Ye/ Lose His Life - 12/25/2011 The Cross is Why Christ Came - 12/25/2011 The Praise of Sovereign Grace - 12/28/2011 Remember the Poor - 12/31/2011 The Death and Life of Jacob - 1/1/2012 The Sixth Seal - 1/4/2012 Recapturing Regeneration - 1/8/2012 The Transfiguration - 1/15/2012 Judah, a Praise to the Lord - 1/15/2012 Woe, Woe, Woe - 1/15/2012 Prayer: The Saints' Real Work - 1/18/2012 The Powerful Gospel - 1/22/2012 The Gospel Witness - 1/22/2012 The Third Woe - 1/25/2012 The Greatest in the Kingdom - 1/29/2012 Am I in the Place of God? - 1/29/2012 A Wonder in Heaven - 1/29/2012 The Earth Helped the Woman - 2/1/2012 Joseph: Suffering Servant - 2/5/2012 The Mark of the Beast - 2/5/2012 The Lamb Slain - 2/8/2012 Eternal Weight of Glory - 2/12/2012 Appointing the Seventy - 2/19/2012 The Foolishness of Preaching - 2/26/2012 The Lamb on the Mount Sion - 2/26/2012 Gospel Fruit - 2/29/2012 Baptism: Gospel - 2 - 3/4/2012 The Lamb's Harvest - 3/4/2012 The Great Commission - 3/7/2012 The 70 Return & Good Samaritan - 3/11/2012 Follow Me: Gospel Beginning 3 - 3/11/2012 The Wrath of God - 3/11/2012 Hear Me: Gospel Beginning 4 - 3/18/2012 7 Vials and Mystery Babylon - 3/18/2012 Neither Cast Ye Your Pearls - 3/25/2012 Mystery Babylon and the Beast - 3/25/2012 Babylon is Fallen - 4/1/2012 Trust Me: Gospel Beginning - 5 - 4/1/2012 At the Cross - 4/4/2012 Resurrection of Jesus Christ - 4/8/2012 Two Suppers: Wedding and Wrath - 4/8/2012 The Testimony of Jesus - 4/11/2012 Obey Me: Gospel Beginning - 6 - 4/15/2012 Two Resurrections - 4/15/2012 Know Me: Gospel Beginning 7 - 4/22/2012 The New Heaven and Earth - 4/22/2012 The Tree of Life - 4/25/2012 Listen - 4/29/2012 A Song of Loves - 5/2/2012 The Fashion of Christ's Church - 5/6/2012 The Encouraging Grace of Faith - 5/9/2012 Foolishness of Preaching - 5/13/2012 Fruitful Truth of Election - 5/20/2012 A Withered Hand Healed - 5/23/2012 Figures & Types of Redemption - 5/27/2012 Powerful Personal Testimony - 5/30/2012 Foreshadow Gospel Commission - 6/3/2012 The Spirit of Prophecy - 6/6/2012 Furtherance of Gospel Missions - 6/10/2012 How to Dress Biblically - 6/10/2012 Foremost Truth of the Gospel - 6/17/2012 Whom Say Ye That I Am? - 6/20/2012 Glorious Mt., Grievous Valley - 6/24/2012 The Truth & Power of the Cross - 6/27/2012 Humility By Way of the Cross - 7/1/2012 Heart of the Gospel of Christ - 7/8/2012 Our Portion in the Gospel - 7/15/2012 That I Might Receive My Sight - 7/18/2012 Triumphal, Yet Tragic, Entry - 7/22/2012 The Lord Hath Need of Him - 7/25/2012 Authority of Christ's Gospel - 7/29/2012 A Gospel Reality Check - 7/29/2012 It is the Power of God - 8/1/2012 The Rejected Corner Stone - 8/5/2012 Gospel Faith - 8/8/2012 Why Tempt Ye the Lord? - 8/12/2012 Gospel Guidance - 8/12/2012 Gospel Revelation - 8/15/2012 Why Tempt Ye the Lord? - Pt 2 - 8/19/2012 Gospel Foundations - 8/19/2012 Gospel Building - 8/22/2012 The Abomination that Desolates - 8/26/2012 Gospel Discernment - 8/26/2012 Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh - 9/2/2012 Our Teacher, the Holy Spirit - 9/16/2012 God Who Cannot Be Disappointed - 9/23/2012 A Corinthian Gospel Review - 9/23/2012 And Ye are Puffed Up - 9/30/2012 A Spiritual Father in Christ - 10/3/2012 Watch by Christ's Word - 10/7/2012 Ye are Bought with a Price - 10/7/2012 Temple of the Holy Ghost - 10/10/2012 She Hath Wrought a Good Work - 10/14/2012 Where is the Guestchamber? - 10/21/2012 The Head Stone of the Corner - 10/24/2012 Watch by Christ's Prayers - 10/28/2012 Judas, One of the Twelve - 11/4/2012 Christ, the Son of the Blessed - 11/11/2012 Peter's Betrayal & Repentance - 11/18/2012 Crucify Him - Pt 1 - 11/25/2012 They Crucified Him - Pt 2 - 12/2/2012 Truly God's Son - Pt 3 - 12/9/2012 He is Risen - 12/16/2012 He is Risen: Grace Astounding - 12/23/2012 Gospel Praise - 1/13/2013 Gospel Fellowship - 1/20/2013 Gospel Circumstance - 1/27/2013 Gospel Conversation - 2/3/2013 The Precious Way of Grace - 2/20/2013 Rejoicing in Gospel Labor - 1 - 2/24/2013 God Hardened Pharaoh's Heart - 2/27/2013 Rejoicing in Gospel Labor - 2 - 3/3/2013 Trust, Delight, Commit - 3/10/2013 Repentance in Dust and Ashes - 3/13/2013 Redeemed from the Curse - 3/17/2013 Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? - 3/24/2013 Father's Great Glory in Christ - 3/27/2013 Resurrection Glory - 3/31/2013 Rejoice in the Lord - 4/7/2013 The Law of the Leper - 4/10/2013 Joyful Life of Gospel Faith - 4/14/2013 2 Things Jesus Could Never Say - 4/17/2013 Rejoicing in Gospel Peace - 4/21/2013 Think on These Things - 4/28/2013 The Generation of Christ - 5/5/2013 The Birth of Jesus Christ - 5/12/2013 Episode in Christ's Childhood - 5/19/2013 Fruit Meet for Repentance - 5/26/2013 The Baptism of Jesus Christ - 6/2/2013 Christ's Wilderness Temptation - 6/9/2013 A Look at Christ's Temptations - 6/12/2013 Christ's Gospel Ministry - 6/16/2013 Follow Me, Fishers of Men - 6/19/2013 Blessed Sermon on the Mount - 6/23/2013 Blessed Poor in Spirit - 6/30/2013 Prior to Promises Received - 7/3/2013 Gospel Salt and Light - 7/7/2013 Exceeding Righteousness - 7/14/2013 Eli Eli Lama Sabachtani? - 7/17/2013 The Gospel Heart of the Law - 7/21/2013 The Gospel Purity in the Law - 7/28/2013 Fruitful Through Affliction - 7/28/2013 Our Sweet Christian Life - 7/31/2013 God's Sovereignty thru the Law - 8/4/2013 Their Cry Came Up Unto God - 8/4/2013 Out of the Mouth of Babes - 8/7/2013 Be Ye Therefore Perfect - 8/11/2013 I AM that I AM - 8/11/2013 Gospel of Christ - 8/18/2013 When Thou Doest Alms - 8/18/2013 The Voice of the LORD - 8/21/2013 When Thou Prayest - Pt 1 - 8/25/2013 They Will Not Believe - 8/25/2013 God's Judgments: A Great Deep - 8/28/2013 When Thou Prayest - Pt 2 - 9/1/2013 Why is it Thou Hast Sent Me? - 9/1/2013 The Oil of Gladness - 9/4/2013 Treasures in Heaven - 9/8/2013 Where is Your Heart? - 9/15/2013 But They Harkened Not - 9/15/2013 How Do You Live? - 9/22/2013 Thou Shalt Know I am the LORD - 9/22/2013 Whom Do You Serve? - 9/29/2013 No Compromise - 9/29/2013 Whom Do You Seek? - 10/6/2013 For This Cause I Raised Thee - 10/6/2013 Judge Not - 10/13/2013 See My Face No More - 10/13/2013 Ask, Seek, Knock - 10/20/2013 The Tenth Plague - 10/20/2013 The Straight and Wide Gate - 10/27/2013 The Passover - 10/27/2013 Thy Testimonies are Wonderful - 10/30/2013 Good and Evil Fruit - 11/3/2013 The Firstborn Sanctified - 11/3/2013 Founded Upon a Rock - 11/10/2013 Crossing the Red Sea - 11/10/2013 Christ, Our Authoritative Word - 11/17/2013 The Song of Moses - 11/17/2013 Gospel Faith unto Obedience - 11/24/2013 Manna - 11/24/2013 Gospel Faith unto God's Marvel - 12/1/2013 The Rock of Horeb - 12/1/2013 Gospel Faith unto Ministry - 12/8/2013 War with Amalek - 12/8/2013 The Enemies of Gospel Faith - 12/15/2013 Jethro, the Priest of Midian - 12/15/2013 A Child Born, a Son Given - 12/22/2013 Whether is Easier? - 12/29/2013 That Gracious Effectual Call - 1/5/2014 Fearful Presence of the LORD - 1/5/2014 Then They Shall Fast - 1/12/2014 The Lord's Death till He Come - 1/19/2014 The Testimony of Two Daughters - 1/26/2014 Gospel Faith that Illuminates - 2/2/2014 Gospel Grace that Liberates - 2/9/2014 Gospel Ministry that Supplicat - 2/16/2014 Gospel Evangelism - 2/23/2014 Gospel Obedience, Abdicates - 3/2/2014 Gospel Truth that Fortifies - 3/9/2014 Gospel Rewards that Glorify - 3/16/2014 Offering, Ark, & Mercy Seat - 3/16/2014 Love One Another - 3/23/2014 Aim of Preaching and Witness - 3/23/2014 The Table and Candlestick - 3/23/2014 Praise of Christ for John - 4/6/2014 The Curtains of the Tabernacle - 4/6/2014 More than a Prophet - 4/9/2014 Behold the Christ of God - 4/13/2014 The Boards of the Tabernacle - 4/13/2014 The Altar and the Court - 4/20/2014 Accusation is Heaven's Acclaim - 4/27/2014 Priest's Office and Garments 1 - 4/27/2014 Reality of Sovereign Grace - 5/4/2014 Priest's Office and Garments 2 - 5/4/2014 Come Unto Me - 5/11/2014 Priest's Office and Garments 3 - 5/11/2014 Lord of the Sabbath - 5/18/2014 Holiness to the Lord - 5/18/2014 Behold My Servant - 5/25/2014 Blasphemy against the Spirit 1 - 6/1/2014 Blasphemy against the Spirit 2 - 6/8/2014 Who is My Mother? - 6/15/2014 Evil and Adulterous Generation - 6/22/2014 Blessed are Your Eyes - 6/29/2014 Bezeleel and Aholiab - 6/30/2014 Parable of the Tares - 7/6/2014 A Stiffnecked People - 7/6/2014 Parables and Secret Things - 7/13/2014 Three More Kingdom Parables - 7/20/2014 Moses Intercedes: Books of God - 7/20/2014 Instructed Scribes - 7/27/2014 Shew Me Thy Glory - 7/27/2014 The Death of John the Baptist - 8/3/2014 Whose Name is Jealous - 8/3/2014 The Weight - 8/10/2014 Shine of the Lord's Presence - 8/10/2014 Give Ye Them to Eat - 8/17/2014 Whosever is of a Willing Heart - 8/17/2014 K.I.S.S. Christianity - 8/24/2014 The Way of Gospel Worship - 8/24/2014 Be Not Afraid - 8/31/2014 The Work of Gospel Ministry - 8/31/2014 Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? - 9/7/2014 The Grace of Gospel Truth - 9/7/2014 Thou Art the Son of God - 9/14/2014 And Moses Blessed Them - 9/14/2014 The Hem of His Garment - 9/21/2014 To Day Shalt Thou Be with Me - 9/28/2014 The Commandments of Men - 10/5/2014 Crumbs from the Master's Table - 10/26/2014 Beware the Leaven - 11/9/2014 Thou Art the Christ - 11/16/2014 Upon This Rock - 11/23/2014 The Cross: Revealed, Rejected - 11/30/2014 On the Glorious Mount - 12/28/2014 The Witness of Elijah - 1/4/2015 Faith as a Mustard Seed - 1/11/2015 Revelation of the Cross - 1/18/2015 Sovereignty unto Humility - 1/25/2015 Greatest in Christ's Kingdom - 2/1/2015 One of These Little Ones - 2/8/2015 Sin - 2/15/2015 Take Heed - 2/22/2015 Take Heed - Part 2 - 3/1/2015 To Save That Which was Lost - 3/8/2015 Moreover - 3/15/2015 Moreover - Part 2 - 3/22/2015 The Resurrected Christ - 3/29/2015 7 Last Words of Christ - 4/5/2015 Forgive - 4/12/2015 The Purpose of Parables - 4/19/2015 Who is the King of Glory? - 4/26/2015 Marriage & Divorce 1 - 5/3/2015 Marriage & Divorce 2 - 5/10/2015 Marriage & Divorce 3 - 5/17/2015 Of Such is the Kingdom - 5/24/2015 What Good Thing Shall I Do? - 5/31/2015 The Great Parchment Scroll - 6/3/2015 In the Regeneration - 6/7/2015 First Last & the Last First - 6/14/2015 The Prevailing Gospel, Part 1 - 6/21/2015 The Prevailing Gospel, Part 2 - 6/28/2015 The Prevailing Gospel, Part 3 - 7/5/2015 Lord's Lesson in Authority - 1 - 7/12/2015 Lord's Lesson in Authority - 2 - 7/19/2015 That Our Eyes May Be Opened - 7/26/2015 Behold, Thy King Cometh - 8/2/2015 Cleaning God's House - 8/16/2015 If Ye Have Faith - 8/23/2015 Christ Confounds His Enemies - 8/30/2015 Glorious Gospel Perspective 1 - 9/20/2015 Glorious Gospel Perspective 2 - 9/27/2015 Glorious Gospel Perspective 3 - 10/4/2015 Living Word is the Final Word - 10/11/2015 Warning Against False Teachers - 10/18/2015 8 Woes to Religious Hypocrites - 10/25/2015 8 Woes to Religious Hypocrites - 11/1/2015 The House of Desolation - 11/8/2015 When Shall These Things Be? 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- 6/10/2018 Anchor on the Cross - 6/17/2018 The Gospel Victorious - 6/24/2018 Which is my Jesus? - 7/8/2018 Blood More Precious than Gold - 7/15/2018 Getting Our Feet Wet - 7/22/2018 Legal Trouble - 7/29/2018 Discipline Leads to Godliness - 8/5/2018 Almighty Fortress is Our God - 8/12/2018 Willing to Cleanse - 8/19/2018 Jesus: Seeker of our Souls - 8/26/2018 Prayer of Security - 9/2/2018 Free Will or Enslaved Rebel - 9/13/2018 I'm Fallen and I Can't Get Up - 9/16/2018 Lay Down and Die (to sin) - 9/25/2018 Finding Christ - 9/30/2018 A Cover-Up in the Bible - 10/8/2018 A Moment of Grace - 11/25/2018 Defeating the Storm - 2/7/2019 Numbers 21:4-9 - 2/17/2019 John 2 - 2/24/2019 Proverbs 14 - 2/24/2019 How the Kingdom Comes - 3/3/2019 Faith Like Mustard Seed - 3/3/2019 A Life Unto Christ - 3/10/2019 If Any Man Be in Christ - 3/31/2019 Jesus the Eternal God part 2 - 4/7/2019 Hebrews 1:9 - 4/14/2019 Hebrews 1:11 - 4/28/2019 Hebrews 1:12 - 5/5/2019 Hebrews 1:13 - 5/19/2019 Hebrews 2:1 - 5/26/2019 Christ's Enduring Word - 6/2/2019 Hebrews 2:4 - 6/9/2019 Not the Angels - 6/30/2019 A Little while Lower - 7/14/2019 The Chosen Chosen - 7/28/2019 Jesus Tasting Death - 8/4/2019 Hebrews 2:6 - 8/8/2019 Perfect through Suffering - 8/11/2019 Hebrews 2:11 - 8/18/2019 Hebrews 2:12 - 8/25/2019 Hebrews 2:13 - 9/1/2019 Hebrews 2:14 - 9/8/2019 Hebrews 2:15 - 9/15/2019 Christ is No Angel - 9/22/2019 Hebrews 2:15 - 10/16/2019 Jesus Tempted to be Savior - 10/20/2019 Considering Jesus - 10/27/2019 Faithful in His Appointment - 11/3/2019 Glory in the House - 11/10/2019 Jesus: The Master, Architect - 11/17/2019 Psalm 118 Devotion - 11/24/2019 Do not Harden your Heart - 12/1/2019 Jesus: Tried and True - 12/8/2019 Man: Always Astray - 12/15/2019 Unbelief: Falling from the L.. - 12/29/2019 Hebrews 3:13 - 1/5/2020 Hebrews 3:15-16 - 1/19/2020 Guard the Treasure - 1/22/2020 Hebrews 3:17 - 1/26/2020 Hebrews 4:4 - 2/2/2020 Hebrews 4:5 - 2/9/2020 Hebrews 4:13 - 3/29/2020 Hebrews 4:14 - 4/5/2020 Hebrews 5:3 - 5/10/2020 Hebrew 5:4 - 5/17/2020 Hebrews 5:5 - 5/24/2020 Hebrews 5:6 - 5/31/2020 Hebrews 5:12 - 7/5/2020 Hebrews 5:12 - 7/12/2020 Hebrews 5:14 - 7/26/2020 Hebrews 6:1 - 8/9/2020 Hebrews 6:3 - 8/23/2020 Hebrews 6:4-6 - 8/30/2020 Hebrews 6:11 - 9/13/2020 Hebrews 6:10 - 9/20/2020 Hebrews 6:12 - 9/20/2020 Hebrews 6:7 - 9/20/2020 Hebrews 6:9 - 10/4/2020 Hebrews 6:20 - 11/1/2020 Hebrews 7:3 - 12/6/2020 Hebrews 7:6 - 12/27/2020 Hebrews 7:26 - 1/10/2021 Hebrews 8:1 - 1/24/2021 Hebrews 8:4 - 2/14/2021 Rev 3:20, Not an Invitation! - 2/21/2021 Hebrews 8:7 - 3/14/2021 Hebrews 8:8 - 3/21/2021 Hebrews 8:9 - 3/28/2021 Hebrews 8:10 - 4/4/2021 Hebrews 8:11 - 4/11/2021 Hebrews 8:13 - 4/18/2021 Matthew 27:60 - 5/2/2021 1 Peter 1:5 - 5/9/2021 Matthew 21:19 - 5/30/2021 Matthew 11:16-20 - 6/6/2021 Hebrews 10:1 - 6/13/2021 John 12:23-24 - 6/27/2021 Through the Roof - 7/4/2021 Hebrews 10:19-23 - 7/25/2021 Zephaniah 1:12 - 7/30/2021 Hebrews 10:30 - 9/26/2021 Hebrews 10:31 - 10/3/2021
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