a practical sermon It is a great joy to be able to say with Job, i know that my redeemer liveth, and from the New testament, to be able to say with Paul, i know in whom i have believed...Yet, like Job spoke whilst in great adversity, so Paul said this during suffering, and brother Saunders is faithful in telling us about the cost of discipleship, and also he has a heart for those who heard this sermon whom were still unsaved.
The new birth changes everything, and although the price to pay is taking up the cross to follow Christ, the greatest thing a person can proclaim is "i know in whom i have beleived...!" This sermon will uplift you in on your pilgrim pathway,surely we thank the Lord for sermonaudio ,and hearing those who preach not themselves, but Christ and Him crucified.Thankyou brother Saunders for your big heart to the Lord's people and their welfare, and to honour God in your ministry. |